Linux-Misc Digest #590, Volume #18               Wed, 13 Jan 99 00:13:07 EST

  Re: * and dot files ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: real time linux (Gary Momarison)
  Re: Linux: Fight for survival or on victory march? (jedi)
  Re: Consumer Poll Says Microsoft Is Good For Consumers (Jim Richardson)
  WP 8.0 Converting Word 97 files (Matthew Olson)
  Re: Let A Linux server look like a W95 / NT Share? (David Kirkpatrick)
  Re: How to print a man page? (Gary Momarison)
  Re: Statement of Bill Neukom As Government Rests Its Case (Dave Tholen)
  Re: make zImage => goes wrong , make dep clean => goes alright (Loose Nut)
  Re: compiler for linux (Larry)
  Re: Linux, Unix or Unix alike? (Marco Anglesio)
  Can I make linux DGL Compatible? (Thomas Boggs)
  RPM and tar are slow... (Brian J King)
  Re: does the Diamond SupraExpress 56i Modem do linux? ("Kenny Sylliboy")
  DHCP and RH linux 5.2 (William O'Neal)
  Can NT see ext2fs partitions? (was Re: can linux see ntfs partitions?) (Davidson 
  Re: Newbie Needs Linux Help [was: nasty comment about Linus] ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux fails to boot after dual-booting Windows 95;Reinstall LILO and it works 
again!? (Chetan Ahuja)
  Re: HELP: Setting up a DIAL-IN PPP SERVER on my Linux box?? (Bill Unruh)
  Re: man pages and Texinfo (Neil Zanella)


Subject: Re: * and dot files
Date: 12 Jan 1999 09:19:46 PST

You need to remove your 'dot' files separately. If you didn't, you would
remove '.', and '..', which would remove your entire system right down
through the root directory! Be happy your command didn't remove the
If you want to clean out the directory, cd back a level, and do a 'rm
-rf <directory name>', then recreate it.


Pascal Rigaux wrote:
> I've looking around for a while for the best solution to get all the files, even
> the dot files.
> For eg: rm -rf /tmp/* to clean the tmp
> But it misses the dot files.
> Ok i know i could use find to do that example, but i want something more
> general.
> I usually use rm /tmp/.[a-zA-Z]*   but it's hard to type and it's not nice.
> The best i found so far is an alias so that : "all rm -rf /tmp/*" do the job.
> The problem is that it works only on csh, and i prefer using bash :(
> The trick is that with the csh's aliases, the * is not expanded before aliases
> are called. It doesn't seem to be the case in bash :-?
> So my two questions :
> 1) How do you do all the work that need to take care of the dot files ?
> 2) Do you have any idea to do the same thing as the csh alias in bash ?
> Here is the "all" alias :
> > alias all 'glob_All "\!*"'
> with glob_All a perl script :
> > sub r {
> >     opendir DIR, $_[0] or die "can't open directory $_[0]";
> >     grep { $_ ne '.' && $_ ne '..' } readdir DIR;
> > }
> >
> > foreach (split " ", shift) {
> >     push @l, (/^(.*)\*$/ ? r($1 || '.') : $_);
> > }
> >
> > exec @l;
> (there is also the problem of . and .. that's resolved here)
> Thanks, Pixel.


From: Gary Momarison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: real time linux
Date: 12 Jan 1999 09:30:24 -0800

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Canright) writes:

> 1st, is this the right linux newsgroup?  There are so many
> comp.os.linux.pick-your-type groups, but none with "real-time".

I don't know what would be better.

> 2nd.  How do you disable and restore preemption of tasks in a real
> time Linux?  For example, in wrs68k RTOS we have "taskLock()" to
> disable preemption and "taskUnlock()" to restore reemption.  Is there
> anything equivalent or similar in Linux?

I can't answer the question or even direct you to one, but you might
find something interesting in Gary's Encyclopedia at

The rtlinux site at had a list of users; you could try your
question on some of them.  And there are other RT Linuxes and other
RT OSes.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jedi)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Linux: Fight for survival or on victory march?
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 17:12:13 -0800

On Tue, 12 Jan 1999 20:11:12 GMT, nic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Has any-one ever tried to buy a PC without windoze on it?

        Sure... just from sources other than what Ma and Pa
        Kettle would be interested in. 

