Jan Engelhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> 3)  If a normal line of code is more than 80 characters, one of the
>> following is probably true: you need to break the line up and use temps
>> for clarity, or your function is so big that you're tabbing over too
>> far.
> (Find source files, expand tab chars to their on-screen length, print if
>>= 80, count lines)
> ~/linux-2.6.12 >
>   find . -type f "(" -iname "*.c" -o -iname "*.h" -o -iname "*.S" ")"

... -exec expand -t 8 '{}' \; | egrep '^.{80}' | wc -l


You didn't take \t[^\t]\t into account.
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