On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 12:14:16AM +0200, Johannes Stezenbach wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 10:29:25PM +0200, H. Langos wrote:
> > 
> > the next step would be to update the mediwiki software to 1.11.1 if you have
> > $wgEnableAPI = true, that is. (i know it is only a XSS that hits internet 
> > explorer users ..  but hey, they are people, too ;-)
> I will update to 1.14.0. This is the current version, and it is
> also used by wiki.kernel.org (there is a secret plan to eventually
> move the wiki there). And all the shiny new anti-spam extensions
> don't seem to work with 1.11 anymore...

reCAPTCHA seems to work with anything newer than 1.7.
> > if i remember right, the linuxtv wiki only allows editing to registered 
> > users. therefore you could simply temporarily disable new user registration
> > and enable editing again for registered users.
> I will do the update first.
> > then i'd suggest installing the reCAPTCHA extention. not only will it
> > prevent bots from registering, you also help to digitize old books.
> > 
> > http://recaptcha.net/plugins/mediawiki/
> Looked at that and noticed they don't provide any statement
> regarding confidentiality / data protection. Who knows if
> they aren't creating a huge database of who did what in Wikis
> and Blogs around the net...

I'd rather take a look at the code to see what kind of data is sent
off-site. My guess is that there isn't any identification data involved at
all. but you are right. they could add that to their faq. 
OTAH they are a university project and probably didn't approach the whole
thing with sufficient paranoia to think about such a question ;-)

> Besides that, this wouldn't have stopped the present attack
> since the bot used does a manual login assisted by a human user.
> To thwart that I'd have to enable the captcha for every page save...

hmm, manualy asisted bots are nasty. but maybe there is a way to lower the
limit of edits that can be done automatically. maybe a soft limit that would
trigger captcha usage way before hitting the hard limit that stoped the bot
this time....


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