>On 7 Jan 1999 21:12:59 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
>>>>first, the cost is the last thing a home user will look at.
>>>     bwahahaha...
>>>     No, the first thing the 'home user' is gonna look
>>>     at is is 'everyone else' using it.
>>>     Then will come price.
>>Ok, this then does not contrdict what I said, which implies that price
>>is not what end user first looks at. You said what I said but in diffent way.
>>>     Nope. Home users don't want MS bundleware because it's
>>>     good, they want it because 'everyone else' is using it.
>>and everyone is using Window application becuase? aha! Marketing, right? 
>>we have such a great office applications on Unix/Linux, but those 
>>dam M$ Marketing people just wont let any one else on the streets know 
>>about it!
>>Bob (call me Bill too).

                Herding Humans ~ Herding Cats
Neither will do a thing unless they really want to, or         |||
is coerced to the point where it will scratch your eyes out   / | \
as soon as your grip slips.

        In search of sane PPP docs? Try


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Richardson)
Subject: Re: Consumer Poll Says Microsoft Is Good For Consumers
Date: 13 Jan 1999 03:22:25 GMT

On Tue, 12 Jan 1999 03:32:16 GMT, 
 Andrew Levin  
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> brought forth the following words...:

>Jeremy Crabtree wrote:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] allegedly wrote:
>> [SNIP]
>> >man, these Linux geeks have to get out more and learn about the real world
>> >to find what people use computers for!
>> YOU mean to tell ME that /I/ am the /ONLY/ one who bought for heating
>> purposes?!?! <G>
>Actually, I find windows to be a much more efficient radiator.  Linux is
>my air conditioner.
>Andrew Levin

Funnilly enough, my wife and I have Identical Fujitsu C340 laptops (great 
machine apart from the internal modem) and she is still mostly using M$W98
whilst I use allmost exclusively RH5.1 (now 5.2 thanks to the Office Max 
free linux deal.) 
 These are identical machines, the only differance being the pcmcia ethernet
card in mine, and the use of os. Yet hers gets hotter, and the fan runs more 
often than mine, even when mine is on almost continuously. Could be some
minor electrical variations, etc, but it is an interesting data point.

Jim Richardson
        Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
        Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthew Olson)
Subject: WP 8.0 Converting Word 97 files
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 03:28:16 GMT

I am having problems converting Word 97 documents into Word Perfect docs.  
It correctly identifies them and then says Filtrix unable to convert document.
I did a full install.  Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

Matt Olson


From: David Kirkpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Let A Linux server look like a W95 / NT Share?
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 12:22:48 +0000

If you installed samba etc and edit /etc/smb.conf the Linux box
will appear as a computer icon just like the other NT computers
on the network (seamless).  The Linux icon can be clicked and you
get prompted for your linux login - just like NT to NT.  You can 
map all the Linux drives to the NT machine in an NT manner for
drop and drag between machines.  The user need not know anything
about the linux machine.  On the linux side the difficulties are
fairly straight forward and conquered with the HOWTO's and man
pages.  Again if you installed samba and its running by default
(check ps xw | grep nmbd and smbd) then about all thats needed is
the edit of the samb.conf which will require a few checks back to 
the man pages for proper entries - not difficult.  
   The thing that seems to trip people up is passwd encoding. 
people turn off encoding on the NT side by editing some value in 
the registry.  I turned on encoding on th Samba side and it made
the proper files for me.  Probaby this would be a better way to 
go rather than upsetting other possible NT to NT relations by 
changing encryption

Johan Prins wrote:
> I am trying to get Linux accepted in my office, not only by the
> unix-people who are used to ftp rather than to drag & drop. That means
> that I need to "show" the linux box to the other machines the "easy"
> way.
> Does the SMB feature within Linux do that job, or does it just add the
> capability to the linux box to see SMB shares on Nt machines?
> (sorry, quite a basic question)
> --
> Johan Prins
> Johan.Prins at synstar-international com



From: Gary Momarison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to print a man page?
Date: 12 Jan 1999 19:35:19 -0800


> Hey dudes! I'm trying to print man page on ipfwadm , but i can't find how to

man -t ipfwadm | lpr

if you've got lpr set up (that's "setup" to those from RioLinda) to
handle Postscript.

Look for Linux info at and in
Gary's Encyclopedia at


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dave Tholen)
Subject: Re: Statement of Bill Neukom As Government Rests Its Case
Date: 13 Jan 1999 03:36:52 GMT

Netnerd writes:

> Netscape's problem has always been, as is the challenge to anyone in
> this business, creating technology that's useful,

They did that.

> easy to use,

They did that.

> that people want,

They did that.

> and making that technology available at an affordable price.

They did that.  Where's the problem with Netscape?

