Linux-Misc Digest #508, Volume #21               Sun, 22 Aug 99 18:13:09 EDT

  SB16 MPU-401 midi (Naito)
  man2html (Neil Zanella)
  FS hierarchy symbolic '..' (Mike Tuxford)
  Strange problem with upgrading to kernel 2.2. (Rajesh Radhakrishnan)
  Re: I failed to install XFree86 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  win95 partition ownership? (Doug O'Leary)
  Re: LILO for the Linux newbie. . . (Dave Brown)
  Re: I failed to install XFree86 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: dpms without X? (Gary Momarison)
  Re: help needed: Windows 98 and Linux coexistence (Vilmos Soti)
  Re: Basic compiler ("Max Reason")
  Re: Strange problem with upgrading to kernel 2.2. (Frank v Waveren)
  Re: No core file (Chris Butler)
  Re: No core file (Chris Butler)
  Re: dpms without X? (Todd Knarr)
  sendmail: relaying mail ("Olivier Hoarau")
  Re: Text Editor (Paul Seelig)
  Gnome File Manager (Jim)
  Re: Strange problem with upgrading to kernel 2.2.11 (Rajesh Radhakrishnan)
  Re: Requesting comments on new strategy. (Mario Miyojim)


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,redhat.config
Subject: SB16 MPU-401 midi
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 19:31:01 GMT

How do I configure my linux to play midis thru the MPU-401 port on my SB16?
I am running RedHat 6 with kernel 2.2.11 and the ALSA 0.4.0 sound drivers.

==================  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==================


From: Neil Zanella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: man2html
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 17:11:01 -0230


Has anyone seen a man2html utility that works with all sorts of Linux

as well as Unix man pages?


Neil Zanella


From: Mike Tuxford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FS hierarchy symbolic '..'
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 12:39:23 -0700

  Something I have always been curious about is why does
the root directory have a symbolic '..' ?

  Offhand I can see that some commands might have problems
without it such as `find` which is optimized to expect it
and '.'. 

  _ _    ____
 //\/\ike ||uxford


From: Rajesh Radhakrishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,
Subject: Strange problem with upgrading to kernel 2.2.
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 15:26:19 -0400


I have a wierd problem. After compiling the kernel 'make bzImage', I
'make modules' then 'make modules_install'. 

Only, /lib/modules/2.2.11/net is created and it has dummy.o inside the
directory. No matter how many times I did 'make mrproper' or 'make
clean' only the above directory is created. 

I even delete /usr/src/linux-2.2.11 directory and unpacked the
linux-2.2.11.tar.gz again and followed the same procedure. Again, 'make
modules_install' creates only the /lib/modules/2.2.11/net directory.

What should I do.

I have RedHat 5.2 (kernel 2.0.36, gcc-2.7.2).



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: I failed to install XFree86
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 21:46:33 +0000

try X[cC]onfigurator , it is the soft that configure the choice of the
card and screen
or xf86config ( text mode) 
or /usr/X11R6/bin/XF86Setup ( under X) 
read /usr/X11R6/lib/doc/Monitor ( paramatre configuration of some
in the bash_profile make shure taht /usr/X11R6 is befor /usrX386 ( older

you must have intall
          X-free86|                  |   x.y.z.i386.rpm
                "  |75 dpi -fonts     |       "
                "  |VGA16             |       "
                "  |XF86 Setup        |       "
                "  |libs              |       "
and for you     "  | S3               |       "
try rpm ( read html red hat doc with lynx  xxx.html ....)
another application  xvidtune ( under X)
try to tape setup 
                                French student
Bruno NICOLAS a écrit :
> Hi,
> I failed to install XFree, I try to follow the steps from
> XFreeConfig to params and run X,
> but It doesnt work : I like to find a detailed howTo or web site
> that explains the steps and common mistakes.
> I have HP Vectra 386 with integrated S3 video chipset.
> Where are the good info to get from the computer and
> to tell in set-up ?
> Thanks


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Doug O'Leary)
Subject: win95 partition ownership?
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 14:58:02 -0500


I've got a limited amount of space on my Linux partition and about 800 
megs on one of my win95 partitions.  What I'd like to do is install 
Oracle for Linux via Linux on the win95 partition; however, I can't seem 
to change the ownership of a directory - says something like "Operation 
not supported".  I've also tried chmod 777 dir; however, that doesn't 
work either.

Is there a way to allow a non root user access to a directory on a win95 
partition?  Or, failing that, is there a way to mount the partition with 
permissions for someone other than root?

Any tips will be greatly appreciated.

