Linux-Misc Digest #680, Volume #26               Sun, 31 Dec 00 20:13:01 EST

  Re: help burning CD (E J)
  Re: HP Laserjet weirdness (Robert Kiesling)
  Re: Yahoo Messenger for Linux now gives a segmentation fault (Glitch)
  Re: Please help using XAnim ,... (Glitch)
  Re: HP Laserjet weirdness (John Wingate)
  Help - Missing file 'host.ISM' (MySQL) (Brian & Colleen)
  Re: Please help using XAnim ,... (Arctic Storm)
  Re: OT: It's 2001 & M$ refuses to 'see' Linux partitions (Richard Steiner)
  Re: Won't read cdrom (Bill Unruh)
  Re: Upgrading hard-drive ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How to get CPU usage (Brad Bailey)
  Re: Please help using XAnim ,... ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Only change login password via linuxconf --http ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Linux Counter: 164185 registered Linux users ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


Subject: Re: help burning CD
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 22:11:36 GMT

That is probably it.  You should transfer the file as binary.
Check the size of the image on the download site and the size of your
downloaded image and see if they are the
You should also run a MD5Sum to see it the image is exact copy by its
checksum. (I don't know how to do it on a Windows Machine).

"Peter C. Giardina, Ph.D." wrote:

> Hello all,
> I down-loaded a Mandrake disk image to my Dell C: drive. My Sony CD-RW
> software does not recognize the file as a disk image, howevewr.
> I may have mistakenly transferred the file as ascii, but I'm not sure, and
> I don't know how to determine this information. The file extension is
> .ISO, which may be meaningless.
> Any help would be appreciated, as I do not relish the thought of
> down-loading the file again.
> Thanks,
> Peter


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: HP Laserjet weirdness
From: Robert Kiesling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 22:12:55 GMT

webqueen, queen of the web <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> It was a regular ole vi file.. However I just vi'ed another file as a
> TEST and it printed OK.. SO ? I think you're right- now MANY of my old
> ASCII files I could print in RH6.2 no longer print in RH7..

<text deleted>

Software is getting pickier about text formatting conventions due
to internationalization and multibyte characters.  

I'm not sure how that's going to help you, though, unless you'd like
to install your own print filter manually.

Not to be an apologist for Red Hat, either. This is one area where
M$ seems to be ahead.

Robert Kiesling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Web Page :
Linux FAQ:
Tired of spam?  Please forward messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 17:33:53 -0500
From: Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Yahoo Messenger for Linux now gives a segmentation fault

run it in conjunction with ltrace or strace and see if u can track down
why it crashes

i've tried using strace/ltrace though for segfaults and don't get
anywhere, YMMV

man strace/ltrace for more info

u can try emailing them [yahoo] but i doubt they would help

E J wrote:
> After months of faithful service, Yahoo Messenger now gives a
> segmentation fault.
> I removed all the yahoo messenger files and downloaded and reinstall
> yahoo messenger.
> When I input my yahoo id and password, Yahoo Messanger would come up
> briefly with my
> buddy list and their status and give a segmentation fault.


Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 17:34:58 -0500
From: Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Please help using XAnim ,...

Arctic Storm wrote:
> I'm trying to play an AVI movie, so I installed the XAnim rpm.
> Now what?  Issuing the command "xanim" gives an error.

and what error might that be?????

> I can't find the xanim.readme file.
> I tried "man xanim", but it wasn't clear.
> All I want to do is play a simple AVI movie, but I'm having a lot of
> problems.
> Can someone show me how to use xanim to play an AIV movie?
> Thanks.
> ------


From: John Wingate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HP Laserjet weirdness
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 22:34:40 GMT

webqueen, queen of the web <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I configured my HP laserjet4 with printtool, using the HP Laserjet
> 4/5/6 drivers. When I print an ASCII file now I get:

> "No way to print this type of input file: fsav (linux) virus (8293-117)"

Using Red Hat 7.0, by any chance?

This arises from an erroneous entry in /usr/share/magic which causes
/usr/bin/file to classify any file of length at least 12 with a
linefeed (0x0a) at offset 8 and a nonzero byte at either offset 11 or
12 as an "fsav (linux) virus" file.  (The numbers will vary).

> Then if I vi the file and add an empty line at the top & bottom, it
> prints fine.

