Linux-Misc Digest #489, Volume #19               Wed, 17 Mar 99 14:13:09 EST

  No backspace in XFmail, Netscape Mail... (Mark Giesbrecht)
  Re: Stupid Newbie tricks (Add this to list) ("Sascha Bohnenkamp")
  Re: RasMol not working!? ("Oliver D. Bedford")
  Fetchmail timeouts (Nik Jewell)
  Re: Public license question ("PC PRO")
  EZPPP and FVWM2 (repost) (Chris Yunker)
  Re: GS drivers for Epson Stylus 640 - disappointing (Bob Tennent)
  loading module (especially PPP) (Gilad)
  Re: Help a newbie (Paul Richards)
  Re: partitions (Gary Momarison)
  Re: How get rid of "hostname:" message from rxvt, xterm? (Paul Kimoto)
  Re: Public license question (Richard E. Hawkins Esq.)
  Re: Modem setup question (mike)
  emacs and color in console mode (Tom Evans)
  Re: Problem for Linux Gurus (Paul Kimoto)
  How to set up ASUS AGP-V3400TNT Display Card? ("egghead")
  Re: (No) PPP (at all) using Zyxel external ISDN TA (Froynlaven)
  Re: GS drivers for Epson Stylus 640 - disappointing (Hans Koch)
  Quake 2 on Linux (Artur Prusinowski)
  Re: Help a newbie (Thomas Boggs)
  Quake 2 on Linux (Artur Prusinowski)


From: Mark Giesbrecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: No backspace in XFmail, Netscape Mail...
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 16:45:18 GMT

Hey all,

I've been fighting with my RH 5.1 setup for the last three weeks or so,
as I seem to have  lost the use of my backspace key in any of my X
programs.  Backspace works in xterm, so I don't think it has to do with
my keyboard setup.  I'm also getting the odd Qtwidget error in Netscape
4.05; is any of this related?

I can't remember at what point I lost the use of my backspace key, so I
guess I'm not too useful in giving any more info.  Any help would be
appreciated...ciao for now,

Mark Giesbrecht


From: "Sascha Bohnenkamp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Stupid Newbie tricks (Add this to list)
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 16:14:40 +0100

>>And, with the same computer, I wanted to compile a new kernel (1.2.13)..
>>But it gave me a message sayng virtual memory exhausted.. and.. since I
>>didn't have a swappartition (read above.. ;), and I didn't know about
>>swapfiles under Linux., I substitued all /dev/hda1 to /dev/fd0 in the
>>instructions about swappartitions ;) .. and. . It worked.. but
>>slooooow.. ;)..

i used my floppy as swap too sometimes ... i want to check if it works:)


From: "Oliver D. Bedford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RasMol not working!?
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 17:38:28 +0100

Mark Tranchant wrote:
> You are running X, aren't you? It seems to be complaining that it can't

  Right. True Colour (24/32bit)

> find an 8-bit (256-colour) display. If you are running X in other than
> 8-bit colour depth, it may complain. This is bad programming, though,

  Is there any way aroung this? (Fiddling with the source?)

> restricting the user to a specific colour depth.


  Thanks anyway,


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nik Jewell)
Subject: Fetchmail timeouts
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 14:15:28 +0000 (GMT)


I've just moved back to trying to use fetchmail instead of various pop
clients (Kmail, Netscape, StarOffice).
It used to work fine on my system, but since using it I've upgraded my
kernel from 2.0.36 to 2.2.3 (I've installed the updated pppd as
recommended in CHANGES).

Using my old .fetchmailrc, I can connect to my ISPs (3), login and
authenticate to my mail accounts OK.  The problem starts when I attempt
to pull down messages.  It reports: downloading message 1 of 23 (4568

Nothing happens, fetchmail times out with a bogus time (e.g. 139440674
seconds, when it has timeout=300 set), and returns me to the prompt.

I can download instantly with the afore-mentioned pop clients.

Any suggestions?



