Linux-Misc Digest #537, Volume #19               Sat, 20 Mar 99 22:13:08 EST

  Re: Public license question (jedi)
  Re: Freecell (Matthew Bafford)
  Re: Slow system ("Dave C.")
  Converting MSWORD Document WP8 (Alan Fried)
  Re: KDE vs GNOME and what about Enlightenment? (David Frye)
  linux x-window screen settings???? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Help with LILO? (Andrew Maus)
  Re: Slow system (Juergen Heinzl)
  Re: Telnet question (Chris J/#6)
  Re: linux HELP ! (TurboTex)
  Re: StarOffice 5.01 setup dies (Andrew Glikman)
  Re: KDE 1.1 and GIMP 1.1.2 - very strange behaviour (Geoff Rivell)
  Re: DJGPP (Enkidu)
  Re: Install Redhat 5.2 off hard drive. What to download? (Enkidu)
  License question ("No Spam")
  Re: loading module (especially PPP) (Tiger)
  Re: Incredibly STUPID linux question - How do I format a floppy disk? (Enkidu)
  Re: Beginner help!!! Xwindows (Charon)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jedi)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: Public license question
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 17:00:50 -0800

On 20 Mar 1999 00:20:08 -0800, Michael Powe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hash: SHA1
>>>>>> "Lynn" == Lynn Winebarger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>    Lynn> In article <DMeI2.709$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, PC PRO
>    Lynn> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    >> Boy are you guys some law-spouting Jeopardy whiz-kids.  Does
>    >> the L in Linux stand for lawyers, or what?  ......
>    Lynn>    For my own part, I've been reading some law books
>    Lynn> recently because I want to be ready if a lawsuit comes my
>    Lynn> way (for whatever reason).  I don't trust (or really expect,
>    Lynn> given a possible malpractice claim) a lawyer to give me good
>    Lynn> advice for aggressively pursuing my rights when the law is
>    Lynn> ambiguous about it.
>Hmm, thus giving credence to the old saw, `The man who represents
>himself has a fool for a lawyer.'

        However, this fellow does not appear to be doing any
        such thing. He seems to be merely interested in being
        well enough informed such that he will know when and
        when not to trust a certain clasess of advisors.

>Attorneys make money by winning cases.  They don't give `good' advice
>that leads to lost cases.  Personally, that's just the kind of
>attorney I'd prefer.  I can't imagine why you'd want the other kind.

        How does one tell the difference?

        Merely having faith in your experts is not 
        sufficient. Lawyers live to bill, or to win
        big jackpots. The interaction of these goals 
        with yours may or may not work in your favor.

        It is sensible to know if 'Fred' is trying
        to sell you a lemon.

  "I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die     |||
   while you discuss this a invasion in committe."        / | \

        In search of sane PPP docs? Try


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthew Bafford)
Subject: Re: Freecell
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 01:23:43 GMT

Sat, 20 Mar 1999 03:22:39 -0500 -- Donn Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
-> Anyone know of a "solitaire" like game for X?

What rock did you crawl out from under?  That's been mentioned several
times (in this thread) already. :-)

Windows's solitaire is what is commonly refered to as 'Klondike'.  Xpat2
supports it.

-> Donn



From: "Dave C." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Slow system
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 19:24:30 -0500
Reply-To: "Dave C." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well I just installed Mandrake (RH 5.2 and KDE, among other apps.) and
it seems to run apps. faster than Windows.  BUT:  My CD-Rom access is
slower than FTP with a V.90 modem!  Well, not really, but just to test
it, I downloaded the WordPerfect 8 GZ file, and it took about 2 hours.
The same file copied from CD-Rom to a directory on hard drive dev/hdb1
took almost 30 minutes.  Really!  I thought the system was stalled or
something.  Under Windows, I could have copied that same file in much
less than 5 minutes.  My CD-Rom drive is a Acer ATAPI 36X, so it is not
slow, and it is (supposedly) supported by Linux.  I was rather
unimpressed (to say the least) with the performance of Linux in copying
a file from CD-Rom.  -Dave

On hotmail dot com, I am user "davec2".

