Linux-Misc Digest #456, Volume #19               Sun, 14 Mar 99 17:13:08 EST

  Re: Help me with experiment (Tom)
  Re: Apache and scripts (Juergen Heinzl)
  Re: Is there a FREE S.U.S.E distrubution ?? (brian moore)
  Re: Printer under Linux ("Jeffrey L. Cooper")
  Re: Leafnode won't fetch articles/headers (David Ashley)
  Re: Is there a FREE S.U.S.E distrubution ?? (David Kirkpatrick)
  Re: Help me with experiment (Henry)
  Re: Can Linux use 36-bit Xeon addressing? (Gianni Mariani)
  Farallon PhoneNet PC card ("Jon Chatfield")
  Re: Is there a FREE S.U.S.E distrubution ?? (brian moore)
  freespace and df/fdisk results question (Mark)
  Re: Slackware on a second HDD (Henry)
  Re: Any GOPHER-Users around? (Geoff Short)
  Afterstep won't run (Ron White)


From: Tom <"NOSPAM propsync">
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Help me with experiment
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 15:41:12 -0500

well, if anyone is interested, you can email me.  Ive managed to get a
virgin linux distribution down to about 20 files or so.  It dont do much,
but it is a good learning tool to see how the os works.

propsync wrote:

> Hello
> I have 2 partitions on my harddrive.  The first one has the redhat linux
> distribution on it.  On the second partition, I want to create a bare
> bones linux system by copying the necessary files from partition 1 to
> partition 2.  My goal is to see just how small I can get the operating
> system.  The first thing I did was to create the filesystem (ext2) on
> partition 2.  My next move was to add this partition to lilo to enable
> it to boot.  The third thing I did was to copy vmlinuz to the /boot
> directory that I created.  When I attempt to boot from partition 2, the
> system freezes by saying "cannot find the console" or something like
> that.  Can anyone help me by specifying what files I need to copy to the
> second partition to get it to boot?
> thanks


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Juergen Heinzl)
Subject: Re: Apache and scripts
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 15:35:16 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Patrick Zonneveld wrote:
>How can i run (perl) scripts in apache from another then the default
>cgi-bin directorie. I've installed smb2www, but when ik run the script
>from my browser i receive: You don't have permission to access
>/samba/ on this server.
>I've included the follwing in my httpd.conf:
>ScriptAlias /samba/ "/usr/local/smb2www/cgi-bin/'

ScriptAlias /samba/     /usr/local/smb2www/cgi-bin/ 
# this one is important
AddHandler  cgi-script  .pl


\ Real name     : Jürgen Heinzl                 \       no flames      /
 \ EMail Private : [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ send money instead /
  \ Phone Private : +44 181-332 0750              \                  /


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (brian moore)
Subject: Re: Is there a FREE S.U.S.E distrubution ??
Date: 14 Mar 1999 20:42:47 GMT

On Sun, 14 Mar 1999 15:18:57 +0000, 
 David Kirkpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,   
>    I've been looking around the net trying to find a free Suse
> distribution.  A few places have ?? lots of files but non say You found
> it - here is the tar/gz go for it.

Goodness, why on earth would you want to FTP several hundred megabytes
when a CD costs two bucks?

> The doc I see is about loading from a floppy you can get off the net but
> it then refers to completing the install with a CD.  There is no place
> at metalab.unc or that again says the distribution is in
> ... files and its a version of Sues is .... and available you setup for
> install this way etc ... that is other than the install I mentioned from
> CD.

Tried ?

