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I currently have a 2 device md raid 1 on my Linux workstation where the slave devices are usb 3.0 external drives 4 TB each which I use for backup purposes. I also have a 3ware 9750 RAID controller with a HW RAID 1 SSD mirror and 12 drive RAID 6.

I recently installed the 3.19 release kernel from openSuSE current to try out the block-mq optimizations. The new mq subsystem is clearly enabled by the presence of the mq subdirectory under /sys/block/foo. The performance on the 3ware is great, especially the SSD mirror; however, when using the md RAID 1 with external USB 3.0 devices, I noticed the inflight IO counters at /sys/block/md127/inflight are continuously increasing. This is not normal as these should go to 0 once any pending reads/writes are finalized. Is this simply an accounting problem I can safely ignore, or is it an unsafe situation that I need to be concerned about?

Note that this does not occur with the exported disks on the 3ware array /dev/sda and /dev/sdb.

I could try and see if this happens with a plain USB drive as I have some available.

If you dismount the volume and stop the md array and then reassemble it, the statistics reset (as one would expect).

I use a bitmap file to speed up resyncs, and the bitmap file is clearing, and there is no filesystem corruption that I can see, so the writes are clearly getting to the disks correctly.

I will provide more information as best I can if needed. My guess is that this will be pretty easy to reproduce.

Best regards,

Jim Owens
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