Linux-Misc Digest #609, Volume #27               Sun, 15 Apr 01 14:13:03 EDT

  Re: Few Easy Questions ("Charles Vinson")
  Re: samba problems (Dean Thompson)
  Re: receive/send mail from/to ISP (Dean Thompson)
  Re: Could Linux be used in this factory environment ? (franek)
  Re: Lilo (Raj Rijhwani)
  Re: How to go back to text mode in gdm? (Dances With Crows)
  Err msg in useing pppd (Andrew Au)
  Thrashing HD
  ps and standard format specifiers (theKid)
  Re: Adding a Adaptec 2940 to Linux (Lars Oeschey)


From: "Charles Vinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Few Easy Questions
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2001 15:23:19 GMT

Ok guys, here is what I found causing the flashing cd/floppy lite.  There is
an "autorun" entry for kscd.  The line in the process manager reads
"/usr/bin/autorun--interval=1000--/usr/bin/kscd"  What will be the
consequences of removing this from the autorun folder (other than the lite
stops flashing)?  Is there a kscd setting that would allow it to run, but
not constantly poll?
Thanks again.

"Charles Vinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:bGXB6.20528$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Can anyone help with a few basic questions.  I have RH 6.2 loaded on a
> Toshiba 2180 with only a few irritating problems, though no show-stoppers.
> Please answer a couple of questions for me (I posted on alt.os.linux, but
> got no replies).
> 1.  Why does my floppy/CD light constantly flash?  It seems as if the
> are being "polled", but there are no disks in either drive.  Both are
> unmounted.  Does not start until after logging on (mounting?).  If I just
> let the laptop sit at the log-in screen it doesn't do it.
> 2.  Why does APM show my battery to have over 2 hours of power left
> (apm -v), but after 15-20 minutes, the battery is fully drained?  Is there
> setup or configuration file that I have missed?  Right now, I can't use my
> laptop in LINUX with battery power.  Lasts over 2 hours in WIN98.
> 3.  Has anyone had luck with the "up2date" upgrade on RH6.2?  I had to do
> complete reinstall, partly because after doing the update off the website
> (specifically rpms 4.0), Kpackage no longer worked.  I have seen a few
> on other sites concerning this issue, but no answers.  I am not going to
> repeat the update, now that I am up and running correctly (seemingly)
> 4.  How do you set up suspend and hibernate features?  Right now, the
> blacks out, but none of the other features work.
> 5.  Can you recommend a good day-to-day operating guide for a
> computer-literate (DOS/WIN98), LINUX newbie.  I am just using the laptop
> my traveling PC (Star Office, Netscape, etc).  I have a book on installing
> and setup, but it doesn't answer a lot of everyday-type question (like how
> to reinstall SRPMs individually when a RH update screws one up, etc).
> Sorry for the long post. Thanks in advance for all who choose to help me
> with this great new (for me)
> OS.
> Chuck Vinson


From: Dean Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: samba problems
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 02:12:06 +1000


> prompt:>nmblookup -B __SAMBA__
> doing parameter security = share
> doing parameter interfaces =
> doing parameter bind interfaces only = Yes

It is interesting, you have specified a 24.157.x.y IP address when you have
only defined the interfaces for your 192.168.x.y and networks.  Make
sure that your problems are not as a result of Win2000 not resolving a
IP/hostname issue.  Make sure that the ip address of the Linux box is actually
in the lmhosts file that Win2000 is using.  Additionally, I am presuming that
the Win2000 box is using a IP address in the 192.168.x.y network range.

See ya

Dean Thompson

| Dean Thompson              | E-mail  - [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Bach. Computing (Hons)     | ICQ     - 45191180                         |
| PhD Student                | Office  - <Off-Campus>                     |
| School Comp.Sci & Soft.Eng | Phone   - +61 3 9903 2787 (Gen. Office)    |
| MONASH (Caulfield Campus)  | Fax     - +61 3 9903 1077                  |
| Melbourne, Australia       |                                            |


From: Dean Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,tw.bbs.comp.linux
Subject: Re: receive/send mail from/to ISP
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 02:29:51 +1000

Hi Max,

> and another thing is, how do i setup the ppp connection??
> since i've successfully setup the connection using minicom, but the ppp
> connection under x-windows cannot be connected, why this happend??
> any error/mistake i've done??
> thx in advance!!

You might like to take a look at the PPP-HOWTO document located at  The PPP connection under X windows shouldn't be that
more difficult than the non-x version, but you might like to check in with the
HOWTO and see whether there are any differences noted in there.

