Jiang Wei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Salut Francois,

> Peut-être tu peux convertir latex en ps, ensuite utiliser l'interpreter
> ghostscript, la commande qui me semble just:

> gs -dNODISPLAY -dNOBIND -dWRITESYSTEMDICT -d SIMPLE ps2ascii.ps nomfile.ps
> -c quit

On dirait que ghostscript n'apprécie pas trop...

francois@gollum:/tmp$ gs -dNODISPLAY -dNOBIND -dWRITESYSTEMDICT -d SIMPLE specs.txt 
specs.ps -c quit
GNU Ghostscript 5.10 (1998-12-17)
Copyright (C) 1997 Aladdin Enterprises, Menlo Park, CA.  All rights
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file COPYING for details.
Error: /undefinedfilename in (SIMPLE)
Operand stack:

Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
   %--nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   2   3
   %%oparray_pop   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   false   1
   %%stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   5   3
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:776/809--   --dict:0/20--   --dict:53/200--
Current allocation mode is local
Last OS error: 2
Error: /undefinedfilename in (specs.txt)
Operand stack:

Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
   %--nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   2   3
   %%oparray_pop   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   false   1
   %%stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   5   3
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:776/809--   --dict:0/20--   --dict:53/200--
Current allocation mode is local
Last OS error: 2

Francois Deppierraz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Nimag Networks Sàrl - www.nimag.net
Phone +41 21 847 00 75 - Fax +41 21 847 00 77
PGP Key ID: 9D283BC9
http://www-internal.alphanet.ch/linux-leman/ avant de poser
une question.

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