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: Public license question
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 11:58:25 -0500

Lynn Winebarger wrote in message <7cmo28$1kl$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Hasler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Stephan Schulz writes:

There's some notion of "moral rights"
>to the work - god only knows why.

"moral rights" -- "god only knows why"   That's good!
Quite amusing in a very subtle way!  Was this play on words intentional?


From: Chris Yunker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: EZPPP and FVWM2 (repost)
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 09:04:41 -0800

I posted this before, but it seems to have dissappeared.

I'm having trouble w/ EZPPP and my window manager, FVWM2.

When I invoke EZPPP, the windows appears, but it's without any border
and it can't be moved. The instructions w/ EZPPP mentioned something
like this problem, and as a solution, it said to add the command
'DecorateTransient' to my .fvwm2 file. I did this and it didn't help.

Any help on this is appreciated.




From: r d t@c s.q u e e n s u.c a (Bob Tennent)
Crossposted-To: comp.lang.postscript
Subject: Re: GS drivers for Epson Stylus 640 - disappointing
Date: 17 Mar 1999 16:40:14 GMT

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999 10:13:32 -0600, Hans Koch wrote:
 >>> My experience with the Ghostscript drivers (described below)
 >>> for Epson Stylus Color printers is a bit disappointing.
 >>> ...
 >In the meantime, additional suggestins are of course welcome.
Read Devices.htm (or devices.txt) in the ghostscript documentation.

Bob T.


Subject: loading module (especially PPP)
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 19:58:14 +0200

How do i load parts of the kerenel i configured as module ?
(i configured PPP as module and i cant figure how to laod it)


From: Paul Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help a newbie
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 17:07:32 +0000
Reply-To: Paul Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Igor Zlatkovic writes,
>Hi there.
>For booting, look in the /etc/lilo.conf file. You will see one
>image=blahblah entry for every OS, one for linux, other for win95. Simply
>said, the default is the topmost image. You have something like this:


I don't think you guys know how much of a newbie I am, how do I edit
ASCII files?  I managed to get it anyway while randomly clicking about
in that windows emulator thingy.  So now it automatically goes to Win95
unless I say linux, good.

What about this partition stuff...
I'm not too bothered about being able to access the win95 partition from
linux and visa versa but how do I make a sort of "universal" partition
on my 2nd HD that I can access from both Win95 and linux?  Do I use
FDISK or do I need to use PM?

And my Sound Card...
It's a bog standard SB16 non-plug and pray.  The little thingy in the
SETUP program (found that out by wondering what would happen If I ran
the Win95 setup from the CD) fails to work each time when it try's to
play the test sample.

And Video stuff...
Using that SETUP program I've managed to get X Windows to work in
1024*768@8bit but I also checked some of the other resolutions.  The
thingy says to press CTRL ALT + to cycle through the selected video
modes but this doesn't work.
Paul Richards (aka. Pauldoo)
ICQ#    14106503


From: Gary Momarison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: partitions
Date: 17 Mar 1999 10:04:16 -0800

"Spud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>     I am having problems with Partition Magic not being able to recognize
> partitions. After emailing the tech support, they said one of my ext2
> partitions needed to be deleted, then re-created. Problem is, the one that
> needs to be deleted has ALL my linux OS on it (slackware 3.6).
> Unfortunately, this problem happened because I tried installing LILO on the
> superblock of this partition, then making this partition bootable. That
> didn't work, LILO reported it as "operating system missing" and now
> Partition Magic complains about differing CHS settings...but I digress. My
> question is, can I move all my data to the other linux partition, do my
> stuff on the problematic partition, then move all the data back without any
> problems? Is this possible?

Sure. Of course you risk copy errors, but if you're paranoid you could
verify.  You have to decide whether to copy with "dd", "cp -ax", or
a backup-type solution with "cpio", "afio" or some such.  I've done it
with "cp -ax".

If your copy solution moves files (anything but "dd") you'll have to
rerun "lilo", but I think you'll wind up with a defragged disk.

I suppose it's theoretically possible for programs other than the
LILO boot programs to depend on exact file location on the disk
(eg, a high-performance database engine), but it seems unlikely
without you knowing of the program's special needs.  Such programs
probably mostly use their own partitions anyway.

