Linux-Misc Digest #701, Volume #19                Fri, 2 Apr 99 09:13:07 EST

  Re: Best Free X Windows Server for Win95/98 Box on Samba/Linux Network? (Eugene 
  Re: Best Free X Windows Server for Win95/98 Box on Samba/Linux Network? ("Leopold 
  Re: newsreader for linux (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: SB Live (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: Slow ethernet LAN driving me crazy!! ("Antony Platt")
  Re: IP Forwarding Configuration (wfs)
  Re: Linux 2.0.36 NFS client crash Solaris 2.5.1 servers, but not 2.5. Lockd involved 
? (Tuan Pham-Dinh)
  Re: WindowMaker 0.5.2 and asclock... (Jérôme Laheurte)
  kernel 2.2.5 and strange message in syslog ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Don't wanna run 'diald', so what else??? (Jon Slater)
  Re: Modems and Quake 2 ("Peter DeSimone")


From: Eugene VonNiederhausern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Best Free X Windows Server for Win95/98 Box on Samba/Linux Network?
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 07:00:22 -0600

Cyrus Mehta wrote:

> Hi,
> I am creating a dual Windows/Linux environment using Samba for file serving
> on a standard Ethernet network.  I was wondering what kind of X server software
> for the Windows side I could use to run some X windows apps off of the LInux Box.
> Reliability is the most important factor, windows will crash often enough without
> the help of the X server.
> Any ideas?

Yesterday, I found the best X server/viewer for windows  (and linux) that I have
seen yet and it is free (GNU Public License). It  is called VNC from Olivetti and
Oracle research laboratory. You can connect from linux->windows, windows->linux,
linux->linux, windows->windows. It is a lot better than any of the other products
I have seen ot this kind. I don't  have the URL (it is at work) you can email  me or
post a reply and I will get it and reply.


From: "Leopold Toetsch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Best Free X Windows Server for Win95/98 Box on Samba/Linux Network?
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 09:11:27 +0200

Cyrus Mehta wrote in message <7e1o6d$nd7$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I am creating a dual Windows/Linux environment using Samba for file serving
>on a standard Ethernet network.  I was wondering what kind of X server
>for the Windows side I could use to run some X windows apps off of the
LInux Box.
>Reliability is the most important factor, windows will crash often enough
>the help of the X server.

In terms of reliability I hope that you don't mean Win$ 95/98.
I'm using NT and I had to bluescreens in 3 years, of these only 1 I don't
know why.
I use MI/X ( ) because it's free and it works for

On this site there is a big list, what's else out there.



From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: newsreader for linux
Date: 01 Apr 1999 09:54:01 -0500

Daniel Franzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> SGkgIQ0KDQpBcmUgdGhlcmUgYW55IHN0YWJsZSBuZXdzcmVhZGVyIGZvciBsaW51eCA/IEkg
> ZG9uJ3Qgd2FudCB0byB1c2UNCmNvbW11bmljYXRvciBhbnltb3JlICwgaXQgY3Jhc2hlcyB0
> byBvZnRlbi4NCg0KVGhhbmtzIGluIGFkdmFuY2UNCg==


i like slrn and gnus.  ymmv.

johan kullstam


From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SB Live
Date: 01 Apr 1999 09:55:32 -0500

"Jonathan Young" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Anyone have any suggestions on how to get a SB live to work with 2.2.5?
> email me if you do.

yeah, persuade creative to release the specs.

johan kullstam


From: "Antony Platt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Slow ethernet LAN driving me crazy!!
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 03:34:28 +1000

Back to basics

Check that you don't have Full duplex running on one card and not on the

Also you cannot run full duplex to a HUB


Stavros C. Kassinos wrote in message
>I have a home LAN comprising of 2 linux boxes (Box-1 and Box-2). They
>are both running RedHat Linux 5.2 . The two machines are connected with
>100base-T ethernet via a hub. Box-1 is the server connected to the ISP
>via DSL.
>I am using masquerating and ip-forwarding on Box-1 the server.
>Everything seems to work ok, both machines see each other and the world.
>From the client machine I can ping, telnet and ftp to machines outside
>the LAN.
>PROBLEM: The connection, even the local one just between Box-1 and
>Box-2, is slow. FTP transfer rates are only 1-5Kb/sec!!
>Does anybody have any suggestions where the problem lies?
>Thank you for any response.
>Stavros C. Kassinos              | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
>                                 | Office: (650)-723-0546     |
>Center for Turbulence Research   | Fax:    (650)-723-4548     |
>Stanford University              | |


Subject: Re: IP Forwarding Configuration
Date: 31 Mar 1999 17:57:22 GMT

Brian McCauley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: David Peppard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

:> I am a new user to Linux and am configuring an existing Linux box.  I am
:> needing to find where the configuration for IP forwarding is.