The empty line at the top shifts the linefeed at offset 8 to offset 9,
and the file gets classified as text.

The quickest fix would be to comment out (or correct--I think the third and
following lines should begin with ">>") the bad entry in

John Wingate             Language serves three functions.  One is to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     communicate ideas, one is to conceal ideas, and
                         the third is to conceal the absence of ideas.
                                                        --Otto Jespersen


From: Brian & Colleen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help - Missing file 'host.ISM' (MySQL)
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 15:18:06 -0800

I  thought I'd try again. The mysqld server won't start on my system
because it is missing a file called host.ISM. Does anybody out there
know where this file should live and how to re-create it?

 Brian Smith


From: Arctic Storm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Please help using XAnim ,...
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 23:33:12 GMT

> and what error might that be?????

Not truely an error.  Here's what I get when I type "xanim".

XAnim Rev 2.80 by Mark Podlipec Copyright (C) 1991-1999.  All Rights 
    XAnim [options] anim [ [optionts] anim ... ]
    -h lists some common options, but may be out of date.
    See xanim.readme or the man page for detailed help.

When I type "xanim moviename.avi", I get some message, but no movie plays.
I was looking for a simple, no-brainer, kind of AVI player.  XAnim is 
neither intuitive nor simple.
What command must I issue to play an AVI movie?
GTV MPEG player is great!  Not only is it simple & intuitive, but it's 
also GUI.  However, it doesn't play AVI; it only plays MPEG movies.
Are there any utilities that'll let me play AVI movies as easy as 
Windows Media Player?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Steiner)
Subject: Re: OT: It's 2001 & M$ refuses to 'see' Linux partitions
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 17:36:22 -0600

Here in comp.os.linux.misc, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Purugganan)
spake unto us, saying:

>Now it's the year 2001 and there are lots of dual-boot PCs now. Why 
>doesn't microsoft let Windows Explorer 'see' into my Linux partitions? 
>Does it have somethig to do with the architecture of Windows, or is it 
>just plain stubborn refusal to acknowledge the non-Redmond OS?

Well, considering that Microsoft is the same company which developed
the HPFS filesystem used by OS/2 and supported it through NT 3.x but
then dropped support for it on NT 4 (even though patching NT 4 to get
support is trivial for a user to do), I'd say it's a case of Microsoft
simply not wanting to support the filesystems used by non-MS OSes.

Microsoft has a long history of ignoring OSes on Intel-compatible h/w
that they don't control.  Consider that Internet Explorer was ported to
Solaris/sparc but not to Solaris/Intel.

   -Rich Steiner  >>>--->  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  >>>--->  Eden Prairie, MN
      OS/2 + BeOS + Linux + Solaris + Win95 + WinNT4 + FreeBSD + DOS
      + PC/GEOS + Fusion + vMac + Executor = PC Hobbyist Heaven! :-)
                Can't I have just a little bit of peril?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: Won't read cdrom
Date: 1 Jan 2001 00:07:09 GMT

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Tim Seifert 

]I have installed Madrake 7.2 and the interface is up and running.
]However, it will not mount the cdreader or cdwriter.  The problem may be
]that the /mnt/cdrom directory is locked and the file permissions need to
]be changed.  However, /mnt/cdrom is locked, even to root and as root I
]cannot change the permissions.  As well, /mnt/floppy does not allow group
]members to write to /mnt/floppy.  Again, as root, I am have not been able
]to change the permissions.  Suggestions are appreciated.  Thanks!

Well, no problem here. M72 uses supermount, which means that the disk is
mounted automatically when inserted into the drive. 
Look in /etc/fstab for the cdrom line. does it have supermount as the
file type?
 What do you mean it is "locked"?


Subject: Re: Upgrading hard-drive
Date: Mon, 01 Jan 2001 00:26:35 GMT

On Sun, 31 Dec 2000 19:13:24 GMT, E J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Who parted? :)

Thanks everybody for your responses; they're very helpful.

