On Fri, 2024-08-30 at 00:29 -0700, Tony Ambardar wrote:
> Object linking output data uses the default ELF_T_BYTE type for '.symtab'
> section data, which disables any libelf-based translation. Explicitly set
> the ELF_T_SYM type for output to restore libelf's byte-order conversion,
> noting that input '.symtab' data is already correctly translated.
> Fixes: faf6ed321cf6 ("libbpf: Add BPF static linker APIs")
> Signed-off-by: Tony Ambardar <tony.ambar...@gmail.com>
> ---
>  tools/lib/bpf/linker.c | 2 ++
>  1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/tools/lib/bpf/linker.c b/tools/lib/bpf/linker.c
> index 9cd3d4109788..7489306cd6f7 100644
> --- a/tools/lib/bpf/linker.c
> +++ b/tools/lib/bpf/linker.c
> @@ -396,6 +396,8 @@ static int init_output_elf(struct bpf_linker *linker, 
> const char *file)
>               pr_warn_elf("failed to create SYMTAB data");
>               return -EINVAL;
>       }
> +     /* Ensure libelf translates byte-order of symbol records */
> +     sec->data->d_type = ELF_T_SYM;

I tried grepping through libelf to find out how this affects things,
and identified that it is primarily used by 
which is an interface function and we don't seem to use it.
It is also used by dwfl_* functions while applying relocations,
but we don't use that either.

Could you please elaborate a bit on effects of this change?

>       str_off = strset__add_str(linker->strtab_strs, sec->sec_name);
>       if (str_off < 0)

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