Linux-Misc Digest #536, Volume #19               Sat, 20 Mar 99 20:13:09 EST

  Re: Almost there with PPP, except. . . (Bill Unruh)
  Re: Names to call Windows... (Marc Sira)
  Slow system (MIBO)
  Re: RH5.2 Linux BOOT locked up (Jorge Nagasaki)
  Shadow password questions (Colin Bell)
  vfat mount problem. ("Michael Faurot")
  Re: Names to call Windows... (Johan Kullstam)
  Linux and Windoze 95 dual boot newbie question (Paul Jobson)
  bttv / tv-pci strange behavior ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: RH 5.1 is missing /proc/swaps: So, swapon -s doesn't work... (Kenny McCormack)
  Re: LILO problem remaining unsolved !!!!! (Bernd-Ulrich Adrigam)
  Re: Migrating RH Linux 5.2 to new hard drive (Bernd-Ulrich Adrigam)
  Re: PHP3 and SuSE 6.0 (brian moore)
  Re: RH5.0 won't recompile (brian moore)
  Re: newbie needs help installing 2.2.3 kernel (Bob Martin)
  HDD > 8GB (Norvell Spearman)
  Re: lp device question (Bob Martin)
  Re: What's going on with comp.os.linux.announce? (Gary Johnson)
  Re: multi-boot machine (Regit Young)
  Re: Help a newbie (brian moore)
  Problem with printing (Hans van Amstel)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Almost there with PPP, except. . .
Date: 20 Mar 1999 22:36:55 GMT

In <HpAI2.17$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Brian E. Parker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>I can call in with a Win9x box (which will be all it will be receiving calls
>from once it gets going) and it happily connects (using minicom).  I login
>via minicom from the login prompt that I get.  I can't run pppd as my user,
>I have to 'su'.  Here's by /usr/sbin/pppd:

Use mgetty to answe the calls, not minicom. Works very well

>-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root       106876 Jun  8  1998 pppd

chmod +s /usr/sbin/pppd
as root.

>The second problem I have is that it isn't routing my IP once I get logged
>in via PPP.  I can't ping or telnet, etc.  I _am_ receiving my IP number

? run proxyarp as a pppd option on the linux box.
Make sure IPforwading in on. (etc/sysconfig/network    FORWARD_IPV4=yes)

>from my options.ttyS0 file.  In that file, I have the line:

Weird netmask. why the 254 rather than 255.

>but when I run a winipcfg, it shows a netmask of  That's the
>third problem.

>And, the fourth problem is that I want it to login seamlessly, without
>having to open up a dialog box.  I'm not sure how to set up my pap-secrets
>file for that.

You have to decide how ou want them to log on-- whetehr with PAP or CHAP
(better) or login.  If with PAP or CHAP use AutoPPP in

>I'm not very knowledgable about how groups work on Linux (I'm a NetWare
>based thinker) but I would like to do either of the following:

>1) Set up 1 user to log into the box via PPP
>2) Have it where anyone with a valid account can log in via PPP

Fine. Use either the login authentication or CHAP. In the latter case
you have to set up the chap-secrets file with a line for each user ( and
use the require-chap option to pppd). 
In the former you need to use the noauth and tell the users to run pppd
when they have logged on.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marc Sira)
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Names to call Windows...
Date: 20 Mar 99 23:18:07 GMT

In our last episode, Donn Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>Another weird thing about Windows 98:  Did you ever have Win98 running, and try
>using rawrite or fdimage to format a UNIX boot disk under a DOS box?  Watch as
>the CPU usage shoots sky high.  Also note how long it takes.  You practically
>have to shutdown, and exit to DOS in order to format a floppy;  under Windows it
>takes so damn long.  You also can't switch to any programs, since the DOS-based
>functions are hogging up CPU time processing interrupts to the floppy disk.
>OTOH, Linux and FreeBSD can use "dd" to write an image to floppy while you use
>other programs.  This leads me to believe it's a problem with Windows handling
>interrupts, since writing to floppy uses a lot of int 21h (or is it 19h?) calls.

