On Tue, 2 Aug 2005, Lars Marowsky-Bree wrote:

But rather think "data center".

The difference between using our idle cpu cycles for [EMAIL PROTECTED] or just leaving the xeons and opterons idle when they're not crunching away is around $1300 a month (yes, I know it's a big datacenter) slightly more than half that, is the cooling used to remove the heat generated by the machines. the rest is the machines themselves.

Those guys want maximum cycles per watt. One way of getting there is
using less watts when we don't use all cycles. This bring down power
consumption, which directly brings down heat production, which brings
down A/C needs.

Why pay for power you don't need to use. Why pay for a ups thats bigger then it has to be. Why pay for more hvac then you need. Even now an idle rack of dual opterons 244s is something like 4-5kw, busy is more like 6.8-8kw.

Everyone wants to save power.

or lower their costs, or both.

Joel Jaeggli           Unix Consulting         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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