Brian Moore                       | "The Zen nature of a spammer resembles
      Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker     |  a cockroach, except that the cockroach
      Usenet Vandal               |  is higher up on the evolutionary chain."
      Netscum, Bane of Elves.                 Peter Olson, Delphi Postmaster


From: "Jeffrey L. Cooper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: Printer under Linux
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 11:11:12 -0500

Dustin Puryear wrote:

> I have a HP DeskJet 694C that works under Win95. When I boot up Linux I
> try to setup the printer, and am getting no results. My first method is
> to use Lisa, supplied with OpenLinux. I choose lp0 or lp1, both fail. I
> then tried to use printtool. It reports that it can find no devices on
> lp0, lp1, or lp2. I have "Parallel Printer" support turned on in the
> kernel (tried it in the kernel and as a module).
> Here is the information I get from lpq:
> Host 'ka.pow' - cannot open connection to `[EMAIL PROTECTED]' - Connection
> refused
> I assume that just means there is no printer attached. Are there any
> suggestions or steps I should take to find the problem? This is not
> addressed in the HOWTO.
> Regards, Dustin
> --
> Dustin Puryear * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * ICQ 6644253
> Help Crack Government Encryption:
> Microsoft - We put the "backwards" into backwards compatibility.

I have the same problem.  Have you found a solution?  I had my printer
working fine with 2.0.36, but then it stopped working when I upgraded to
2.2.1.  I also have parallel support enabled in the kernel.  Printtool
reports that lp0 lp1 lp2 have no devices attached either.  Some attempts to
print reports that there is no daeman running.  I would love to have my
printere working with the new kernel, because I have sound with the new




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Ashley)
Subject: Re: Leafnode won't fetch articles/headers
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 13:04:06 -0800

In article <7cf5t2$u58$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, dash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Leafnode fetch won't authenticate when it is being run to get new articles.
>It authenticates when it downloads the large active file from the server,
>but not when it asks the server for the stats on each interesting group.
>I fixed it on my machine by modifying the source. My hard drive crashed and
>I have to fix it again now, but I did email the author with a note on the

Leafnode has quite a few quirks, as I'm finding.

I use trn to read news, and periodically (perhaps once a minute?) trn will
query the nntpserver to find out if there are any new articles. leafnode,
when it gets this query in the middle of serving a specific group, chokes.
>From then on you'll get "Skipping unavailable article." At first I thought it
was a problem with trn and was hacking into that, but finally I realized it
was leafnode. So I started hacking into leafnode and finally figured out
it is in the dolist() function in nntpd.c, and there it is changing the
current directory to the spooldir and not coming back to your newsgroup
directory--so it will fail when trying to open every article. I fixed it
by doing a getcwd before and doing a chdir with that afterwards, and it
seems to work fine now.

Mostly I'm just posting this to test my leafnode/inews/Pnews stuff. But it
may be useful...
Email address munged to prevent spamming.


From: David Kirkpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Is there a FREE S.U.S.E distrubution ??
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 15:47:13 +0000

I have a requirement I can satisfy if I load it today or tomorrow.

brian moore wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Mar 1999 15:18:57 +0000,
>  David Kirkpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >    I've been looking around the net trying to find a free Suse
> > distribution.  A few places have ?? lots of files but non say You found
> > it - here is the tar/gz go for it.
> Goodness, why on earth would you want to FTP several hundred megabytes
> when a CD costs two bucks?
> > The doc I see is about loading from a floppy you can get off the net but
> > it then refers to completing the install with a CD.  There is no place
> > at metalab.unc or that again says the distribution is in
> > ... files and its a version of Sues is .... and available you setup for
> > install this way etc ... that is other than the install I mentioned from
> > CD.
> Tried ?
> --
> Brian Moore                       | "The Zen nature of a spammer resembles
>       Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker     |  a cockroach, except that the cockroach
>       Usenet Vandal               |  is higher up on the evolutionary chain."
>       Netscum, Bane of Elves.                 Peter Olson, Delphi Postmaster



Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Help me with experiment
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 16:17:23 -0500


This sound similar to a boot disk (like the install disk from
Slakware).  The difference is that their disk is compressed and fits on
a floppy (really two one contains the kernel).  That may be a good place
to start.  Someone already suggested the bootdisk howto.  Their
compressed root disk is less than 1.44M, I believe that the uncompressed
version was around there as well.

You can look at the contents of a Slakware root disk by uncompressing it
(for instance "gunzip /tmp/rescue.gz").  Then mount it using a loopback
filesystem (like "mount -o loop /tmp/rescue /mnt").  Then you can copy
the contents.  This disk image contains several things which you don't
need (well maybe depending on what you will do with this system when it
is done).

