Linux-Misc Digest #773, Volume #19                Wed, 7 Apr 99 14:13:11 EDT

  Re: Need Bmptogif or Bmptopng Converter (brian moore)
  Re: about GNOME (hj)
  Re: smake to GNU make transition (Paul D. Smith)
  Kernel 2.2.5 hangs after some hours ! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Announcement: TpForth project ("Marco Monguzzi")
  Re: RPM -a and Redhat5.2 (jason)
  Re: RPM -a and Redhat5.2 (jason)
  Re: Need Bmptogif or Bmptopng Converter (Gerd Mayer)
  linux cpu-idle (hlt) command question (terry wang)
  UltraPenguin 1.x (Stephen Thomas)
  Xfree86 4 Release?? (Ed Gatzke)
  Re: monitoring ppp link (Tom Fawcett)
  Installing and learning LINUX ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Kernel 2.2.5 hangs after some hours ! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  free computer2 (webmaster)
  free computer5 (webmaster)
  Re: logitech Trackman Marble ("jeff")
  free computer10 (webmaster)
  free computer11 (webmaster)
  free computer13 (webmaster)
  Re: Emacs; is there a third way? (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: Unresolved modules (symbols) ("George Georgakis")
  Re: Proposal: "Linux 2000 Platform" (Jeremy Crabtree)
  Re: Baby-sitting Mum and Dad over a telephone line (Peter Kirby)
  Re: Why Linux still isn't my standard boot-up OS, or what are the Linux-equivalents 
for these Windoze programs? (Michael Powe)
  Re: Redirecting to Nowhere (Jon Haugsand)
  Re: Web server for user's account... (Brian McCauley)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (brian moore)
Subject: Re: Need Bmptogif or Bmptopng Converter
Date: 7 Apr 1999 16:27:40 GMT

On Wed, 7 Apr 1999 08:14:15 +0200, 
 Gregoire Diehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> my problem is, that i have create a Bitmap myself and i want to display it
> in a Browser.
> For this i need a program that convert it to gif or png file
> ( no jpeg )

You mean like:

convert file.bmp file.gif
convert file.bmp file.png

Look at ImageMagick.

(And, yes, the above are the actual command lines.)

Brian Moore                       | "The Zen nature of a spammer resembles
      Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker     |  a cockroach, except that the cockroach
      Usenet Vandal               |  is higher up on the evolutionary chain."
      Netscum, Bane of Elves.                 Peter Olson, Delphi Postmaster


Subject: Re: about GNOME
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 1999 04:33:05 -0600


Matthias Warkus wrote:
> It was the Tue, 06 Apr 1999 20:42:14 -0600...
> ..and hj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> > Is GNOME useful?
> Yes.
> >  Is it neccessary if I'm using windowmaker as my window
> > manager?
> Necessary not. But cool.
> > I know many ppl use it in Enlightment. Does it really help when it's
> > installed in WindowMaker?
> The Gnome suite (it's really only a couple of applications) cooperates
> perfectly with Window Maker, but don't run it in 256 colour mode or
> it'll make you go blind.
> mawa
> --
> Why do we always have to talk about love?  Because our parents were
> sickos, and we're starved for it.
>                         -- Laurie Moore, Starving Again, in: Like Life


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul D. Smith)
Crossposted-To: comp.sys.sgi.misc,
Subject: Re: smake to GNU make transition
Date: 07 Apr 1999 12:24:17 -0400

%% Toralf Lund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  tl> As we want our software developed on the SGI to be easier to build on
  tl> other systems, notably Linux, we are planning to ditch smake and start
  tl> using GNUmake instead (as I suppose smake exists for Irix only.) Can
  tl> anyone give me general rules, hints or any kind of information at all
  tl> about the process of rewriting Makefiles that use smake specific
  tl> features like conditionals, special targets/sources and variable
  tl> expansion modifiers?

Go get the GNU make manual.  It's available (of course) in Texinfo and
info format in the distribution, and it's available for purchase in
hardcopy from the FSF or computer bookstores (this sends the FSF $'s,
moreso if you order it directly--yay!), and it's available online from
the FSF's web site in various formats (HTML, DVI, PostScript, text):

There are two chapters there of particular interest as you start out:
one listing features found in one or more other implementations of make
which don't exist in GNU make (often with suggestions for translation)
and another listing features found in GNU make that may or may not exist
in other versions of make.

 Paul D. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         Network Management Development
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.


Subject: Kernel 2.2.5 hangs after some hours !
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 1999 12:49:46 GMT

After I upgraded fro 2.2.3 to 2.2.5, I got problems. After some hours of
working, the server just hangs and does not respond anymore ! Only a cold
restart made it run again. In one case, a kernel panic was reported. Scanning
through the newsgroups, it seems a lot of people have problems with 2.2.5. I
will go back to 2.2.3.

