Linux-Misc Digest #563, Volume #18               Mon, 11 Jan 99 00:13:11 EST

  Re: editing lilo.conf and making the change stick (Chris Welch)
  Re: LINUS Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ... ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: [Famous Finn] Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ... 
  Re: 2038 and Linux (Christopher B. Browne)
  Haverhill, Mass. area: ISP recommendations? (Colin Cameron)
  Re: Consumer Poll Says Microsoft Is Good For Consumers (David Steuber)
  Re: Consumer Poll Says Microsoft Is Good For Consumers (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: Consumer Poll Says Microsoft Is Good For Consumers (Nix)
  Re: does the Diamond SupraExpress 56i Modem do linux? (SnJ)
  Re: editing lilo.conf and making the change stick (Frank Hale)
  GNUstep FAQ update (Richard Frith-Macdonald)
  Re: ppp with isdn (Joe Zeff)
  Re: LINUS Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ...


From: Chris Welch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: editing lilo.conf and making the change stick
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 00:31:35 -0600

Chris wrote:
> What's the command for making any changes to lilo.conf stay?  If you
> edit the file and do not run this command, they don't take.  Any help
> would be cool...thx...
> Chris

Huh? You mean like you run lilo and it doesn't write it or what?
|                         |
|                                                          |
| Brain: It must be inordinately taxing to be such a boob. |
| Pinky: You have no idea.                                 |


Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: LINUS Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ...
Date: 11 Jan 1999 02:47:17 GMT

In the sacred domain of comp.os.linux.misc didst Ken Witherow 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> eloquently scribe:
:> Tell me ohe OS that will treat a file (in this case, a device driver) like a
:> directory?

: Linux. Use the loopback devices (very handy when you're making a custom
: cdrom and you want to check that the image is good before you burn it)

Good point. I hadn't thought of that...
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]| "I'm alive!!! I can touch! I can taste!         |
|     Andrew Halliwell     |  I can SMELL!!!  KRYTEN!!! Unpack Rachel and    |
|       Finalist in:-      |  get out the puncture repair kit!"              |
|     Computer Science     |     Arnold Judas Rimmer- Red Dwarf              |
|GCv3.12 GCS>$ d-(dpu) s+/- a C++ US++ P L/L+ E-- W+ N++ o+ K PS+  w-- M+/++ |
|PS+++ PE- Y t+ 5++ X+/X++ R+ tv+ b+ DI+ D+ G e>e++ h/h+ !r!| Space for hire |


Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: [Famous Finn] Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ...
Date: 11 Jan 1999 02:59:11 GMT

In the sacred domain of comp.os.linux.misc didst OmniČ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
eloquently scribe:
: yeah
: easy when u know how
: I bet you got heaps of flack when u were a newbie

Nope. But then, I know how to ask questions in a polite manner.
Lose the attitude, and I'll lose the sarcasm... OK?

: and now you cant wait to relay it on to some poor soul

Not at all. Even in my most sarcastic posts, I've still put bits of usefull
|                          |What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack|
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|in the ground beneath a giant boulder, which you|
|                          |can't move, with no hope of rescue.             |
|    Andrew Halliwell      |Consider how lucky you are that life has been   |
|      Finalist in:-       |good to you so far...                           |
|    Computer Science      |   -The BOOK, Hitch-hiker's guide to the galaxy.|
|GCv3.12 GCS>$ d-(dpu) s+/- a C++ US++ P L/L+ E-- W+ N++ o+ K PS+  w-- M+/++|
|PS+++ PE- Y t+ 5++ X+/X++ R+ tv+ b+ DI+ D+ G e>e++ h/h+ !r!| Space for hire|


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher B. Browne)
Subject: Re: 2038 and Linux
Date: 11 Jan 1999 03:40:07 GMT

On 10 Jan 1999 21:17:53 -0500, Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher B. Browne) writes:
>> There are several 64 bit architectures, but none that provide competitive
>> implementations as exist for IA-32.  Intel is the sole source for IA-64
>> (if it ever gets released :-)), Digital/Compaq is the sole source for
>> Alpha, SGI for MIPS, Motorola/IBM for PPC, Sun for SPARC, and so forth.
>> There may be more than one seller, but the 64 bit architectures only have
>> single 'design sources.'
>not true.  the last place i worked at had a vhdl license for an
>embedded mips processor.  it was only 32 bit but still.  mips are very
>straightforward (which is why i really like them).  clones would be a
>snap if anyone wanted to do them.

Gotta ask the question:  Did they have fairly unrestricted rights to
modify the design and sell chips?  Or were there requirements to send
in royalties to MIPS/SGI?

