Linux-Misc Digest #508, Volume #18                Thu, 7 Jan 99 23:13:07 EST

  Re: possible show-stopper? (Marco Anglesio)
  Re: 2038 and Linux (Barry Walsh)
  Re: Sharing my UMAX Astra 610s scanner w/ UMAX Scan Manager v1.2, using SANE (Redhat 
5.2 Linux) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Copying linux system.... (Jens Reinsberger)
  Re: acrobat printing problem ("William H. Pridgen")
  Re: Running a program automatically (Bill Unruh)
  Re: CGI & Perl Problem (Duncan Simpson)
  Re: K6-2 vs. P2 for g77 under Linux (Tein H. Yuan(袁天竑))
  Re: Can't reboot at root from "xdm" ("Colin F. Caughie")
  Re: Linux: Fight for survival or on victory march? (mlw)
  Re: Consumer Poll Says Microsoft Is Good For Consumers (William C. Cheng)
  Re: RPM seg faults... any ideas?
  Re: shutting down screenless server - when done?? (Geoff Short)
  Freebsd 2.2.2 , Linux  Compatible? (Rjack2)
  ISO encoding in the console (Michael Powe)
  Re: Shell scripts (Michael Powe)


From: Marco Anglesio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: possible show-stopper?
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 23:08:08 GMT

steve mcadams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If a product runs on top of Linux and uses its provided system and X
> interface libraries, is it then considered a derivative work?  If it

Under the LGPL, which most libraries provided with Linux use, mere use of
the library or the code required to use the library in an application
doesn't make a work derivative. 

If you're writing a proprietary library yourself, rather than an
application, then it becomes rather fuzzy, indeed, and I think it would.

Marco Anglesio                                    Like Captain Idiot 
mpa at the-wire dot com                 in Astounding Science comics              (The Manchurian Candidate)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Barry Walsh)
Subject: Re: 2038 and Linux
Date: 6 Jan 1999 23:27:27 -0000

On Tue, 05 Jan 1999 09:31:54 -0500, John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Vince Conaway wrote:
>> Does Linux have the 2038 bug that will make Unix machines start to go
>> nuts around that time?
>> -Vince Conaway
>Yes, Linux does have that bug, the only Unix machine that doesn't is Sun
>Solaris version 6, because they have upgraded to a 64 bit kernel

I believe u mean Solaris 7.   SCO Unixware 7 is 64bit aware kernel, so this
also is probably OK.  There are other 64bit Unices, which also should be OK.
(I expect that the Linux Alpha port is OK to?).

I3arry \/\/alsh                            


Subject: Re: Sharing my UMAX Astra 610s scanner w/ UMAX Scan Manager v1.2, using SANE 
(Redhat 5.2 Linux)
Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 13:04:10 GMT

In article <01be3a0b$ac2a7ef0$0200a8c0@mycompnt>,
  "USB Port" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Doesn't anyone know the answer to this?
> SCSI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
> <01be3366$1f4244b0$0200a8c0@mycompnt>...
> > How do I get SANE on my Linux workstation to be configured to use my UMAX
> > Astra 610s over the network when it is being served by the UMAX Scan
> > Manager v1.2 (part of VistaScan v3.1)?
> >
> >
> > How can it be done?

USB Port (or SCSI, or whatever your name is today),

Didn't you get my answer?

If you include your username in a post,
or reply by e-mail to me, I'll elaborate. Are you
a programmer?


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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jens Reinsberger)
Subject: Re: Copying linux system....
Date: 8 Jan 1999 03:42:42 +0100

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
James  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Can anyone tell me if it's possible to copy a whole linux partition with
>a recursive cp?  

It should be. But you have to adapt the /etc/lilo.conf to the new partition
you are booting from and rerun lilo.
Maybe you have to change the bootable flag on your harddisk.
You may use cfdisk or fdisk for this.

Bye, Jennes

LOAD "WIN95",8,1
$&*!-#/> NO CARRIER


From: "William H. Pridgen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: acrobat printing problem
Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 21:19:23 +0000

"G. Pollack" wrote:
> I'm using acrobat reader 3.0 on a RedHat 5.1 system. I am unable to
> print some images contained in pdf documents (these are half-tones in
> journal articles). My printer is an HP Deskjet 600C. When I attempt to
> print the page containing the image, the error light on my printer
> flashes. When I press the printer button to clear this, a page is
> ejected with the following written across the top:
> Error: /ioerrorin--%image_process_continue--
>                                           Additional information: (JPEG
> data
> It appears as though the message has more information, but this isn't
> printed.
> My ghostscript version is 3.33

Just a general suggestion:  you may need to update Ghostscript.  The
latest is 5.10 something.

