Linux-Misc Digest #609, Volume #19               Fri, 26 Mar 99 08:13:08 EST

  Broken cdrom driver for sonycd535 (Jeremy Weinberger)
  linux and scsi-tapes ("Thomas Seifert")
  Re: Windows opening with their tops off the top of the screen. (**Nick Brown)
  Re: a.out ("Thomas S. Urban")
  Re: "Make"-type tree copy ? (Thomas Zajic)
  ANNOUNCE: InterBase port of ArsDigita Community System (Sebastian Skracic)
  Re: New Linux web site (Ewa Kaus)
  Re: view postscript format file (Louise Adderholdt)
  'Doze 98 vs. UNIX multitasking (Donn Miller)
  Re: Linux In Banks? (Louise Adderholdt)
  HELP - problem with changing resolution in X (Mark Tranchant)
  Help!! Keyboard map problem (newbie). (Marco Santos)
  Dosemu: two problems ("Curtis L. Daugaard")
  sndconfig is only for PnP???? ("Daniele Rossi")
  Re: Deleting files accross directories (Mark Tranchant)
  Re: printer not detected with new kernel (Mark Tranchant)
  Problem with kppp on KDE 1.1 (kama)
  Re: 2.2.3 doesn't like my HDD (Mark Tranchant)
  Re: Why Does Mail Break after adding a new Mail user ? ("Kim Knoblauch")
  Re: IE5 under Linux (jik-)
  Re: GPL vs BSD license agreement (source code reuse) (jik-)


From: Jeremy Weinberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Broken cdrom driver for sonycd535
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 16:27:43 -0600

I would appreciate some advice in my mighty battle against the cdu535
cdrom driver. The driver fails when you attempt to mount the drive or
read data from it. Here's the error message I get:
Sony CDU-535 read_result_reg: TIME OUT!
Sony CDU-535 debug: calling spinup when reading data!
I can make it give me this error either by calling mount or dd
if=/dev/cdrom .
The driver appears to load correctly, either as a module or built into
the kernel- finds the hardware address & initializes okay. Furthermore,
I can read audio cds through the drive using xplaycd. To add to the
confusion, I installed redhat5.2 using the same cd drive. I know it's
not a hardware problem or a hardware conflict. The only thing that
appears to be causing a problem is the driver itself. I'm not sure what
to change in order to make this work. Ideas, anybody?



Jeremy Weinberger
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.  USA


From: "Thomas Seifert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: linux and scsi-tapes
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 10:55:26 +0100

i'm using tar to saving my work on a scsi tape.  how do i find out how much
space is left on an used tape after backing up some mb's



From: **Nick Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Windows opening with their tops off the top of the screen.
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 09:23:42 +0100

Andrew, is there a little doc with all of that kind of magic stuff in it
?  Alt-Left drag is a real life saver when the WM's toolbar stamps on
top of the window drag bars in KDE.

Andrew Glikman wrote:
> As an alternative to setting geometries, try holding down the ALT key
> and your left mouse button to move a window. Holding the ALT key and
> your right mouse button will resize a window.

Nick Brown, Strasbourg, France (Nick(dot)Brown(at)coe(dot)fr)

Protect yourself against Word 95/97 viruses, free - check out


From: "Thomas S. Urban" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: a.out
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 10:57:29 GMT

Tommy Willoughby wrote:
> Mitchell Scott wrote:
> >
> > Hi
> > Please some kind soul tell me why "a.out" is not recognised as the run
> > command for my c progs and what is the alternative or correct one? (SuSE
> > 6.0).
> 1) You must have a.out support, either compiled into the kernel or
> available as a module.
> 2) Don't forget, if the a.out is in the current directory, to call it
> as:
> ./a.out
> not like this:
> a.out

I'd bet 2 is the case ....

> > Also how do I invoke the fortune cookies I can not find them on my system
> > !(/usr/bin)
> I've no idea - I use Debian.

try /usr/games/fortune
If it's not there
whereis fortune
locate fortune
Or maybe you don't have it.