Remember Murphy and buy yourself a backup system.

Look for Linux info at and in
Gary's Encyclopedia at


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Kimoto)
Subject: Re: How get rid of "hostname:" message from rxvt, xterm?
Date: 17 Mar 1999 12:44:35 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Charles Packer wrote:
> hostname: Host name lookup failure
> So who asked rxvt and xterm to be busybodies, looking around
> for host names and such?

Are you sure that this message is coming from the terminal emulator
and not the shell that's starting up in it?

Paul Kimoto       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard E. Hawkins Esq.)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: Public license question
Date: 17 Mar 1999 12:11:42 -0600

In article <7cmo28$1kl$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Lynn Winebarger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Europe as a whole is under a different regime when it comes to civil
>matters.  I believe, in fact, it's called a "civil law regime".  I can't
>remember what the US's system is called, but it's on different footing.

"Common Law," as in "The Common Law of England," to which all, including
the King, were subject.  While (most of?) the rest of Europe is "Civil
Code," tracing to the Napoleanic Code, which traces to codes
published by Roman Emperors, the Common Law has no underlying "code,"
but came from judges trying to figure out what the law *already* was.
Roman law, when available, did influence the common law.  English
speaking countries almosty universally are Common Law today.

rick, esq.

These opinions will not be those of ISU until it pays my retainer.


From: mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Modem setup question
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 13:17:26 -0500

I believe that if there is no data sent over the ppp connection
after a number of seconds that pppd drops the line. With my system
I think it is at least 15 or 20 seconds. I think that there is
some option of pppd to hold the connection indefinitely or at
least extend the time. Try to ping some external location
right away to see if the connection stays up. Hopefully on your
system there is enough time to do that. By the way it is normal
to see those garbage characters on minicom. You must exit minicom
with out dropping the line. I think its alt-q but i'm not sure.
The normal exit from minicom will drop the line.


john xu wrote:
> All:
> I need some help to make my modem work.
> I have an ISA modem(Not Winmodem) installed in my old 386PC,
> and system has 8 mb memory on it. This machine was installed Win95 and
> modem just worked fine(Not PnP mode).  When I installed Redhat 5.2 on
> this machine, everything seems Ok except modem card. I can dial in to my
> ISP PPP server and get the connection. Then enter username and
> password. I got connection and hundreds garbage characters. However,
> just
> after a few seconds, I was disconnected and minicom screen said "No
> CARRIER". Using setserial -a /dev/ttyS3 (I am using port 4, IRQ 3), I
> got
> UART 16550A. Everything seems correct, but why I lost connection?
> Is it possible due to my system memory be too small to cause the
> problem?
> This error repeated again and again and really bother me.
> Somebody has idea and suggestion what I need to try to solve the
> problem? Any help is very appreciated.
> Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so I won't miss you.
> Thanks
> ----------------------------------------------
> John


From: Tom Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: emacs and color in console mode
Date: 17 Mar 1999 13:22:26 -0500

Subject says it all, how do I get pretty colors like in X.
mutt, lynx, ls, can do colors.
Yes I know jed can do colors, but it isn't emacs, no gnus,
I'm typing this now in boring white text :-(
All disclaimers apply...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Kimoto)
Subject: Re: Problem for Linux Gurus
Date: 17 Mar 1999 12:40:45 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Sasa Ostrouska wrote:
> fvwm95: can't resolve __register_frame_info

Typically this is a symptom of moving binaries between systems with
differently-compiled libraries, e.g., taking a binary compiled by
egcs on a system with egcs-compiled glibc and trying to use it on a 
system with gcc-compiled glibc.

If you don't want to recompile, and can't get appropriate binaries
built for you, you might want to try the hack suggested at .

> I try also to compile some programs like KDE or Window Maker and the
> problem is the same.

You mean that they compile but won't run _on the same machine_?
That would be very unexpected.