I used parted about a year ago to re-size my partitions---I reduced my
Windoze partition and increased GNU/Linux---but I couldn't figure out
how to do it non-destructively (I had messed up my kernel anyway, so
it didn't matter too much).  At the time, from what I read, it
appeared that parted could only copy data from one identically-sized
partition to another.  In any case, parted worked great at that time,
although it advertized itself as beta and warned me to "back up" my
data---as if I would be so lily-livered.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brad Bailey)
Subject: Re: How to get CPU usage
Date: Mon, 01 Jan 2001 00:31:50 GMT

On Sun, 31 Dec 2000 13:41:24 -0800, Warren Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
->Brad Bailey wrote:
->> On Sat, 30 Dec 2000 14:39:39 -0800, Warren Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
->> ->Michael Heiming wrote:
->> ->if you run top to output twice then exit, one's completely different
->> ->than the other.
->>        %CPU shows the cputime/realtime percentage in  the  period
->>        of  time  between  updates.  For the first update, a short
->>        delay is used, and top itself  dominates  the  CPU  usage.
->>        After  that, top will drop back, and a more reliable esti­
->>        mate of CPU usage is available.
->> You seemed to actually be getting a lower usage from the first report
->> than subsequent ones, but the above should indicate that you are
->> probably better off discarding the first report altogether anyway.
->> Personally, I liked the approach of piping ps aux through awk to
->> add up all the %CPU columns.
->Do you know if that's accurate?  I don't think the CPU percentage it
->lists is based on 100% CPU.  I'm using that now, and if I start X then
->do a ps aux all the CPU listings add up to like 175%.

That is strange. I'm running X, plus Netscape and several terminal
windows, and all the CPU columns in ps aux add up to 4.5%. I can start up
a very CPU intensive process, and it jumps to 96-99%, just as I'd expect
it to. Occasionally, it's a few tenths of a percent over 100%, which I
attribute to rounding error. Are you running a multiple processor box
or something?

->I just need to get an semi-accurate CPU usage reading with 0% being idle
->and 100% being max.  Top, 'procinfo -f' and 'ps aux' all give very
->different readings.  Is there any way to do this on a linux system?

If you add the -a flag to procinfo, it will include percentage totals
as well as time totals. If you further add the -d flag, it will give
you real-time output, rather than totals since your machine last came
up. On my box, these three utilities are all adding up to the same
numbers. I'm having a hard time thinking of how you'd be getting such

Brad Bailey                  __/)                  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"You know, it's easy to be happy if your one concern in life is figuring
 out how much saliva to dribble." --Woody Allen


Subject: Re: Please help using XAnim ,...
Date: Mon, 01 Jan 2001 00:39:35 GMT

Arctic Storm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> and what error might that be?????

> Not truely an error.  Here's what I get when I type "xanim".

> XAnim Rev 2.80 by Mark Podlipec Copyright (C) 1991-1999.  All Rights 
> Reserved
> Usage:
>     XAnim [options] anim [ [optionts] anim ... ]
>     -h lists some common options, but may be out of date.
>     See xanim.readme or the man page for detailed help.

> When I type "xanim moviename.avi", I get some message, but no movie plays.

We can't help you if you don't tell us what the message is...  That command
is all that is necessary to play a supported movie.

> I was looking for a simple, no-brainer, kind of AVI player.  XAnim is 
> neither intuitive nor simple.

$ xanim moviename.extension

seems quite simple and intuitive to me.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions,,comp.os.setup
Subject: Only change login password via linuxconf --http
Date: Mon, 01 Jan 2001 00:27:41 GMT

I would like to allow the POP3 users of my Linux system to change their
password without telneting in.  Linuxconf can use TCP port 98  to allow
this, but enabling this service also gives access to other linuxconf
capabilities such as configuration with just a root password (security

Is there a way to ENable linuxconf's ability to change a user password
via port 98 but DISable all its other capabilities via port 98?

  Alan Baker

Sent via


Subject: Linux Counter: 164185 registered Linux users
Date: 1 Jan 2001 01:00:04 GMT

This is the monthly report from the Linux Usage Counter.
It is posted on the 1st of every month on the newsgroup
comp.os.linux.misc, and on the Linux Counter "announce" list.

Registration and information is available via the World
Wide Web; connect to URL

This is the preferred interface to the counter.

NOTE: You can UPDATE your record in the counter if you have
your registration key, which was sent to you when you registered.


To enter your registration into the statistics, send an E-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], with the SUBJECT line containing the word "Linux",
such as:

  I use Linux at home
  I use Linux at work
  I use Linux at school

Any questions should be adressed to the maintainer of the counter,

Good luck!


