Pavel Machek wrote:

Perhaps squashfs is good enough improvement over cramfs... But I'd
like those 4Gb limits to go away.

So would I. But it is a totally groundless reason to refuse kernel submission because of that, Squashfs users are quite happily using it with such a "terrible" limitation. I'm asking for Squashfs to be put in the kernel _now_ because users are asking me to do it _now_. If it

Putting it into kernel because users want it is... not a good
reason. You should put it there if it is right thing to do. I believe
you should address those endianness issues and drop V1 support. If
breaking 4GB limit does not involve on-disk format change, it may be
okay to merge. After code is merged, doing format changes will be


So users don't matter anymore, now that's a terrible admission to make. Linux wouldn't be where it is today without all those "mere" users.

I obviously think putting Squashfs into the kernel is the right thing to do.

The filesystem is endian safe and has been since the first release - it works on big endian and little endian, and every architecure I've tried it on it works (Intel 32/64, PowerPC 32/64. MIPS, ARM, Sparx). The endian code which everyone seems to have got so worked up about is there to _make_ it endian safe. I've already explained why making Squashfs natively support both little endian and big endian is important for embedded systems.

I have agreed to drop V1.0 support, and yes (as explained in another emauil), breaking the 4GB limit does involve on-disk format change.
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