If there's an independent MIPS "design" out there, that indeed represents
a counterexample to what I've described.  Although it's interesting
that nobody has really cared to build such things for general use.
Windows NT was originally deployed on MIPS, but IA-32 and Alpha are
the only architectures that have been of *any* interest for NT sales,
and it seems likely that the continuing Alpha support results from some
major behind-the-scenes wrangling.

In any case, you're talking about a 32 bit version, and not the "forward
looking" 64 bit edition.

I would quite approve of the idea of there being a cheap PCI motherboard
handling MIPS chips; it certainly hasn't happened.
Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.  
-- Henry Spencer          <>
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - "What have you contributed to Linux today?..."


From: Colin Cameron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Haverhill, Mass. area: ISP recommendations?
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 23:52:01 -0330

Can anyone recommend a Linux-friendly dialup ISP in the Haverhill Mass.
area? TIA!

Latest tally:
Number of former Windows users who have switched to Linux: millions
Number of former Linux users who have switched to Windows: zero


From: David Steuber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Consumer Poll Says Microsoft Is Good For Consumers
Date: 10 Jan 1999 19:48:44 -0500

"Poison Ivan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

-> I said consumers are paying a lot less for Windows than they value Windows,
-> and therefore they are happy. Most consumers believe they are *under*-paying
-> for Windows.

How do you come to that conclusion?  As a consumer, I look at the SuSE 
5.3 distribution with over 900 pieces of software and the Windows 98
upgrade with nearly nothing and I conclude that the $50 SuSE wants is
a better deal than the $90 Microsoft wants.  I can also install the
SuSE on any number of machines I like.

David Steuber
s/trashcan/david/ to reply by mail

"Hackers penetrate and ravage delicate, private, and publicly owned
computer systems, infecting them with viruses and stealing materials
for their own ends.  These people, they're, they're  terrorists."

-- Secret Service Agent Richard Gill


Subject: Re: Consumer Poll Says Microsoft Is Good For Consumers
From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 10 Jan 1999 22:57:54 -0500

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mayor Of R'lyeh) writes:

> On 10 Jan 1999 15:52:07 -0500, Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> chose
> to bless us all with this bit of wisdom:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mayor Of R'lyeh) writes:
> >> Windows is priced in line with other commercial OSs.
> >
> >redhat linux goes for $50 from the redhat people.  that is a
> >*commercial* (although not proprietary) OS.
> You're geting ripped off. My local Best Buys has it for $37.
> The difference is that is has almost no developement costs. Its done
> by volunteers. That's why I said it was silly to compare it to a
> commercial OS. I guess I really meant a commercially developed OS.
> Red Hat doesn't have anywhere near the investment in Linux that
> Microsoft has in Windows.

linux is a commercial operating system.  businesses are selling it.
people are buying it.  that's what commerce is - the buying and
selling of goods.  it makes no difference whether you consider it a
rip-off or not.  redhat linux is still a commercial operating system.
hence, it makes all the sense in the world to include it in your

for all the investment microsoft has in windows, it is curious how
poor the quality is in comparison to gnu/linux.  sure windows has more
applications written for it, but as far as operating systems go, they
may be compared by rational people on their features.  for all the
money microsoft has invested, it is quite amusing that a hobbyist
operating system would even be considered in the same breath.

Johan Kullstam [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Don't Fear the Penguin!


From: Nix <$}xin{$>
Subject: Re: Consumer Poll Says Microsoft Is Good For Consumers
Date: 10 Jan 1999 20:36:45 +0000

"Brent Metzler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Up here in Minnesota

This is off-topic in uk.comp.os.linux. Go away.

`Anyone who says you can have a lot of widely dispersed people hack
 away on a complicated piece of code and avoid total anarchy has never
 managed a software project.' - Andy Tanenbaum in 1992 on comp.os.minix


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.misc,linux.redhat.install
Subject: Re: does the Diamond SupraExpress 56i Modem do linux?
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 22:41:21 -0500


> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > No it is not.  I just picked up one of these to replace a SupraMax modem
> > which is.  It'll work fine.
> >
> > john
> >
> I was guessing that it wasn't because when I run the isapnp program my machine
> just hangs.  Did you have to do anything special to configure it?
> Thanks, Tone

   You just have to take it out of the PnP mode -- that is set the jumpers for a
specific COM/IRQ.  Then set your /dev/modem link to point to the corresponding
/dev/cuax file.

   If you plan to use the modem for Windows too, you need to create install it on
the same COM port as the jumpers are set for.