In reality, the problem is competing when the competition is dumping.
Navigator didn't simply pop into thin air.  People spent time working
on it, and the time of those people costs money.  This is, after all,
a business, isn't it, as opposed to a hobby?  Has Microsoft actually
figured the cost of developing Internet Explorer and charged a fair
price for it?

> We're going to go from speculation and snippets and rhetoric to
> facts and fair analysis and sound conclusions.

Since when is "Do we have a plan for what we want Apple to do to
undermine Sun?" a speculation?

> And we look forward to sharing with you evidence that's reliable
> and that supports the conclusion that Microsoft is doing what 
> consumers want it to do.

Since when do consumers want Apple to undermine Sun?

> We're making it possible for people to be better informed,

Or misinformed, as the case may be.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Loose Nut)
Subject: Re: make zImage => goes wrong , make dep clean => goes alright
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 03:57:44 GMT

On Wed, 13 Jan 1999 01:50:03 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kenyon
Ralph) wrote:

>On Mon, 11 Jan 1999 21:31:58 +0000, Onion Ok wrote:
>> being unstable. When I do "make dep clean" , It goes alright. But when I
>> do "make zImage" , after about 15 minutes it gives errors about
>> "checksum.o" , it says: "already configured" and then it stops and there
>> is no zImage file.
>I don't know for sure, but try doing a 'make distclean' which will make it
>all fresh.  Then try everything over again.

Maybe my question here is your answer, maybe not. Are you doing...

"make dep clean"

command? Is this ok to do? I usually do...

make config
make dep
make clean
make zImage

in that order. Let me know if I'm just confused here.

Loose Nut
"Monetary systems cannot exist without poverty."


Crossposted-To:  comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: compiler for linux
Date: 12 Jan 1999 17:57:52 GMT

On Tue, 12 Jan 1999 13:26:32 GMT, David M. Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Tue, 12 Jan 1999 13:11:45 GMT, David M. Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>On Mon, 11 Jan 1999 17:42:38 -0500, Brandon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>If compiling it wont allow it to work on a win95 machine using gcc,
>>>would it be possible to use some sort of Borland program on linux so
>>>that it will work a win95 machine? ? Which if it is possible I would
>>>need to know if there is such a program available, hopefully free.
>>Use the following switches to gcc: -ansi -pedantic
>Ooops.  Didn't read too carfully.  The above will ensure that your code is
>ANSI compliant, but you still have to recompile it under Borland.  Checking
>your code with two different compilers is not a bad idea anyway.
>There is something called cross-elf that would allow you to compile DOS
>executables under Linux, but I've never tried it.  It may also be possible to
>set DJGPP up as a cross-compiler.  Neither sounds worth the bother if
>you ask me, but I'm lazy.
>However if you bring your laptop and can show your instructor your running
>program, I don't see why he should care what compiler/platform you use.
>Dave Cook

That's the way i look at it too. My instructor didn't care which os it was
written for as long as it ran on the computer it was built on. But then i
had a savvy instructor too.   (;


From: Marco Anglesio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux, Unix or Unix alike?
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 17:01:43 GMT

Andy Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> believe HP-UX are not based on the AT&T UNIX kernel.  And SunOS (or as
> Sun likes to call it now, "Solaris") was originally NOT AT&T-based, but
> Sun switched.

Or it's not UNIX98 compliant (although I think that only one, or perhaps
two, of the existing AT&T Unix derivates are). As the standards become
more current, you get fewer and fewer unices in full complicance. Some
will never be. 

I believe, as well, that SunOS (now defunct) and Solaris, while both
produced by Sun, are different: one is BSD-ish and one is SVR4-ish, I
believe respectively. Each of the commercial unices borrows some features
from BSD and some from System V; the reference implementation for BSD is,
of course, BSD 4.4, and I'm not sure what the reference implementation for
SVR4 is. Perhaps someone could expand.


Marco Anglesio                                    Like Captain Idiot 
mpa at the-wire dot com                 in Astounding Science comics              (The Manchurian Candidate)


From: Thomas Boggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Can I make linux DGL Compatible?
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 12:04:04 -0500

I am using my linux machine to run remote apps off of an SGI Indigo
Impact (running Irix 6.2).    My machine is running Red Hat 5.2.  Some
GUI-based apps running on the SGI display normally on my linux display,
but other apps quickly abort.  For example, trying to run jot (text
editor), I get the following error:

dgl error (protocol): remote machine not DGL capable -
dgl error (default init): default
dglopen(,4) returned  -13

DGL is referring to the "Distributed Graphics Library" (from the dgld
man page).  Is there something equivalent to dgld that runs on linux?

