Linux-Misc Digest #456, Volume #26                Sun, 3 Dec 00 11:13:01 EST

  Re: passwd protect runlevel 1 ("Eric en Jolanda")
  cache misses: I need to count it on Pentium II (tito)
  Re: IBM graphical characters (Ed Allen)
  vixie-cron bug (inode timestamps) (Michael Jenner)
  Problems with Sis 530 and Xfree 4.0.1 (Wuilbert Jaramillo)
  Re: I need a good book on Sendmail (Avinash Meetoo)
  how to undelete files on ext2 (Alex Fitterling)
  Virtual Hosts point to MASQ machines??? ("Rick Goh")
  Re: FSCK renaming Windows directory ("Nerd")
  Re: Login fail (Patrick Baer)
  Re: Virtual Hosts point to MASQ machines??? ("Dave Bush")
  Re: Mouse is jumpy in X (Sepith)
  Re: I need a good book on Sendmail (Frederic Faure)
  KDE defaults :: change! (Kyle Parfrey)
  Re: /etc/fielsystems versus /proc/filesystems (Villy Kruse)
  Re: bind: Address already in use (Villy Kruse)
  Re: I need a good book on Sendmail (Steven Lembark)
  Re: how to undelete files on ext2 (Wolfgang Denk)


From: "Eric en Jolanda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: passwd protect runlevel 1
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 10:09:01 +0100

> > I did this now, and I have some questions that maybe you could answer?
> > Whenever I drop to runlevel 1, I get dropped to the shell (I still have
> > as root shell, maybe I'll restrict that too) When I now run tty, I find
> > I am at /dev/console instead of tty6. I suppose this is normal
> > but I expected to find myself in tty6. Why is this?
> It'll be a function of your init scripts. I can't tell without looking.
> You need to read the manual for your init and find out what it does on
> a change of runlevel, then read the indicated scripts.
> > And is there a way to passwd protect runlevel 1 too? I tried sulogin
> Again, it's up to your init scripts.

Alright, thanks for the hint. I assumed all that was needed would be in
inittab,  but I'll look some further.



From: tito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: cache misses: I need to count it on Pentium II
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 09:55:56 GMT

Hello people.
I need to count the cache misses on a Pentium II under Linux. I must use
the Pentium II instructions RDPMC,RDMSR,WRMSR.
Some of these instructions must run on "kernel mode", and I cannot use
directly on my program. I think that I could insert these instructions
on the initialization of my program so I would need to modify the kernel
and insert my instructions on the Linux boot (for example near the CPUID
instruction on the boot).
But I think that also could be possible to make a device and call the
device from my program. The problem is that I havent any experience
programming devices (Are there any sample of this?). And perhaps there
is also a library to make this possible (count cache misses) and I could
use it in my program.

Many thanks to all for your interest...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ed Allen)
Subject: Re: IBM graphical characters
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 09:58:53 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Dennis J Perkins  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Thanks.  Those are some of the characters I need.  Now I need to find the C
>function that does the same thing.
    The 'tput' command uses the 'terminfo' library to change the actual
    character sequences sent to accomplish the function your program

    Take a look at 'man 5 terminfo'.  Don't expect it to be very clear.

    If you only need line drawing and not color sequences you can get by
    with ^N (Control-N) to begin the linedrawing characters and ^O (Control-O)
    to switch back to normal.  Check out:

    If you need more powerful functions then you will need to use
    terminfo.  You may  be able to get by with linedrawing today and
    learn about termcap and terminfo for the future.

    The Termcap Manual by Richard M. Stallman:

    Terminfo programming:

    Example terminfo programs:

    Here is the O'Reilly book:

"Whether you think their witnesses are credible or non-credible;
 they've admitted monopoly power, they've admitted raising prices to hurt
 consumers, they've admitted depriving consumers of choice...
                              -DAVID BOIES, US Department of Justice


From: Michael Jenner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: vixie-cron bug (inode timestamps)
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 11:07:01 +0100

Vixie-cron from the Redhat distribution (at least version 6.2 and 7.0)
seems to have an error on reading the files from /etc/cron.d/

Comments wanted!

I created a new file "backup" in the /etc/cron.d/ directory using
Midnight Commander. cron loaded it, and everything seemed ok. Next, I
discovered that the file contents was wrong and I altered "backup".
However from the log file I could see that cron newer loaded the new
"backup". The problem seems to be that cron checks the modify (or
change) timestamp on /etc/cron.d/ and if it hasn't changed then it's
contents isn't checked - i.e. it will never find modifications to files.

