Linux-Misc Digest #649, Volume #18               Sun, 17 Jan 99 00:13:07 EST

  Re: How can I use vesablank to shut off my monitor from X? (Rob Mahurin)
  Re: Are conditional symbolic links possible? (William Burrow)
  Re: How to make a screendump under Linux ? (David M. Cook)
  HELP 2.2.0pre7 (Barry Hawkins)
  Re: This is Linux, not Windows, so why not superior flexibility AND idiot-friendly? 
(Alexander Viro)
  Re: This is Linux, not Windows, so why not superior flexibility AND idiot-friendly? 
(George Marengo)
  Re: Syslog dies at boot time. (Eric Potter)
  Re: kernel 2.2.0pre7 can't find map file ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux is not even in Windows 9X's class. (Lou)
  Re: My partition choice (Carl Fink)
  Re: Postscript printing problem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: This is Linux, not Windows, so why not superior flexibility AND idiot-friendly? 
  no users (Tamas)
  Re: Linux is not even in Windows 9X's class. (Alexander Viro)
  Re: Linux is not even in Windows 9X's class. (Alexander Viro)


From: Rob Mahurin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: How can I use vesablank to shut off my monitor from X?
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 04:05:08 +0000

Rob Mahurin wrote:
> How can I use the VESA blanking program (defined in
> /usr/src/linux/drivers/char/vesa_blank.c) that successfully powers down
> my monitor from the console from X?
> Trying to use "xset +dpms" doesn't work; apparently that uses a
> different protocol.  "xset dpms force standby|suspend|off" all blank my
> screen, but make a rather frightening intermittent buzz somewhere in the
> innards of my monitor.

OK, I've figured this part out.  Turns out that if I run an 

xset s blank s <timeout>

the frightening intermittent buzzing sound only occurs while the screen
is dpms'ed off but has not yet been blanked.  That's not entirely
clearly said; but my dabbling is pasted to the bottom of this post.

Basically, what I figured out is that I have to have the screen be
blanked or the DPMS controls fail.  I haven't with a screensaver
running, because I don't have one set up now and have been boring myself
with this for almost half an hour, but I'm curious.  Is this a bug in
xset?  a feature? a quirk in my hardware?  does anybody care?  now that
I've figured out what I have to do get the behavior that I want without
the scary noises (xset s blank s 600 dpms 600 0 1200), should I drop the
issue or try to get the X people to include this in the documentation
(e.g., "on some hardware these features emit a frightening buzzing sound
unless the screen is already blanked out")?  

I would appreciate any responses.


Linux rhct093 2.0.34 #1 Sun Jan 10 11:32:52 CST 1999 i586 unknown
Running Debian 2.0 (hamm)
XFree86[tm] 3.3.2
window manager Fvwm Version 2.0.46 (should that matter?)
Sony CPD-100VS monitor

22:20 $ xset s 0 ; xset dpms 10 0 0; sleep 20; xset -dpms ; xset s
activate ; play snore.wav 
22:21 $ # buzz.  blank but no power change.  no unblank.
22:21 $ xset s 0 ; xset dpms 0 10 0; sleep 20; xset -dpms ; xset s
activate ; play snore.wav 
22:22 $ # no buzz.  suspended correctly.  did not unblank
22:23 $ xset s 0 ; xset dpms 0 0 10; sleep 20; xset -dpms ; xset s
activate ; play snore.wav 
22:23 $ # buzz.  blank but no power change.  no unblank.

22:24 $ xset s 3 ; xset dpms 10 0 0; sleep 20; xset -dpms ; xset s
activate ; play snore.wav 
22:25 $ # no buzz.  blanked then powered down.  unblanked.
22:25 $ xset s 3 ; xset dpms 0 10 0; sleep 20; xset -dpms ; xset s
activate ; play snore.wav 
22:25 $ # no buzz.  blanked then powered down.  unblanked.
22:25 $ xset s 3 ; xset dpms 0 0 10; sleep 20; xset -dpms ; xset s
activate ; play snore.wav 
22:26 $ xset s 3 ; xset dpms 0 0 10; sleep 20; xset -dpms ; xset s
activate ; play snore.wav 
22:26 $ # no buzz before powerdown.  unblanked.  did not play sound
22:27 $ play snore.wav 
22:27 $ # that worked.  my speakers are physically on my monitor, must
have been off still