I have found in modifying their boot disks (to add new tools) that many
(if not all) of their programs are statically linked (don't use or need
.so libraries).

Hope that this helps.


propsync wrote:
> Hello
> I have 2 partitions on my harddrive.  The first one has the redhat linux
> distribution on it.  On the second partition, I want to create a bare
> bones linux system by copying the necessary files from partition 1 to
> partition 2.  My goal is to see just how small I can get the operating
> system.  The first thing I did was to create the filesystem (ext2) on
> partition 2.  My next move was to add this partition to lilo to enable
> it to boot.  The third thing I did was to copy vmlinuz to the /boot
> directory that I created.  When I attempt to boot from partition 2, the
> system freezes by saying "cannot find the console" or something like
> that.  Can anyone help me by specifying what files I need to copy to the
> second partition to get it to boot?
> thanks


From: Gianni Mariani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Can Linux use 36-bit Xeon addressing?
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 16:21:16 GMT

Christopher Browne wrote:

> On Tue, 09 Mar 1999 17:51:40 GMT, Gianni Mariani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >The only ideology MS has is capitalism.
> Can you elaborate on how earnings accruing from ownership of capital
> explains Microsoft's actions?

Can you explain how it does not ?

> It seems rather more common that the use of the term "capitalism" is
> used to suggest that someone purported to be a "capitalist" is somehow
> "bad" without actually providing any connection between their badness
> and the nature of capitalism.

I didn't say MS was 'bad' !  Nor did I say that capitalism was bad.
I'm saying that the actions of MS are predictable given the constraints
that a capitalist works under.

> Alternatively, describing something as "good" because of "capitalism"
> seems to have lot more to do with ideology than it does with any of the
> properties of a capitalist system.

And ...

> (And don't get me started about "democracy." The use of *that* word as
> either boost or bane seems almost entirely devoid of relationship to the
> properties of democracy...)

What are you smokin' ... can I have some ?

> >When MS sees that it is able to make around $1billion/year in software
> >sales on Linux, you will see them porting stuff.
> Ah.  My guess is that your ideology involves the notion that there is
> some identity between "capitalism" and "greed." There may indeed be an
> association, but they had greed for thousands of years before anyone
> started identifying the notion of capitalism...

"greed" ?  I said nothing about greed.  You can make your own judgements
about greed.  I'm merely stating what I believe to be fact.  There is a
where even MS would drop Windows and go with Linux.  I don't believe that
anything is remotly possible to achieve that threshold today.

Consider this, MS has a bunch of resources (engineers, equipment etc)
allocated to developing product XYZ.  There are some expectations that
XYZ will end up directly or indirectly generating revenue for MS.  The
execs who are responsible for XYZ have to show that they end up turning
a profit.  If you could show that this was true where XYZ involved Linux,
and that doing XYZ on Windows was going to be less profitable, then
you would see MS start involving Linux.  I don't see how you can come
to this conclusion today.

> --
> Linux is obsolete
> (Andrew Tanenbaum)


From: "Jon Chatfield" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Farallon PhoneNet PC card
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 07:41:46 -0800

Does anyone know of a Linux driver for this card? It's an appletalk card
that works under Windows 3.1. Thanks in advance for your help.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (brian moore)
Subject: Re: Is there a FREE S.U.S.E distrubution ??
Date: 14 Mar 1999 21:24:09 GMT

On Sun, 14 Mar 1999 15:47:13 +0000, 
 David Kirkpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a requirement I can satisfy if I load it today or tomorrow.

And you think you should FTP several hundred megs over a dialup
instead of shelling out the money for a CD is a good use of time?

Time is money.  If you're in that much of a hurry, hit your local
bookstore, they should have SuSE 6.0 on the shelves.  You should be able
to get to the store, make your purchase, get home, and finish the
install in a couple hours.

Or see below for the URL to download it, since your offensive emailed
response indicates you didn't read the post you replied to.  In your
words:  "Why do you want to crap up news with stupid comments?"