This is the Linux Counter summary as of Mon Jan  1 00:42:07 2001

There are 164185 persons registerd.
3023 users have been registered by friends.
There are 86249 machines registered.

I guesstimate that between 0.2% and 5% of all Linux users have
registered with the Linux Counter.
So the total number of Linux users is probably between
3,283,700 and 82,092,500 people.

The table is sorted by number of Linux users divided by population

 No    Country                       Pers  Fri Mach P/Mpop   Mpop
  1 IS Iceland                        251    4  112 928.6    0.3
  2 FO Faroe Islands                   35    0    6 798.0    0.0
  3 NO Norway                        3439   49 1548 784.5    4.4
  4 FI Finland                       3604   55 1848 705.9    5.1
  5 DK Denmark                       3383   17 1328 644.4    5.2
  6 SE Sweden                        5184   60 2518 582.4    8.9
  7 AQ Antarctica                       2    0    0 486.0    0.0
  8 NF Norfolk Island                   1    0    0 452.7    0.0
  9 EE Estonia                        554   16  348 379.6    1.5
 10 SI Slovenia                       703    8  188 360.2    2.0
 11 GI Gibraltar                        8    1   11 278.1    0.0
 12 NL Netherlands                   4187   51 2188 268.9   15.6
 13 CA Canada                        6681   83 3582 231.8   28.8
 14 AT Austria                       1835   31 1063 228.7    8.0
 15 MC Monaco                           7    1    4 220.7    0.0
 16 LU Luxembourg                      89    0   49 214.0    0.4
 17 IE Ireland                        731    5  301 204.9    3.6
 18 AU Australia                     3568   50 2077 195.4   18.3
 19 NZ New Zealand                    673    3  404 189.7    3.5
 20 CY Cyprus                         140    0   18 188.0    0.7
 21 CH Switzerland                   1300   16  792 180.4    7.2
 22 US USA                          47836  832 25247 179.5  266.5
 23 BE Belgium                       1740  525  901 171.1   10.2
 24 HU Hungary                       1596   48  876 159.6   10.0
 25 DE Germany                      11278  187 6070 135.0   83.5
 26 SG Singapore                      439    7  173 129.2    3.4
 27 LI Liechtenstein                    4    0    3 128.5    0.0
 28 PT Portugal                      1233    9  381 125.0    9.9
 29 GL Greenland                        7    0    5 120.3    0.1
 30 FR France                        6926  111 2773 118.8   58.3
 31 KR Korea (South)                 5271   19  527 115.9   45.5
 32 ES Spain                         4515   32 1316 115.2   39.2
 33 PL Poland                        4284   55 1743 110.9   38.6
 34 AD Andorra                          8    0    6 109.9    0.1
 35 GB Great Britain                 6425  109 3483 109.8   58.5
 36 IL Israel                         554   13  274 102.2    5.4
 37 KY Cayman Islands                   3    0    3  86.6    0.0
 38 VG Virgin Islands (British)         1    0    0  75.8    0.0
 39 CZ Czech Republic                 776   21  447  75.2   10.3
 40 CR Costa Rica                     255    0   94  73.6    3.5
 41 BG Bulgaria                       633    6  241  73.5    8.6
 42 LT Lithuania                      241    3  115  66.1    3.6
 43 HR Croatia                        307    6   88  61.3    5.0
 44 GR Greece                         639   13  252  60.6   10.5
 45 UY Uruguay                        194    0   48  59.9    3.2
 46 PW Palau                            1    0    0  59.0    0.0
 47 IT Italy                         3296   64 1400  57.4   57.5
 48 NC New Caledonia                   10    0   15  53.3    0.2
 49 BM Bermuda                          3    0    4  48.3    0.1
 50 SV El Salvador                    272    0   33  46.7    5.8
 51 BR Brazil                        7551   59 1538  46.4  162.7
 52 VE Venezuela                     1001    3  179  45.5   22.0
 53 GU Guam                             7    0    2  44.6    0.2
 54 AW Aruba                            3    0    0  44.3    0.1
 55 BN Brunei                          13    0    7  43.3    0.3
 56 RO Romania                        938   36  453  43.3   21.7
 57 SK Slovakia                       222    1  134  41.3    5.4
 58 MV Maldives                        11    0    1  40.6    0.3