MIBO <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I have just installed LINUX and most of it seem to run quite well.
> However, I have been told that the system would be as fast or faster
> than Windows 95 (on the same PC). ALthough I accept that starting up
> take a little longer than windows, I was surprised that any program
> would take much more time than expected. Netscape would e.g. take as
> long as 1 minute and StarOffice 5 nearly two.
> During loading the program, the HD is making noises like an old coffee
> grinder. I checked the memory usage, which showed that most of the
> is allocated to 'shared'. The 100 MB of swap is nearly unused (result
> 'free' command).
> What could be the problem? Or do I just have to accept that with LINUX
> the days are shorter than with Windows?
> Mike Bosschaert


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alan Fried)
Subject: Converting MSWORD Document WP8
Date: 20 Mar 1999 15:09:27 GMT

I have been using wp8 for Linux for some time and I am very distressed
that it has difficulty converting my word 97 documents from dos.

When I try to read a document from dos, word perfect goes through the
conversion process and displays the document but only the first line.

When I use Star Office I do not have this problem,

Can anyone shed any light on this issue?

Thanx in advance



From: David Frye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: KDE vs GNOME and what about Enlightenment?
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 01:35:19 GMT

> In his obvious haste, David Frye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> babbled thusly:
> : We have one of the best OS's going in this day and age. We have NO
> : applications (of the windows sense for the average Joe) that are polished
> : enough to stand up against the Windows World and be practical for every
> : day usage.
> Welll... Apart from GIMP and Wordperfect 8...
> (I'm not putting StarOffice into the same class.)

WordPerfect 8 on Linux is the most crippled, sick piece of software
that I have seen. Corel couldn't sell it to the windows crowd, and
now they are trying to push it off on the Linux users. 

Gimp is very good, an outstanding piece of work, but mimic's the 
poor Adobe interface

StarOffice SUCKS, but it does do a better job than WordPerfect on
importing/exporting Word 97 docs. The spreadsheet also does a fairly
good impression of Excel, not that Excel is any good either.

By the way, do Corel and StarDivision remind anyone but me of those
drug pushers that hang around school yards giving their wares away
for free until they thinked that they have them hooked, and then
start charging outrages fees for the crap?


Subject: linux x-window screen settings????
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 01:49:09 GMT

hi there all...

I am using redhat 5.2 and needed to now how the heck configure x-windows to
run on my machine by with my screen at 800 by 600 at least, because now i am
using it at 600 by 480 (i think)and evrything is to big, it is quiet
difficult to work with that resolution.

I'd appreciate very much if someone could help me with this.


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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Maus)
Subject: Help with LILO?
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 02:00:55 GMT

I installed RH 5.2 on P133 machine which has 2 EIDE hard drives
installed.  Both are connected to a Promise Ultra DMA-33 controller.
I also have an Adaptec 2940 UW scsi card to which my CD-Rom and
Syquest removable HDD are connected.  My primary IDE drive (6GB) has
Windows 95 installed, my secondary IDE drive (1GB) (now) has only
Linux.  During installation, I opted for the Workstation installation
class, which among other things, automatically setup 2 partitions on
the secondary drive for Linux and attempted to load LILO.  I got
through the entire installation process un-scathed, until it was
executing the very last step: Loading LILO onto the MBR.  I don't
remember the exact wording of the error message but suffice it to say
installing LILO onto the MBR failed.  I am able to boot from floppy no
problem.  I tried going into LINUXCONF and attempt to re-configure
LILO.  The default device MBR to load LILO onto is HDA, however during
installation, my primary IDE drive was setup as HDE and my secondary
is HDF with the root partition at HDF5.  When I attempt to enter
/dev/hde as the MBR to load LILO onto, I get an error indicating that
the specified dev is an invalid location to boot from.  If I enter
/dev/hda and re-run LILO, I get an error from LILO indicating that the
specified device does not support the operation.  I've read several
HOW TO's (including the mini LILO HowTo) but can't find a solution for
this problem.  I do know this, the kernel release in RH 5.2 does
recognize IDE drives connected to the Promise card.  Previous kernel
releases do and require patches to the kernel and LILO.  Hope someone
can shed some light on this.  Thanks.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Juergen Heinzl)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Slow system
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 02:10:10 GMT

In article <7d1f28$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dave C. wrote:
>Well I just installed Mandrake (RH 5.2 and KDE, among other apps.) and
>it seems to run apps. faster than Windows.  BUT:  My CD-Rom access is
>slower than FTP with a V.90 modem!  Well, not really, but just to test
>it, I downloaded the WordPerfect 8 GZ file, and it took about 2 hours.
>The same file copied from CD-Rom to a directory on hard drive dev/hdb1
>took almost 30 minutes.  Really!  I thought the system was stalled or
>something.  Under Windows, I could have copied that same file in much
>less than 5 minutes.  My CD-Rom drive is a Acer ATAPI 36X, so it is not