: Are you sure?

:>  The box is
:> currently routing all incoming e-mail to one server and I need to add/edit
:> this setting.

: Are we talking about IP forwarding or e-mail forwarding?  Huge difference.

:>  Where can I find this configuration?

: The Linux IP forwarding switch for Linux is
: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward (1=on, 0=off).

: If you want to change the state permanently then change the config
: files for the distribution you have.  For example in SuSE you'd alter
: the "IP_FORWARD=" line in /etc/rc.config.

: If you are talking about e-mail you'll have to give a lot more
: information about what you are trying to achieve.

: -- 
:      \\   ( )  No male bovine  | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:   .  _\\__[oo   faeces from    | Phones: +44 121 471 3789 (home)
:  .__/  \\ /\@  /~)  /~[   /\/[ |   +44 121 627 2173 (voice) 2175 (fax)
:  .  l___\\    /~~) /~~[  /   [ | PGP-fp: D7 03 2A 4B D8 3A 05 37...
:   # ll  l\\  ~~~~ ~   ~ ~    ~ |
:  ###LL  LL\\ (Brian McCauley)  |


From: Tuan Pham-Dinh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.unix.solaris,comp.os.linux.admin
Subject: Re: Linux 2.0.36 NFS client crash Solaris 2.5.1 servers, but not 2.5. Lockd 
involved ?
Date: 31 Mar 1999 20:03:56 +0200

"Alain Coetmeur" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> recently I've added Linux nodes
> using kernel 2.0.36 from RedHat 5.2 and Suse6.0,
> with autofs, amd, and NIS.
> when I use a tool called CSSC (clone of SCCS)
> the solaris 2.5.1 server hangs.
> I've tested on some 2.5 server and it work perfectly.

I also have ran into the problem that Linux crashes the Sun Solaris
server. Upgrading Linux to 2.2.3 seems to help. Upgrading Solaris to
2.6 or 2.7 should help too as it appears that this is a bug of solaris
trigered by Linux. However my sys. admin. refuse to do that because it
is too much of a hassle for him.

PHAM Dinh Tuan                         | e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Laboratoire de Modelisation et Calcul  | Tel: +33 4 76 51 44 23
BP 53, 38041 Grenoble cedex (France)   | Fax: +33 4 76 63 12 63


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jérôme Laheurte)
Subject: Re: WindowMaker 0.5.2 and asclock...
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 19:41:02 GMT

Le Sat, 27 Mar 1999 09:33:41 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] écrit:

>compiled it, but wasn't able to figure out how to get it onto the wharf...
>wouldn't dock...

Launch it (asclock -shape) and drag it to the clip. The area where you
have to click to drag it is very small, in the upper-right corner.

Jérôme Laheurte


Subject: kernel 2.2.5 and strange message in syslog
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 16:11:15 GMT

Hi, I'm running RH 5.2 on our LAN with pcmcia ethernetworking and have just
upgraded from kernel 2.2.2 to 2.2.5-ac1 (with apparently no problems
whatsoever) so that I can hopefully get my maestro sound card to work. 
Anyway, everything seems to be running fine but since I upgraded I keep on
getting the following strange messages in /var/log/messages:

Apr  1 10:23:51 mypc -- MARK --

Could anyone tell me what this means?  It doesnt appear to be a breakin
because everything checks out OK with SAINT and there are no other unusual
problems or files.


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From: Jon Slater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.networking,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Don't wanna run 'diald', so what else???
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 09:28:39 -0700

I've got IP Masquerading and 'diald' working between my baby network at

I don't like 'diald'.  It works fine.  But I want something a little
more interactive.

I would like to be able to dial-up and hangup from a remote machine.

What I came up with was:

Set up two login accounts.  
One to start PPP.
One to hangup.
Then from a remote telnet session, start and stop the modem.

But, I would like something a little 'cleaner'.

Any ideas???


