Linux-Misc Digest #680, Volume #18               Mon, 18 Jan 99 15:13:12 EST

  FTP slowing down PPP (Jerome De Greef)
  Re: Display problems in X-windows (Carl-Johan Kjellander)
  Re: Statement of Bill Neukom As Government Rests Its Case (David Kastrup)
  Re: This is Linux, not Windows, so why not superior flexibility AND idiot-friendly? 
(Stephen R. Savitzky)
  Re: Regexp does not work...? (Stephen R. Savitzky)
  Re: Help needed: corrupt mbr (Steve)
  internet phone : whisper and friends... (Neil Zanella)
  Re: Lost with RPM and installing new applications RH Linux 5.2 ("cd")
  Re: Display problems in X-windows (Nathan Cuka)
  RE: Xstart problem??? (cyberbabe)
  Re: Secuity hole with perl (suidperl) and nosuid mounts on Linux (Kiril)
  Re: no ctrl-M in terminal ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Kernel Panic - Help! (Dan Warren)
  Video capture? ("Tom Emerson")
  Re: This is Linux, not Windows, so why not superior flexibility AND  (Bill Anderson)


From: Jerome De Greef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: FTP slowing down PPP
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 16:36:01 +0100


I've a strange problem using PPP 2.3.3 with RedHat 5.1 Kernel 2.0.36,
BocaModem 28.8, P90 48 Mb RAM.
Everything is working fine until I make download (via FTP, MC  or
Netscape). Then, as soon as the file transfer begins (at 2.7 Kb/Sec,
seems OK for a 28.8 modem) , it seems it's using the whole bandwidth and
if I continue to browse, Netscape drops at less than 100 bytes/sec (I've
seen 7 bytes/sec one time :-( ).
I've played with MRU and MTU and using ping I have my response time
ranging from >5000 ms (MRU = 1500) to 800-1000 ms (MRU=296). I use
Asyncmap=0, crtscts, etc

Is it normal or am I missing something (should I say that I never had
this problem with Win95)?

Thanks for helping,


From: Carl-Johan Kjellander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Display problems in X-windows
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 19:36:30 +0100

Steve Sanyal wrote:
> I have an Acerview 76e monitor, and a ATI 3D expression Rage II PC2TV card
> with 4 MB RAM.  I'm running Linux Redhat 5.2, and booting X-windows
> (Xfree86) as my login shell.
> I set the horizontal and vertical sync rates manually in XF86Config, based
> on the specs for my monitor.  I am getting 1024x768 resolution, but I am
> only getting 8 bit colour.

Put DefaultColorDepth to 24 or 32 in the correct section in your

/Carl-Johan Kjellander
main(w,_,a)char*a;{return 1<w?0x7d==*a||main(/*[EMAIL PROTECTED]*/
w,main(-1,*a,"Qw[^@x%|a!=#*r]\nljrJnCa he-oKd"),/*or: [EMAIL PROTECTED]*/
1+a):0<w?main(3,w,"%|^w#@*!|xar[=ww|x]=^Q}"):_==*a/*ICQ#(UIN) 5775899*/
?putchar(0xf[a]):main(w,_,a+1);}/* */


From: David Kastrup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Statement of Bill Neukom As Government Rests Its Case
Date: 18 Jan 1999 13:38:32 +0100

Richard Corfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> In article <#zRVoioP#GA.146@upnetnews03>,
> Netnerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >                                [...] creating technology that's useful,
> >easy to use, that people want, and making that technology available at an
> >affordable price. [...]
> Ha! Ha-Ha! <inane giggle>
> <rant>
> I've just spent a day tying to get Dial Up Networking working in
> Windows95. I should have learned my lesson last time someone asked me
> to help them with this. Anyone who says that Windows is easy, even 
> intuitive, will just get laughed at!

Neither is Linux, at least if you do not have the latest distribs with
a well-working linuxconf available.  Even then you need to know what
you are doing (just the same as with Windows, BTW).

The difference is that when you are royally screwed with Linux, you
have all the HOWTOs and man pages and docs of the system (and, if all
else fails, the source) available for fighting your way through
eventually.  Of course, there are tasks that are infeasible that way.
For example, reading the default info about sendmail and writing an
appropriate program is next to impossible.  You need at
least the canned m4 macros to have a chance of getting it right.  On
the other hand, if the prepackaged goods are not good enough, you have
everything for adding the last missing pieces available.

