Linux-Misc Digest #701, Volume #18               Wed, 20 Jan 99 09:13:10 EST

  Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use) (Erik Naggum)
  Info on Y2K compliancy ... (Raghavendra B K)
  Re: Infringement of the GPL (John Hasler)
  Re: Bizzare CDROM over 2 days..??? Say WHAT??? (M. Buchenrieder)
  Re: LINUX & Encryption technology (Michael Powe)
  Re: Linux is not even in Windows 9X's class. (Michael Powe)
  FreeBSD and Linux benchmarks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: K6-400 "kernel paging request" errors ("David R. Bergstein")
  Re: i need to crack one icq password... HELP (Mark Stolz)
  Re: 2038 and Linux (Bloody Viking)
  Re: xf86config from win98... help!! (John Strange)
  Re: loading zipdrive support: parport , parport_pc,sd_mod, ppa ("R. Brock Lynn")


From: Erik Naggum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use)
Date: 20 Jan 1999 03:31:42 +0000

* [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Festus van Landingham)
| Do emacs users not type captial letters or does emacs not support
| capital letters?

  sometimes, I wonder how the human race survived this far, but it can't be
  that much longer before we're history.

  Emacs users don't need a caps lock key.  they have much better ways to
  capitalize words, expressions, regions, whatever the need may be.  also,
  automatic capitalization of frequently typed words is available via
  abbrevations.  perhaps Emacs users are less sensitive to case than people
  who have to type it in by hand -- I don't know.  I dispensed with case
  long ago, and of course Emacs helped in that process.  others may have
  the same experience.

  SIGTHTBABW: a signal sent from Unix to its programmers at random
  intervals to make them remember that There Has To Be A Better Way.


From: Raghavendra B K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Info on Y2K compliancy ...
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 08:59:01 +0530


I am using DLD version 5.4 of Linux(2.0.33). Please let me know whether
it is Y2K compliant. If so could you refer to a document in the DLD
package where the same has been specified?

Thanks and regards,
Raghavendra B K
Robert Bosch India Ltd.,


From: John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Infringement of the GPL
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 02:48:13 GMT

steve mcadams writes:
> So, it sounds to me like the GPL has not really been tested in court,
> or have I missed something?

Very few copyright licenses of any sort have been tested in court.

> I was pretty much convinced to go with the GPL, but in the absence of
> any evidence that it can be enforced,...

The FSF has had code out there under the GPL for many years now.  The fact
that it has not been infringed (the FSF would certainly sue) is evidence
that the lawyers think it is enforceable.

> ...and after some offline feedback from what seems to a very bitter
> Norweigan, I'm not real sure what the best approach is.

Attempting to enforce any sort of license could make one bitter.  The legal
fees are insanely high, and the proceedings slow and tend to favor the
wealthy and powerful.

> Also heard the rumor that Microsoft is in violation of the GPL but
> nothing is being done about it; I know nothing more than that this is
> what I heard, have no idea what product is involved or anything else;
> anyone know more?

Hadn't heard that rumor.  Note, however, that one cannot violate the GPL.
One can infringe the copyright on a work licensed under the GPL by failing
to comply with the terms of the GPL, but only if one is called on it by the
author.  There is no infringement unless the author says so.

> The whole business seems very uncertain.

Life is uncertain.  Eat dessert first.

> Does anybody have any specifics about GPL standing up in court,...

It's not been to court that I know of, but the FSF did get Next to release
their gcc-based objective-c compiler under the GPL.
John Hasler                This posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill         Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin         Do not send email advertisements to this address.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M. Buchenrieder)
Subject: Re: Bizzare CDROM over 2 days..??? Say WHAT???
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 08:28:41 GMT

Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>I have a very strange CDROM glitch I cannot figure out...

Not strange at all.


>If I boot Windows FIRST and then (which loads my CDROM)...and then
>exit to DOS and then run my linux loads fine...

>I know this is probably a BIOS prob...but I can't find anything
>in my BIOS setup that anything to do with the CDROM...


No. What actually happens is that the Panasonic CDROM interface
needs a DOS driver to be initialized. Simply setup a boot menue in DOS 
that loads the driver in DOS, and then boots Linux.

Michael Buchenrieder * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
          Lumber Cartel Unit #456 (TINLC) & Official Netscum
   Note: If you want me to send you email, don't mungle your address.