One solution is to run "touch /etc/cron.d" everytime a file is changed,
however IMHO this shouldn't be necessary. I therefore read a few
thousand man. pages on cron, crontab etc ... and decided to do it the
right way. I defined the editor through an environment variable (EDITOR)
and ran "crontab -e /etc/cron.d/backup". Unfortunately this didn't help

I also tried to edit the file using emacs - and due to the fact that it
creates backup files "backup~" the timestamps on /etc/cron.d/ was
modified and the changes was read ... but I guess this will only work
the first time. I've attached a test-scenario showing the problem.

It seems to me that the best way to solve the problem is by changing the
crontab command so that it will do the correct thing.

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug ?



inodes: mc and cron

Test scenario.

testdir ---- test
         |__ test2

File "test" is edited by emacs first, then inodes are checked.
Next, mc is used to edit "test2" and inodes are again checked.

First the inodes are as follows:

[mj@thor testdir]$ stat .
  File: "."
  Size: 4096         Filetype: Directory
  Mode: (0775/drwxrwxr-x)         Uid: (  500/      mj)  Gid: (
500/      mj)
Device:  3,6   Inode: 338267    Links: 2
Access: Sat Nov 25 12:18:59 2000(00000.00:05:50)
Modify: Sat Nov 25 12:16:35 2000(00000.00:08:14)
Change: Sat Nov 25 12:16:35 2000(00000.00:08:14)

[mj@thor testdir]$ stat test
  File: "test"
  Size: 0            Filetype: Regular File
  Mode: (0664/-rw-rw-r--)         Uid: (  500/      mj)  Gid: (
500/      mj)
Device:  3,6   Inode: 226071    Links: 1
Access: Sat Nov 25 12:15:54 2000(00000.00:09:10)
Modify: Sat Nov 25 12:15:54 2000(00000.00:09:10)
Change: Sat Nov 25 12:16:35 2000(00000.00:08:29)

[mj@thor testdir]$ stat test2
  File: "test2"
  Size: 0            Filetype: Regular File
  Mode: (0664/-rw-rw-r--)         Uid: (  500/      mj)  Gid: (
500/      mj)
Device:  3,6   Inode: 226162    Links: 1
Access: Sat Nov 25 12:16:13 2000(00000.00:09:03)
Modify: Sat Nov 25 12:16:13 2000(00000.00:09:03)
Change: Sat Nov 25 12:16:35 2000(00000.00:08:41)


Now test is changed using emacs (version 20.5.1):

[mj@thor testdir]$ stat .
  File: "."
  Size: 4096         Filetype: Directory
  Mode: (0775/drwxrwxr-x)         Uid: (  500/      mj)  Gid: (
500/      mj)
Device:  3,6   Inode: 338267    Links: 2
Access: Sat Nov 25 12:26:20 2000(00000.00:00:05)
Modify: Sat Nov 25 12:26:20 2000(00000.00:00:05)
Change: Sat Nov 25 12:26:20 2000(00000.00:00:05)

[mj@thor testdir]$ stat test
  File: "test"
  Size: 7            Filetype: Regular File
  Mode: (0664/-rw-rw-r--)         Uid: (  500/      mj)  Gid: (
500/      mj)
Device:  3,6   Inode: 338269    Links: 1
Access: Sat Nov 25 12:26:20 2000(00000.00:00:22)
Modify: Sat Nov 25 12:26:20 2000(00000.00:00:22)
Change: Sat Nov 25 12:26:20 2000(00000.00:00:22)

[mj@thor testdir]$ stat test2
  File: "test2"
  Size: 0            Filetype: Regular File
  Mode: (0664/-rw-rw-r--)         Uid: (  500/      mj)  Gid: (
500/      mj)
Device:  3,6   Inode: 226162    Links: 1
Access: Sat Nov 25 12:16:13 2000(00000.00:10:40)
Modify: Sat Nov 25 12:16:13 2000(00000.00:10:40)
Change: Sat Nov 25 12:16:35 2000(00000.00:10:18)


Now test2 is changed using mc (version 4.5.42):

[mj@thor testdir]$ stat .
  File: "."
  Size: 4096         Filetype: Directory
  Mode: (0775/drwxrwxr-x)         Uid: (  500/      mj)  Gid: (
500/      mj)
Device:  3,6   Inode: 338267    Links: 2
Access: Sat Nov 25 12:32:56 2000(00000.00:00:05)
Modify: Sat Nov 25 12:26:20 2000(00000.00:06:41)
Change: Sat Nov 25 12:26:20 2000(00000.00:06:41)

[mj@thor testdir]$ stat test
  File: "test"
  Size: 7            Filetype: Regular File
  Mode: (0664/-rw-rw-r--)         Uid: (  500/      mj)  Gid: (
500/      mj)
Device:  3,6   Inode: 338269    Links: 1
Access: Sat Nov 25 12:26:20 2000(00000.00:06:57)
Modify: Sat Nov 25 12:26:20 2000(00000.00:06:57)
Change: Sat Nov 25 12:26:20 2000(00000.00:06:57)

