Am 04.02.2015 um 13:07 schrieb Lukáš Czerner:

The fact is that the current patches are useless for anything other
than proof-of-concept. Now you know more that needs to be done or

That's wrong. The patches already work. If you delete a file which isn't in use by something else, the current contents will be wiped on traditional harddrives. I assume that already fulfills more than 50% of use cases of ordinary people.

thought about, but if you're not willing to do the work, then please
stop complaining about "high towers". I am not a maintainer and I
thinks that the feedback you've got is entirely reasonable. Take it
as you will.

One more thing, can I ask you what were your expectations when
posting those patches ?

I've posted them for other users which are happy with what I've explained above. Besides requesting an API which makes such a simple solution, in contrast to the the 's' bit, possible.

Alexander Holler

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