Linux-Misc Digest #603, Volume #19               Thu, 25 Mar 99 19:13:08 EST

  Re: Linux server with Outlook client (Mark Turner)
  Re: Help a newbie (Paul Richards)
  KPPP and USR TA (root)
  Re: microsoft bus mouse (Curt Steger)
  Re: Windows opening with their tops off the top of the screen. (Andrew Glikman)
  Re: gnome and books
  Re: Linux In Banks? (Roland Latour)
  Shared calendar solution for Linux? ("Cameron Spitzer")
  System locks when I play mp3s (RabbidRabbit)
  Mail Server (polarbear)
  Re: What is the best Linux to install? ("Jay D Ribak")
  Q: Regex Error =? ("Eric Chopin")
  Re: Dual boot WinNT and RH Linux (Robert Binz)
  Help with X-Windows ("Jesse Olson")
  Re: SuSE 6.0, Bravo! (Robert Steindl)
  Re: Stylus color 400 under SuSe6.0 (Rod Smith)
  Re: Shared calendar solution for Linux? (Mark Turner)
  Linuxers play dirty? (Bill Amsinux)
  Re: Rant: suse linux - POS worse than windows (NF Stevens)
  Re: Mac/Cdrom (Marc Sira)
  password file problems in UMSDOS filesystem. (M Sweger)
  Pen Computing and linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Using make menuconfig (Christian D Freet)
  Re: Anyway to copy file to a DOS Floppy? (Walter Strong)
  Re: a.out (Tommy Willoughby)
  HELP! cdda2cdr ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: Mark Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux server with Outlook client
Date: 25 Mar 1999 21:51:58 GMT

Philip Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Does anyone know of a package that runs on Linux that allows me to use
: Outlook on the client.

Bill Gates will be flat broke the day Microsoft releases a Linux Outlook client. :)

In the meantime, put Outlook on a Mac, Win95 or NT box and use this:

Mark Turner
Linux Support Specialist
Indelible Blue, Inc.


From: Paul Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help a newbie
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 16:00:47 +0000
Reply-To: Paul Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Paul Richards writes,
>And the other methods are for poofs...  :)
Is that why you guys aren't replying, 'cos I said a bad word?  :)
Paul Richards (aka. Pauldoo)
ICQ#    14106503


From: root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: KPPP and USR TA
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 16:46:49 +0000


I'm writting from France so don't take care if my English is not

I'm trying to install a UST TA   ISDN card. I've recompiled the kernel
and the module hisax.
Using Kppp (KDE 1.0.1) I can see my card, the ATI commands responds
normally. If I want to connect
everything goes well until the message "connecting to network" Kppp says
that he run pppd and nothing occurs. after a while, I can see: "Time out
expired on waiting the ppp interface to come up!"

What is amazing, is that sometimes, it works well and I can connect. I
ve got less than 10% succesfull connection. If I use my USR Sporterflash
on cua0, everything goes well every time!!!

Does anybody have an idea?

Thank you


From: Curt Steger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: microsoft bus mouse
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 16:50:25 GMT

You might also want to make sure that your sound card (IRQ5) does not conflict with
your bus mouse card (IRQ5). If they conflict, then neither will work.

With the cost of a serial mouse around a couple-o-bucks, it would be easier to go
that route.

Peter Onion wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>         [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> > Bart Buelens wrote:
> >
> >> hi,
> >>
> >> just installed red hat linux 5.2 on my intel pentium, but have troubles
> >> configuring my x server and mouse. I have a microsoft bus mouse, I can start
> >> x but the mouse pointer on the screen doesn't move as I move the mouse! i.e.
> >> like if x doesn't see my mouse
> >>
> >> any ideas how to solve this problem?
> Check that the IRQ jumper on the bus-mouse card matches what the kernel
> thinks it is set to.  By default the kernel driver uses
> #define MOUSE_IRQ               5
> from /usr/src/linux-2.0.37/include/linux/busmouse.h
> Peter Onion


From: Andrew Glikman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Windows opening with their tops off the top of the screen.
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 22:01:06 +0000

As an alternative to setting geometries, try holding down the ALT key
and your left mouse button to move a window. Holding the ALT key and
your right mouse button will resize a window.

Bill Unruh wrote:
>  I am having trouble with windows in various programs ( Simplicity, xdvi,
> ghostview,..) opening with  their title bar off  the top of
> the screen. This of course menas I have to use the menus to get the move
> command to move them back onto the screen, which is a pain. How do I
> prevent this from happening?
> RedHat 5.2, XFree86 3.3.2, ATI RAge Pro card, 1024x768 (both real and
> virtual) running the RH AnotherLevel screen manager.
> Thanks.