A floppy drive is ultimately just a slow serial device, and using one will be
CPU-intensive on any OS. The difference you observe is just due to the
relative intelligence of the driver and how willing the OS is to defer writes
(both coupled with the differences noted in scheduling or lack thereof).
Windows doesn't appear to do any write caching at all on floppy devices,
perhaps because of the significant chance that the machine might crash before
the data could be committed, but mostly because it's too easy for a user to
prematurely eject a nasty old manual PC floppy drive (there's a good reason
for power eject and software eject locking on removables, though Windows
doesn't even seem to handle this reasonably on read-only mounted CD-ROMs).
FreeBSD and Linux just assume you won't walk off with the disk without
unmounting it, which isn't necessarily a safe assumption even for an
experienced user. ;)

Floppy drives are fast-headed for a well-deserved grave (been there for ages
on some platforms), so I wouldn't expect them to expend development effort on
improving performance. Although I will miss them for their uses in FTP
installing Unix systems, as well as picoBSD, linuxrouter et al. :)

Marc Sira               |       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you can't play with words, what good are they?


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Slow system
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 00:11:05 +0100

I have just installed LINUX and most of it seem to run quite well.
However, I have been told that the system would be as fast or faster
than Windows 95 (on the same PC). ALthough I accept that starting up may
take a little longer than windows, I was surprised that any program
would take much more time than expected. Netscape would e.g. take as
long as 1 minute and StarOffice 5 nearly two.
During loading the program, the HD is making noises like an old coffee
grinder. I checked the memory usage, which showed that most of the 40MB
is allocated to 'shared'. The 100 MB of swap is nearly unused (result of
'free' command).

What could be the problem? Or do I just have to accept that with LINUX
the days are shorter than with Windows?

Mike Bosschaert


Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 20:25:28 -0300
From: Jorge Nagasaki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RH5.2 Linux BOOT locked up

Found a way to recover.. may be not the correct way but
Linux is up again.  Posting what I did in case it helps or
may be a better way around..

at the LILO prompt I enetered
>linux single root=/dev/hda6 initrd=
this allowed me to boot linux.
then I removed samba with:
rpm -e samba-1.9.....

and then Linux is OK again.. (well I m not using samba , I think..)

Jorge Nagasaki wrote:

> Hello,
> Suddenly my LINUX RH5.2 does not boot.
> During boot I have the usual boot message and it locks up
> just after the following messages:
>   ...
> Starting gpm move services : gpm
> Starting sound configuration: sound
> Starting SMB services: smbd
> and then stops sending messages and neves goes on.
> I tried various measures like disconecting devices, disabling enabling
> features in BIOS , but nothing helps..
> Before I try the last recurse ( Complete scratch re-install of Linux) ,
> do you have
> any suggestion on what I could do?
> Thank you very much...


Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 17:49:41 -0600
From: Colin Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,,
Subject: Shadow password questions

I downloaded and compiled the source to shadow-19990307 from and it seemed to work fine all the new admin stuff was
installed (chfn, passwd, adduser, userdel, etc...) but when I tried to
login in at a different virtual terminal I got this warning:

bash# login
configuration error - unknown item 'ISSUE_FILE_ENAB' (notify
administrator) login: cbell
Password: ***********************************************
Last login: Sat Mar 20 02:51:29 -0600 1999 on tty6.
No mail.

anyway it gives that:

configuration error - unknown item 'ISSUE_FILE_ENAB' (notify

anytime I try to access the passwd file ie. su, login, and telnet.


Does anyone know where this is originating from?  How can I stop it?
I'm looking at installing NIS now on the 386 and using my Pentium to
connect to get it's passwords.  This is so I can learn how to do it for
the Earl of March project.




From: "Michael Faurot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: vfat mount problem.
Date: 20 Mar 1999 22:33:59 GMT

I'm having a problem getting kernel 2.0.36 within RedHat v5.2 to mount
a vfat partition.  The system has mounted it okay before, however I
recently reinstalled Windows 95 after upgrading the motherboard, cpu
and ram and believe I may have done something to corrupt either the FAT
itself or the partition table.

This is the error received when the system attempts to mount this

[MS-DOS FS Rel. 12,FAT 16,check=n,conv=b,uid=0,gid=0,umask=022]
Transaction block size = 512
VFS: Can't find a valid MSDOS filesystem on dev 03:01.  