From: Thomas Zajic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: "Make"-type tree copy ?
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 09:26:40 GMT

**Nick Brown wrote:
> Hmmm.  A somewhat crude option.

Admittedly, yes. Thatīs why I put an ;-) at the end. :-)

> [ ... ]
> Looks like I'm going to have to get programming.  Sigh.  (No time !)

To remove superfluous files, some basic shell scripting should do
the trick, IMHO; something like this (offhand, untested):

--- cut here ---

cd /dest/path

# directories first, ...

for DIR in `find -type d`;
do {
   if [ ! -d /src/path/$DIR -a `basename $DIR` != . ] ;
   then rm -rf /dest/path/$DIR;

# ... files second

for FILE in `find -not -type d`;
do {
   if [ ! -e /src/path/$FILE -o -d /src/path/$FILE ] ;
   then rm -f /dest/path/$FILE;
--- cut here ---

-        Thomas Zajic aka ZlatkO ThE GoDFatheR, Vienna/Austria        -
-        Spam-proof e-mail: thomas(DOT)zajic(AT)teleweb(DOT)at        -


From: Sebastian Skracic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ANNOUNCE: InterBase port of ArsDigita Community System
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 10:47:58 +0000

ArsDigita Community System (ACS) is database backed Web
collaboration tool originally written for Oracle.  It has now
been ported to InterBase DBMS, release 4.0, which is for
Linux available at no charge.

    ACS operates on top of AOLServer, free, but closed-source
Web server.

    Both original and IB port of ACS are open-source under GPL.



From: Ewa Kaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: New Linux web site
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 11:38:53 +0100

> At we would like to increase Linux awarness and provide
> linux resources to Linux users around the World.  We currently offer a high
> quality linux message board along with a chat room.  We are also looking for
> Linux users who have information,articles, unique Linux software that they
> would like to share with the World.  Take a look at our web site!

Does it work?
When I click "Linux", a page appears but then there is no way out



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Louise Adderholdt)
Subject: Re: view postscript format file
Date: 26 Mar 1999 08:31:03 GMT

On 24 Mar 1999 12:58:07 -0600, Bruno Barberi Gnecco
>       Actually, Ghostview and GV are different programs. Ghostview is
> older, and the command is "ghostview". GV is a lot better (and based on
> ghostview), and the command is gv.

I have RH5.2, and here's what I get with the 'file' command:

/usr/X11R6/bin/gv: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1,
    dynamically linked, stripped

/usr/X11R6/bin/ghostview: symbolic link to gv

Same thing.  Try it on your computer.  (And if you get something different,
what distribution are you using?)

Louise Adderholdt


From: Donn Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc,comp.unix.misc
Subject: 'Doze 98 vs. UNIX multitasking
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 04:20:28 +0000

Windows 98 multitasks using timeslices of about 1/18.2 seconds.  In
Petzold's Programming Windows 5th ed., he claims that the intervals for
the multitasking timeslices in win 98 are based on the resolution of the
8259 timer, 55 msec.  Actually, isn't it an Intel 8254 timer, and it
would seem to me that the resolution is much greater than 55 msec.
Anyway, the timeslices for multi tasking in Win98 are based on the
resolution of the Windows timer, about 18.2 slices/sec.  Win98 really is
pre-emptive, although many people claim it isn't.  UNIX-type OSes, OTOH,
multi-task at 100 timeslices/sec, which is what NT does.

My question is, there has to be some tradeoff between using
smaller/bigger timeslices.  Win98 is using 18.2 slices per second, which
makes the multi-tasking more "jerky" and less smooth than UNIX's.  But
OTOH, doesn't using a larger interval between timeslices mean that the
process(es) use less CPU time?  Since the kernel in Windows has to
allocate time intervals that are larger than those in UNIX, it would
seem to me that the tradeoff here is the multi-tasking is less smooth,
but the benefit is that the kernel is using less CPU time.  Basically,
this is because since the time intervals are larger in Windows, the
kernel is handing out execution time less often.  What I'm trying to say
is, say you have a 10 second interval to observe process execution.
Winblows will have to watch

18.2/sec x 10 sec = 182 processes.