Subject: Re: gnome and books
Date: 25 Mar 1999 22:06:24 GMT

On Tue, 23 Mar 1999 00:38:23 GMT, Christopher Browne

>On Mon, 22 Mar 1999 14:58:20 GMT, Iztok Polanic
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>>Are there any programming books available for GNOME?
>The best material at this point will be found at

check out  Developing Linux Applications by Harlow from New Riders...
covers GTK+

>There is not yet much documentation; they have been working hard on
>getting interfaces "fleshed out," and documentation has been a
>distinctly secondary task.  
>It didn't make much sense to document interfaces that were still
>changing, after all!
>There is a book on the graphics library, GTK; look for "Developing Linux
>Applications with GTK+ and GDK" by Eric Harlow, published by New
>There would certainly be merit to there being a reference providing
>similar information (the book is not unlike an extended tutorial) on
>the use of:
>- libgnome
>- libxml
>- libPropList
>- ORBit
>That sort of thing should come as the libraries stabilize, and it starts
>being worthwhile for people to use them rather than writing them... 
>"Sigh.  I like to think it's just the Linux people who want to be on the
>`leading edge' so bad they walk right off the precipice."  -- Craig E.


From: Roland Latour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux In Banks?
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 08:20:42 -0800

Robert Brashear wrote:
> Pasha wrote:
> >
> > I'm working for a bank and who are currently looking at changing the
> > client and  server operating systems in their branch network.
> >
> > The choice is between Linux and NT (Workstation/Server).
> I'm not sure, but a recent issue of Linux Journal had a "Linux in
> Banking" article. This is just off the top of my head. No issue numbers
> or anything. Good luck.

Linux Journal for December, 1998, Issue 56, pgs.69ff. They use Linux
for a firewall and redundant WWW servers, and interface the WWW servers
to an IBM mainframe running MVS. Looks proprietary to me, but see, either linux-biz or products/webrpc. I
didn't see details on their Linux-to-MVS connection, though.
 Retired Tech Support Engineer
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." -Ben


From: "Cameron Spitzer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Shared calendar solution for Linux?
Date: 25 Mar 1999 16:54:35 GMT

My organization is on the verge of abandoning POP and SMTP for
Microsoft Exchange Server.  It turns out the reason is the management
wants a shared calendar and appointment system, and Exchange is
the only solution our MIS department is aware of.

Everybody in the company has a Web browser on their desk.
Our telecommuters and globetrotters connect to the office through
a VPN client, and can see Web servers on the company network.
We have a hundred users now, and the system might eventuallly have to
support perhaps two thousand.

Is there a shared calendar and appointment book application out there,
ready to use, that I could put up on Apache-on-Linux in my office?
If so, I think we'd use it.

Reply to cls (at) if you don't want to post.




From: RabbidRabbit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: System locks when I play mp3s
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 22:02:43 GMT

I'm new to Linux and this is really starting to piss me off. My system locks
up any time that I play mp3s.I can hear cds and sometimes there is sound from
some games.  I can click on the wave files that come with REDHAT 5.2 and they
come through fine.  Any time that I play and mp3 on turn on the extra bells
and whistles I'll hear for a while, but then my system locks up solid.  Now I
can't even startx because my start up noise locks my system.  Other than this
I love Linux, but this is drivening me mad!!! Please help...and thanks in

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From: polarbear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mail Server
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 16:53:41 GMT


I am installing FreeBSD on a Pentium machine and am looking for a suitable
POP3 mail server that can support multiple domains, perferably with remote
account administration on the web also.

If anyone has anything to recommend or have any sites where I can look for
such related softwares, please let me know.



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From: "Jay D Ribak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What is the best Linux to install?
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 15:14:08 -0500

George Csahanin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:2WwI2.8
>people. Do it their way. The system setup stuff in /etc/rc.d is a laugh.
>to customize anything, it's tough, get ready to spend time with grep
>for where stuff is.

I have always used Slackware, and always will.  I will be there at the front
bashing Red Hat with the best of them, but in this case, I really can't.
Red Hat
is using a standard System5 init style.   Nothing unusual about it and you
certainly can't blame the folks at Red Hat for it.    Patrick made the
decision to go with a BSDish init style, and while it is cleaner and easier
use, there is really nothing wrong with Red Hat's.


From: "Eric Chopin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Q: Regex Error =?
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 23:53:52 +0100

Hi everybody,

I have a PC with 64Mb of memory and Debian Linux,
and when I run some programs, I get the message
"Regex Error: memory exhausted".
But I had at least 40Mbytes free in memory at this time! And
for the bigest program (mupad), it is much more than sufficient.