Answers please in this newsgroup!



From: "Marco Monguzzi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Announcement: TpForth project
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1999 13:13:55 +0200

Dear Sir or Madame,

this is an announcement of the latest version (2.5) of TpForth available at:

TpForth is a wide-ranging long term project to provide the Technopoint
network with an open environment for the production of firmware for
industrial embedded systems.
Since this purpose has required a language suitable to write efficient and
compact code, the FORTH language has been chosen. The current project status
is represented by the TpForth system ver. 2.5 you can now freely download

The development activities rely currently on team of programmers word-wide
distributed. To accelerate the development of the system, related tools,
etc, keeping the project tight to the needs of every programmer who want to
use FORTH for EMBEDDED SYSTEM, we understood that the only way to get these
goals was involve the FORTH community into the project.

We need your talent and skills to:
1. Design and development of new language extensions;
2. Design and development of libraries;
3. Develop applications;
4. Add new features to the development environment to better follow the
programmers' needs.
5. Report and fix bugs.

Starting a project having this importance required to carefully think about
its possible evolution. To avoid it moves inconsistently or far from the
real user requirements, Technopoint decided to avoid a fully free initiative
and moving toward a different paradigm.
The idea is to grant a financial support to a CO-OPERATIVE development to
create an OPEN, but fully supported, system designed on user requirements.
The co-operative way to push a project is not new in the Internet community.
What makes the TpForth project different, is the FINANCIAL SUPPORT that
Technopoint is going to provide. We hope, in this way, to offer the Internet
community one more reason to join actively the project and be able to allow
a consistent evolution of the project.
Technopoint SPONSORSHIP is also possible for special programs included
Master or P.h.D. thesis (B.Sc. dissertations will be considered, too).

At last, we also hope this initiative will contribute to the diffusion of
the FORTH language and its community growth.

Check the project description page at to
know more about. As you will see, the Tpforth project is more than yet
another FORTH system. Anyway, please keep in mind that the web site is still
in draft version and some services are not activated. We apologize for that
and any suggestion is welcome to help us to improve the site. The entire
project is a WORK IN PROGRESS and any contribution has worth.

Best regards,

TpForth team


From: jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RPM -a and Redhat5.2
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 1999 12:51:39 -0400

I think you want "rpm -qa".


"[...M...]" wrote:
> I am using redhat v5.2.  How can I list the packages that are
> installed using rpm?
> If i type "rpm -a", it just gives me an error of "unexpected query source".
> Thanks,


From: jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RPM -a and Redhat5.2
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 1999 12:52:58 -0400

I think you want "rpm -qa".


"[...M...]" wrote:
> I am using redhat v5.2.  How can I list the packages that are
> installed using rpm?
> If i type "rpm -a", it just gives me an error of "unexpected query source".
> Thanks,


Date: Wed, 07 Apr 1999 17:46:14 +0200
From: Gerd Mayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need Bmptogif or Bmptopng Converter

the package is called:


the actual package should be availabe from your Distributor.


From: terry wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: linux cpu-idle (hlt) command question
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 1999 07:31:44 -0500

hi, i have one quick question regarding about how cpu-idle (HLT)
commands are executed in Linux. as i was configing the kernel last
night, i noticed there is a cpu-idle execution command under APM but i
recall from memory that linux executes HLT command by itself... does it?
or do i need to enable it under APM in order to have it working? i do
notice that when Linux boots up there is one line about checking for hlt
instructions and it says "ok"... so i assume that linux does not need
APM to execute HLT...

well, thanks alot for looking and answering my dumb question.


From: Stephen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: UltraPenguin 1.x
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 1999 14:02:04 -0400

I'm having trouble finding anyone that sells UltraPenguin on CD.  Will
1.2 be released on CD, and if so, where?


From: Ed Gatzke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Xfree86 4 Release??
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 1999 12:57:25 -0400

Does anyone have a clue as to when a version of the new XFree86 may
become available?

I want a multi-head display and don't want to go buy new hardware and
new Xserver software.  Any suggestions?

Ed Gatzke


From: Tom Fawcett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: monitoring ppp link
Date: 07 Apr 1999 12:26:30 -0400

shu ling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Is there any utility,as in Windows, that will report the real time
> information (speed, connected time, bytes send/rcv'ed) of the ppp link?

There are probably many.  If you're using KDE, try kpppload.  It works
pretty well, though the connected time doesn't always reset when the link
goes down.