But UNIX will have to oversee the execution of

100/sec x 10 sec = 1,000 process.

Hence, Win98 uses less exe time, but multi-tasking is less smooth.

One last thing:  is the timeslice interval in these "multi-tasking" OSes
taken from the clock ticks of some timer, like the 8254 timer, or do
some use a simple delay loop?  Is there both an i8259 and an i8254
timer?  Also, does the resolution of 55 msec sound right for the 8259?
Anyone here use NT, and how does the performance compare to 98, UNIX,
etc.?  Someone told me that NT5.0 was extremely bloated compared to
95/98 (it was Fewtch).




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Louise Adderholdt)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Linux In Banks?
Date: 26 Mar 1999 09:18:23 GMT

On Wed, 24 Mar 1999 18:11:38 GMT, Pasha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm working for a bank and who are currently looking at changing the
> client and  server operating systems in their branch network.
> The choice is between Linux and NT (Workstation/Server). 
> Needless to say the techies want Linux, but management are nervous
> about it (vendor FUD, etc., etc.).
> So, are there any retail banks that have already  rolled out (or are
> currently rolling out) Linux to between 4000 and 5000 seats in 400 to
> 500 outlets?
> All info and/or pointers are welcome!

I have a file from 1995 that's relevant here, downloaded from some news
organization.  (I wish I could remember the URL.)  It's too old to be
really useful, but it's entertaining anyway.

Louise Adderholdt

NT causes banking crisis
   Certain major banks across the world are counting the cost of an
   ill-judged migration to Microsoft's Windows NT. The two banks, the
   Commonwealth Bank of Australia and the National Westminster Bank
   (NatWest) in the UK planned to move to NT for strategic systems
   The NatWest is presently setting up an architectural unit for
   determining the technical issues it must resolve for the Retail
   Banking Platform (RBP) project. A senior National Westminster official
   said a mix of poor project management and continuing technical
   problems with the Windows NT platform has produced extensive delays
   and additional costs to the RBP project.
   Senior bank officials could no longer justify 'wasting' the bank's
   money on internal IT, said the source. NatWest declined to confirm or
   deny that the eventual roll-out of RBP to 650 branches would not now
   be on the NT platform.
   Craig Conway, president and chief executive of US-based Web software
   specialist TGV said: "It is amazing that banks would be fast followers
   of NT. As far as networking and scalability are concerned, Microsoft
   carries enormous risk."
   NatWest's RBP project, managed by Tony Warren, comes under the
   ultimate control of NatWest's group IT director, Stewart Legg. The
   system was due to be built using a Sybase database and PowerBuilder
   but, after intervention from Bill Gates, it was decided to switch to
   Microsoft's Windows NT.
   The NatWest deal was significant for Microsoft because it marked the
   firm's first move into the enterprise-wide IT solutions area.
   And, on the other side of the world, the Commonwealth Bank of
   Australia, a key Windows NT user site, has sacked the manager
   responsible for its introduction because of implementation failures
   and spiraling costs.
   NT's future at the bank is now in doubt after Brian Morris, Assistant
   GM, lost his job. The bank's management team was unimpressed by the
   failure to realise projected productivity savings, which reduced the
   bank's profit growth compared with its competitors.
   CBA trumpeted its migration from OS/2 to NT in July 1993. But,
   according to Phil Payne, MD of Sievers Consulting, scalability
   problems have dogged its implementation. He said difficulties were
   similar to those experienced by NatWest's retail banking division.
   Payne added: "The problem doesn't seem to be NT as a platform, but the
   scalability of systems management in large organisations. SMS software
   (formerly Hermes) falls apart once it goes past about 500
   workstations. In an organisation of this size, scalability becomes
   really crucial."
   According to sources close to the bank, most of its applications are
   still OS/2-based, even though Microsoft has pumped resources into the
   implementation. Steve Walker, software strategist at IBM UK, said:
   "It's a situation you would expect from a vendor who says 'one size
   fits all'."
   Copyright 1995 CNME. All rights reserved.