If someone has an idea about the origin of this message, please
send me an e-mail. Thanks by advance,

Eric Chopin


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Binz)
Subject: Re: Dual boot WinNT and RH Linux
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 16:39:31 GMT

On Thu, 25 Mar 1999 05:36:25 -0500, yaowe ong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I like to install red hat linux and be able to dual boot between window
>nt workstation and rh linux.  Is this possible?
>Thank you

yes it is.  You can use the NT boot loader to boot between the two or
you can use System Commander (that is what i use) to boot between the
two systems.



From: "Jesse Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help with X-Windows
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 17:48:20 -0500

Hi, everybody!  I may have posted this to some inappropriate ng's and for
that I am sorry.  I am a newbie to the world of Linux.  I obtained a copy of
Redhat Linux 5.1 the other day and finally got it coexisting with Win95 on
my system.  So far all I have been able to do is some basic commands using
the 'bash' shell.  I want to get X-Windows running but I am having some
problems.  When I try to start it(startx) it does a bunch of stuff and then
says something like "Found graphics device - unable to establish mode".
That isn't nearly word for word but it's similar.  My monitor is listed
correctly in the XF86Config file but my graphics card is listed as a generic

 I have a Guillemot Maxi Gamer Phoenix PCI w/ 16MB SGRAM and 3Dfx Voodoo
Banshee chipset.  My monitor is a 14" Optiquest V641.  Does anbody have any
ideas that I can try?

I am still very new to this so please respond with instructions as detailed
as possible.

Thanks very much,
Jesse Olson


From: Robert Steindl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SuSE 6.0, Bravo!
Date: 25 Mar 1999 23:07:08 GMT

houghi wrote:
> =

> On 24 Mar 1999 06:44:04 GMT, "Cameron Spitzer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> =

> >
> >I've just installed SuSE 6.0 on my system at work, and I'm impressed.
> >Lots of stuff works "right out of the box" that has been broken in
> >every Linux distribution I have tried before.  Sax is miles ahead
> >of Xconfigurator or xf86Config.  They even had a menu item to switch
> >from click to focus to focus follows mouse.
> >
> >Bravo, SuSE, nice job.
> >
> >Cameron
> =

> Strange. Sax was the thing that gave me problems. This is because I do
> not know what Monitor I have, so I was unable to chose one.
> =

I didn=B4t find my monitor, either, so I simply chose a standard saying
it=B4s able to do 1024x768@85Hz. Workked right from start, no trouble.


> =

> houghi - delete uh something, like, uh well uh, my return adres is not =
> --
> I am back, and I STILL don't like HTML on Usenet
> >


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Re: Stylus color 400 under SuSe6.0
Date: 25 Mar 1999 14:07:13 GMT

[Posted and mailed]

In article <7dcu2f$t62$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gregory Van Vooren) writes:
> Hi,
> I'm rather new to linux (in fact I've been using unix for quite some time
> now, but it's the first time  install it) and encountered some trouble
> getting my Epson stylus color 400 to work. Can somebody tell me how to set
> it up correctly ? I tried to use the stcolor profile from yast (I edited
> the last line from 360x360 to 720x720), but I got junk on the output when
> printing from gv. ASCII text came out fine.
> I'm Using SuSE6.0

I'm unfamiliar with YAST (I use Red Hat, myself), but to use the ESC 400
at higher than 360x360 dpi resolution with the stcolor driver, you need to
use the -dSoftweave option to Ghostscript.  If YAST lets you add "extra"
Ghostscript parameters, try adding that.  If not, you may need to track
down its config files and edit them manually.  Alternatively, you can try
using a more recent version of Ghostscript (something in the 5.x series)
with the uniprint driver and the ESC 500 .upp files.  This produces
glacially slow printouts at 720 dpi, though, so I recommend sticking with
the stcolor driver instead.

Rod Smith
NOTE: Remove the "uce" word from my address to mail me


From: Mark Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Shared calendar solution for Linux?
Date: 25 Mar 1999 21:57:01 GMT

Cameron Spitzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: My organization is on the verge of abandoning POP and SMTP for
: Microsoft Exchange Server.  It turns out the reason is the management
: wants a shared calendar and appointment system, and Exchange is
: the only solution our MIS department is aware of.

Looks like its time to upgrade your MIS department. <g>

This is a good product:

Mark Turner
Linux Support Specialist
Indelible Blue, Inc.


From: Bill Amsinux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linuxers play dirty?
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 08:56:44 +1100

Hi !