Jon D. Slater                   QualComm Inc. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     6150 Lookout Road
Phone: (303) 247-5037           Boulder, Colorado 
Fax:   (303) 247-5167           80301


From: "Peter DeSimone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Modems and Quake 2
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 01:29:42 -0600
Reply-To: "Peter DeSimone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

I read the FAQ for Quake2 it didn't help.

  Walter Strong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message =
news:7dj12e$qp4$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...

  Before you look for .pcx, why don't you look for a faq that explains=20
  two things:

  1.  To how many newsgroups should I post the question?
  2.  Does the formatting of my post matter?

  Did you ever consider reading the FAQ on Quake2?

  Peter DeSimone ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  : This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

  : ------=3D_NextPart_000_0065_01BE7834.811AC3C0
  : Content-Type: text/plain;
  : charset=3D"x-user-defined"
  : Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

  : I am trying to run Quake 2 under Mandrake Linux 5.3 with Kernel =

  : It keeps giving me an error Cannot find pic/colormap.pcx. There is =
no =3D
  : directory PIC.

  : Where do I find it?

  : When I tried to run a different Quake2 RPM, I was told I needed =3D
  : libglide2x=3D85.rpm Where can I get this?


  : I am using Kppp to dial with my modem. It is found, but it keeps =
hanging =3D
  : on "Setting speaker Volume".=3D20

  : The Mini-Terminal and minicom finds it. It is NOT a winmodem. The =
Query =3D
  : Modem for Kppp finds the modem.

  : Why does it hang trying to set the volume on the modem?

  : The modem is a Jumpered US Robotics 56K board.=3D20

  : Thanks=3D85

  : Peter

  : --=3D20
  : ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

  : Peter DeSimone
  : Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  : Web Address:  Http://

  : ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

  : ------=3D_NextPart_000_0065_01BE7834.811AC3C0
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  : charset=3D"x-user-defined"
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  : </HEAD>
  : <BODY bgColor=3D3D#ffffff>
  : <DIV><FONT size=3D3D2>
  : <P>I am trying to run Quake 2 under Mandrake Linux 5.3 with Kernel =
  : 2.2.3.</P>
  : <P>It keeps giving me an error Cannot find pic/colormap.pcx. There =
is no =3D

  : directory PIC.</P>
  : <P>Where do I find it?</P>
  : <P>When I tried to run a different Quake2 RPM, I was told I =
  : libglide2x=3D85.rpm Where can I get this?</P>
  : <P>&nbsp;</P>
  : <P>MODEMS</P>
  : <P>I am using Kppp to dial with my modem. It is found, but it keeps =
  : hanging on=3D20
  : "Setting speaker Volume". </P>
  : <P>The Mini-Terminal and minicom finds it. It is NOT a winmodem. The =
  : Query Modem=3D20
  : for Kppp finds the modem.</P>
  : <P>Why does it hang trying to set the volume on the modem?</P>
  : <P>The modem is a Jumpered US Robotics 56K board. </P>
  : <P>Thanks=3D85</P>
  : <P>Peter</P></FONT></DIV>
  : <DIV><FONT face=3D3DArial><BR>--=3D20
  : <BR>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++</FONT></DIV>
  : <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>
  : <DIV><FONT face=3D3DArial>Peter DeSimone<BR>Email Address: <A=3D20
  : href=3D3D"mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A><BR>Web =
  : Address:&nbsp; <A=3D20
  : =
  : p</A></FONT></DIV>
  : <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>
  : <DIV><FONT=3D20
  : =
  : /BODY></HTML>

  : ------=3D_NextPart_000_0065_01BE7834.811AC3C0--

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
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<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>I read the FAQ for Quake2 it didn't =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>Peter</FONT></DIV>
style=3D"BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: =
  <DIV>Walter Strong &lt;<A=20
  href=3D"mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>&gt; wrote =
in message=20
href=3D"news:7dj12e$qp4$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:7dj12e$qp4$2@testinf=</A>...</DIV><BR>Before=20
  you look for .pcx, why don't you look for a faq that explains <BR>two=20
  things:<BR><BR>1.&nbsp; To how many newsgroups should I post the=20
  question?<BR>2.&nbsp; Does the formatting of my post =
matter?<BR><BR>Did you=20
  ever consider reading the FAQ on Quake2?<BR><BR><BR>Peter DeSimone (<A =