Bill Pridgen


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: Running a program automatically
Date: 8 Jan 1999 03:20:07 GMT


>How do you, when you boot up Linux get a program to run automatically?

Either put it into /etc/rc.d/rc.local, or set up a start/stop script
/etc/rc.d/init.d and then put a file S##script into the level you want
it to run at (/etc/rc.d/rc?.d) ## is a two digit number which determines
where in the list of things it will start up, and "script" is the name
of that script in init.d
Use the othe files in init.d as templates for writing the start/stop
script. (it must take sart and stop as arguments.)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Duncan Simpson)
Subject: Re: CGI & Perl Problem
Date: 7 Jan 1999 14:26:08 GMT

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt) writes:

>Andy Birkett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>I am running RH5.1 and Apache 1.2 and I am having problems with my CGI
>>Perl scripts.  I cannot get my scripts to read or create a file located
>>on the web server, yet when I run the same scripts from a shell, the
>>files are read/created fine.
>>I haven't changed any settings in the Apache conf files, do I need to
>>allow CGI scripts to access the files stored in the HTML directory of
>>the web server.  Or is it a file system problem? I have given write
>>access to the directory I want to create my log files in, and Navigator
>>can read the HTML OK, so why can't my CGI scripts?
>>Hope you can help 

>Normally CGI scripts can only write to files that already exist with
>666 permission.
<rest snipped>

Normally CGI scripts run as the web server and can only do things the
web server is allowed. This should be minimal in the file creation,
melding, etc department. You can use setuid binaries to sidestep
this. I have written a few setuid CGI programs that do stuff like
changing passwords, provided the uid of the user name supplied is
big enough (and the obvious stuff like supplying the correct old

sexec and CGIwrap are the bets known options for runing scripts with
as other users. Many web hosting services use either one or the other,
possibly hacked for extra paranioa or other local conditions.

Duncan (-:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tein H. Yuan(袁天竑))
Crossposted-To: comp.benchmarks,
Subject: Re: K6-2 vs. P2 for g77 under Linux
Date: 8 Jan 1999 03:28:42 GMT

G. Hugh SONG (ghsong@\"Spamspoiler\" wrote:
: I have seen a small benchmark indicating
: that K6-2 is actually faster than P2 at the same
: clock speed for g77 under Linux.
: However, I lost the reference where I read that result.
: Unfortunately, that was the only one benchmark
: for such a task.  I am specially interested in
: the g77-under-Linux performance.
: Has anybody worked on such comparison?

By the way, because PC is a combo system.  Therefore, before benchmarking,
everyone should "calibrate" their system.

If the PII is not at the best condition, the benchmark
is running w/ memory subsystem mostly.  The performance will be dropped
dramatically.  For example, I had visited a university department,
a PhD candidate bought a dual-PII 266 system.  He found his system was
not as fast as he expected.  After I check his system, I found two issues.
1. he didn't tune BIOS SDRAM setting for his SDRAM
2. his motherboard is slower than the motherboards I used.

Therefore, his motherboard even at the best condition can only generate
other brand about 85% computing power on memory sustainable bandwidth.

Anyway, if you remeber there is a web page is discussing K6-2/PII performance.
I would guess the test someone done is not at "the idea condition".
And this would be more possible than the previous letter I replied.

-- Tein
Tein Horng Yuan (袁天竑)
(voice): 886-2-2789-9247         (fax): 886-2-2783-6444
心早已滿了 倒再多進去 也只會無用地溢了出來•••
如果他們的瓶子是空的 就會有地方去裝水 施者和受者兩方 便都獲益了
                                — 阿姜 查(AC 1918-1992)


From: "Colin F. Caughie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't reboot at root from "xdm"
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 14:26:58 -0000

Have you tried the "shutdown" command? Use, for example:

shutdown 0 -r

to shutdown immediately and reboot. (The 0 is the delay in minutes before
shutting down).