MS-IE does not work with the latest ipchains and linux masquerade, is
this intentional like MS did to Netscape with their Proxy server?

Bill Amsinux


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (NF Stevens)
Subject: Re: Rant: suse linux - POS worse than windows
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 23:19:46 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthias Warkus) wrote:

>It was the Wed, 24 Mar 1999 18:51:31 +0100...
>..and Luck IT consulting (Sascha Luck) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]!spam> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> SuSE - Linux is a POS worse than (almost) anything by MS! Anyone ever
>> tried to compile non-suse-adapted code on it [1]
>Yep. Countless times, including lots of pre versions of Gnome and
>Enlightenment with all their dependencies, Emacs, util-linux, procps,
>Mesa, lots of games, blah. Everything worked fine.

Some of the system utilities needed minor patches to copy with the
change from libc5 to glibc; but other than that SuSE doesn't need
any specially adapted code.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marc Sira)
Subject: Re: Mac/Cdrom
Date: 25 Mar 99 22:38:04 GMT

In our last episode, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

>Is it possible to read a (only) Macintosh CDROM
>on a PC/Linux Box ?

In theory it should be readable if you have HFS support in the kernel. Mac
CDs just contain plain old HFS filesystems (well, some new ones may contain
HFS+). I believe there's an HFS kernel module at

Disclaimer: I haven't tried this yet (but there's no reason it wouldn't work).

Marc Sira               |       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you can't play with words, what good are they?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M Sweger)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: password file problems in UMSDOS filesystem.
Date: 25 Mar 1999 23:27:55 GMT

   I've got linux v2.2.1 and the util-linux v2.9i s/w package on a UMSDOS
filesystem. Everytime I try to change the "root" password from nothing
to something it bombs out say setpwnam: file or directory doesn't exist.
After this the /etc/passwd is gone although I still have the /etc/passwd.OLD

   I noticed to run passwd it sets a hard file link on etc/ptmp rehash=1.
Now if I try to create a hardlink as root it says it operation not allowed.

  Anybody now what the problem is? Will getting shadow support or PAM
correct this on a UMSDOS system.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,linux.redhat.misc,it.comp.linux
Subject: Pen Computing and linux
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 23:17:09 GMT

Has anyone gotten linux to run on a pen computing device with a flashcard
instead of a disk? ( I would like to use it with a motorola device but
I can't recall the name of it )

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christian D Freet)
Subject: Using make menuconfig
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 22:06:30 GMT

I have read about reconfiguring the kernel, and I wish to do so.  BUT, I can't figure 
out how
to use the "make xconfig" or "make menuconfig" commands... when used, I get a message 
"no rule defined [etc.]"

What can I do?  What have I done wrong?

Thanks in advance.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Walter Strong)
Subject: Re: Anyway to copy file to a DOS Floppy?
Date: 25 Mar 1999 23:19:53 GMT

I imagine that most distrobutions allow for reading/writing dos media.  Did you try:

mcopy file.whatever a:/

there's also, mcd (change directory on dos floppy), mcopy a:/whatever (to copy from 
floppy), mformat (for format dos floppy), etc.  

Dennis Megarry ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: I have some files on my linux box and need to copy them to a standard msdos
: fat16 floppy in drive A:

: Is this possible?

: Dennis


Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 09:20:26 -0800
From: Tommy Willoughby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: a.out

Mitchell Scott wrote:
> Hi
> Please some kind soul tell me why "a.out" is not recognised as the run
> command for my c progs and what is the alternative or correct one? (SuSE
> 6.0).

1) You must have a.out support, either compiled into the kernel or
available as a module.

2) Don't forget, if the a.out is in the current directory, to call it


not like this:


> Also how do I invoke the fortune cookies I can not find them on my system
> !(/usr/bin)

I've no idea - I use Debian.

> Thanks
> Mitchell


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: HELP! cdda2cdr
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 23:42:36 GMT


I'm having problems reading audio CDs with cdda2cdr 0.3
and the Eberhard Moenkeberg sbpcd module:

minnie root> cdda2cdr -I cooked_ioctl -D /dev/sbpcd audio1.cdr
recording 346.37 seconds stereo with 16 bits @ 44100 Hz ->'audio1.cdr'...
Please run this program setuid root.

I have a Matsushita/Panasonic  CR-562-x 0.76, and I'm using Slackware 2.0.32.
Apart from this, I have absolutely no problems with sbpcd both using
data and audio CDs (with cdplay, because I don't have an audio card
installed in the machine).

I've had a look at the source code, and read the docs without success.

Any ideas?



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