
If I read this well, CTVDIGUSB2 1b80:d393 (Afatech) is not at all
similar to the CTVDIGRCU.
The CTVDIGRCU has a Realtek RTL2831U decoder, and is NOT included in the
standard dvb list.
Conceptronic just packages sticks from other vendors.
The fact that the device ID is recognized point towards the afatech
driver, and not the Realtek RTL2831U driver.

Fot background on the Realtek RTL2831U driver, see:

matteo sisti sette wrote:

I hope this is the right place for reporting this; if not, please
forgive and redirect me.

My DVB-T USB stick, a "Conceptronic USB 2.0 Digital TV Receiver"
CTVDIGUSB2 doesn't work after succesfully compiling and installing
v4l-dvb, and it seems it is not supported according to the device

The ID is 1b80:d393

The name "Conceptronic USB 2.0" is very similar to that of CTVDIGRCU,
which _is_ supported and the chipset seems to be indeed an Afatech as
the output of lsusb reports:
Bus 002 Device 007: ID 1b80:d393 Afatech
(or isn't that reliable?)

So I wonder whether this is one of the cases where the following applies:
"The driver has to be aware that it's related to some hardware
(typically through the subsystem ID from the USB ID or PCI ID). If the
driver doesn't recognize/bind to your particular hardware, then the
module will probably load but then proceed to not do anything. In
other words, support for your device would have to be added to the

If I understand correctly (pleas correct me if I am wrong), IF that is
the case (which may be not), then making it work should be just a
matter of adding the id of the device to the source code of the driver
somewhere and recompiling it and it would work??

If so, is it something I may try following some step-by-step guide?


Jan Hoogenraad

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