22:27 $ xset s 15 ; xset dpms 10 0 0; sleep 20; xset -dpms ; xset s
activate ; play snore.wav 
22:28 $ # buzz until powerdown.  unblanked.
22:29 $ xset s 15 ; xset dpms 0 10 0; sleep 20; xset -dpms ; xset s
activate ; play snore.wav 
22:30 $ # no buzz ; powered down ; unblanked
22:30 $ xset s 15 ; xset dpms 0 0 10; sleep 20; xset -dpms ; xset s
activate ; play snore.wav 
22:30 $ # buzz until powerdown.  unblanked.  did not play snound
22:31 $ play snore.wav 
22:31 $ # that worked.

22:31 $ xset s 150 ; xset dpms 10 0 0; sleep 20; xset -dpms ; xset s
activate ; play snore.wav 
22:31 $ # buzz, no powerdown, no unblank
22:32 $ xset s 150 ; xset dpms 0 10 0; sleep 20; xset -dpms ; xset s
activate ; play snore.wav 
22:32 $ # buzz, powerdown, powerup at snore but screen stayed blank
22:32 $ xset s 150 ; xset dpms 0 0 10; sleep 20; xset -dpms ; xset s
activate ; play snore.wav 
22:33 $ # buzz, no powerdown, heard snore but screen stayed blank

22:41 $ xset s 10 dpms 10 0 0 ; sleep 20 ; xset s activate -dpms ; play
22:43 $ # powerdown & unblank correctly
22:43 $ xset s 10 dpms 0 10 0 ; sleep 20 ; xset s activate -dpms ; play
22:43 $ # powerdown & unblank correctly
22:44 $ xset s 10 dpms 0 0 10 ; sleep 20 ; xset s activate -dpms ; play
22:44 $ # powerdown & unblank correctly, but no sound
22:44 $ play snore.wav 
22:44 $ # all good


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William Burrow)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Are conditional symbolic links possible?
Date: 16 Jan 1999 01:55:28 GMT

On 15 Jan 1999 02:58:00 GMT,
L J Bayuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Is there any way whatsoever (even a quick and dirty way) to make netscape see
>> as pointing to one version of libc, while other programs linked to
>> see it as pointing to a different version? Perhaps this is not
>>possible directly, but could a shell script successfully accomplish this
>>while letting apps that use the two different versions co-exist peacefully?
>   export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path-to-special-lib
>   netscape ...
>This should make netscape look in the given path for its
>libraries before the regular places.

You can also use LD_PRELOAD to specify the exact library you want used:

export LD_PRELOAD="/lib/"

William Burrow  --  New Brunswick, Canada             o
Copyright 1999 William Burrow                     ~  /\
                                                ~  ()>()


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David M. Cook)
Subject: Re: How to make a screendump under Linux ?
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 02:35:21 GMT

On Fri, 15 Jan 1999 23:20:49 +0100, Frank Gramczewski

>May be this is a silly question but how do I get the contents of a
>screen  to a file. In other words how can I create a screen dump ? Is
>there any command like "script" (this exists under HP-UX and Reliant
>UNIX) ?

Did you try typing script?  Is it not on you machine?

Dave Cook


From: Barry Hawkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HELP 2.2.0pre7
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 21:33:14 -0500

I am having a major probleming compiling kernel 2.2.0pre7 and I have
never had any problem with previous kernels. When compiling I get the
followingf messages:

make[2]: Entering directory '/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/lib'
gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I /usr/src/linux/include -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2
-fomit-frame-pointer -D__SMP__ -pipe -fno-strength-reduce -m486
-malign-loops=2 -malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -DCPU=586 -c -o
checksum.o checksum.c

checksum.c:200: redefinition of 'csum_partial_copy'
checksum.c :105: 'csum_partial_copy' previously defined here
{standard input}: Assembler messges:
{standard input}:188:Fatal error: Symbol csum_partial_copy already

If any one could help with this problem I would greatly appreciate it.