Subject: Installing and learning LINUX
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 1999 17:01:14 GMT

I want to install Linux on my spare p100.  I was wondering which brand of
Linux I should purchase.  Debian, Red Hat, etc...

I know nothing about Linux, and I need some type of tutorial book, which one
should I buy? (I need a book with the basic commands e.g. remove, change
directory, mount, etc...)

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Subject: Re: Kernel 2.2.5 hangs after some hours !
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 1999 18:40:17 GMT

On Wed, 07 Apr 1999 13:10:45 -0400, jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Have you tried the 2.2.5-ac* kernels?  I've been running 2.2.5-ac2 for
>about a week with no problems.  Don't know whether the stock 2.2.5 would
>have failed me, too.

Hmm.. I use the sources provided by SuSE as an update for the 6.0. Where to get
the ac's ? What's the difference ?

Answers please in this newsgroup!



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (webmaster)
Subject: free computer2
Date: 7 Apr 1999 17:31:52 GMT

Free Computer at

DELL IS GIVING AWAY 500 FREE PENTIUM 500 Computers to celebrate their 5th 

Hurry and if you are one of the first 500 people you win a new computer!!!


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (webmaster)
Subject: free computer5
Date: 7 Apr 1999 17:33:01 GMT

Free Computer at

DELL IS GIVING AWAY 500 FREE PENTIUM 500 Computers to celebrate their 5th 

Hurry and if you are one of the first 500 people you win a new computer!!!


From: "jeff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: logitech Trackman Marble
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 22:16:34 -0800

I use the trackman marble ( no wheel ) on two Linux machines and it works
great as a three button rodent.  I love the marbles have one on all my
boxes.  On the two Linux boxes I am using "generic 3button ps/2"  I even
have one working on my wintel NeXT/OPENSTEP_4.2 box!

Mitch Georgieff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Does anyone know if the logitech trackman marble will work with Redhat 5.2
> and 2.2.2 kernal? Is there a driver anywhere out there for it? I cant seem
> to make the existing drivers work. It works fine on my NT computer.
> Thanks
> Mitch


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (webmaster)
Subject: free computer10
Date: 7 Apr 1999 17:34:24 GMT

Free Computer at

DELL IS GIVING AWAY 500 FREE PENTIUM 500 Computers to celebrate their 5th 

Hurry and if you are one of the first 500 people you win a new computer!!!


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (webmaster)
Subject: free computer11
Date: 7 Apr 1999 17:34:32 GMT

Free Computer at

DELL IS GIVING AWAY 500 FREE PENTIUM 500 Computers to celebrate their 5th 

Hurry and if you are one of the first 500 people you win a new computer!!!


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (webmaster)
Subject: free computer13
Date: 7 Apr 1999 17:34:47 GMT

Free Computer at

DELL IS GIVING AWAY 500 FREE PENTIUM 500 Computers to celebrate their 5th 

Hurry and if you are one of the first 500 people you win a new computer!!!


From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Emacs; is there a third way?
Date: 07 Apr 1999 13:01:02 -0400

<> writes:

> Hello,
> The distributions of Linux that I have used thus far
> all claim that the X- and non-X versions of emacs
> can not coexist; you either have the one or the other.
> This presents a considerable problem to me and my wife;
> she, due to her visual handicap is forced to use the non-X
> version, whereas I use many Xwindows applications, and find 
> it therefore a nuisance to part with X-emacs.

there are a couple things at work here.

emacs vs xemacs


compiling and linking the editor (either emacs or xemacs) with X
windows support and libraries.  (i am not sure xemacs w/o X libs is
possible but it's not important.)

suffice to say that you can use *any* of the emacsen in a console.
you wife will have no problems.

        w/             w/o
emacs   C&X            C
xemacs  C&X            ?

C&X works in both console *and* X
C works in console mode only
? have no idea if the combo is possible

the only reason to have the no-X version of emacs is if you do not
have X libraries installed on your system and do not wish to incur the
bloat of X support in emacs.  iow it makes sense if you don't ever use

take either emacs or xemacs compiled and linked with the X stuff on a
system with X libries installed, they will both work in both console
and X modes.

just install the X aware version.  hope this helps.

johan kullstam


From: "George Georgakis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Unresolved modules (symbols)
Date: 7 Apr 1999 12:46:42 GMT

Don't forget to move your old /lib/modules/2.x.x to another directory too
(like /lib/modules/2.x.x.old)

I never reply by email as a) I don't give out my real email address freely,
and b) it stops other NG users from reading the solutions to problems
I can be contacted thru hurro(a)