Colin Caughie
Indigo Active Vision Systems

Tel:    +44 (131) 440 5403
Fax:    +44 (131) 440 5401

Jon D. Slater wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Once I log in as root using an XDM login, I've noticed if I type
>"reboot" or "reboot &" in an xterm my machine does not reboot until I
>press <Alt><Ctrl><F1>, switch to a "text based" screen.
>Then the machine (running Redhat 5.2) reboots normally.
>Why can't I reboot my machine from within an XDM login session?
>Or maybe my question sould be "How do I reboot from an xterm run under
>an XDM login?"
>Please send suggestions to:  JSlater<at>Qualcomm<dot>Com
>Thanks in advance!!


Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Linux: Fight for survival or on victory march?
Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 14:26:00 +0000

Phil Lewis wrote:
> Are you seriously implyinmg that this class of user would not need
> support if given Linux?
> Get real.

Yes absolutely, Linux runs, if properly configured, it would *never*
need user intervention to remain running. I know you are scpetical, but,
if my mother didn't need Windows only tax programs, I would put her on

I can't tell you how often she calls me becuase she "broke it."

Mohawk Software
Windows 95, Windows NT, UNIX, Linux. Applications, drivers, support. 
Visit the Mohawk Software website:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William C. Cheng)
Subject: Re: Consumer Poll Says Microsoft Is Good For Consumers
Date: 7 Jan 1999 22:51:04 -0500

In article <#nvtpZpO#[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Netnerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >The latest consumer poll shows that 81 percent of consumers think Microsoft
 >has been good for consumers, and 52 percent think the case was brought to
 >help Microsoft's rivals.
 >The poll also shows that 76 percent of consumers think U.S. District Judge
 >Thomas Penfield Jackson should find Microsoft not guilty of violating the
 >Sherman Antitrust Act when the trial concludes sometime in the next two or
 >three months.
 >The consumer has spoken, but will this affect Penfield Jacksons rulings?
 >Of course not, a biased and angry Penfield will rule against Microsoft on
 >every count and impose the most severe penalty he believes possible.  But
 >not to worry, there is a contingency plan in place regardless the DOJ trial
 >and appeals outcome.  Long live Microsoft.

Consumers are idiots!  (Boy, if you can only hear what marketing guys are
saying about consumers.)  The only reason anyone says that the consumers
are smart is that he/she wants to make money off the consumers!

Corollary (as applied to current events):

The general public is also stupid!  The only reason any polititian says
(in public) that people are smart is that he/she wants to get elected.
Bill Cheng // [EMAIL PROTECTED] <URL:>


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: RPM seg faults... any ideas?
Date: 8 Jan 1999 03:59:30 GMT

Use the -vv option to see whats happening. If rpm keeps seg-fault-ing on
the same record than the rpm database is corrupted. I hope you have a
backup :| If not dump the database, create a new one and reinstall rpms
on top of existing files. All current configuration files will be saved.

It shouldn't take you more than 2 hr. to get it fixed. I had a corrupted
rpm database due to power failurem, same symptoms, and within 2 hr. I had
it fixed. Read Maximum RPM available in pdf format on RH's web site. It has
some notes about creating blank rpm database that are not mentioned in the
man page.

Good Luck


On Thu, 07 Jan 1999 19:47:56 +0000, Kevin Currie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hello, I'll try this again... this has been giving me headaches for over
>6 months now, and no one seems to know of a solution.  The problem is
>that I cannot get RPM to uninstall several entries of ypserv.  All of
>the files are gone, but the records are still in the RPM database.  How
>can I get these out?  Is there a way to just get them out of the
>database and let me worry about anything left hanging?
>Here is a little stdout to help.
>19:39:17 eddie:/home/users/kgcurrie# rpm --version
>RPM version 2.5.5
>19:36:51 eddie:/home/users/kgcurrie# rpm -vve ypserv-1.3.1-2
>D: counting packages to uninstall
>D: opening database in //var/lib/rpm/
>D: found 1 packages to uninstall
>D: uninstalling record number 750040
>Segmentation fault
>19:36:59 eddie:/home/users/kgcurrie# rpm -vve ypserv-1.3.4-1
>D: counting packages to uninstall
>D: opening database in //var/lib/rpm/
>D: found 1 packages to uninstall
>D: uninstalling record number 3961560
>Segmentation fault
>19:37:02 eddie:/home/users/kgcurrie# rpm -vve ypserv-1.3.4-1gdbm
>D: counting packages to uninstall
>D: opening database in //var/lib/rpm/
>D: found 1 packages to uninstall
>D: uninstalling record number 2986712
>Segmentation fault
>"what if what is isn't you, does that mean you've got to lose" - b.c.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Geoff Short)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: shutting down screenless server - when done??
Date: 7 Jan 1999 14:34:55 GMT

Gerard Roos ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: I have a server sitting around, but don't want to let it run all the
: time (when nobody needs it). I don't have any monitor connected to it.
: So when I shut it down (Ctrl-Alt-Del), I don't exactly know when it is
: safe to turn off the power (I know it by now, but other people
: don't...).