Some programs might have slight differences in how they operate but they
should all work roughly the same way.  You could always establish your PPP
connection before you go into X-Windows :)

See ya

Dean Thompson

| Dean Thompson              | E-mail  - [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Bach. Computing (Hons)     | ICQ     - 45191180                         |
| PhD Student                | Office  - <Off-Campus>                     |
| School Comp.Sci & Soft.Eng | Phone   - +61 3 9903 2787 (Gen. Office)    |
| MONASH (Caulfield Campus)  | Fax     - +61 3 9903 1077                  |
| Melbourne, Australia       |                                            |


From: franek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Could Linux be used in this factory environment ?
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2001 16:49:36 GMT

Ed Blackman wrote:
> On 25 Feb 2001 22:31:08 +0800, Paul Repacholi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >"Adam Warner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> > Of course the workers would have to access the system to enter data,
> >> > etc, so the user interfaces can't be too complicated (GUI?).
> >> Your workers would know how to use a web browser, so why not make the
> >> inventory system accessible through any web browser? The MySQL database
> >> and PHP scripting language would be a good combination for this task.
> >
> >Never worked in afactory have you? How long will the mouse keep working
> >after it has been grabbed by a paint/glue/oil... covered hand?
> So be conservative with your HTML and make sure the page renders nicely
> in lynx or another text mode browser.
I could never understand this enamoration with HTML-based interfaces. There's a good 
for using HTML in a normal web-based environment, but why the hell one would want to 
this crude and slow method in a standalone system is beyond me. Maybe they're 
by Microsoft with their huge "innovations" like "look at your desktop as a web page"! 
End of desktop as we knew it. What you need on a factory floor is an industrial
air/water-tight enclosure with a freaken touch screen (which you can purchase either 
into the strengthened box itself--there are products like that--or as a hardware 
and then a normal, fast-responding gui like Qt, or anything at all really. Just make 
your buttons are really HUGE, so that you can easily poke them with a gloved finger. 
these pokes come through as mouse clicks, so, programmatically, it is kinda 

> Ed


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Raj Rijhwani)
Subject: Re: Lilo
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2001 15:57:31 GMT

In article <9bat9p$52m$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Thomas Baker" writes:

> Let me clarify. I have a boot CD and bootable floppy. I have Corel Linux and
> it has an option for "recovery console" or something like that. When I go
> into that I've tried to use liloconfig but it doesnt work. Anyone know the
> right commands to install LILO

Raj Rijhwani        (umtsb5/16) |  This is the voice of the Mysterons...
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                |  ... We know that you can hear us Earthmen    |  "Lieutenant Green:  Launch all Angels!"


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: How to go back to text mode in gdm?
Date: 15 Apr 2001 17:07:16 GMT

On Sun, 15 Apr 2001 12:22:06 +0800, Dino Hsu staggered into the Black
Sun and said:
>After runnding gdm, we can enter graphic mode (X window), and the book
>says the following key-combination Ctrl-Alt-[Back Space] can bring the
>system back to text mode. I tried it, but it takes *five* times to go
>back, the first four times just bring another graphic mode log in
>screen. Any comments? Thanks.

Press Ctrl-Alt-F[1-6] to get to a text console.  There's no need to shut
down X just to log in via a text console.  With kdm, if you click
"shutdown" and choose the "text mode" option, then kdm will shut down
until it is started by root or via /etc/init.d/xdm start or changing
init levels.

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Workin' in a code mine, hittin' Ctrl-Alt     /   Workin' in a code mine, whoops!
=============================/    I hit a seg fault....


From: Andrew Au <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Err msg in useing pppd
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2001 17:10:35 +0800

I upgrad kernel 2.4.2, after upgraded. I can't use pppd connect my isp .

Please e-mail to me . tell me how to fix

Apr 15 12:37:06 pclinux chat[1196]: CONNECT
Apr 15 12:37:06 pclinux chat[1196]:  -- got it
Apr 15 12:37:06 pclinux chat[1196]: send (^M)
Apr 15 12:37:06 pclinux pppd[1195]: Serial connection established.
Apr 15 12:37:06 pclinux pppd[1195]: ioctl(PPPIOCGFLAGS): Invalid
Apr 15 12:37:07 pclinux pppd[1195]: tcsetattr: Invalid argument
Apr 15 12:37:07 pclinux pppd[1195]: Exit.


Subject: Thrashing HD
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2001 17:30:05 -0000

I am currently using Mandrake 7.2. After 15 min of use, the hard drive 
begins to thrash about for no obvious reason. I maybe online or using a 
word processor program, it doesn't seem to matter . Often the thrashing 
will start when the screen saver kicks on(if this is approx. 15 min after 
I boot up).The thrashing is enough to slow everything down to a crawl and 
the only way to make it usable again is to hit the power botton. This is a 
new problem that I didn't have with the 7.1 version. The only thing I can 
think of that is different is I had to reinstall Mandrake 7.2 when I added 
an hdparm script to rc.local file (I used the exact same script with 7.1 
on the same computer with no problems, but 7.2 would no boot). Now I type 
the command in at the terminal and there are no problems. The hard drive 
thrashes even when I dont use hdparm. Any ideas would be very helpful.


Posted via CNET


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (theKid)
Subject: ps and standard format specifiers
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2001 17:40:04 GMT


I'm looking for (more) details on the standard format specifiers that
can be passed to ps with the o flag (e.g ps o tsiz).  In particular, I
need details on tsiz, dsiz, vsz, rss, minflt and majflt.  I've found
some info on the ps and proc man pages, yet can't find anything on the

Thanks for any help



From: Lars Oeschey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Adding a Adaptec 2940 to Linux
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2001 19:40:30 +0200

On Sun, 15 Apr 2001 13:32:04 +0200, Michael Heiming

>on the kernel version you run, issuing a "depmod -a <kernel_version>
>Michael Heiming

Thats it. Now it works, thanks a lot. The Suse Knowledge Base doesn't
mention that.




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