I am running Linux 2.0.36 fine(I installed and compiled it myself with
no hitch) I am using a Cyrix P166+ with 48Mb RAM. If that helps.

Thank You in advance,


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alexander Viro)
Subject: Re: This is Linux, not Windows, so why not superior flexibility AND 
Date: 16 Jan 1999 23:09:12 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Hasler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Alexander Viro writes:
>> Damn it, folks, it's getting ridiculuos. *Writing* grep from scratch takes
>> less than week.
>Write it in perl and it should take less than a day.  Two days if you've
>never used perl before.
        In Perl it would take one line and three minutes. But it's kinda
cheating - if you have Perl you are likely to know where to find grep. BTW,
it *is* one of examples in the Perl FAQ. The point being that grep by itself
is simple and could be written on anything that gives sequential IO.

>> Even Windows should provide *that* much.
>And when you are done try using it on a Word97 document.
        Nah, when somebody sends me such turdlet it bounces to happy sender.
Along with the flame regarding S/N ratio for such things. I consider it
mailbombing - 1Mb for 20K of text means that 980K were plain and simple binary
junk. Sent to my mailbox. 20K of text that went along with them are not an

"You're one of those condescending Unix computer users!"
"Here's a nickel, kid.  Get yourself a better computer" - Dilbert.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (George Marengo)
Subject: Re: This is Linux, not Windows, so why not superior flexibility AND 
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 03:12:11 GMT

On Fri, 15 Jan 1999 18:49:30 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jedi)

>On 16 Jan 1999 01:01:57 GMT, Gregory Loren Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>In article <77ofit$h87$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>So true - what you use is what you like.  A foreign graduate student here
>>>was all frustrated with windows because he was used to UNIX and coudn't
>>>figure out how to grep in windows.
>>Can you?
>       Is there anything outside of a ported unix tool
>       that does regular expressions in Windows?

Is there some reason why it would matter if it was ported or not? 
If the tool is available, what difference does it make?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric Potter)
Subject: Re: Syslog dies at boot time.
Date: 12 Jan 1999 17:42:30 GMT

[Posted and mailed]

Enkidu enlightened this group thus:
> Subject says it all. No messages that I can see. It takes a long time
> to attempt to start, then fails to create messages, debug, and syslog
> files. (I rename these on shutdown) This has happened since a system
> crash.
> System is Linux 2.0.22.
> Cliff

See if sendmail is working.  I once lost my message logging and it was due to 
a broken sendmail.  I'm not sure what the exact relationship is, however.

   *  ^  \     ___@      
 *^  / \  \   |  \       
 / \/   \  \__|   \      
/  /   ^ \  \     
  /       \  \           Eric Potter
 /  ^   ^  \  \          


Crossposted-To: fa.linux.kernel
Subject: Re: kernel 2.2.0pre7 can't find map file
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 02:11:52 GMT

I don't have an answer, only more questions:

I am running an alpha (164LX) which until now did not create a map file for
each kernel (no "lilo" to run to do this).

I get the same error.  Some of my modules load, but others do not:

 modprobe: can't locate module char-major-14

I suspect this is an unrelated problem...

BTW someone mentioned (forgot where) that no mod utils woker with 2.1/2 and
2.0 correctly?  Until I started using 2.1.121 the above error did not appear.

2.1.85 worked fine, I only upgraded because the Changes file suggested it for
the 2.2.0 kernels.  It also worked with 2.0.34+

oh well...