When you are royally screwed with MS, well, you are royally screwed.
Which can, depending on circumstances, save time (because you have a
valid excuse) or be fatal.

David Kastrup                                     Phone: +49-234-700-5570
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Fax: +49-234-709-4209
Institut für Neuroinformatik, Universitätsstr. 150, 44780 Bochum, Germany


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephen R. Savitzky)
Subject: Re: This is Linux, not Windows, so why not superior flexibility AND 
Date: 17 Jan 1999 10:12:59 -0800

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Allan Olesen) writes:

> >*CAN* you grep in windows?
> Sorry for my Linux ignorance. My experience with Linux is one week
> old, so I may have misunderstood the purpose of grep. Grep is the
> function that can search several files for a text string, right?

Command, not function, but basically yes.  It can also search for
"regular expressions" -- that's the "re" part of the name.  You can also
control case sensitivity, and so on.  The following finds all instances
of "q" not followed by "u" in files with ".html" extensions.:

  grep -i 'q[^u]' *.html

(Note that selecting the .html files is done by the shell, not by grep.)

> You can do that in W95 too. It is part of the standard built-in file
> search function, which can search for file names, sizes, dates and
> text strings. But it cannot replace text strings (don't know if Linux
> grep can), and it cannot be used from a prompt instead of GUI (suppose
> that Linux grep can).

All these functions are actually performed by the "find" command (in
combination with "grep" for text searching and "sed" or "perl" for
replacement).  For example, I use the following little script for
computing line counts and displaying them graphically (using a program,
"xdu", originally designed for displaying disk usage):

find ${*-.} -type f ! -name '*~' ! -name '#*' ! -name '.#*' \
    ! -name '*.class' ! -name '*.o' ! -name '*.log' ! -name '*.zip' \
    -exec wc -l {} \; \
    | xdu -c 4 -name "Line Counts: $*" -geom +105+80

and this one for doing a global replace (replacing "aux" with "util") in
all files named "Repository".

  find . -name "Repository" -exec perl -p -i -e 's@/aux/@/util/@' {} \;

(exactly _why_ I had to do that is left as an exercise for the reader.)

Bottom line: it is Unix's ability to _combine_ commands that makes it so

 /   Steve Savitzky   \ 1997 Pegasus Award winner: best science song--+  \
/ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> \    V   \
\  hacker/songwriter:   \
 \_ Kids' page: MOVED ---> ______/


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephen R. Savitzky)
Subject: Re: Regexp does not work...?
Date: 17 Jan 1999 10:24:33 -0800

Stef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> When I say 
> last | head -1
> I get:
> stef     tty1                          Sun Jan 17 17:55   still logged in
> But when I say:
> last | grep tty[[:digit:]]
> or
> last | grep tty[0123456789]
> I get no matches. What am I missing?

Single quotes around the regexp.  Without the quotes, the _shell_ is
trying to find _files_ that match, and of course there aren't any.


 last | grep 'tty[0123456789]'
             ^               ^
 /   Steve Savitzky   \ 1997 Pegasus Award winner: best science song--+  \
/ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> \    V   \
\  hacker/songwriter:   \
 \_ Kids' page: MOVED ---> ______/


Crossposted-To: uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Help needed: corrupt mbr
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 18:05:44 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Duncan Clarke 
>Ronald Duncan wrote:
>> from a dos boot floppy say: fdisk /mbr
>> This will allow you to boot the ms operating system from the hdd.
>Is there any reason this functionality has not been included in the
>Linux versions of fdisk?  I believe there are ways of doing this with
>dd, but it looked a bit difficult and dangerous.

The MS-DOS (& Windows) MBR is probably Microsoft-copyright code.

Steve Jolly

To reply by email, remove "nospam" from email address.


From: Neil Zanella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: internet phone : whisper and friends...
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 11:01:18 -0330


Has anyone successfully set up an internet phone application for Linux yet?

Internet phone allows two people connected to the internet via a modem

connection to talk by sending data through the internet.

This requires a modem, sound card, mic and speakers on each end.

I wonder whether it is possible to avoid the expenses of a sound card

by using the speakerphone that is built into some modems (?).

Anyway, are there any internet phone applications for Linux other than

whisper ( ?




From: "cd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Lost with RPM and installing new applications RH Linux 5.2
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 10:07:12 -0600

Great advice .... I'm always telling people to RTFM myself, I've been
flipping through it topically for a couple of days now. As well as some
Slackware and other bibles and I've blown the dust off of a couple of other
flavors of UNIX, trying to find the similarities.