When trying to run another GUI-based app, I get the following:

X Error of failed request:  BadAccess (attempt to access private
resource denied)
  Major opcode of failed request:  28 (X_GrabButton)
  Serial number of failed request:  1492
  Current serial number in output stream:  1591

I'm not an X programmer, so I have no idea what's going wrong with this

If anyone can help here, I'd really appreciate it.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian J King)
Subject: RPM and tar are slow...
Date: 13 Jan 1999 04:06:56 GMT

I just had to reinstall my linux system after a hard drive crash and since
then I have noticed that both tar and rpm operate unbelievable slow. I am
running the 2.2.0-pre4 kernel, version 2.5.5-5.2 of rpm, and version
1.12-4 of tar. It wasn't nearly this slow before, but now its REALLY slow.
Is there anything more I need to upgrade to get these utils back up to


Brian King


From: "Kenny Sylliboy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.misc,linux.redhat.install
Subject: Re: does the Diamond SupraExpress 56i Modem do linux?
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 00:21:05 -0400

>From what I read from the group, you can't use a winmodem in linux or dos,
well how do you explain I'm able to use my modem in dos but not in linux?
And I think it the same kind mentioned below.  P.S. it does not have a
winmodem icon like USR winmodems, and it does not have jumper settings to
manually select com or irq.  But it requires a disk to load software.  So
any ideas on what kind of modem we have, mines is model supra2260.

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:77h548$oap$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>In article <77akjl$kff$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>> Is my Diamond SupraExpress 56i Modem a WinModem?  Diamond won't answer my
>> questions.
>> If it is, what would be a good, hassle free modem to buy for RedHat 5.2?
>> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
>While I was researching modems for linux, I came away with the impression
>that SupraExpress was OK...the SupraMax is a winmodem. If you have a
>winmodem icon in control panel and no jumpers on the card (to set com and
>irq, disabling PnP) then it's definitely a winmodem. I ended up getting a
>Cardinal Connecta 3440 which works fine.  Someone recently said Egghead has
>them for $40, I got mine through EBay. Good Luck Keith Brilhart
>-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 10:23:45 -0800
From: William O'Neal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: DHCP and RH linux 5.2

i just installed RH linux 5.2 and everything worked great. DHCP passed
and i was able to access the Internet. i was a happy man...until i
rebooted my machine.

after the reboot i started seeing these error messages...

Using DHCP for eth0 ... failed

eth0: Host error, FIFO diagnostic register ffff.
eth0: Too much work in interrupt, status ffff. Temporarily disabling

why would DHCP work after the initial install then subsequently fail?
and does anyone have any suggestions? i've been pouring the DHCP
mini-howto and none of the suggestions there have helped.




MulchMagazine (

"Cause the world doesn't need any more humble Negroes."


From: Davidson Corry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Can NT see ext2fs partitions? (was Re: can linux see ntfs partitions?)
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 10:12:19 -0800

Rick Moen wrote:

> has an add-on driver
> that you could use.  Alternatively, use a recent 2.1/2.2prerelease
> kernel, which has it built in.  (In the _most_ recent beta kernels,
> there's even an option to enable experimental read/write access.)

My understanding was that NTFS has some quirks that are not publicly
documented, and that prevents writing a Linux driver for NTFS, at least
one that lets you write to the partition from Linux without upsetting NT later.
Is this wrong? Out of date? Or has Bill decided to go open-source with
Windows 2000? <grin>

For folks who have to co-exist Linux with NT, has anyone gone the other
way? That is, is there an NT Installable File System driver for ext2? Does
Microsoft document their IFS API well enough to write one? [In passing,
I note fsdext2, a Win95 driver for ext2, but it is read-only.]

Thanks for any info you can provide.  -- Davidson Corry


Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Newbie Needs Linux Help [was: nasty comment about Linus]
Date: 11 Jan 1999 03:00:31 GMT

In the sacred domain of comp.os.linux.misc didst Chris Wolfe 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> eloquently scribe:
: If you really like dir, use the 'ln' command in Linux ('man ln' for more
: info) to create a symbolic link from /bin/dir, or /bin/list, to the ls
: program.

