OK, humor me a bit here.

I'm looking at the buggy trace and comparing against a "good" trace where 
the bug doesn't happen.

It is a rance condition of sorts, because it's just a 10us or so 
interleaving of calls that causes the bug to happen or not.

In the good trace:

        [parent] __perf_event_task_sched_out (and hence perf_swevent_del)
        [child]  perf_release

In the buggy trace:

        [child] perf_release
        [parent] __perf_event_task_sched_out (perf_swevent_del never happens)

perf_swevent_del calls
to remove the event from the swevent hlist.

Now in theory perf_release() calls sw_perf_event_destroy() which you
would think would also call the above.  Instead it does
         swevent_hlist_put_cpu(event, cpu);
which does all kinds of weird hash stuff that I don't follow.

Should the above two be equivelent?  Is it reference counting in there 
with if (!--swhash->hlist_refcount) causing the issue?

Anyway I'm tired of staring at traces for the moment.

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