In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Frank Hale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gary Momarison wrote:
> >
> > Frank Hale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > > I have 2.2.0pre7 loaded on my RedHat 5.2 box and everything is good. I
> > > upgraded my modutils package to modutils-2.1.121. I also recompiled it
> > > for my glibc version.
> > >
> > > I get the following errors on boot
> > >
> > > Jan 15 00:29:16 FranksPC kernel: Cannot find map file.
> > > Jan 15 00:29:16 FranksPC kernel: Error seeking in /dev/kmem
> > > Jan 15 00:29:16 FranksPC kernel: Error adding kernel module table entry.
> > >
> > >
> > > But the system is fine. All my modules load. PPP works, I can dial up to
> > > my ISP, mount drives, use my sound card. No other error but that.
> > >
> > > I copied the to the /boot directory after I compiled
> > > 2.2.0-pre7 and I created the symlink. But I can't get rid of that error.
> >
> > You didn't say you reran "lilo". Do it so the boot record knows where
> > the new map file is located.
> >
> > I was wondering about that myself. After installing 2.2.0-pre6, I almost
> > did "rpm -e kernel", but that probably would have removed the map files.
> > So where are they supposed to come from. The kernel tarball I think has
> > one (or makes one), but it doesn't install it. What gives? I'm still
> > using this:  /boot/ -> and it seems OK.
> >
> Yes I ran /sbin/lilo , I swear all the answers people give me I have
> seen on about a million times. And none of those answers
> fix the problem.
> --
> From:      Frank Hale
> Email:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ICQ:     7205161
> Homepage:
> Jade:
> Windows VirusScan 1.0 - "Windows found: Remove it? (Y/N)"

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Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Linux is not even in Windows 9X's class.
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 03:14:23 GMT

>Quake3 will be released for Linux the same day as the Windows and Mac
>version are.
 I became aware of this about a half hour after I posted my games
theroy.  I still stand behind it, I just wish I'd used Starcraft or
NASCAR Racing as my example


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Carl Fink)
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.questions,comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: My partition choice
Date: 17 Jan 1999 03:24:55 GMT

On 16 Jan 1999 23:59:17 GMT, Ilya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>/swap    512  MB
>I have pretty much made up my mind about /swap.

You don't mount your swap partition as /swap -- it's not ext2 and
isn't mountable at all.  Also, unless they've changed it with kernel
versions above 2.0.x, you can't make a single swap partition that big,
it would have to be four or so separate swap partitions (which is easy
to do).  For maximum speed, you should put multiple swap partitions on
different physical disk drives (if you have more than one).

Note also that according to the Partitions-HOWTO, swap larger than
three times your physical RAM is unlikely to be used.  Note further
that unless your machine is a heavily loaded server or you are doing
some sort of fantastically RAM-intensive task (i.e. graphics
processing on 100 MB bitmaps) you're unlikely to need that much swap.

For an example, this 48 MB Linux box, running notorious RAM hog
Netscape Navigator plus innd plus a proxy server plus various other
stuff, has done NO swapping since I booted it.  I've never managed to
use more than 12 MB of RAM since I got it set up.  

That's a single-user machine -- as I said, servers are different.
Carl Fink               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Your brain is actually a fabulously complex computer, which means that
on Jan. 1, 2000, it will stop working and your body will flop around
like a recently caught perch."   (Dave Barry, slightly paraphrased.)


Subject: Re: Postscript printing problem
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 22:05:04 GMT

I had somewhat, though not quite the same problem, printing to my BJC-4000 (it
does not support postscript).  I'm printing to a Win95 box through a TCP/IP
network.  What I had to do was to use setup the filter using the printer
configuration utility in the control-panel, then edit the postscript.cfg file
in the lp directory.  I had to comment out the "COLOR=" line.  I imaging you
would have to do something else, but I hope that gives you someplace to look.


In article <76p30l$mmt$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Hi all,
> I'm having a problem printing from my RH 5.1 machine to a TCP/IP print server
> over Ethernet.        The print server is running on an NT 4.0 machine running
> TCP/IP printing services. If I set printtool up with no printer filter, ASCII
> test pages from Red Hat printtool print fine, but postscript ends up printing
> the postscript code rather than the images that the code represents.  If I
> set printtool up with the "PostScript printer" filter, it just prints pages
> of postscript code no matter what type of test page I send to the printer.
> My macintosh machines can print to it fine.  The printer is an IBM 4029 with
> Postscript option and 6MB of RAM.  It works great except for this situation.
> Anybody have any experience in this type of environment?
> Please advise.  Thanks!
> adam
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>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

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Subject: Re: This is Linux, not Windows, so why not superior flexibility AND 
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 21:29:56 -0600