Douglas K. O'Leary
Senior System Admin


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dave Brown)
Subject: Re: LILO for the Linux newbie. . .
Date: 22 Aug 99 18:52:37 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dave Brown wrote:
>into the kernel image, and parameters passed via LILO; 3) Use 
>loadlin.exe in the Windows partition (not a great idea as it 
>kills Windows without a shutdown, unless you boot into the 
>"DOS mode"). (I don't know of anyone creating a Win32 version of 
>loadlin, i.e., which deals with properly shutting down Win32.)

I just noticed last night that there's a new mini-HOWTO on the 
Linux Doc Project site regarding "Loadlin and Win 95".

Dave Brown   Austin, TX


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: I failed to install XFree86
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 21:45:52 +0000

try X[cC]onfigurator , it is the soft that configure the choice of the
card and screen
or xf86config ( text mode) 
or /usr/X11R6/bin/XF86Setup ( under X) 
read /usr/X11R6/lib/doc/Monitor ( paramatre configuration of some
in the bash_profile make shure taht /usr/X11R6 is befor /usrX386 ( older

you must have intall
          X-free86|                  |   x.y.z.i386.rpm
                "  |75 dpi -fonts     |       "
                "  |VGA16             |       "
                "  |XF86 Setup        |       "
                "  |libs              |       "
and for you     "  | S3               |       "
try rpm ( read html red hat doc with lynx  xxx.html ....)
another application  xvidtune ( under X)
try to tape setup 
                                French student
Bruno NICOLAS a écrit :
> Hi,
> I failed to install XFree, I try to follow the steps from
> XFreeConfig to params and run X,
> but It doesnt work : I like to find a detailed howTo or web site
> that explains the steps and common mistakes.
> I have HP Vectra 386 with integrated S3 video chipset.
> Where are the good info to get from the computer and
> to tell in set-up ?
> Thanks


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: dpms without X?
From: Gary Momarison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 22 Aug 1999 12:53:05 -0700

You might try "using" X (and xset's DPMS options) by just running in
B&W mode (for minimal resource usage) and and then switching to a
regular cirtual console.  If you don't have the video hardware so it
won't crash, you'd have to patch the X code so it ignored the error,
but that would probably be lots of work.


From: Vilmos Soti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: help needed: Windows 98 and Linux coexistence
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 20:05:37 GMT

OIT News Server wrote:
> Hello...
> I just installed LINUX [RedHat 6.2] on a new DELL machine where the origianl
> OS is MS Windows 98. I have an extra, empty hard-drive [8GB] for LINUX; but
> I have kept a small partition on this extra hard-drive in accessible to
> Windows 98 in MS-DOS FAT36 format. [i.e. the "extra" hard-drive has a
> "Windows" partition which is formatted to use 25% of the hard-drive, whereas
> the rest is left unpartitioned and unformatted for LINUX use]. Before I
> installed LINUX, Windows 98 would not "see" the rest of this hardrive [about
> 6 GB].
> Nevertheles, now, that I have installed LINUX [Red-Hat 6.2] on this machine;
> once I give LILO the option of starting DOS; Windows 98 would start
> screaming about being impropertly shut down previously and running SCANDISK
> on the Linux Partion. After completion of the Scandisk - I noticed that the
> LINUX parition had become visible to Windows 98 and the MS OS would come up
> with
> suggestions to reformat this "unsed" space...


Similar problem came ou just a few days ago.
One possible explanation for your problem:
The partition table completely describes a partition by stating the
starting and ending of the partition. Any intelligent system would rely
on this data. Unfortunately, for DOS, this is not enough. (Windows98 is
really DOS with a GUI). The DOS format looks for the partition's size on
the first sector of it. So, if you had a 300 MB DOS partition and change
the size to 100 MB with Linux fdisk, then the first sector of the
partition would still say the size is 300 MB. DOS format will use this
info and not the one which is in the partition table. Solution? After
creating a DOS partition, nuke the first sector of the new partition so
DOS format will be forced to recalculate the size from the partition
table. Use the dd command:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hdxy bs=512 count=1

where x is youd disk and y is the partition. For example, /dev/hdc2 is
the second partition on the third IDE disk (secondary master).

Literature: man fdisk. It explicitly mentions this problem.


Looking for a job in British Columbia.