 59 MT Malta                           15    0   10  39.9    0.4
 60 BB Barbados                        10    0    3  38.9    0.3
 61 SC Seychelles                       3    0    0  38.7    0.1
 62 AR Argentina                     1339    6  363  38.6   34.7
 63 CL Chile                          457    6  168  31.9   14.3
 64 MX Mexico                        2959   18  483  30.9   95.8
 65 VI Virgin Islands (U.S.)            3    0    1  30.9    0.1
 66 TW Taiwan                         662    5  213  30.8   21.5
 67 LV Latvia                          76    0   49  30.8    2.5
 68 PR Puerto Rico                    113    0   24  29.6    3.8
 69 AN Netherlands Antilles             6    0    3  28.7    0.2
 70 ZA South Africa                  1177   10  517  28.2   41.7
 71 MY Malaysia                       552    6  144  27.7   20.0
 72 BS Bahamas                          7    0    2  27.0    0.3
 73 PF French Polynesia                 6    0    5  26.7    0.2
 74 RE Reunion                         18    0    6  26.5    0.7
 75 TT Trinidad and Tobago             32    1    5  25.1    1.3
 76 FM Micronesia, Federated States     3    0    0  23.9    0.1
 77 BH Bahrain                         12    0    6  20.3    0.6
 78 KW Kuwait                          38    0   13  19.5    2.0
 79 PA Panama                          51    0   22  19.2    2.7
 80 MP Northern Mariana Islands         1    0    1  19.1    0.1
 81 BZ Belize                           4    0    7  18.2    0.2
 82 AM Armenia                         63    0    9  18.2    3.5
 83 BA Bosnia and Herzegovina          47    0    7  17.7    2.7
 84 GP Guadeloupe                       7    0    5  17.2    0.4
 85 MH Marshall Islands                 1    0    0  17.1    0.1
 86 YU Yugoslavia (Serbia and Monte   184    6   83  17.1   10.8
 87 AS American Samoa                   1    0    0  16.8    0.1
 88 MO Macau                            8    0    2  16.1    0.5
 89 MU Mauritius                       18    0    6  15.8    1.1
 90 CO Colombia                       579    3  165  15.7   36.8
 91 AG Antigua and Barbuda              1    0    2  15.2    0.1
 92 MK Macedonia                       32    2    4  15.2    2.1
 93 TR Turkey                         949    9  199  15.2   62.5
 94 RU Russia                        2121   34  787  14.3  148.2
 95 AE United Arab Emirates            41    1   15  13.4    3.1
 96 PY Paraguay                        68    0   16  12.4    5.5
 97 DM Dominica                         1    0    0  12.1    0.1
 98 TN Tunisia                        105    0   16  11.6    9.0
 99 VU Vanuatu                          2    0    3  11.3    0.2
100 QA Qatar                            6    1    3  11.0    0.5
101 UA Ukraine                        557   10  237  11.0   50.9
102 CU Cuba                           119    6   29  10.9   11.0
103 MQ Martinique                       4    0    2  10.0    0.4
104 NA Namibia                         16    0   11   9.5    1.7
105 PE Peru                           233    0   35   9.5   24.5
106 EH Western Sahara                   2    0    2   9.0    0.2
107 LB Lebanon                         33    1    7   8.7    3.8
108 VC Saint Vincent and the Grenad     1    0    0   8.4    0.1
109 BO Bolivia                         57    0   12   8.0    7.2
110 JP Japan                          956    6  293   7.6  125.4
111 BY Belarus                         79    5   33   7.6   10.4
112 EC Ecuador                         82    0   15   7.2   11.5
113 ST Sao Tome and Principe            1    0    0   6.9    0.1
114 CV Cape Verde                       3    0    0   6.7    0.4
115 PH Philippines                    487    4  100   6.5   74.5
116 MD Moldova                         29    0    8   6.5    4.5
117 LC Saint Lucia                      1    0    0   6.3    0.2
118 DO Dominican Republic              42    0   12   5.2    8.1
119 JM Jamaica                         13    0    3   5.0    2.6
120 GT Guatemala                       54    0   12   4.8   11.3
121 BW Botswana                         7    0    3   4.7    1.5
122 SR Suriname                         2    0    4   4.6    0.4
123 CM Cameroon                        65    0    8   4.6   14.3
124 TH Thailand                       248    3   92   4.2   58.9