Wouldn't alias be slightly less.... messy?
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|                                                 |
|     Andrew Halliwell     | "ARSE! GERLS!! DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!!!"          |
|      Finalist in:-       | "THAT WOULD BE AN ECUMENICAL MATTER!...FECK!!!! |
|     Computer Science     | - Father Jack in "Father Ted"                   |
|GCv3.12 GCS>$ d-(dpu) s+/- a C++ US++ P L/L+ E-- W+ N++ o+ K PS+  w-- M+/++ |
|PS+++ PE- Y t+ 5++ X+/X++ R+ tv+ b+ DI+ D+ G e>e++ h/h+ !r!| Space for hire |


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chetan Ahuja)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Linux fails to boot after dual-booting Windows 95;Reinstall LILO and it 
works again!?
Date: 12 Jan 1999 18:26:32 GMT

Eric Hardwick ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris) wrote:

: >Is your Win95 partition FAT or FAT32?  There is a known bug in Linux (as
: >of 2.0.36) which *may* cause the kernel to crash if you mount a defective
: >filesystem.  To the FAT12/16 code, a FAT32 filesystem *is* defective.
: >Next time you get a successful Linux boot, edit the fstab file so that the
: >Win95 filesystem does not auto-mount.  You may find that this cures the
: >problem.
: >

: Yes it is FAT32. I just tried your suggestion. It seemed to work the
: first time I booted win95 and then Linux. Linux booted correctly all
: the way through. So I tried it again...Booted windows then Linux. No
: go. Same problem. One thing was different the first time, might mean
: nothing. I used 'rmmod' to unload the vfat module, then rebooted into
: windows, then Linux. This worked. Another round of reboots and Linux
: *doesn't* boot. I don't really think this is the cause but can someone
: tell me how to prevent the vfat module from loading during boot up? Is
: it a config file I need to edit?

   Yes.. the file you need to edit is /etc/fstab  
      just remove the line that is mounting the win95 partition... or 
you can make the fourth field ( the one after vfat)  read 'noauto'
(without the quotes) That means not to mount the file system automatically...

: Thanks for the suggestions.

: Eric Hardwick



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: HELP: Setting up a DIAL-IN PPP SERVER on my Linux box??
Date: 12 Jan 1999 18:35:47 GMT


>I know others have probably asked, but I'm not sure so I'll
>ask.....Does anyone know how to set up a Dial-In PPP Server on a Linux
>Machine so i can dial into it from afar and get tcp/ip routing to work
>with it??? Sort of like having a single user ISP going on, ya know? If
>anyone can help, thanks in advance, if not......ask someone who might
>know AND thanks in advance...or something

a) Get mgetty and install it and configure /etc/inittab to run mgetty on
the serial port.
S1:345:respawn:/sbin/mgetty  ttyS1  
(my modem is on Com2 or ttyS1)
b) Set up mgetty in the files /etc/mgetty+sendfax/*

c) Make SURE IP forwarding is turned on in your system ( On Redhat 5.x,
make sure that 
in /etc/sysconfig/network

d) put the options in the /etc/ppp/options file
idle 1800

noauth means the outside user is to use standard login authentication,
not PAP or CHAP, proxyarp is so that other machines know that yours is
where to send packets to for the remote machine, idle 1800 is to
disconnect after 1800 sec of no activity.
(Do not run AutoPPP in mgetty if you are using noauth)
(If you want AutoPPP-- ie ppp starts up on receipt of a ppp negotiation
packet from the remote end immediately after a connection is made-- then
you must set up PAP or CHAP authentication)


From: Neil Zanella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: man pages and Texinfo
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 14:48:53 -0330

Personally, I feel that the texinfo (why tex?) move is a bad choice.

Man pages were so much better.

Plus, some people don't want to bother with Emacs and many are still

running Fvwm to save memory.


On 5 Jan 1999, Gary Momarison wrote:

> "Bruce H. Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > With RH 5.2, man chmod gives me the man page okay, but it says the
> > "documentation is no longer being maintained... The Texinfo
> > documentation is now the authoritative source"
> > 
> > Obviosly Texinfo is Tex, but where do I find it? I've noticed several
> > man pages with this disclaimer.
> Well, the GNU leadership (Dr. Stallman?) decided it would be better
> to write and maintain the GNU documentation in one reasonably well
> structured format and translate it into the various forms that
> work for different needs (Emacs users being the most important).
> They made a tool "info" that works for those foolish enough to
> not learn basic Emacs.  And, apparently, nobody has written something
> to create a man page from the raw source.
> What's really maddening is when you use the "info" program and IT
> just displays a regular man page with te same statement you quoted.
> The info scheme is not real bad if you learn it, but it's being
> replaced by better schemes from GNOME and KDE, we hope.  They'll
> never be as easy to use as a simple man page, I'm guessing.



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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