From: "Max Reason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Basic compiler
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 10:34:54 -0000

Matt Templeton wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> Don't shoot me for asking but, does anyone know of a compiler
> that will compile visual basic code on a Linux box?

 for information and download of XBasic, which is a freeware.
 XBasic is a powerful 32-bit BASIC compiler with integrated
 IDE and GuiDesigner that works something like VisualBasic.
 You can download the Linux XBasic or Windows XBasic or
 both - they are compatible implementations, so you can write
 programs on either and run them on both - even programs
 with lots of graphics and extensive GUI.  XBasic is not syntax
 compatible with VB.  XBasic is written entirely in XBasic.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank v Waveren)
Subject: Re: Strange problem with upgrading to kernel 2.2.
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 21:17:10 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Rajesh Radhakrishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi,
> I have a wierd problem. After compiling the kernel 'make bzImage', I
> typed
> 'make modules' then 'make modules_install'. 
> Only, /lib/modules/2.2.11/net is created and it has dummy.o inside the
> directory. No matter how many times I did 'make mrproper' or 'make
> clean' only the above directory is created. 
> I even delete /usr/src/linux-2.2.11 directory and unpacked the
> linux-2.2.11.tar.gz again and followed the same procedure. Again, 'make
> modules_install' creates only the /lib/modules/2.2.11/net directory.
> What should I do.
> I have RedHat 5.2 (kernel 2.0.36, gcc-2.7.2).

First you need to configure your kernel. Start with make config or make 
menuconfig. (Or make xconfig if you must).

                        Frank v Waveren
                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        ICQ# 10074100


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Butler)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Re: No core file
Date: 22 Aug 1999 20:49:05 +0100

[comp.os.linux.development.apps - Fri, 20 Aug 1999 05:37:47 GMT] * 
>> > I am trying to generate a core file when my program crashes, with no
>> > luck.  I have typed unlimit in the shell, yet when my program seg
>> > faults, I get no core file anywhere.  Is there another way of
>> > controlling whether a core file is generated
> Perhaps he didn't make ulimit large enough?
> ulimit -c 500000

ulimit -c unlimited

Works For Me! (tm) :-)

Chris Butler


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Butler)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Re: No core file
Date: 22 Aug 1999 20:51:01 +0100

[comp.os.linux.development.apps - Sat, 21 Aug 1999 00:39:14 +1000] 
  * IceLava wrote *

> actually wat's the use of a core file?  all the core files I've examined
> is less informative than the lost clusters i get in Windows.  I believe
> it's a memory dump of the location where error has occurred?

They are _very_ useful. Using gdb (the GNU debugger), you can see the entire
calling stack (the functions that have been called to get to the point where
the error occurred) and look at the contents of all variables at the time of
the crash.

Chris Butler


From: Todd Knarr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: dpms without X?
Date: 22 Aug 1999 20:11:53 GMT

In comp.os.linux.misc clee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there an interface which would allow me to turn off my monitor without
> accessing the X server?  I am interested in turning off my monitor via a

Easily. The standard Linux console driver ( at least on x86 machines )
supports VESA powerdown timers via escape sequences. In my rc.local I

# Set text-mode console VESA blanking interval
echo -e "\033[9;15]" >/dev/console
echo -e "\033[14;30]" >/dev/console

The first "argument" tells what mode to set ( 9 = blank screen, 14 =
VESA standby mode ). The second argument is the number of minutes of
no activity before setting the monitor to that mode. In my case, after
15 minutes of inactivity the monitor is blanked, and after 30 minutes
the Vsync and Hsync signals are shut down to put the monitor into standby
mode ( circuitry warm but beam not running, which reduces power consumption
by 70% while minimizing stress when powering up again ).

It may be great to soar with the eagles, but weasels don't get sucked into


From: "Olivier Hoarau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: sendmail: relaying mail
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 22:30:44 +0200


I have connected three PC with an Ethernet cable, two with Windows and one
with Linux (RedHat 6.0 kernel 2.2.9 connected via ppp to internet). which
is configured to give to the others PC access  to the web (with ipchains
and squid), to the news off-line (with leafnode) and to the mail with
sendmail and fetchmail/procmail.
I have created a private domain and sendmail is setup to transform email
address correctly.

I have a problem on Windows when an user send a email off-line to my linux
server, here is an extract of the log file ( is the name
of my linux server, shuttle is my PC with windows):

01840 >>> 220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.9.3/8.9.3/OH - 11/08/99;
Sat, 21 Aug 1999
01840 >>> 09:45:19 +0200
01840 >>> 00859 <<< EHLO shuttle
01840 >>> 00859 >>> Hello
[], pleased to
01840 >>> meet you
01840 >>> (...)
01840 >>> 00859 <<< MAIL FROM:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
01840 >>> 00860 >>> 250 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Sender ok
01840 >>> 00860 <<< RCPT TO:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
01840 >>> 00860 >>> 250 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Recipient ok
01840 >>> 00860 <<< [EOF]
01840 >>> 00860 >>> 421 Lost input channel from
01840 >>> []

The email is rejected and doesn't appear in /var/spool/mqueue.