125 GY Guyana                           3    0    1   4.2    0.7
126 HN Honduras                        22    0    7   3.9    5.6
127 NI Nicaragua                       16    0    5   3.7    4.3
128 OM Oman                             8    0    1   3.7    2.2
129 MN Mongolia                         9    0    8   3.6    2.5
130 PS Palestine                        9    0    0   3.4    2.6
131 KZ Kazakhstan                      50    0   20   3.0   16.9
132 ID Indonesia                      578   34  169   2.8  206.6
133 JO Jordan                          11    0    3   2.6    4.2
134 GE Georgia                         13    0   29   2.5    5.2
135 AZ Azerbaijan                      15    0    3   2.0    7.7
136 ZM Zambia                          16    0    4   1.7    9.2
137 LK Sri Lanka                       32    1    3   1.7   18.6
138 SA Saudi Arabia                    32    0   12   1.6   19.4
139 KG Kyrgyzstan                       7    0    2   1.5    4.5
140 AL Albania                          5    1    4   1.5    3.2
141 IN India                         1374   16  338   1.4  952.1
142 NP Nepal                           31    0    1   1.4   22.1
143 ZW Zimbabwe                        15    0    8   1.3   11.3
144 EG Egypt                           78    1   12   1.2   63.6
145 CN China                         1433    4  242   1.2 1210.0
146 UZ Uzbekistan                      27    0   14   1.2   23.4
147 MA Morocco                         34    0   14   1.1   29.8
148 PG Papua New Guinea                 5    0    1   1.1    4.4
149 DZ Algeria                         29    0   11   1.0   29.2
150 CI Cote d'Ivoire                   14    0    5   0.9   14.8
151 IR Iran                            58    0   24   0.9   66.1
152 GA Gabon                            1    0    3   0.9    1.2
153 PK Pakistan                       101    5   18   0.8  129.3
154 SN Senegal                          7    0    0   0.8    9.1
155 MG Madagascar                       9    0    4   0.7   13.7
156 VN Vietnam                         41    0    5   0.6   74.0
157 LY Libya                            3    0    1   0.6    5.4
158 NE Niger                            5    0    0   0.5    9.1
159 KE Kenya                           15    0    4   0.5   28.2
160 MR Mauritania                       1    0    0   0.4    2.3
161 BD Bangladesh                      46    0    9   0.4  123.1
162 MZ Mozambique                       6    0    2   0.3   17.9
163 CF Central African Republic         1    0    0   0.3    3.3
164 RW Rwanda                           2    0    0   0.3    6.9
165 ER Eritrea                          1    0    0   0.3    3.4
166 BF Burkina Faso                     3    0    1   0.3   10.6
167 TM Turkmenistan                     1    0    1   0.2    4.1
168 TG Togo                             1    0    0   0.2    4.6
169 TZ Tanzania                         6    0    0   0.2   29.1
170 LA Laos                             1    0    2   0.2    5.0
171 KH Cambodia                         2    0    1   0.2   10.9
172 TJ Tajikistan                       1    0    1   0.2    5.9
173 HT Haiti                            1    0    1   0.1    6.7
174 SY Syria                            2    0    0   0.1   15.6
175 MW Malawi                           1    0    0   0.1    9.5
176 UG Uganda                           2    0    0   0.1   20.2
177 AO Angola                           1    0    0   0.1   10.3
178 YE Yemen                            1    0    1   0.1   13.5
179 NG Nigeria                          7    0    2   0.1  103.9
180 ET Ethiopia                         3    0    0   0.1   57.2
181 XW The World (Somewhere in it)    248  207    1   0.0 5771.9
182 SD Sudan                            1    0    0   0.0   31.5
183 CD Democratic Congo                 1    0    0   0.0   46.5
184 WF Wallis and Futuna Islands        1    0    1   0.0    0.0

Place      Users Percent
school     34094  21.06%
home       143993  88.93%
not used      21   0.01%
work       70062  43.27%
somewhere   2833   1.75%
TOTAL      161924 100.00%

NOTE: The total is the 161924 users who answered this question.
Some gave more than one answer, so the number of answers is 251003



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