Subject: Re: LINUX & Encryption technology
From: Michael Powe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 20 Jan 1999 04:33:45 -0800

Hash: SHA1

>>>>> "Lidia" == Lidia Pierce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Lidia> Hi this may be a dumb question, I want FTP files accross
    Lidia> the internet from an NT box to my LINUX box with
    Lidia> regularity.  My concern is security.  I want to encrypt the
    Lidia> data but don't know of any tools to do this.

If there's a version of ssh available for NT, you could set up the
client on the NT box and put the server (sshd) on the linux box.  That
would give you a secure data path for just shooting the files straight
across with scp.  I suppose the best alternative would be to PGP the
files with standard encryption and then send them across an open


#! /usr/bin/perl # if you are [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Another Luser):
while ($line = <>){ if ($line =~ m/^\s*$/ ){ last; }
if ($line =~ m/^From: (\S+) \(([^()]*)\)/){ $from_address = $1; } }
if ($from_address =~ m/\S+NOSPAM\S+/){ $x = index($from_address, NOSPAM);
substr($from_address, $x, 6+1) = ""; printf("The real address is %s\n",
$from_address);}else { printf("No munge, just plain %s\n",$from_address);}
printf("\nBrought to you by the Truth In Mail Headers Foundation\n");

- --
                             Michael Powe
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                         Portland, Oregon USA

Version: GnuPG v0.9.0 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Encrypted with Mailcrypt 3.5.1 and GNU Privacy Guard



Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Linux is not even in Windows 9X's class.
From: Michael Powe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 20 Jan 1999 04:07:53 -0800

Hash: SHA1

>>>>> "Chris" == Chris Wolfe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Chris> When I can read press releases from a company that can
    Chris> compare the price of a Win98 upgrade (at $89-ish) to a
    Chris> Solaris install (at $430-ish) and conclude that "Windows 98
    Chris> is a good value"... I am afraid that an "I wrote DOS" from
    Chris> a MS employee will do very little to convince me that they
    Chris> are in the right.

You'll probably want to get in touch with this guy and explain how
your "gut feeling" proves him wrong in his history:

                         DOS TECHNICAL INFORMATION
 Programming Technical Reference - IBM
 Copyright 1988, Dave Williams


 Development of MSDOS/PCDOS began in October 1980, when IBM began searching
the market for an operating system for the yet-to-be-introduced IBM PC.
Microsoft had no real operating system to sell, but after some research licensed
Seattle Computer Products' 86-DOS, which had been written by a man named Tim
Paterson for use on the company's line of 8086, S100 bus micros. This was
hurriedly polished up and presented to IBM for evaluation. IBM had originally
intended to use Digital Research's CP/M operating system, which was the industry
standard at the time. Folklore reports everything from obscure legal
entanglements to outright snubbing of the IBM representatives by Digital,
irregardless, IBM found itself left with Microsoft's offering of "Microsoft Disk
Operating System 1.0".


#! /usr/bin/perl # if you are [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Another Luser):
while ($line = <>){ if ($line =~ m/^\s*$/ ){ last; }
if ($line =~ m/^From: (\S+) \(([^()]*)\)/){ $from_address = $1; } }
if ($from_address =~ m/\S+NOSPAM\S+/){ $x = index($from_address, NOSPAM);
substr($from_address, $x, 6+1) = ""; printf("The real address is %s\n",
$from_address);}else { printf("No munge, just plain %s\n",$from_address);}
printf("\nBrought to you by the Truth In Mail Headers Foundation\n");

- --
                             Michael Powe
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                         Portland, Oregon USA

Version: GnuPG v0.9.0 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Encrypted with Mailcrypt 3.5.1 and GNU Privacy Guard



Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc,mailing.freebsd.questions
Subject: FreeBSD and Linux benchmarks
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 12:02:32 GMT

In article <77st2h$p36$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Elijah Kagan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to find any information about benchmarks of Linux and FreeBSD.
> Does anyone know about some study on this subject?
> I’ve spent a whole day searching various newsgroups and mailing list
> archives, but no luck there. All these long “FreeBSD vs Linux” debates do
> not seem to contain references to any published test results.
> Any information on the subject will be highly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Elijah Kagan  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> P.S. Please, reply personally as well as to the group.