I have no problem when I send a email from a PC with windows when my linux
server is on-line.

Does anybody know what does "Lost input channel" mean and come from ?
Please, send me by email a copy of your answer.


Olivier Hoarau

PS: I have described the configuration of my linux server on my homepage


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Seelig)
Subject: Re: Text Editor
Date: 22 Aug 99 20:26:19 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jason Earl) writes:

> And if you don't like vi, then there is a good chance that you will fall into
> the realm of people that like Emacs.
There are more editors available than only Emacs or vi (or any of
their various incarnations). But lots of people definitely can't stand
*any* of both because of their extravagant useability when compared to
something like a simplicistic MS-DOS Edit or similiar.  For this kind
of people "mcedit" (which comes with the Midnight Commander) seems to
be the (almost) perfect choice.
                                   Cheers, P. *8^)

PS: I'm BTW a happy user of XEmacs, vim and mcedit.
   --------- Paul Seelig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----------
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   ------------------- --------------------


Subject: Gnome File Manager
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 21:14:33 GMT

I'm trying to setup an icon to the executable file for Gnome file
manager but I can't find the right file to link to. Any help is
Jim McIntyre
Webmaster Program
Dalhousie University
Halifax Nova Scotia


From: Rajesh Radhakrishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,
Subject: Re: Strange problem with upgrading to kernel 2.2.11
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 17:14:26 -0400


I don't think I made it clear in my last mail. I had followed the steps

make mrproper
make xconfig 
make dep
make clean
make bzImage
make modules
make modules_install
 # this is to install them in /lib/modules/2.2.11

I have the whole upgrade procedure from Redhat's help page for upgrading
to 2.2 kernel. 

The problem is after 'make modules_install' . Only
/lib/modules/2.2.11/net/  is created
and nothing else. 

Whereas /lib/modules/2.0.36-0.7/ (prev kernel) has the foll. directories

$ ls /lib/modules/2.0.36-0.7/
block        fs           misc         net          scsi
cdrom        ipv4         modules.dep  pcmcia

These are not created for my new kernel (2.2.11) henceforth my booting
process just hangs, 'cause
it can't find any of the modules...

Is there some hidden file that is created in my system that doesn't
allow the other 
directories to be created in /lib/modules/2.2.11/

- Rajesh


Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 15:07:18 -0600
From: Mario Miyojim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Requesting comments on new strategy.

The single value was given just for illustration.
Of course some form of just evaluation of different types and quantities

of contributions will have to receive different percentages. In the case

of the example, the project leader will have to propose an arbitration,
feedback from the team with full disclosure of the amounts and
involved, and finally distribute the values, OPENLY.  So, a major
to the final code could receive an evaluation of 10%, and a minor
would be flagged at 0.02%. If the total to be distributed were $15
million, then
the major contribution would deserve $1.5 million and the minor
would get $3,000. Remember that the final distribution will be done when

complaints have been answered; some conflicts may occur in big projects,

but an agreement should be possible to be reached.
In the case of the example, there is a company (OperaSoft) that would
70% of the total revenue. If the development were managed by project as
my proposal, then the team will ultimately decide, OPENLY, on how to
distribute the entire $100 million revenue, including the portion for
the project
leader. If the team understands that the leader is cheating or claiming
undue portion of the pie, team member can complain; if, finally, there
is no
agreement, the team may divest the leader and vote for another leader,
democratically. What I want to reach finally, is a system that will
submitting to a bad person.
Therefore, please continue raising questions, so that we can enrich the
until it becomes practical.
The text I published is not final, that is why I am requesting more
Thank you.

Mario Miyojim

Michael Fowler wrote:

> Mario Miyojim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> This is an interesting idea.  However, how do you propose going about
> properly compensating each of the developers on a given project?  You
> propose each be given a set amount ($15,000 in your example).  What
> about developers that contribute much more?  Were I to contribute the
> majority of each day to the project, I would feel a little miffed if
> someone who had fixed one typo in the documentation received the same
> amount of money.
> I can also see this getting abused.  People registering multiple
> times, people submitting small changes simply to get paid the full
> amount, etc.
> I don't mean to discourage the idea, but it does have to work in The
> Real World, and The Real World is full of Bad People.
> Michael
> --
> There isn't a mome rath alive that can outgrabe me.
> --

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