The corresponding entry from /etc/fstab is as follows:

/dev/hda1               /win95/c                vfat    defaults 0 0    

Before going any further, this is NOT an issue of simply not having the
various FAT, VFAT and NLS modules installed in the kernel.  These are
the relevant lines, from the Filesystems area in the .config file under
/usr/src/linux for kernel 2.0.36 proving that:

# Filesystems
# CONFIG_QUOTA is not set
# CONFIG_EXT_FS is not set
# CONFIG_XIA_FS is not set
# CONFIG_UMSDOS_FS is not set

Further, the machine has no problem mounting a FAT32 partition on a
separate drive as indicated by this output from mount:

# mount
/dev/hda5 on / type ext2 (rw)
none on /proc type proc (rw)
/dev/hdb1 on /win95/d type vfat (rw) 

Windows 95 itself has no problem booting from and running on this
filesystem.  It's own scandisk has been run and can find nothing

One other curious thing is that Partition Manager v3 also thinks
there's something wrong with the partition as it claims there are
cross linked files in it, and refuses to allow any attempts to resize

 Michael |     mfaurot     | Get Revenge!  Live long enough to be a problem
 Faurot  | | for your children!


Crossposted-To: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Names to call Windows...
From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 20 Mar 1999 18:59:55 -0500

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marc Sira) writes:

> In our last episode, Donn Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> >OTOH, Linux and FreeBSD can use "dd" to write an image to floppy

> FreeBSD and Linux just assume you won't walk off with the disk without
> unmounting it, which isn't necessarily a safe assumption even for an
> experienced user. ;)

i rarely mount my floppies.  i just use dd or tar straight to the
device.  even during these direct operations, linux doesn't seem to
come to a screetching halt.

                                           J o h a n  K u l l s t a m
                                           [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
                                              Don't Fear the Penguin!


From: Paul Jobson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux and Windoze 95 dual boot newbie question
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 23:57:13 +0000

Hiya all. I'm just crossing the bridge to the SuSE Linux OS from Win
doze and am wanting to configure a dual boot system. I have partitioned
my drive with a primary win 95, an extended W95 with Linux logical swap
and a primary Linux partition. My intention is to use Boot Magic to boot
the two OS's. I am aware of the 1024 cylinder limit for LILO but I was
under the impression this didn't matter when using a boot manager.
However when I attempt to install LILO  with vmlinuz to the boot sector
of a primary partition above the 1024 cylinder limit YAST displays an
error message. Is there a work around for this? Any help appreciated.
Paul Jobson


Subject: bttv / tv-pci strange behavior
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 23:51:26 GMT

I finally got the bttv module(s) loaded after I upgraded the kernel from
2.0.36 to 2.2.3.  When I run xawtv, I can only see channels 7-13 and 20-63
(they are all showing The Weather Channel, if that means anything).  I'm
using bttv-0.6.3. Can't see anything at all with kwintv.

Any help will be appreciated.

My setup...

In the driver makfile:

Here's how I'm loading the modules:
xinsmod videodev
xinsmod i2c             verbose=1 scan=1 i2c_debug=0
test -f i2c_chardev.o && xinsmod i2c_chardev
xinsmod tuner           debug=0 type=6
xinsmod msp3400
xinsmod bttv            radio=1

My hardware:
stb tv-pci
ati expert98 graphics card (pci mach64GP)
ensoniq audiopci sound card

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kenny McCormack)
Subject: Re: RH 5.1 is missing /proc/swaps: So, swapon -s doesn't work...
Date: 20 Mar 1999 18:12:16 -0600

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
NF Stevens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kenny McCormack) wrote:
>>I have an RH51 system, installed from "Official RH 5.1" in the pretty box.
>>I have 2 working swap partitions - Running 'free' shows 96 megs of swap.
>>When I run "swapon -s", I get /proc/swaps: No such file or directory.
>>Assuming something is missing from the kernel.  How do I fix this?
>/proc/swaps is not available in 2.0.xx kernels. It is a new feature
>that only became available in 2.2.0.

I see.  Odd that they would program for a non-existent feature in the
version (of the swapon program) shipped with (on the same CD as) the
2.0.x kernel.

Is there any other way to find out what is currently being used as swap?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bernd-Ulrich Adrigam)
Subject: Re: LILO problem remaining unsolved !!!!!
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 23:03:10 +0100

Benjamin HERZOG schrieb in Nachricht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Hello ,
>I am runing Linux Red Hat 5.1 (Kernel 2.0.34).
>I have got two hard drives (hda -master- with msdos; and hdb -slave-
>with linux),  and i can boot Linux on /dev/hdb1 with a floppy via LILO.
>I once had a problem with a floppy, and i would like to boot linux with
>LILO installed on hd.