Well, let me be more specific. I would be very interested in various SPEC
benchmarks: SPECweb96, SPECsfs97 and SPEC

============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


From: "David R. Bergstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: K6-400 "kernel paging request" errors
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 08:13:13 -0500

If it helps at all, I am also seeing similar paging request errors under
linux 2.0.36 with an AMD K6-200 and 128MB RAM.  I will need to change
my syslog.conf to obtain a dump next time it happens (will post).

> Suffering from an unstable system.
> K6-400 (stepping 12), Motherboard FIC PA-2013 (VIA MP3),
> 256 MB Ram (PC-100), (the board allows to downclock the RAM to 66 Mhz, what I
> did),
> AGP Matrox G200, 2 SCSI-Controller, EATA-DPT (only Disks)
> and ncr53c825 (DDS-3, CDROM ).
> RedHat 5.2 Kernel 2.0.36 and I tried as  well all 2.2.0-preXX. the last
> 2.2.0-pre7ac2.
> The system keeps chrashing.
> I am trying to fix the system now since christmas. Getting frustrated....
> Any ideas, suggestions??
> Thanks in advance
> Mario Dix
> This is from 2.0.36:
> Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address e8f7ce98
> current->tss.cr3 = 083ac000, %cr3 = 083ac000
> *pde = 00000000
> Oops: 0000
> CPU:    0
> EIP:    0010:[<00125af0>]
> EFLAGS: 00010202
> eax: 28f7ce98   ebx: 08c30814   ecx: 00000400   edx: 00000025
> esi: 00000814   edi: 00067831   ebp: 00000400   esp: 0313de68
> ds: 0018   es: 0018   fs: 002b   gs: 002b   ss: 0018
> Process tar (pid: 3707, process nr: 53, stackpage=0313d000)
> Stack: 08c3f398 00067831 00000814 00000002 00000000 00000025 0012702d 00000814
>        00067831 00000400 0313df18 00002484 00000000 0dfddf00 00067831 00000814
>        00000100 08c3f498 036c0814 00000000 08c3f498 08c3f418 036cf918 0313df14
> Call Trace: [<0012702d>] [<001274af>] [<0011d25c>] [<0011d341>] [<0011d6b4>]
> [<00123c70>] [<0010a941
> >]
> Code: 39 38 75 24 66 39 58 04 75 1e 39 68 20 74 22 56 e8 17 f9 ff
> Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address e8f7ce98
> current->tss.cr3 = 041b8000, %cr3 = 041b8000
> *pde = 00000000
> Oops: 0000
> CPU:    0
> EIP:    0010:[<00125af0>]
> EFLAGS: 00010202
> eax: 28f7ce98   ebx: 00080814   ecx: 00000814   edx: 00000025
> esi: 00000814   edi: 00086831   ebp: 00000400   esp: 0313dddc
> ds: 0018   es: 0018   fs: 002b   gs: 002b   ss: 0018
> Process tar (pid: 3708, process nr: 53, stackpage=0313d000)
> Stack: 00086831 03130814 00000400 00086831 08975818 00000025 00126352 00000814
>        00086831 00000400 00086831 0313def4 001d25a0 00086831 00000001 00154cec
>        00000814 00086831 00000400 00000000 00086831 00000001 0df16b00 00000400
> Call Trace: [<00126352>] [<00154cec>] [<0015534c>] [<001555d5>] [<00153905>]
> [<00156845>] [<0012c414
> >]
>        [<0011d7f2>] [<00123deb>] [<0010a941>]
> Code: 39 38 75 24 66 39 58 04 75 1e 39 68 20 74 22 56 e8 17 f9 ff
> general protection: 0000
> CPU:    0
> EIP:    0010:[<00125af0>]
> EFLAGS: 00013286
> eax: 88f0e018   ebx: 0dbf0811   ecx: 00000400   edx: 0000008c
> esi: 00000811   edi: 002f889d   ebp: 00000400   esp: 0ee6be8c
> ds: 0018   es: 0018   fs: 002b   gs: 002b   ss: 0018
> Process X (pid: 384, process nr: 4, stackpage=0ee6b000)
> Stack: 0dbff898 002f889d 00000811 00000001 00000000 0000008c 0012702d 00000811
>        002f889d 00000400 0ee6bf3c 00000004 00000000 0dfdc800 002f889d 00000811
>        00000100 0dbff918 00000811 00000000 0dbff918 0015638b 0df10400 0ee6bf38
> Call Trace: [<0012702d>] [<0015638b>] [<001274af>] [<0011d83e>] [<0011d91d>]
> [<00123c70>] [<0010a941
> >]
> Code: 39 38 75 24 66 39 58 04 75 1e 39 68 20 74 22 56 e8 17 f9 ff
> general protection: 0000
> CPU:    0
> EIP:    0010:[<00125af0>]
> EFLAGS: 00010286
> eax: 88f0e018   ebx: 06850811   ecx: 00000400   edx: 0000008c
> esi: 00000811   edi: 0000689d   ebp: 00000400   esp: 04c02e60
> ds: 0018   es: 0018   fs: 002b   gs: 002b   ss: 0018
> Process m4 (pid: 3762, process nr: 47, stackpage=04c02000)
> Stack: 06851b18 0000689d 00000811 00000001 00000000 0000008c 0012702d 00000811
>        0000689d 00000400 04c02f10 00000044 00000000 0e321c00 0000689d 00000811
>        00000100 06851898 06850811 00000000 06851898 00154ee1 06851518 04c02f0c
> Call Trace: [<0012702d>] [<00154ee1>] [<001274af>] [<0011db3f>] [<0011dc39>]
> [<0011b1f7>] [<0011b0f4
> >]
>        [<00111b48>] [<00111a2c>] [<0011414e>] [<0010aaa4>]
> Code: 39 38 75 24 66 39 58 04 75 1e 39 68 20 74 22 56 e8 17 f9 ff
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