   Let me know if you have any problems.



From: Frank Hale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: editing lilo.conf and making the change stick
Date: 11 Jan 1999 04:18:41 GMT

Chris Welch wrote:
> Chris wrote:
> >
> > What's the command for making any changes to lilo.conf stay?  If you
> > edit the file and do not run this command, they don't take.  Any help
> > would be cool...thx...
> >
> > Chris

After you edit lilo.conf run lilo to add the new changes.

From:      Frank Hale
ICQ:       7205161


Subject: GNUstep FAQ update
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Frith-Macdonald)
Date: 10 Jan 1999 17:56:02 GMT

Due to severe lack of manpower, much of the GNUstep website 
(including the FAQ)
is (literally) years out of date.

In an attempt to do something about this, I'd lke to have a go at 
together a new FAQ.

Could anyone/everyone having any interest whatsover in this, please 
email me
with any questions they have about GNUstep (or any suggestions about 
information should appear in the FAQ)



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joe Zeff)
Subject: Re: ppp with isdn
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 18:24:18 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (tom) wrote:

>Now what?  How do I connect to my ISP?

If you'll read what's been posted to this group in the last few days,
you'll see that I've just answered your question: call Earthlink tech
support and have us either talk you through our walk through, or send
you a copy.

Joe Zeff
     The Guy With the Sideburns
another clue like that and I may have to start thinking.


Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: LINUS Can Suck My Hairy Cock .. or Newbie Needs Linux Help ...
Date: 11 Jan 1999 04:29:30 GMT

On Mon, 11 Jan 1999 10:05:57 +1100, OmniČ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I wasnt asking you
>are you the local showoff here?
>and fyi every new gen of an intel cpu has
>different instructions

Not DIFFERENT but few additional instructions. Like the MMX crap
thats pretty much useless, some cache and P-mode OS type instructions
but really nothing of significance to user app programmer.

BTW assembly in U*x is generally pointless since the idea behind U*x
is portability, something that asm code isn't usefull for. It can be
used (for tight optimized loops) as demonstrated.

You should take a hint. Some people here are REALLY more knowledgeable
about Linux than you are so don't argue so much and take the advice that
youre given. Thats what the asm sample was supposed to demonstrate to your
ignorant self.

>besides dipshit i wasnt asking for an asm routine
>I was asking the dude for  machine instructions

Machine instructions? Thats what asm is, a symbolic notation
of machine code, what the hell, do you want the binary? Dumbass!

>since when can a cpu understand "%" as anything but text

Are you as dumb as you seem? Obviously the notation below is not
your everyday dos intel asm syntax. One glance at it would tell
you that if you ever programmed in TASM or MASM!

Go to and read some of the docs there. It should
help you answer some basic questions, (no "who am I?" and "what am I doing
here?" are not answered there).

Good Luck with Linux and mellow out dude. Sometimes it ok to be wrong.
Linux is different, WAY different from DOS and windos. Try to learn its
strenghts itnstead of arguing how it is wrong. Bitchin after getting to
know it and using it day-in day-out for 12months+ is quite different than
bitching 10 minutes after the installation. Did you ever think of doing
some research before installing? Obviously not. Changing OS is a big deal
and shouldn't be motivated only by current "trendyness" and few articles
in "consumer-istic" magazines.

Again I wish you good luck.