I've been trying rpm -ivh as well as GLINTand it always says that there is
nothing to install or that it can't see straight (something like that) ....

I saw mention of checking paths .... so I'm trying to find out how which
file to edit for the default paths.
Trying to use vi again as an editor after all these years is a pain.  I hope
that when I figure out how to install and run WINE and DOSEMU that a few of
those clean MessyDOS editors will run for me :o)

I'm getting closer, but .........

I'm trying to install the apps off of the Bonus CD #3 with RH 5.2 Apollo
Deluxe as well as the apps I've moved to the hard drive.  Still getting
nowhere fast with RPM.  Geez, I just wanted familiarity , I guess I'm
getting that :o)

Maybe I'm as duhmmmm as I look, after all :o)


r d t@c s.q u e e n s u.c a (Bob Tennent) wrote in message
<77v7m7$5pi$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>On Sun, 17 Jan 1999 16:47:21 -0600, cd wrote:
> >
> >How the heck do you install new applications into RH 5.2 i386
> >I've got alot of great apps ( I think ) in  *.rpm  format , they're
> >on the local hard drive
> >But how do I install them.  I must have overlooked some important steps
> >
>You just haven't RTFM.  Check out
>(or your local copy).  You could also try
>rpm -ivh package.i386.rpm
>Bob T.


From: Nathan Cuka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Display problems in X-windows
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 10:09:29 -0600

Steve Sanyal wrote:
> I have an Acerview 76e monitor, and a ATI 3D expression Rage II PC2TV card
> with 4 MB RAM.  I'm running Linux Redhat 5.2, and booting X-windows
> (Xfree86) as my login shell.
> I set the horizontal and vertical sync rates manually in XF86Config, based
> on the specs for my monitor.  I am getting 1024x768 resolution, but I am
> only getting 8 bit colour.
>[snip snip]
> AfterStep thus seems to be causing a lot of weird effects, likely to my lack
> of many colours?  I use 24 or 32 bit colour with Windows NT - how can I get
> the same settings in Linux?

You need to pass in the -bpp 32 flag to your xserver.  I think that you 
can do this from the command line of startx by typing 'startx --bpp 32'
or you can edit the startx script and have it send the -bpp 32 to the
server (all you have to do is add the flag to a variable at the top
of the script).

Good luck.

| Neoglyphics Media Corporation.........
| Have an adequate day.


From: cyberbabe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Xstart problem???
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 11:25:40 -0700

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I'm having trouble starting is what the reply isfrom

Config Error:  /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config:311
         Modes   640x400
Mode name xpected
_X11TransSocketUINIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
giving up.
Xinit: Connection refused (errno 111): unable to connect to X server
Xinit: No such process (errno 3): Server error.

I just have gotten RedHat 5.1 installed and am a newbie to it.  Not new
to computers or DOS though..I just don't know even how to find or load
the program xf86Config to help me configure my XFree 86 system. I have
the Book Using Linux by Que as a guide but it's not helping much.  I'm
just getting the different commands down for copying for floppy drives
and looking inside files...piece of cake in DOS  ;-) Please reply to
newsgroup and my email..

can some one help or at least guide me?


Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<br>I'm having trouble starting is what the reply isfrom
Linux:<font color="#3333FF"></font>
<p><font color="#3333FF">Config Error:&nbsp; /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config:311</font>
<br><font color="#3333FF">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Modes&nbsp;&nbsp; 640x400</font>
<br><font color="#3333FF">Mode name xpected</font>
<br><font color="#3333FF">_X11TransSocketUINIXConnect: Can't connect: errno
= 111</font>
<br><font color="#3333FF">giving up.</font>
<br><font color="#3333FF">Xinit: Connection refused (errno 111): unable
to connect to X server</font>
<br><font color="#3333FF">Xinit: No such process (errno 3): Server error.</font>
<br><font color="#003300">&nbsp;</font>
<br><font color="#003300">I just have gotten RedHat 5.1 installed and am
a newbie to it.&nbsp; Not new to computers or DOS though..I just don't
know even how to find or load the program xf86Config to help me configure
my XFree 86 system. I have the Book Using Linux by Que as a guide but it's
not helping much.&nbsp; I'm just getting the different commands down for
copying for floppy drives and looking inside files...piece of cake in DOS&nbsp;
;-) Please reply to newsgroup and my email..</font><font color="#003300"></font>
<p><font color="#003300">can some one help or at least guide me?</font><font 
<p><font color="#003300">Thanks</font></html>



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.lang.perl.misc
Subject: Re: Secuity hole with perl (suidperl) and nosuid mounts on Linux
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 19:15:42 +0000

Ilya Zakharevich wrote:
> > the script under a sepreate setuid perl interpredir (typically named
> > suidperl).  the script then runs as a regular setuid program.
> But my understanding is that this will happens only on very old
> systems which do not have secure suid scripts.  How did suidperl
> appear on a contemporary clone of Unix?
> Ilya

Suffice to say that it does ....
from perl distribution, file hints/ :

# No version of Linux supports setuid scripts.

Ta Da !