David R. Bergstein
Systems Engineer and Blues Musician
Rockville, MD
SE & Blues Musician Home Page   Heart of Blue - Playin' the Blues for


From: Mark Stolz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: i need to crack one icq password... HELP
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 14:11:41 +0000

Winston wrote:
> I heard that to crack the password of an ICQ account, Linux must be used...
> I need help to do this cos I don't have such equipment. I need to crack the
> password of ICQ #23961492, user nic VAL.This is urgent... have to know what
> he is up to before real trouble sets in between us. Please help me!! Thanks
> a lot. to head 'em off at the pass or something, right?



From: Bloody Viking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: 2038 and Linux
Date: 20 Jan 1999 04:33:02 GMT

In comp.os.linux.advocacy mlw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: 40 years from now, supporting 32 bit computers would be like trying to
: support vacuum tube computers today. If any of the systems we use today,
: are in use 40 years from now, the world has suffered a nuclear war.

That's what they thought when they first started up the old mainframes and
coded the apps in COBOL. This is how we got into this whole Y2K mess in
the first place. And becuse 32 bit UNIX boxes are still around, there will
likely be a Y2K+38 bug. 

And to think of Y10K and centuries-old embedded systems controlling the
life support systems in space stations. It's hard to think straight when
the CO2 levels start to rise....

CAUTION: Email Spam Killer in use. Leave this line in your reply! 152680
   T-minus 346 Days, 1 Hours, and 26 Minutes until Y2K and counting.

3431220 bytes of spam mail deleted. 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Strange)
Subject: Re: xf86config from win98... help!!
Date: 20 Jan 1999 13:03:51 GMT

Well, type      makewhatis       at the root prompt.
This will build your man page catalog  (Help files for newbies)
You will them be able to       apropos  some_topic_name_here
to locate commands.

Then do a       man mtools

Instead of xf86config  you could try Xconfigurator   or    XF86Setup

Phillip Taggart ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: i am a bigtime newby to linux, and ive been playing around with RedHat 5.2
: on an IBM Thinkpad 600 for a couple days now.  The problem is that i cant
: get my xf86config right.  The best i can do is to get x to run with a huge
: virtual desktop which i want to all fit on my screen (if that makes any
: sense).  the good news is that ive got somebody else's xf86config on my
: windows 98 desktop machine, but how do i get it from one computer to the
: other?  specifically pertaining to disk format.  will linux read pc disks?
: and what do i do with it once i get it there?

: thanks,
: phillip

While Alcatel may claim ownership of all my ideas (on or off the job),
Alcatel does not claim any responsibility for them. Warranty expired when u
opened this article and I will not be responsible for its contents or use.