[mj@thor testdir]$ stat test2
  File: "test2"
  Size: 9            Filetype: Regular File
  Mode: (0664/-rw-rw-r--)         Uid: (  500/      mj)  Gid: (
500/      mj)
Device:  3,6   Inode: 226162    Links: 1
Access: Sat Nov 25 12:16:13 2000(00000.00:17:18)
Modify: Sat Nov 25 12:32:54 2000(00000.00:00:37)
Change: Sat Nov 25 12:32:54 2000(00000.00:00:37)

In the search for high speed data transfer do not underestimate the bit
rate of a flying DVD.
== Michael Bohl Jenner, Aalborg University, Denmark ==


From: Wuilbert Jaramillo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problems with Sis 530 and Xfree 4.0.1
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 03:27:05 -0800

Hi guys, I was upgraded the xfree version on my suse system version 7.0 to
Xfree 4.0.1 and kde2. That may sound coool, but I have a problem with my

        First of all, there is bad artifacts there, there are this
vertical lines (4 to be exact) and I cannot make them disapear. It really
looks crappy because It seems that somebody draw a line with a crayon on
the screen.

        I hope you guys can help me because I really don't need those
lines. My display adapter is a SIS 530.

Thank you very much
please send any reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

or if you like you can put them here

 /                                                          /__  \
 \    Wuilbert Jaramillo                                    |(_\ /
 /    Graduate Student                                      \-`-'
 >    School of Engineering Science                         /
 }    Simon Fraser University                               }
 |    Burnaby, B.C., V5A 1S6                                \
 \    Canada                                                /
 }                                                          {
 \               e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                    /
 }                                                          >
 |               FAX  : (604) 291-4951                      {____
 }                                                          |__( \
 \                                                          \    /


From: Avinash Meetoo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I need a good book on Sendmail
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 15:43:36 +0400

> In comp.os.linux.admin Lamar Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Anyone know of a good book for Sendmail?  I am running RedHat Linux 6.2.  I

Check the Sept. issue of Linux Journal. If I remember correctly, they
reviewed a Sendmail book in it and said it was one of the best (for its
breadth and correctness)

Avinash Meetoo
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From: Alex Fitterling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: how to undelete files on ext2
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 13:21:01 +0100


since I unfortunately deleted my /etc/X11 (I just couldn't remember
anymore, that I replaced it recently with a link, instead of keeping
its whole contents in a separate dir) I felt like a fool... 

unfortunately I catched my self of beeing unable to undelete these
files, too... :) because of the fact, I got know clue how to do
that... In Midnight Commander I found some hints... but not as clear
as I was thinking it has to be stated to me...

Can someone of you give me a short introduction  (or a link to a recent
web-document) how to undelete files correctly ?

Especially I want to know if it is possible to restore deleted files
exactly to the original state.. with name, etc. (?)

Thank you in advance.


From: "Rick Goh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,alt.os.linux
Subject: Virtual Hosts point to MASQ machines???
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 22:02:46 +0800

 I have managed to set up 2 virtual hosts. They are residing on my linux
server;  /www/client1  &  /www/client2.

However, what I want is to have them hosted on my other 2 clients which are
IP MASQ machines.

Scenario to be achieved:  -->  -->

How can the above be achieved?



From: "Nerd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: FSCK renaming Windows directory
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 14:05:34 -0000

"Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> (Do you have overlapping partitions or something weird like that?)
Funny you should mention that...


I removed all partitions except the primary Windows partition and partition
magic still says "partitions overlap".. Overlap what???

Anyway, it doesn't matter now - it's all fixed. Deleted all partitions and

Paul Evans

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (new home)
ICQ number: 4135350


From: Patrick Baer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Login fail
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 15:09:44 +0100

preprepre schrieb:
> When i start the terminal in xwindows and tried to log into root or my
> current account, it doesn't work. When i try to log into root, i get the
> error telling me that my password is incorrect. When i try to log into my
> current account, i get the error telling me that the account has expired.
> But when i use the xwindow login(the one u get when u type startx), i
> could log into both root and my account. I'm just starting linux with
> mandrake 7.2 so i dunno whats wrong. Can someone help me?
> --
> Posted via CNET

/bin/login is probably corrupted. X doesn't use it, but the console
does. Don't know what exactly is wrong, but it might be a start for


Patrick Baer


From: "Dave Bush" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Virtual Hosts point to MASQ machines???
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 14:22:57 GMT

> I have managed to set up 2 virtual hosts. They are
> residing on my linux server;  /www/client1
> &  /www/client2.
> However, what I want is to have them hosted on my
> other 2 clients which are IP MASQ machines.
> Scenario to be achieved:
>  -->
>  -->
> How can the above be achieved?