Hello Benjamin,

reconfigure your system to its origin state,
1. hda with senseless98
2. hdb with LINUX

Check whether your  senseless98 still gets up and running.

Boot your linux from floppy and install lilo to the mbr of hda!
Check /etc/fstab for the linux root-partition
( could be hdb3 or hdb4 instead of hdb1 !!! )
After editing the lilo.conf you MUST start lilo!!!
The "LI" at boot-time shows, that lilo can't find it's stuff.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bernd-Ulrich Adrigam)
Subject: Re: Migrating RH Linux 5.2 to new hard drive
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 23:42:22 +0100

David Elliott schrieb in Nachricht <7csvjp$iap$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>When I need to move crap between drives I find the tar command to be quite
>Assuming you have your new drive mounted as /mnt/newdrive, and also
>you have this on one large partition (I usually would seperate out /home
>/usr, but it's up to you):
>Go through every directory in / excluding /proc and /mnt and do the
>[root@hostname /]# tar -c dirname/ | tar -xC /mnt/newdrive/
>P.S.  YMMV, but the tar thing is a trick I like much better than using cp.

I think, tar is quiet the best linux-solution. But what about links? Does
tar take only the link, or does it get the file behind the link instead? (I
had a problem with this on a Siemens MX300-machine (SINIX) some years ago).

I don't know RedHat 5.2.
But I've seen a lot of people with new BIG harddrives, that didn't know
about the 1023 cylinder barrier of lilo. So Brett W. McCoy should look out
for this. (Solutions on this problem have been posted here several times.)



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (brian moore)
Subject: Re: PHP3 and SuSE 6.0
Date: 21 Mar 1999 00:20:35 GMT

On 17 Mar 1999 17:44:37 -0500, 
 David Steuber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When Apache was installed on one of my systems from the SuSE 6.0
> installation CD, a server side scripting language called PHP3 was
> included.  Last week, I installed the Apache source package and added
> the SSLeay patch and built Apache SSLeay.  I looked for the PHP3
> package so that I could also compile that as a module for Apache
> SSLeay.  Unfortunatly, I could not locate the package that PHP3 is
> in.  Can anyone point me to it?  I want the source package so I can
> compile it as an Apache module.

Tried ?

Brian Moore                       | "The Zen nature of a spammer resembles
      Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker     |  a cockroach, except that the cockroach
      Usenet Vandal               |  is higher up on the evolutionary chain."
      Netscum, Bane of Elves.                 Peter Olson, Delphi Postmaster


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (brian moore)
Subject: Re: RH5.0 won't recompile
Date: 21 Mar 1999 00:24:17 GMT

On Sat, 20 Mar 1999 20:22:26 GMT, 
 mike dombrowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just did a full install of RedHat 5.0 and for the heck of it went to
> /usr/src/linux and typed make dep;make clean;make zImage. Much to my
> dismay I got this
> gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux-2.0.31/include -Wall
> -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -
> fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strength-reduce -pipe -m386 -DCPU=386  -c -o
> rd.o rd.c
> gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux-2.0.31/include -Wall
> -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -
> fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strength-reduce -pipe -m386 -DCPU=386  -c -o
> ide.o ide.
> c
> cpp: output pipe has been closed
> gcc: Internal compiler error: program cc1 got fatal signal 11
> make[3]: *** [ide.o] Error 1
> make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.0.31/drivers/block'
> make[2]: *** [first_rule] Error 2
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.0.31/drivers/block'
> make[1]: *** [sub_dirs] Error 2
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.0.31/drivers'
> make: *** [linuxsubdirs] Error 2
> [root@linux linux]#
> What's wrong? Why won't my kernel recompile? Thanks in advance.

Odds are you have bad RAM.


Brian Moore                       | "The Zen nature of a spammer resembles
      Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker     |  a cockroach, except that the cockroach
      Usenet Vandal               |  is higher up on the evolutionary chain."
      Netscum, Bane of Elves.                 Peter Olson, Delphi Postmaster


Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 18:27:41 -0600
From: Bob Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: newbie needs help installing 2.2.3 kernel

Did you make mrproper before make config ?