From: Mark Tranchant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: HELP - problem with changing resolution in X
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 10:22:59 +0000

My X setup works very well - I have an old VLB Cirrus 5428 card driving
a 15" Iiyama monitor. I currently have 640x480@120Hz, 800x600@100Hz and
1024x768@75Hz set up, with 1024x768 as my default. Due to hardware
limitations, I can only run in 8-bit colour.

Switching resolutions with Ctrl-Alt-+ and Ctrl-Alt-- works perfectly,
except that on returning to 1024x768, the screen is horribly distorted
and at 56Hz. The system starts up in that resolution at 75Hz with no
problem; it seems it cannot come back to it from another setting.

Any suggestions? I don't have my XF86Config to hand (posting from work),
but there is only one modeline for each resolution.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marco Santos)
Subject: Help!! Keyboard map problem (newbie).
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 11:42:14 GMT

Hello. I have a problem. When i logon in Linux the keyboard works
fine, but once i start X the keyboard map changes and thats really
upsetting me.

During the installation i chose the pt2 keyboard. How do i set X to
use that same keyboard??

Thanks in advance.


From: "Curtis L. Daugaard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Dosemu: two problems
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 06:16:33 -0600

Can anyone help me out with these two problems?
(1) I can't start dosemu in an X-window or use the modem except as root,
even though I have "all c_all" permissions set for myself in the user
config file.  (Before I upgraded from v.66 to v.98.1 I was able to run
under X, but I didn't try the modem.)
(2) When I open a session in a 3270 emulator package I use (IBM passport
for dos), the cursor disappears.  (It is visible when I first start the
application, before opening a terminal session.)  I've looked at video
settings for running under X, but I can't see any options that look like
a potential fix.

Any ideas?  Thanks in advance.

Curt Daugaard


From: "Daniele Rossi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: sndconfig is only for PnP????
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 13:11:29 +0100

I notice that if you use sndconfig to configure a sound card you can only
put a single IO address while you need two for a non-PnP. So what about
configuring a non-PnP sound card?




From: Mark Tranchant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Deleting files accross directories
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 11:38:26 +0000

Slackware, yes?

rm `find . -name 'TRANS.TBL' -print`

will do the job, from the base directory of the structure. Be careful to
use the correct quote marks - the inner ones are normal single quotes,
the outer ones are above TAB on my keyboard (UK).


Bill Unruh wrote:
> In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Julius Longauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>
> >>   I copied a directory structure from a cdrom to my hard drive.  In each
> >> directory there is a TRANS.TBL file.  I want to be able to delete them all
> >> from the command line with a single piped command.  Or two if need be.
> You hae not told us of the directory structure. If all the directories
> are located just off some one directory ( eg /usr/apple/dir1
> /usr/apple/dir2, /usr/apple/dir3 ....)
> then rm *.TRANS.TBL would work.


From: Mark Tranchant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: printer not detected with new kernel
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 11:42:17 +0000

This is a FAQ. Read this group first. Look on dejanews, or altavista.
Read the kernel documentation!

The answer is that the default printer device changed from lp1 to lp0.
Edit /etc/printcap and alter to suit.


Benjamin HERZOG wrote:
> Hello ,
> I am runing Linux Red Hat 5.1 , and i upgraded my kernel from 2.0.34 to
> 2.2.4 .
> Now, i have a problem: my printer is not detected.
> In printtool (X11 , RH 5.1), when i add a printer, i get a dialogbox
> that tells if a printer is detected on the parallel ports.
> My printer (HP 870 Cxi) used to be detected as /dev/lp1 when i installed
> RH.
> Now, its is not detected any more.
> I tried to recompile the kernel twice.  (with make xconfig )
> First time, i added the parallel port supports in general setup.
> Second time, i added an option in Plug and Play to detect devices
> (there, i really thought that would work ! ... but nothing ! )
> Thank you for helping.
> Benjamin HERZOG
> runing Linux 2.2.4


From: kama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problem with kppp on KDE 1.1
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 23:22:17 +1100

Hi all

I am runing SUSE 6.0 2.2.2 and KDE 1.1.
I am using kppp to connect to the net. Once I connect using kppp, I am
unable to start any other application, be it from the panel or the start
menu. So I need to start Netscape before I use kppp. As soon as I close
kppp I am able to run all the apps as usual.

