On Tuesday 01 March 2005 15:36, Helge Hafting wrote:
> Mws wrote:
> >hi benjamin
> >
> >now i had some spare time to do some investigation
> >
> >booting the 2.6.11-rc5 with radeonfb.default_dynclk=0 or with -1
> >brings up a framebuffer console. everything is fine.
> >starting xorg-x11 with Ati binary only drivers just brings up a black screen
> >without a mouse cursor and freezes the hole machine. even network ect. 
> >is no more reachable from outside the machine. worst thing out of that
> >a tail on the log files (on another machine) does immediately stop - also no 
> >output is written to syslog :/
> >
> >next scenario - test 2.6.11-rc5 with radeonfb.default_dynclock=0 and -1
> >starting xorg-x11 with Xorg Radeon driver. 
> >a grey screen comes up - mouse cursor is visible and also able to move for
> >5 - 8 seconds after screen display - then freezes the whole machine again.
> >  
> >
> Did you try without dri? (Comment out dri in the X config file)
> I use a radeon 7000 VE at work, where X will hang after a few
> seconds if dri is enabled in X.  Disable dri, and it is
> rock solid. xfree or x.org makes no difference here.
> Helge Hafting


i had dri disabled already :/


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