Michael wrote:
> I downloaded the 2.2.3 kernel (linux-2.2.3.tar.gz). I followed the
> instructions in the README. When I get to configuring the kernel (make
> config), it says no rule to make target config. Am I doing something
> wrong? I'm running RH Linux 5.0 with 2.0.32 kernel


From: Norvell Spearman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HDD > 8GB
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 17:57:44 -0600

I saw in an earlier posting about how to get around the 8 GB limit when
installing Linux:  creating a 2-3 MB /boot partition.  Does it matter where on
the HDD the /boot part. is located (besides lilo's requirements).  And what
exactly is required after creating this partition?  Just re-start the install? 
If it matters, I'll be using RedHat 5.1 after shrinking the windoze partition.


---Norvell Spearman
To reply, remove my opinion about
unwanted e-mail from my address.


Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 18:41:16 -0600
From: Bob Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: lp device question

No, but do you see a line

 6 lp   

in the character device list. If you do not see that, then likely no lp
ports were detected.

Alexander Luchin wrote:
> When I do 'cat /proc/devices', I don't see any of the lp (neither lp0, nor
> lp1, nor lp2) in the least. Does it mean that all of the lp devices are dead?
>                                                Alex.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gary Johnson)
Subject: Re: What's going on with comp.os.linux.announce?
Date: 21 Mar 1999 00:49:32 GMT

Christopher R. Carlen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I just looked at it, and every message is repeated four times.  Do other
> people see this too?

Yes, I've been watching them accumulate at about one set a day since
Thursday, I think.  My news server is in Oregon.



From: Regit Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.unixware.misc,alt.solaris.x86
Subject: Re: multi-boot machine
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 09:01:04 +0800

I have loaded Msdos 6.2 (with MacOS 8 running under Fusion), Win95,
OS/2, NT4 Server, Linux, FreeBSD 2.2.8, Solaris 7 and Unixware 7 in that
Nothing really in making them work together... but note that Linux swap
and Solaris partition share the same ID. There are a few ways to get
pass this ... I just simply fdisk from floppy and change the ID of swap
before installing Solaris.

As for sharing fs, only Linux is able to read/write all except for
Unixware 7's VxFS. Booting can all be done using lilo or NT bootloader.

Hardware ... if possible, get a well-supported video card, like the
Matrox Mil 2 (not the G200), NIC, host-adaptor. Haven't really heard
about MB being a problem ... but I believe that some chipsets may be
problematic (like Ali chipset) to some OSes. But like everyone says...
check the HCL.

> Hi there,
> Just out of curiosity, I wonder whether anyone has put Win95/98, NT 4, Linux,
> UnixWare 7 and Solaris 2.7 on the same machine. What is the order of
> installation? What is the hardware spec that is compatible with all these
> OS's? Any gotcha in making them work together?
> Thanks in advance.
> Huayong
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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (brian moore)
Subject: Re: Help a newbie
Date: 21 Mar 1999 01:01:58 GMT

On Fri, 19 Mar 1999 22:17:27 +0000, 
 Paul Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> brian moore writes,
> >1)   'setuid' -- make pppd itself suid-root, so that when it's run it
> >     will become root regardless of who ran it.  You can combine this
> >     with groups (make a group for people who can bring up ppp) so that
> >     not every user could, just those in the group.  See 'man chmod' for
> >     the details, or cheat and do:  chmod 04555 /usr/sbin/pppd
> Right, well after no reply I sorta figured that out but how does the
> user (who now has the ability to start PPP) actually start the PPP
> connection through X11?  You see before I was going into the network
> control panel and activating it from there.  Do I need to do it from the
> shell?
> BTW:  I used "chmod u+s /usr/sbin/pppd" if that was correct.
> Please someone, answer this time.

Sorry, was busy doing work stuff.  (Did find out about an interesting
toy that will do "ppp over ethernet" which actually has some
applications despite it being wierd.)

Users should be able to start pppd the same way root would
(/usr/sbin/ppp-on for Slack, for example).

Brian Moore                       | "The Zen nature of a spammer resembles
      Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker     |  a cockroach, except that the cockroach
      Usenet Vandal               |  is higher up on the evolutionary chain."
      Netscum, Bane of Elves.                 Peter Olson, Delphi Postmaster


From: Hans van Amstel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problem with printing
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 00:25:04 +0100


I use RedHat 5.2. When I just installed linux my printer (HP Deskjet
520) worked perfect. Then I installed WordPerfect and KDE 1.1 and
printing with lpr (also in KDE )results in:

Unrecoverable error: rangecheck in .putdeviceprops

Printing in Netscape or Wordperfect goes well.

Does anyone knows how to solve this problem?

Hans van Amstel



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