Does anyone have a solution to this problem,



From: Mark Tranchant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: uk.comp.os.linux,alt.os.linux,
Subject: Re: 2.2.3 doesn't like my HDD
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 11:40:36 +0000

When you rearranged your partitions, did the root partition change? Try
rdev'ing the kernel image, or passing root=/dev/xxx to the kernel on


Rob Fisher wrote:
> > > Has anyone else had major disk problems with the 2.2.3 kernel?
> > Did you compile 2.2.3 with egcs-1.1.1 and did you eventually compile
> > ext2 support as a module?
> Yes. Built with egcs-1.1.1 as my previous, fully working 2.2.3 kernel
> was. Ext2 support is built in.
> > I think you should post more details (kernel config, output of fdisk -l
> > and /etc/fstab).
> I don't think it's a problem with the fstab or the disk, because under
> 2.0.29 everything is great. Unfortunately I can't use 2.0.29 as my $HOME
> is on a UFS partition which I share with a Solaris installation. Does
> 2.2.3 deal with large HDs differently or something?
> I see that there's a 2.2.4 kernel out now. I'll try that tonight and see
> if it fixes things. If not, I'll get all the relevent details on here
> and we'll see what the gurus come up with.
> Rob


From: "Kim Knoblauch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why Does Mail Break after adding a new Mail user ?
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 12:41:07 GMT

Most of the points you mention are covered. Sendmail is running as a daemon,
with the -bd -q15m parameters. Mail servers can find us and the connection
is attempted with two different types of responses:

    /var/adm/syslog occasionally has some messages about
'linux sendmail[13090]:problem creating SMTP socket'
'linux sendmail[13090]: NOQUEUE:SYSERR(root): getrequests: cannot bind:
Address already in use'

More often the telltale messages are in /var/adm/messages
dpmc:~# tail /var/adm/messages
Mar 22 13:47:29 dpmc sendmail[598]: NAA00598: from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
size=1062, cl
ass=0, pri=61062, nrcpts=2,
>, proto=SMTP, []
Mar 22 13:47:33 dpmc sendmail[599]:
NAA00598:to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,<WhiteD@S>, ctladdr=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (501/100), delay=00:00:06, mailer=smtp, [], stat=Sent (OK)
Mar 22 13:47:44 dpmc sendmail[597]:
NAA00596:to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,<Willever@S>, ctladdr=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (501/100), delay=00:00:42, mailer=smtp, [], stat=Sent (OK)
Mar 22 13:48:11 dpmc in.telnetd[600]: connect from
Mar 22 13:48:19 dpmc login: ROOT LOGIN ON ttyp0 FROM
Mar 22 13:51:38 dpmc sendmail[614]:
XAA00200:to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,<root@dpmc>, delay=13:52:57, mailer=smtp,
[], stat=Deferred: Connection refused by
Mar 22 14:06:52 dpmc sendmail[618]:
XAA00200:to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,<root@dpmc>, delay=14:08:11, mailer=smtp,
[], stat=Deferred: Connection refused by
Mar 22 14:21:38 dpmc sendmail[622]:
XAA00200:to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,<root@dpmc>, delay=14:22:57, mailer=smtp,
[], stat=Deferred: Connection refused by

I have tried telnet to the machine's port 25 from another client. Sendmail
sends out the first identifying message and then hangs. When I type anything
in my session does not echo back any characters: Sendmail 8.6.11/8.6.9 ready at Fri, 26 Mar 1999 00:39:14 -0500
220 ESMTP spoken here

There is an A record for, but no MX records yet for our
domain ( since we are in transition between ISPs)

The system was set up by an intern a few years ago. His documentation says
it should both send and receive mail. Send it does, receive it does not.

I have examined the .cf file that supposedly was used and it does not
contain any entries under either MYDOMAIN or MASQUERADE. Thanks to WINDOWS
WINS our router is up nearly all the time.