> brian moore wrote:
> > 
> > On Sun, 14 Mar 1999 15:18:57 +0000,
> >  David Kirkpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >    I've been looking around the net trying to find a free Suse
> > > distribution.  A few places have ?? lots of files but non say You found
> > > it - here is the tar/gz go for it.
> > 
> > Goodness, why on earth would you want to FTP several hundred megabytes
> > when a CD costs two bucks?
> > 
> > > The doc I see is about loading from a floppy you can get off the net but
> > > it then refers to completing the install with a CD.  There is no place
> > > at metalab.unc or that again says the distribution is in
> > > ... files and its a version of Sues is .... and available you setup for
> > > install this way etc ... that is other than the install I mentioned from
> > > CD.
> > 
> > Tried ?

Brian Moore                       | "The Zen nature of a spammer resembles
      Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker     |  a cockroach, except that the cockroach
      Usenet Vandal               |  is higher up on the evolutionary chain."
      Netscum, Bane of Elves.                 Peter Olson, Delphi Postmaster


Subject: freespace and df/fdisk results question
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 16:40:55 GMT

I recently installed a 2.5 gig WD drive in my old 486 Linux box that I
use as a firewall/print server and every thing works fine except I
only seem to be seeing 2.1 gigs of the drive. fdisk gives the
following results where it seems to be seeing 2462040 blocks and also
the comple drive as the drive does have 4960 cylinders:

/dev/hda3           76       76     4960  2462040   83  Linux native

df on the other hand shows this so I am only able to use 2150203
/dev/hda3            2150203  893785  1133316     44%   

and df  -h shows that I am only getting 2.1 gigs.
/dev/hda3             2.1G  873M   1.1G     44%  

I don't really need the space but I'm curious why this is happening.
It's not a BIOS limitation is it? Excuse my ignorance on this subject
but I've never used a drive larger than 1.6 gigs before in Linux so
I'm clueless. :) Thanks for any advice.



Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.slackware
Subject: Re: Slackware on a second HDD
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 12:23:59 -0500


I have seen complaints about WinDOS created partitions.  This seems
normal as far as what I have seen.  It sounds like you found your disk
but WinDOS fdisk and Linux fdisk disagree on how the partitions should
be set up.  Again, this seems normal (to what I have seen and accounting
for my possibly faulty memory since I haven't dealt with WinDOS/Linux
partitions in several months).

Wael Sedky wrote:
> Hi,
>   How can I install slackware 3.6 on a second hard drive? I am familiar with
> linux. I have installed it about a dozen times before, but on one partition.
> I can't find my hard drive when I run "fdisk"
> I have win98 on a 2GB partition and 340MB partition on the first drive.
> The second drive is currently fat formatted (to be deleted) 1GB.
> when i run the boot and root disks. I noticed
> hda:  hda1  hda2  <hda5>
> hdc: [PTBL][621/64/63] hdc1
> Is this hdc my second drive?
> I tried doing fdisk hdc, but i didn't get the fdisk program running. It
> looked like there were some partition table errors although the drive is OK
> with windows.
> Any clues? regardless of my errors how can i install linux on a second hdd?
> how can i use fdisk on the second hdd that is?
> Please email
> Thank you for your help
> Wael


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Geoff Short)
Subject: Re: Any GOPHER-Users around?
Date: 14 Mar 1999 16:49:58 GMT

Ralph Baumfalk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Hi all,
: is someone still using the old but nice Gopher-system?

Nope, I had a play with it a while back though.  Very nice and simple
protocol, but needs a lot more admin than a web site.  Bought back some
memories but it's obvious why it is fading away.

Ever sit and watch ants? They're always busy with                Geoff Short
something, never stop for a moment.  I just          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
can't identify with that kind of work ethic.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ron White)
Subject: Afterstep won't run
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 21:40:04 GMT

I am new to Linux and have been exploring the system.  I tried to run
afterstep and all I get is:

afterstep: can't open display

I have been using x and thought I'd try afterstep, but no luck so far.

Thanks for any help anyone can give me.

Ron White



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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