Am Mittwoch, 13. August 2014, 11:52:13 schrieb Peter Zijlstra:
> On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 11:37:28AM +0200, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> > That all said: I believe that any feedback like this is best served on
> > systemd-devel mailing list – maybe in an attempt to express it in a
> > somewhat polite, yet also direct way. Instead of on LKML, debian-user,
> > debian-devel and you name it what other mailinglists. Cause that would
> > increase the chance of upstream noticing it.
> I think most people have given up on talking to them entirely. I
> certainly have. And yes, its a popular subject for bitchin' about. And I
> realize that bitchin' won't fix thing at all, but we all need to vent
> our frustration somewhere.

I understand and symphatize with that.

I have given up on giving feedback to PulseAudio upstream as well for now. I 
just try to avoid it, but now Skype required skype 4.3. I don´t use Skype at 
the moment, but I support a close family member who does, and well… I hope it 
will just work. Or its Google Hangout or at some point a free as in freedom 
*and* easy alternative I am not yet aware of.

I read systemd-devel and I think there are quite sane discussions, but I 
believe if I bring up general feedback to systemd or question certain things 
about it… well… I feel reluctant about it at least.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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