While I've SCSI only here ... use the *same* CD to try a copy with Windows
first. Those highspeed drives are very sensible to bad CD's and aside from
that the speed varies and 36X is the upper limit, not valid for a whole


\ Real name     : Jürgen Heinzl                 \       no flames      /
 \ EMail Private : [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ send money instead /
  \ Phone Private : +44 181-332 0750              \                  /


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris J/#6)
Subject: Re: Telnet question
Date: 21 Mar 1999 00:40:01 -0000

If you trust the security of the network your computer is connected to, then
root logins via telnet are fine. If you have any doubt, then don't allow
root logins...rationale being that anyone on the network with a packet
sniffer will be able to see you log in to your machine as watch your plaintext
root they then write it down, wait till you disapear, then
log in to your machine as root.

Although that said, anyone with a packet sniffer could see you su, then
grab the root password. General opinion: only be root if you can secure
your remote connection (eg: ssh) or you have a direct physical connection
with the machine (console or terminal).

tty1 to tty8 are assumed to be directly connected terminals, or virtual
consoles. In Linux, tty1 to tty8 are the VC's. In other UNIX'es they'd
be other serially connected terminals (ie, they plug into a physical RS232
port on the back on the machine...think VT100 or Wyse terminals), hence
could be more secure. On many UNIX's, /etc/securetty just has 1 entry: console.


GoGonzaga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I think logging in as someone else and then becoming a superuser is a waste
>of time when you're the administrator of the system.
>I looked at the securetty file and I see tty1-tty8.  What's the significance
>of these entries?

 @}--- Chris Johnson ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\~~~~~~~~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] \--{@
   \ If not for me then do it for yourself  \   \
    \ If not for me then do it for the world \  \
     \                   -- Stevie Nicks      \                            \


From: TurboTex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: linux HELP !
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 20:27:46 -0500

search infoseek


bob pietrowski wrote:
> Hi I'm a computer student loking for some info on linux.
> does anyone know if linux supports User level threads and kernel level
> threads
> thanks
> Bob P.


Michael H. Collins          *   LINUX: The Official O.S.   *    *   For The New Millennium     *

I endorse the PHT TurboLinux distribution for ease of install and use.


From: Andrew Glikman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: StarOffice 5.01 setup dies
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 02:24:24 +0000

Double check that huge archive you downloaded to install Star Office.
This time around they included some libc libraries that you may need to
have installed/upgraded in order to run the new version. You may prefer
to get RPMs for those libraries at one of the RedHat updates mirrors but
you should have them installed first before you try to get the new
StarOffice running. With those libraries in place, my installation
proceeded without a hitch.


A Chris Long wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to install StarOffice 5.01, but when I run the setup
> program, it immediately dumps core.  Here are the libraries it links
> with:
> => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40004000)
> => /lib/ (0x4009a000)
> => /lib/ (0x4009d000)
> => /lib/ (0x400a9000)
> => /lib/ (0x400c4000)
>         /lib/ => /lib/ (0x00000000)
> The original distribution installed was RedHat 4.2, but a lot of stuff
> has been upgraded, so I don't know how closely it still resembles a
> 4.2 system.  (The kernel is 2.0.31, FWIW.)
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I don't read these groups
> regularly, so I'd prefer email replies.  I'd be happy to followup to
> the group with a summary of useful replies if there's interest.
> Thanks.
> - Chris


From: Geoff Rivell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: KDE 1.1 and GIMP 1.1.2 - very strange behaviour
Date: 21 Mar 1999 02:31:49 GMT

Rob Fisher wrote:
> Quite sure. Now the main GIMP toolbar window opens, but when I "Open
> File", for instance, the file requester is minimized. Actually it's not
> properly minimized because the name in the taskbar widget isn't in
> brackets. Clicking on said widget opens the window on the desktop. It's
> weird. I'm going to try recompiling tonight.

Not going to help!  I have the same problems.
Maybe 1.1.3 has solved this though?
I'll have to get it and compile.

==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


From: Enkidu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: Re: DJGPP
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 14:38:31 +1200

Mark Brown wrote:
> The best freeware IDE is, of course, Emacs.  :-)
Please take this to alt.perverts.emacs thank you very much!