  href=3D"mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>) =
wrote:<BR>: This is=20
  a multi-part message in MIME format.<BR><BR>:=20
  ------=3D_NextPart_000_0065_01BE7834.811AC3C0<BR>: Content-Type:=20
  text/plain;<BR>: charset=3D"x-user-defined"<BR>: =
  quoted-printable<BR><BR>: I am trying to run Quake 2 under Mandrake =
Linux 5.3=20
  with Kernel 2.2.3.<BR><BR>: It keeps giving me an error Cannot find=20
  pic/colormap.pcx. There is no =3D<BR>: directory PIC.<BR><BR>: Where =
do I find=20
  it?<BR><BR>: When I tried to run a different Quake2 RPM, I was told I =
  =3D<BR>: libglide2x=3D85.rpm Where can I get this?<BR><BR><BR><BR>:=20
  MODEMS<BR><BR>: I am using Kppp to dial with my modem. It is found, =
but it=20
  keeps hanging =3D<BR>: on "Setting speaker Volume".=3D20<BR><BR>: The=20
  Mini-Terminal and minicom finds it. It is NOT a winmodem. The Query =
  Modem for Kppp finds the modem.<BR><BR>: Why does it hang trying to =
set the=20
  volume on the modem?<BR><BR>: The modem is a Jumpered US Robotics 56K=20
  board.=3D20<BR><BR>: Thanks=3D85<BR><BR>: Peter<BR><BR><BR>: =
  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<BR><BR>: Peter =
  Email Address: <A =
  Web Address:&nbsp; <A=20
  ------=3D_NextPart_000_0065_01BE7834.811AC3C0<BR>: Content-Type: =
  charset=3D"x-user-defined"<BR>: Content-Transfer-Encoding:=20
  quoted-printable<BR><BR>: &lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML =
  Transitional//EN"&gt;<BR>: &lt;HTML&gt;&lt;HEAD&gt;<BR>: &lt;META=20
  content=3D3D"text/html; charset=3D3Dx-user-defined" =3D<BR>:=20
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  name=3D3DGENERATOR&gt;<BR>: &lt;STYLE&gt;&lt;/STYLE&gt;<BR>: =
  &lt;BODY bgColor=3D3D#ffffff&gt;<BR>: &lt;DIV&gt;&lt;FONT =
  &lt;P&gt;I am trying to run Quake 2 under Mandrake Linux 5.3 with =
  =3D<BR>: 2.2.3.&lt;/P&gt;<BR>: &lt;P&gt;It keeps giving me an error =
Cannot find=20
  pic/colormap.pcx. There is no =3D<BR><BR>: directory =
  &lt;P&gt;Where do I find it?&lt;/P&gt;<BR>: &lt;P&gt;When I tried to =
run a=20
  different Quake2 RPM, I was told I needed=3D20<BR>: =
libglide2x=3D85.rpm Where can=20
  I get this?&lt;/P&gt;<BR>: &lt;P&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/P&gt;<BR>:=20
  &lt;P&gt;MODEMS&lt;/P&gt;<BR>: &lt;P&gt;I am using Kppp to dial with =
my modem.=20
  It is found, but it keeps =3D<BR>: hanging on=3D20<BR>: "Setting =
speaker Volume".=20
  &lt;/P&gt;<BR>: &lt;P&gt;The Mini-Terminal and minicom finds it. It is =
NOT a=20
  winmodem. The =3D<BR>: Query Modem=3D20<BR>: for Kppp finds the=20
  modem.&lt;/P&gt;<BR>: &lt;P&gt;Why does it hang trying to set the =
volume on=20
  the modem?&lt;/P&gt;<BR>: &lt;P&gt;The modem is a Jumpered US Robotics =
  board. &lt;/P&gt;<BR>: &lt;P&gt;Thanks=3D85&lt;/P&gt;<BR>:=20
  &lt;P&gt;Peter&lt;/P&gt;&lt;/FONT&gt;&lt;/DIV&gt;<BR>: =
  &lt;DIV&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/DIV&gt;<BR>: &lt;DIV&gt;&lt;FONT=20
  face=3D3DArial&gt;Peter DeSimone&lt;BR&gt;Email Address: =
&lt;A=3D20<BR>: <A=20
href=3D'mailto:href=3D3D"mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"'>href=3D3D"mailto:des=
href=3D"mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>&lt;/A&gt;&lt;BR=
  =3D<BR>: Address:&amp;nbsp; &lt;A=3D20<BR>:=20
  &lt;DIV&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/DIV&gt;<BR>: &lt;DIV&gt;&lt;FONT=3D20<BR>:=20




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