From: "R. Brock Lynn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: loading zipdrive support: parport , parport_pc,sd_mod, ppa
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 06:57:30 -0600

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Onion Ok wrote:
>    Hi,
> I'm trying to get my zipdrive running and also being able to print, so
> in make xconfig I configured to load as modules: parport, parport_pc,
> sd_mod, ppa and lp . But when I do this I need to do insmod driver
> everytime I startup. If I configure these devices as "y" in make xconfig
> then when I startup I can't use the zipdirve and printer at all and the
> sdax support isn't there either. So now I compiled the kernel with the
> devices as modules and I made file which does insmod for all the
> devices, that file is in my /etc/profile.
> My question is:  It must be possible that the kernel can load these
> devices him self, but how?
> Can anyone tell me what to do?
> Thank you!
> Greetings,
>                         Jurrien

With kernel 2.0.33 I had them all as modules. The only thing I noticed with that
setup was that I had to load the zip drive modules by hand each time. kerneld
didn't work for them. But I got around that by making a shellscript for mounting
and umounting, named simply "Z". It's attached, plus I attached all the other
scripts you may find handy as well.

With kernel 2.2.0-pre6 I compiled everything into the kernel. And I can print
even while a parallel port zip disk is mounted. I imagine as long as I don't try
to access data from the disk while printing I'll be ok. But I haven't stressed
tested that far yet. ;)

R. Brock Lynn

Bonus: you get an A+ if you can translate the attached tcsh scripts to the bash

|     Linux!         |
| Debian! apt-get install the-universe, coming to a linux installation near U!|
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name="A"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="A"

#!/bin/tcsh -f
# Use this really short script to mount floppy disk a.
# Copywrite (c) 1999 R. Brock Lynn
# License for use: GNU GPL version 2 or later

switch ( $1 )
case "m":
        mount /mnt/a
case "u":
        umount /mnt/a
        echo \(m\)ount / \(u\)nmount floppy disk a.
        echo Usage: A \[m\|u\]

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name="B"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="B"

#!/bin/tcsh -f
# Use this really short script to mount floppy disk B.
# Copywrite (c) 1999 R. Brock Lynn
# License for use: GNU GPL version 2 or later

switch ( $1 )
case "m":
        mount /mnt/b
case "u":
        umount /mnt/b
        echo \(m\)ount / \(u\)nmount floppy disk b.
        echo Usage: B \[m\|u\]

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name="C"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="C"

#!/bin/tcsh -f
# Use this really short script to mount hard disk c.
# Copywrite (c) 1999 R. Brock Lynn
# License for use: GNU GPL version 2 or later

switch ( $1 )
case "m":
        mount /mnt/c
case "u":
        umount /mnt/c
        echo \(m\)ount / \(u\)nmount hard disk c.
        echo Usage: C \[m\|u\]

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name="CD"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="CD"

#!/bin/tcsh -f
# Use this really short script to mount a cdrom.
# Copywrite (c) 1999 R. Brock Lynn
# License for use: GNU GPL version 2 or later

switch ( $1 )
case "m":
        mount /mnt/cdrom
case "u":
        umount /mnt/cdrom
case "x":
        umount /mnt/cdrom
        if ( $? == 0 ) then
                eject /dev/hdc >& /dev/null
        echo \(m\)ount / \(u\)nmount / \(x\)eject a cdrom.
        echo Usage: CD \[m\|u\|x\]

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name="Z"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="Z"

#!/bin/tcsh -f
# Use this really short script to mount a Zip Drive.
# Copywrite (c) 1999 R. Brock Lynn
# License for use: GNU GPL version 2 or later

switch ( $1 )
case "m":
        modprobe ppa
        mount /mnt/zip
case "u":
        umount /mnt/zip
case "U":
        umount /mnt/zip
        if ( $? == 0 ) then
                rmmod ppa
                rmmod sd_mod
                rmmod scsi_mod
case "x":
        modprobe ppa
        umount /mnt/zip >& /dev/null
        eject /dev/sda >& /dev/null
case "X":
        modprobe ppa
        umount /mnt/zip >& /dev/null
        if ( $? == 0 ) then
                eject /dev/sda >& /dev/null
                rmmod ppa
                rmmod sd_mod
                rmmod scsi_mod
        echo \(m\)ount / \(u\)nmount / \(x\)eject a zip disk.
        echo Usage: Z \[m\|u\|U\|x\|X\]
        echo U and X will also remove all zip related kernel modules \(ppa, sd_mod, 




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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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