On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 5:55 PM, Ken Moffat <zarniwh...@ntlworld.com> wrote:
> I suggest that you take the time to look at eudev and mdev, and
> think about how you can use the facilities they offer.
I was wishing the kernel would offer some minimal support for
network, sound and full screen video for my hw :(.
But it seems I need to load modules to achieve this. And to load modules,
 it needs some kind of "hotplug" called udev or mdev.

> Alternatively, get over your dislike of modprobe and write some
> scripts - perhaps using lspci as well as reading /sys - to work out
> what hardware is present.
No manual modprobe, I need hotplug. Why have udev then,
 if we have to manually modprobe ?
Yes I think reading /sys will be the job, but why the user has to do
such things and not the kernel ? (get crazy and put udev
and all the hotplug stuff inside the kernel.)

> If you have not compiled all of the necesary disk drivers into the
> kernel, you are likely to find that some (older) machines will not
> be able to access their disk(s).  But we all learn best when we try
> things out, so I wish you an enjoyable learning experience!
> ĸen
yes still learning, testing and will never stop.
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