On Fri, Feb 11, 2005 at 01:30:22PM -0200, Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> > Can you offer any plausible explanation other than a good faith desire
> > to help the open source community, albeit in a non-traditional way?
> I don't see what you've done as helping the open source community.  

So in your mind, aiding the open source community is done only through
creating more open source.  Directly.  The fact that open source projects
which use BK are more productive than if they were not using BK is
irrelevant and of no value, correct?  The fact that they are creating
more open source more quickly because of their use of BK is irrelevant
and of no value, correct?

In that case, get the free BK users to agree with you and we'll pull the
plug on free BK.  The point of giving away BK for free is to help you.
If you have consensus that it isn't helping then we'll shut it down.

On the other hand, if you can't achieve that consensus then perhaps you
might consider broadening your definition of "help" to include something
other than "more GPLed source".
Larry McVoy                lm at bitmover.com           http://www.bitkeeper.com
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