>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message ...
>>On Mon, 11 Jan 1999 08:40:02 +1100, OmniČ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>that wasnt my question , dickwad
>>>it was how do you create a  txt file from the command line
>>>and access a cd drive
>>>apparently it seemed appropiate enough for a person to ask
>>>10 minutes after installing linux for the 1st time .
>>>appropoiate enough for several regulars on this NG to reply to
>>>if your so fuckin smart
>>>whats the intel p200 cpu machine language code
>>what does a 200mhz have to do with asm dumbass?
>>BTW P5 is not THAT different from 386 & 486 for
>>user apps.
>>>to create a nul file in linux?
>>here you go dickhead, a piece of Linux asm code for i86 that
>>will create a file called some_shit:
>>        .file   "fc.c"
>>        .version        "01.01"
>>.section        .rodata
>>        .string "some_shit"
>>        .align 4
>>.globl main
>>        .type    main,@function
>>        pushl %ebp
>>        movl %esp,%ebp
>>        subl $4,%esp
>>        pushl $64
>>        pushl $.LC0
>>        call open
>>        addl $8,%esp
>>        movl %eax,%eax
>>        movl %eax,-4(%ebp)
>>        movl -4(%ebp),%eax
>>        pushl %eax
>>        call close
>>        addl $4,%esp
>>        leave
>>        ret
>>        .size    main,.Lfe1-main
>>        .ident  "GCC: (GNU)"
>>Now go and read some documentation before mouthing off.
>>BTW asm and C are far more simpler than administration
>>(PROPER) of a unix cluster. Learning any language is
>>easy, only applying it is hard (algorithims and code
>>>Andy Wendel wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>>>>On Sun, 10 Jan 1999 14:23:06 +0000, Jeff Kay
>>>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>Since the original intent of this was only ment to inflame linux users
>>>>>advocates and in no way put forth any constructive critisism I'll ignore
>>>>>most of what was said....
>>>>>I do however find it ironic ( humorous even ) that the original poster
>>>>>"Please dont flame me its only an Opinion"? What would this person
>>>>>from such a comment....
>>>>>Now to the heart of what I wished to say before HOPEFULLY we can put
>>>>>thread to sleep -- for good...
>>>>>I fail to understand why either of you would bother to use linux if you
>>>>>weren't willing to put in even the slightest effort..... The second
>>>>>commentor here mentions that he doesn't know how to copy a file like he
>>>>>on dos/win ( though he points out he's used dos for since 1986 ), yet
>>>>>further down he he says he'll go back to using NT and programming c++
>>>>>there...... Somehow I doubt your programming capabilities, if you cant
>>>>>figure out how to copy a file....really how difficult is it to a) look
>>>>>up in the man pages b) borrow a unix book from the library and learn c)
>>>>>search the net or d) ask a newsgroup ?
>>>>>How did you learn how to copy a file in dos .... I'm mean you did have
>>>>>LEARN didn't you.... this wasn't an ingrained DNA encoded instinct with
>>>>>was it? You just naturally knew... how about dir...surely thats not
>>>>>sense ( since list would make more ) and yet I'm sure you can do that
>>>>> maybe you learned how to do it....  That you were unwilling
>>>>>put forth the effort to even try to learn is a comment about you NOT
>>>>>So you get windows for free..... the difference is I can never be
>>>>>for using linux without paying.... maybe someone will cc your message
>>>>>to MS and they come hunting you down...sure they have better things to
>>>>>but they sure would like making a point too and hey they got the spare
>>>>>to do it...
>>>>>While in your eyes learning linux may be like learning chinese a) over a
>>>>>billion people have done it ( not linux, chinese ) and b) at least at
>>>>>end you would have had the satitsfaction of having accomplished
>>>>>you consider difficult....  That you would ever attempt to use linux
>>>>>without learning it is laughable.... I wonder how succesful a tirp to
>>>>>would be if you didn't know even so rudimentary chinese or something of
>>>>>place you were about to visit..... You cant blame your ignorance on
>>>>>or the thousands of people who have developed it, though you may try.
>>>>>As for the original poster, why... why bother with such a comment....
>>>>>ANSWER BACK .. its rehtorical.... That you make comments such as "MS
>>>>>own linux" or "that bill owns us" or "that your vcr has a better gui and
>>>>>that you could program a better OS" Really? Haven't done it have you?
>>>>>great you can shout your mouth off but where's the proof.... If you're
>>>>>great then you could have joined the OSS community and help to make
>>>>>more user friendly for the layperson...alas I doubt you've even used it,
>>>>>based on your comments..... sure you may have listened to a few
>>>>>even read an article about it, but that is the extent of your knowledge
>>>>>experience I'm sure.....  A second comment would be if vcr's are so user
>>>>>friendly how come most people's still flash 12:00?
>>>>>Funny thing too...My dad who doesn't know dos and barely understands
>>>>>computers was able to sit down a the computer last night ( which
>>>>>to be in linux mode ) and find mahjongg on it..start it and play it no
>>>>>questions asked.... guess linux cant be that difficult...:-)
>>>>>> _________________________
>>>>Some of the kiddies don't seem to know what hardware they have in that
>>>>little box on their desk.... I guess it can be frustrating when you
>>>>don't know pci from isa...
>>>>Oh boys, if you were such DOS wizards, then you SHOULD know the old
>>>>LONG commands, such as rmdir, mkdir, etc... amazing... they are the
>>>>same as Linux....
>>>>Considering DOS is the poor bastard stepchild of Unix to begin with.
>>>>Is Linux perfect? Not by a long shot.  But I have yet to make it
>>>>crash.  If this were a perfect world, I would not have to waste my
>>>>bandwidth on dweebs like you trolls...
>>>>If Linux sucks, you guys must be the backwash....



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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