Very quick solution - change the `system halted' message to include a
beep.  This message is defined in /etc/rc.d/rc.0 or /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt
- edit it to include a control-G beep character.

Or, recompile shutdown to beep a bit when it prints it's halted message.

Ever sit and watch ants? They're always busy with                Geoff Short
something, never stop for a moment.  I just          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
can't identify with that kind of work ethic.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rjack2)
Subject: Freebsd 2.2.2 , Linux  Compatible?
Date: 7 Jan 1999 14:38:33 GMT


I work with a ISP that uses FreeBsd. I want to do work on my local machine and
transfer it to the ISP.

Is it feasible to use Linux Locally and then transfer the work to to the ISP
which runs BSD. 

The "work" would be perl, html, mysql DB files etc... No executable programs of

Anyone tried this before.
Robert R. Jackson             "Are we the masters of our
Software For Humanity          fate?  Can we reach the
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 distance of our past?"


From: Michael Powe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ISO encoding in the console
Date: 07 Jan 1999 19:52:12 -0800

Hash: SHA1

I have a problem with ISO-Latin encoding in the console mode.  I can
use emacs to read and write ISO-Latin extended characters fine in X,
but in console mode I can't read them -- they either don't show up or
they're screwed up; and emacs acts like it's going to make the
characters (using leim, latin-prefix-mode) but then the composed
character disappears from the screen.

I used to have this set up right; but since I've "upgraded" my system
I seem to have inadvertently destroyed my settings.  I've had `setfont
iso01.f16' in my .login for a long time and if I do `showfont' at the
prompt, I see all the extended characters; but, they don't show up in
emacs.  C-/ used to toggle input method, but it seems to be bound to
`delete.'  I can toggle from the menu; but, as I say, the characters
don't show up on the screen.  I have a similar problem with less -- I
used to be able to read these characters, but now I can't.輘 have
LESSCHARSET=latin1 in my env.

Any help would be appreciated.


#! /usr/bin/perl # if you are [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Another Luser):
while ($line = <>){ if ($line =~ m/^\s*$/ ){ last; }
if ($line =~ m/^From: (\S+) \(([^()]*)\)/){ $from_address = $1; } }
if ($from_address =~ m/\S+NOSPAM\S+/){ $x = index($from_address, NOSPAM);
substr($from_address, $x, 6+1) = ""; printf("The real address is %s\n",
$from_address);}else { printf("No munge, just plain %s\n",$from_address);}
printf("\nBrought to you by the Truth In Mail Headers Foundation\n");

- --
                             Michael Powe
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                         Portland, Oregon USA

Version: GnuPG v0.9.0 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Encrypted with Mailcrypt 3.5.1 and GNU Privacy Guard



From: Michael Powe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Shell scripts
Date: 07 Jan 1999 20:00:26 -0800

Hash: SHA1

>>>>> "Rick" == Rick Glunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Rick> The man pages fro sendmail and fetchmail both indicate they
    Rick> return codes that will tell a script wheter they have
    Rick> completed properly or not.  How do I access these codes from
    Rick> a shell script?  I want fetchmail to run, then have sendmail
    Rick> start after fetchmail completes.  Any sample code?

Hmm, but the default behavior of fetchmail is to deliver the mail to
port 25 to a listening MDA.  Thus, sendmail normally is running in
daemon mode and listening to port 25 for incoming mail.


#! /usr/bin/perl # if you are [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Another Luser):
while ($line = <>){ if ($line =~ m/^\s*$/ ){ last; }
if ($line =~ m/^From: (\S+) \(([^()]*)\)/){ $from_address = $1; } }
if ($from_address =~ m/\S+NOSPAM\S+/){ $x = index($from_address, NOSPAM);
substr($from_address, $x, 6+1) = ""; printf("The real address is %s\n",
$from_address);}else { printf("No munge, just plain %s\n",$from_address);}
printf("\nBrought to you by the Truth In Mail Headers Foundation\n");

- --
                             Michael Powe
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                         Portland, Oregon USA

Version: GnuPG v0.9.0 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Encrypted with Mailcrypt 3.5.1 and GNU Privacy Guard




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