From: Enkidu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Install Redhat 5.2 off hard drive. What to download?
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 14:48:00 +1200

The redhat site also has a description of what you need to download to
get it to work. Sorry, I don't know the URl.

BTW, you are in North America by your address so why not get a $2 CD
from Cheapbytes??


stephen wrote:
> Hello:
> I am trying to download RH-5.2 and install off my hard drive.
> I went to this directory:
>   /pub/linux/redhat/redhat-5.2/i386/RedHat
> The content of the above directory is:
>     |----> RPMS         -- binary packages
>     |----> base         -- small filesystem setup archives
>     |----> instimage    -- image used for graphical installs
> Are the contents of these 3 sub-directories essentially the
> whole 5.2 distribution for Intel?
> If I downloaded all the above, do I need anything else beside
> the boot.img and supp.img diskettes?
> Thanks in advance.
> Stephen


From: "No Spam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.slackware
Subject: License question
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 02:53:41 GMT

Are we allowed to sell distributions of Linux? ie Can we burn Slackware or
RedHat on CD's and sell it? or just distribute it freely?



Subject: Re: loading module (especially PPP)
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 02:56:39 GMT

Gilad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>How do i load parts of the kerenel i configured as module ?
>(i configured PPP as module and i cant figure how to laod it)

  If configured correctly, daemon 'keneld' or 'kmod' will 
  call 'modprobe' to load the module on as needed basis.
  However, if your machine runs on a Redhat 5.2 and 
  upgraded to new kernel 2.2.x, then its very likely the
  auto module loading machnism will no longer work. You will
  spend some time to upgrade some related rpms, and re-write
  some system start up scripts in /etc/rc.d
  The "Module-Howto" (,
  and files under: /usr/src/linux/Documentation/Changes and kmod.txt
  may provide you additional information. 

  Good luck, and let me know whether things work out or not.


                          \           `9_ 9  )   `-.  (     ).`-.__.`)
                           \ /\       (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]          ( )      _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' .' 
                         .( o ).   (il).-''  ((i).'  ((!.-' 


From: Enkidu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Incredibly STUPID linux question - How do I format a floppy disk?
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 14:57:34 +1200

Probably it would be easier just to grab a dos formatted floppy, copy
the file to it and copy it off at the other end. Except for boot
floppies, I don't bother with formatting floppies with minix or ex2fs.


John Strange wrote:
> Here is a copy of my init_fd script.
> ######################################################
> setfdprm /dev/fd0 1440/1440
> fdformat -n /dev/fd0
> mke2fs -i 1024 -m 0 /dev/fd0
> #******************** end init_fd ********************
> Kristy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> : Hey Dudes:
> : I need to format a 3.5" floppy disk under RHLinux 5.2, then I'm gonna
> : copy a *.tgz file on it for transport to another linux system.
> : A little help please, and no jokes!  ;-)
> : Kristy
> --
> While Alcatel may claim ownership of all my ideas (on or off the job),
> Alcatel does not claim any responsibility for them. Warranty expired when u
> opened this article and I will not be responsible for its contents or use.


From: Charon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Beginner help!!! Xwindows
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 21:05:23 -0600

Adriano Marcuz wrote:
> Hello all,
> Need newbie help in setting up Redhat 5.2 with the following,
> 1) Set my Cirrus Logic 5640 with 2MB video RAM to 1024x768
> 2) Add an Icon to the desktop for any program I would like to launch ie.
> apache server manager.
> How does one accomplish this in linux?  The install process does not have
> any paths to accomplish this and it's different enough from my SCO 5.0.4
> that I am lost........can a kind soul please help me?
> Adriano

        I don't have the same Cirrus Logic as you, but I've just spent several
hours trying to get my Laptop's Cirrus Logic 7548 with 1MB video RAM to
do 800x600 at 8bbp on RH 5.1 so I can try to point you in the right
direction.  I don't know what X you have (I had to upgrade to XFree for my card to work, RPMs available at RedHat).  When I tried
Xconfigurator it wouldn't choose the right settings so I ended up using
XF86Setup.  Aside from all the other settings, the Card Type actually
lists all compatible cards, just select yours (also go through the rest
of the tabs).  After that my card still didn't work so I went through
the man page for XF86Config and read
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc/README.cirrus.  (It turns out all I had to do was
add 35.25 to my HorizSync line in XF86Config)  Hope this helps.

        Sorry, but I don't know how to do the icon thing yet.



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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