Any hints or help would be appreciated


Bill Unruh wrote in message <7de441$2b1$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>>Now if only I could figure out why sendmail will not accept incoming
>>connections. Outgoing works fine.
>Are you running the sendmail daemon?
>ps aux|grep sendmail
>If not you need to start it running in daemon mode.
>telnet <yourownhostname> 25
>which should connect you to the sendmail port.
>Type in HELO to see if it responds
>If it responde (eg with with 501 HELO requires a domain address)
>than your sendmail daemon is running.
>Type QUIT to quit.
>You also need to set up your file to tell sendmail what to
>do with the mail, and for whom to accept mail.
>/usr/lib/sendmail -bd -q1h
>for example will start up the sendmail daemon (and ask it to check the
>queue for flushing every hour)
>Your machine may not exist in other people's MX records. Is it a dialup
>connection or what is your sityation. Again, more information will make
>help possible.


Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 00:40:32 -0800
From: jik- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IE5 under Linux

Timebandit wrote:
> ie 5 is having massive problems on Linux 5.2 -

Hey!  Were did you get this Linux 5.2????  Last I heard the version was
2.2.x, did I enter a time jump unknowingly?


Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 00:57:14 -0800
From: jik- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: GPL vs BSD license agreement (source code reuse)

> 1) Most things in life are not free.  Period. Final. Indisputable.
> Then why should software be? Books aren't free.  Even if you borrow
> one from the library, taxes are paid to give one that privilege.  It
> would be nice if cable TV were free: If we only had to pay for the
> hardware to bring us the content (like regular TV) and not the content
> providers and the cable industry high profits.

Well, both licences are based on the premice that free software is what
you are trying to produce...if not you should be using your own
licence.  Also, these are NOT the only two free licences in
existance,...or even the only two used.  So you actually do not need to
choose sides.
> 2) Given the constraint in paragraph (1) no end user should complain
> about free software whether it is licensed under GPL or BSD.
> Regardless, it's a freebie!  Hence, we CAN live with both.  So IMO the
> end user has nothing to do with the decision as to how to license free
> software.

Actually the end user is one of the greater points to these two
> 3) What motivation is there for creating new software?  If all
> developers were forced to use GPL, not very much.  If that were the
> case, new software would only come from those programmers that compare
> good code to art.  Pushing and popping registers, in my opinion is not
> an art, it is a discipline.

Be that as it may, free software has been around since the beginning of
time (no, I am not one of those who think RMS invented the idea)
> 4) Most all things are learned from the experience of others.  There
> is only so many variations that one can code a given algorithm.

Algorythms are not copyrightable, the copyright will not cover
ideas...which an algorythm is....BUT, they can be patented...regardless
the GPL and BSD will have nothing to do with it.

> 5) Therefore, the argument I am making is that if you take GPL to an
> extreme, BSD wins by default.  Of course I can chose not to use either
> -- I could roll my own, I could release my code without any license
> agreement or copyright at all, or I could just keep the code myself
> and make others disassemble it.  Or I could just keep the binary and
> be the only user ever!!!

I choose not to use GPL because the opinions expressed by the FSF and
many of the GPL advocates made me jump back and say "Well fuck that
whole idea then!".  GPL causes many problems by requiring anything that
uses anything GPLed to be GPLed (if I use function a() out of library b
then I must GPL my program).  Also you get all these extreemists jumping
on your case if you use a non-GPLed library in your GPLed project, why
go asking for that kind of trouble when simply using a different licence
sidesteps it?  And GPLing my program makes it impossible for others to
contribute to if they do not agree with the terms of the GPL, the BSD
licence does not pose this problem (accept of course GPLed code cannot
be contributed because of GPL restricions making it impossible for me to
release the contributions without GPLing my project which I won't do)
> Still seems however, that Linux "the GPL'd OS" is more popular by far
> than FreeBSD -- why is that?  Explain to me you BSD'ers.

Linux is just more popular,...has nothing to do with the validity or
invalidity of their licences,...only that one seemed to get more
attention.  Maybe too much popularity is a bad thing,...maybe it
isn't...but really *BSD and Linux are of different material.



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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