On Sun, 2013-12-29 at 15:27 -0500, Andy wrote:
> Are there any other viable options to stream /dev/video0 then?

I'm not sure what you mean by stream; what are you trying to do?

By default the ivtv driver and the PVR-150 output an MPEG-2 Program
Stream containing MPEG-2 Video and MPEG-2 Audio Elementary Streams.

Any Linux video application worth it's salt (mplayer, VLC, ffmpeg)
should be able to handle that MPEG-2 PS with no problem.

It's just a matter of using the correct command line argument to do what
you want to do.  mplayer only needs the device node name as a command
line argument to play back the stream.


> On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 1:15 PM, Andy Walls <awa...@md.metrocast.net> wrote:
> > On Fri, 2013-12-27 at 00:37 -0500, Andy wrote:
> >> I am trying to capture input from /dev/video0 which is Hauppauge Win
> >> 150 MCE PCI card but I get the following error which has no record on
> >> google
> >>
> >> [video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0xb080d60] The device does not support the
> >> streaming I/O method.
> >> /dev/video0: Function not implemented
> >
> > The ivtv driver does not support the V4L2 Streaming I/O ioctl()'s for
> > transferring video data buffers.  It only supports the read()/write()
> > calls.
> >
> > I'm not sure about ffmpeg, but mplayer is happy to read() the mpeg
> > stream from standard input or the device node:
> >
> > # cat /dev/video0 | mplayer
> > or
> > # mplayer /dev/video0
> >
> > Regards,
> > Andy
> >
> >> Here is the ffmpeg command
> >> ffmpeg -y -f:v video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f:a alsa -ac 1 -i hw:1,0
> >> -threads 2 -override_ffserver -flags +global_header -vcodec libx264 -s
> >> 320x240 -preset superfast -r 7.5 -acodec aac -ar 44100
> >> ipgoeshere:port/dvbstest.ffm
> >>
> >> Disregard the DVB syntax, not relevant
> >>
> >> Any idea what is causing the error?
> >> --
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