That's a FINE question, Kevin!!  Linux was devolved for US, the UNDESERVING
end-users, to be used FREE OF COST if need be.  And it DOES get better every
day.  I just upgraded from Red Hat 5.1 to 5.2 because the features are
10-fold.  I even have sound now!!  Sure, I had to put out several duckets to
get a large installation manual and some OK support, but, at worst, if you
don't want to install from an FTP site, then you have to pay
$1.98 for the distribution OF YOUR CHOICE.  What the heck does a person
expect for $1.98?  I won't even give you the time of day for $1.98, and yet
this HUGE collaboration of professional software developers is willing to
provide you with an ENTIRE UN*X compatible networking OS for FREE (or next
to it)  .  I could probably obtain all of the monies required for a full,
updated Linux distribution in 5 minutes on a local street corner and have
more than enough change for a 1/2 case of beer and a pack of ciggies.  I
think that all of the people I have heard in the newsgroups talking about
how hard Linux is to deal with compared to Windoze should get off their
butts and develope something that's better, and provide it to me for free.

What, it's not ready yet?  Well hurry up, dammit!  And a complimentary tape
drive, 10G or larger, would be nice.  Oh, and my ma has cancer if you can
help with that, too. She says that $10M will fix her right up.

OK, one final point.  If you are going to flame me over my over-opinionated
post, then at least pay me the decency and respect to read this before
pushing "send" --

"If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude better
than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not
your counsel or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May
your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our

- Samuel Adams

Yes, the quote is from Samuel Adams, they brew my favorite beer, too.  But,
the statement is from
That is the URL for the quotation stated above, as supported by the GNU.
Don't know who the GNU is?  Then stop posting to this group.   If you don't
know who the GNU is, then this message means nothing to you.  Just bow down
and beg Mr. Gates not to c*m in your mouth.

I admit, I did miss the first couple of days of this thread, so feel free to
flame me to hell if I've missed the point.


Kevin wrote in message ...

---- snip ----

>If Linux is *not* being shot at the "typical" home user, than you are
>quite right, "hard" is not the issue.
>I guess my point is, what is the goal of users of the Linux platform,

---- snip ----


Crossposted-To: osu.sys.linux
Subject: no users
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 22:35:30 -0500

Hi ,

I am running RH 5.2  I used su command to change file security modes as
an ordinary user. After that I could not login as ordinary user ( no
directory /home/tamas!)  . Fortunately I can login as root and I see
that there is /home/tamas . I created a new user but I got the same
message (no directory /home/proba )

Should I install the whole system again or there is something I can do?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alexander Viro)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Linux is not even in Windows 9X's class.
Date: 15 Jan 1999 22:39:09 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Darin Johnson  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alexander Viro) writes:
>> DEC was
>> *extremely* not amused by existance of BSD, since they considered VAXen as
>> their main product (in -11 times it was -10).
>DEC was actually openly hostile towards UNIX.  DEC was essentially
        AFAIK it became really bad with VAXen. Before that they didn't care
too much about the software on -11.

>anti-UNIX, which is so ironic considering their about face later on.
>Service techs would refuse to service the hardware if they found UNIX
>on it, as they would say it was a software problem (it was a somewhat
>common practice to reload VMS before calling the techs).  Ken Olsen,
>founder and long-time CEO referred to UNIX as "snake oil" (and this
>was even after Ultrix was released).

IIRC, Olsen once told a pretty accurate thing about programmers. It was
along the lines 'they are like an ideal gas - tend to fill any space in
no time'. He was (is) a hardware guy and damned good at it. DEC programmers
were not flattered.

"You're one of those condescending Unix computer users!"
"Here's a nickel, kid.  Get yourself a better computer" - Dilbert.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alexander Viro)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Linux is not even in Windows 9X's class.
Date: 15 Jan 1999 22:41:16 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Darin Johnson  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>But it did use swapping.  Thus you did have virtual memory (ie, the
>machine acted like it had more memory than it did).  From the start,
>UNIX had virtual memory and memory protection, and the 8086 can't
>support those well.  (not that those are necessary for a good home
>computer OS, look at the early 68000 Amiga)

        What kind of memory protection *can* you get on -11/20? Not to
mention -7...

"You're one of those condescending Unix computer users!"
"Here's a nickel, kid.  Get yourself a better computer" - Dilbert.



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