Subject: Re: no ctrl-M in terminal
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 19:06:28 GMT

In article <77hnoa$8ji$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Villy Kruse) wrote:
> In article <77gdd0$3dg$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Could someone help me with the following problem:
> >
> >Sometimes, after killing a process or exiting my login shell with ctrl-D,
> >(I can't tell the exact circumstances, unfortunately),
> >I get a login: prompt which does not allow me to enter my login simply
> >it does not recognize <enter> as a special character. When I type my
> >(rene) and press <enter>, it just displays rene^M. So I am not able to log
> >in on that virtual console any more.
> >
> > ...snip...
> I've seen that too.  This is caused by some daemons having the
> /dev/console open, and because of that the tty driver does not get reset
> when you log off.
> You could try: 'stty sane < /dev/tty1' and see if this helps.
> Villy
It works! but I don't understand why. I would expect it to work if you output
something to the terminal. This command only seems to read from the terminal.
How does it work?


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From: Dan Warren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Kernel Panic - Help!
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 10:21:15 -0600

Can someone tell me the severity of this message and possibly what
caused it:

Kernel panic: skput:over 001a5818:110
In swapper task - not syncing


Dan Warren


From: "Tom Emerson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Video capture?
Date: 18 Jan 1999 19:33:02 GMT

This is more of a hardware query, but I'm also interested in the software
side as well, so to both groups this question goes:

[background] I'm working on a project involving Non-Linear Editing (NLE) of
video tapes, as such I'm looking into newsgroups related to that topic and
I find NO MENTION of anyone using LINUX for video capture...  (of course, I
may not have been looking all that hard -- most people are griping about
how the BUZ is shit and how often Adobe crashes and how wonderful NT is
because they can do disk-striping to get the speed of A/V drives without
the expense [?], so there isn't much talk about the CAPTURE portion of the

[the question(s)]

   1) what video-capture solutions exist for Linux [are there none? >doh<]

   2) OK, I know there is AT LEAST one answer to the above: the new Corel
Netwinder's come with TV-IN and -OUT ports, so I suspect they are capable
of video capture and playback; who has used the new netwinders SPECIFICALLY
for video capture [and/or playback]?

   3) what "media control" devices work with linux?  In particular, I have
a devices that sits on the serial port and "talks" to VCR's and cameras
through what's known as a LANC port.  The LANC controls things like start,
stop, fast-forward, reverse, record -- all the things you can "do" from the
front panel.  In the return direction, it "reports" the current frame as
it's being displayed, so you can do frame-accurate


From: Bill Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: This is Linux, not Windows, so why not superior flexibility AND 
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 12:38:39 -0700

George Marengo wrote:
> On 16 Jan 1999 16:01:06 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gregory
> Loren Hansen) wrote:
> >In article <36a10353.9119122@News>, George Marengo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>On Fri, 15 Jan 1999 18:49:30 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jedi)
> >>wrote:
> >>
> >>>On 16 Jan 1999 01:01:57 GMT, Gregory Loren Hansen 
> >>>>In article <77ofit$h87$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>So true - what you use is what you like.  A foreign graduate student here
> >>>>>was all frustrated with windows because he was used to UNIX and coudn't
> >>>>>figure out how to grep in windows.
> >>>>
> >>>>Can you?
> >>>
> >>>     Is there anything outside of a ported unix tool
> >>>     that does regular expressions in Windows?
> >>
> >>Is there some reason why it would matter if it was ported or not?
> >>If the tool is available, what difference does it make?
> >
> >If it's not on the Windows installation disk, a foreign graduate student
> >isn't likely to find it on the computer in the school's computer lab.  And
> >possibly won't be allowed to put it there if he does find it.
> Whether it's on the install disk is a different issue from whether
> it's ported or not, and why that would make a difference to anyone.

Unless you already know of the ported grep,and are wondering if there is
something *else*.



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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