On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 00:31:05 +0100 (CET), Roman Zippel
> On Wed, 9 Feb 2005, Jon Smirl wrote:
> > Larry has said, write up a proposal for changes you want in bk. Send
> > it to him for a quote. Come up with the cash and he will do the work.
> Here is a simple one: restore the parent information in the gnupatch
> option as they were about a year ago visible in the mails to bk-commits,
> e.g.:
> http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=bk-commits-head&m=107558318022033&w=2
> Now please go to Larry and see what you get.

1) I don't believe anyone considers a link to an email archive a
serious proposal.
2) I don't care about what you and Larry come up with. I have no need
to get to the kernel source from other tools. I was only pointing out
that there was a solution on the table for achieving your goals and
that you are ignoring it.

Roman, You're the one that is complaining, write up your own proposal
and get a quote. LKML is not the place for your continued whining that
Larry should add features that only you want and that you don't want
to pay for. You have been given a way to solve your problem, make use
of it!

Jon Smirl
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