Paul Kimoto   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: "egghead" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How to set up ASUS AGP-V3400TNT Display Card?
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 23:26:01 +0800

As titled.  Any idea?  If anyone can help me on this, can you please send me
an email?  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I also have sound blaster live, a adaptec CDR drive, ASUS P2B motherboard.
I have linux installed already but can't get the xwindow started.



From: Froynlaven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: (No) PPP (at all) using Zyxel external ISDN TA
Date: 17 Mar 1999 18:31:45 GMT

Fernando Raimundo wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm a rookie in Linux. After many hours and many reading, I have now 
> Red Hat 5.2 in a dual boot configuration in my machine, with kernel 
> XFree 3.3.1 running, and even Netscape Navigator 4.
> But so far I couldn't put a PPP connection up!
> I have an ISDN connection over a Zyxel LCD TA. It works 
> under win98. But in Linux, even after reading a lot of material and 
> ppp scripts, it doesn't work at all. "ppp-on" just lights a LED in the TA
> for a few seconds, then it goes off. No number is dialed (I can check 
> in the TA's LCD).
> Any help would be appreciated, even just pointing me some information on
> external ISDN TA's setup.
> Thanx!
> Fernando Raimundo
> [P.f. remova '.xx' ao responder]  [Please remove '.xx' when replying]

so .. where is the answer to this guys question .. 
im interessted in the answer to !!!!!

just wondering

==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


From: Hans Koch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.lang.postscript
Subject: Re: GS drivers for Epson Stylus 640 - disappointing
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 12:31:00 -0600

> >>> My experience with the Ghostscript drivers (described below)
> >>> for Epson Stylus Color printers is a bit disappointing.
> >>> ...
> >In the meantime, additional suggestins are of course welcome.
> >
>Read Devices.htm (or devices.txt) in the ghostscript documentation.
>Bob T.

I have done this, believe me.
Each time I find an additional piece of information,
I look again at Devices.htm
to see if I find some clue that I did not fully understand before.
>From helping other people with their problems,
I know that it often takes some experience with the subject
before you find the crucial piece of information.

Thanks for your reply.
But at this point, only more specific suggestions,
like the ones I got before, will help.

- Hans Koch


From: Artur Prusinowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Quake 2 on Linux
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 00:00:54 -0500

I have been trying to get Quake to to run on Linux. It actually runs 
but nothing appears on the screen. It just goes blank and I can't even 
switch to a different console.  when I try to run it under X I get an

Error: VID: Could not get any shared memory

and it shuts down. I have an Intel i740 based card and i'm running 
kernel 2.2
Any ideas?

Hundreds of links to Linux software, news, and general sites


From: Thomas Boggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help a newbie
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 13:36:32 -0500

Paul Richards wrote:

> Pete Writes,
> [snip stuff about mounting Win95 drives]
> Is there a sort of autoexec.bat equivalent so that it'll automatically
> mount my Win95 partition each time or do I use some other method for
> auto-mounting?
> Also,
> I still need info on what to use to edit ASCII files...
> --
> Paul Richards (aka. Pauldoo)
> ICQ#    14106503

There is an equivalent to the autoexec file : /etc/inittab.  But that's
not what you should edit.  Modify your /etc/fstab which contains a table
of filesystems which can be mounted.   Any entry in the file which does
not have the "noauto" option will automatically be mounted. Type "man
fstab" and "man mount" from the command line to get more info.

As far as editing ascii files, vi is a typical editor, but you'll have to
check out the man page on vi to learn how to use it.  If it's too painful
for you to use, get a GUI-based editor like nedit, gnotepad, kedit, etc..



From: Artur Prusinowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Quake 2 on Linux
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 13:36:54 -0500

I have been trying to get Quake to to run on Linux. It actually runs 
but nothing appears on the screen. It just goes blank and I can't even 
switch to a different console.  when I try to run it under X I get an

Error: VID: Could not get any shared memory

and it shuts down. I have an Intel i740 based card and i'm running 
kernel 2.2
Any ideas?
Hundreds of links to Linux software, news, and general sites



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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