I'm no Apache expert, but here's a stab in the dark:

How 'bout sharing the directories that contain the web pages on and via NFS. Then on the system that's
trying to point to them, mount those directories & set up your virtual host
configs to point to the mount.

Might be a weird way to do it, but off the top of my head that looks like
it'd work. (Of course, that could be the lack of coffee talking this
morning. :))

- Dave
Dave Bush <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Visit Shirley & I's web page at


From: Sepith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mouse is jumpy in X
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 14:30:03 -0000

Eric wrote:
> Sepith wrote:
> > 
> > hi
> > i installed dragon linux a few days ago and the setup went pretty well,
> > except for my mouse,the mouse seems to work well outside of X
> > but when i load X up and i move the mouse left,the pointer jumps right
> > does anyone know why it does that and some possibilities to correct 
> > any help is welcomed and thanked,
> > 
> > thanks for your time
> > 
> I assume you have a MS intellimouse? If so, do the following:
> Alter XF86Config manually (probably in /etc or /etc/X11)
> change the pointer protocol from PS/2 to IMPS/2 
> Eric

hi thankx for the help
but it didnt work i have a serial mouse im not sure what protocal to use
but i tried mousesystems,IMPS/2 and microsoft,
 the microsoft one works ok outside of X but not in
if u have any other surgestions please post
thanx again

Posted via CNET


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frederic Faure)
Subject: Re: I need a good book on Sendmail
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 15:10:31 GMT

On Sat, 02 Dec 2000 19:31:26 GMT, "Lamar Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Anyone know of a good book for Sendmail?  I am running RedHat Linux 6.2.  I
>just went out and bought "Sendmail 2nd Ed." by O'Reilly press and I know
>that it is a good book, but is it good for a Linux 6.2 system?  After all,
>the book was published back in Jan. 1997!  Is it still DA BOOK to have?

You could also take a look at:

Sendmail for Linux Richard Blum £20.40
Availability: Usually dispatched within 24 hours
Paperback - 500 pages (May 2000)
Sams Publishing; ISBN: 0672318342



From: Kyle Parfrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: KDE defaults :: change!
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 15:24:55 GMT

Hello there:
How can I change the default programs that KDE uses to open different
kinds of file? 
Kghostview is useless compared to ghostview etc.
Will this also apply to other programs calling a program (eg Klyx
opening kghostview,
I want it to open ghostview)??



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Villy Kruse)
Subject: Re: /etc/fielsystems versus /proc/filesystems
Date: 3 Dec 2000 15:26:42 GMT

On Fri, 1 Dec 2000 23:37:42 +0100, Otto Wyss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Since I rather like floppies mounted as vfat instead of msdos (using
>auto in fstab), I consider creating a /etc/filesystems. Or is there a
>way to change the order in /proc/filesystems to get the same effect?

Change the word auto in fstab to vfat.  That should do it.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Villy Kruse)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: bind: Address already in use
Date: 3 Dec 2000 15:28:15 GMT

On Sun, 3 Dec 2000 00:51:40 +0800, Rick Goh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>when i tried to start routed always get error msgs:
>Executing: /etc/rc5.d/S55routed start
>> Starting routed (RIP) services: bind: Address already in use
>how do i solve this problem? thanks everyone!

Check that routed and/or gated isn't already running.  You shouldn't
run both, and unless you have a big network with many routers you may
not need one at all.



From: Steven Lembark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I need a good book on Sendmail
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 09:33:06 -0600

> Anyone know of a good book for Sendmail?  I am running RedHat Linux 6.2.  I
> just went out and bought "Sendmail 2nd Ed." by O'Reilly press and I know
> that it is a good book, but is it good for a Linux 6.2 system?  After all,
> the book was published back in Jan. 1997!  Is it still DA BOOK to have?
> Thanks for your help.

and 99.99% of it still applies.  this is still a good intro to
setting up and configuring sendmail and is the best desk reference
i've found -- especially on the debug switches and m4 config macros.

after this if you need more check the docs that come w/ sendmail 
or live at the site.

 Steven Lembark                                   2930 W. Palmer St.
                                                 Chicago, IL  60647
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   800-762-1582


From: Wolfgang Denk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: how to undelete files on ext2
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 14:54:30 GMT

Alex Fitterling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Can someone of you give me a short introduction  (or a link to a recent
>web-document) how to undelete files correctly ?

>Especially I want to know if it is possible to restore deleted files
>exactly to the original state.. with name, etc. (?)

Of course this is possible. Just restore from your latest backup tape.

Wolfgang Denk

Software Engineering:  Embedded and Realtime Systems,  Embedded Linux
Phone: (+49)-8142-4596-87  Fax: (+49)-8142-4596-88   Web:
There is a biblical analogy I'd like to draw here.   Casts are to C++
Programmers what the apple was to Eve.         - Scott Douglas Meyers



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