Walter L. Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
> Yan Seiner wrote:
> > Make mrproper basically hoses all changes you had made to the system.
> > You need to follow that up with a make config ; make modules ; make
> > modules_install ; make zImage.
> >
> > It sounds like you left out the make modules or make modules_install
> > steps.
> >
> > Yan
> >
> Your right, I did'nt do that. Thanks for the info.
> Walt in Utah


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeremy Crabtree)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: Proposal: "Linux 2000 Platform"
Date: 7 Apr 1999 17:39:40 GMT

Peter Samuelson allegedly wrote:
>  [Peter Samuelson]
>> > I thought about this some time ago.
>[Jeremy Crabtree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]

[SNIP, stuff about stuff ;)]

>> Ah...but what if <dum dum duuum> you use a gpm repeater as your
>> pointer in X? How would that affect the problems?
>Well, actually, I listed three problems in my message, and using the
>gpm repeater should take care of #1.  I can handle the other two as
>well, having thought a bit more.  They were:
>  - getting xauth permission, which changes whenever xdm resets things
>  - surviving X session changes
>The two are really related, and point out a bug in the original idea.
>The current X user would not necessarily *want* gpm to be able to
>read/write cut buffers without explicit permission, i.e. running the
>helper app or whatever.  So this would have to happen on a per-login
>basis anyway.

Here's a thought...why not use a keyboard modifier to help specify which
X session to paste into?

>OK, here's how I would code all this if I had the time and/or enough of
>the inclination to make the time. (:


>I'm still not sure how access control should work, since by this scheme
>gpm selections would be available to everyone on the system.  Bad
>stuff.  Maybe the helper app would have to be setgid and then try and
>make appropriate checks for reasonable use; maybe successfully opening
>a local X display would be enough of a check.

wouldn't the helper app inherit the uid/gid of the person executing  it?
Could it not then just check, and ensure that only that specific UID/GID
accessed it?

"Being myself a remarkably stupid fellow, I have had to unteach myself 
 the difficulties, and now beg to present to my fellow fools the parts
 that are not hard" --Silvanus P. Thompson, from "Calculus Made Easy."


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Kirby)
Crossposted-To: uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Baby-sitting Mum and Dad over a telephone line
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 1999 12:48:55 GMT

On 05 Apr 1999 16:14:07 +0100, Mike McEwan

>  I was thinking I would use mgetty to be able to log into their
>machine, but am still a little stumped by the problem of being able to
>check out the Windows 95 stuff by accessing the DOS partition
>alone. As some might be aware, windows maintains most of its
>config/setup values in a `registry' - this is going to be useless to
>work with from the Linux partition without being able to run things
>like windows `device manager' etc. Can `Wine' or something assist

You could get their Win95 drive on a win95 your end by using Samba.
IE: You connect using PPP to their linux box from your win95 system
and connect to the win95 'share' (which you will have setup in Samba)

However it will not be like you are on their machine, it will be like
their C: drive will be your F: drive...

The only other way to actually be on their system is if they install
VNC server, and they dial into your linux box and you could view their
win95 screen (via PPP again) but this is SLOW over a modem!

I cannot advise on that though. I have dialin PPP here where I work on
linux, and can access any machines on the same subnet in the whole
office (including the linux machine itself)

Peter Kirby.
Email: ignore the domain, make it


From: Michael Powe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why Linux still isn't my standard boot-up OS, or what are the 
Linux-equivalents for these Windoze programs?
Date: 01 Apr 1999 23:03:20 -0800

Hash: SHA1

>>>>> "Stuart" == Stuart Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Stuart> The UNIX philosphy applies well to technically minded
    Stuart> people.  In my experience, the majority of average
    Stuart> business or home users are incapable of learning up front.

    >> Huh?  How do <you> learn?  I think your experience must be
    >> pretty limited.  Most computer users are not any more stupid or
    >> incapable of learning than anyone here.

    Stuart> Crap.  My experience - four years tech support,
    Stuart> consulting, implementing etc.  Most computer *users *
    Stuart> don't want to learn, can't be bothered - example: A large
    Stuart> corporate, where users can't find an application on the
    Stuart> start menu, it must be on the desktop.  And these users
    Stuart> have been trained (several times some of them) and this
    Stuart> company does spend time ensuring that the users are
    Stuart> trained.  I don't claim that they can't learn at all -
    Stuart> they merely seem to have problems learning to use a
    Stuart> computer.

First, it's the opaque complexity of the Windows environment.  It's
intimidating.  It's a very poor environment for beginners.  Second,
it's the old conundrum about the more help people get, the more they
expect.  I remember reading a physicist's account, in another forum,
of how nobody in his department seemed capable of configuring emacs;
they were always after him to edit their .emacs files for them.  We're
talking about physicists!  The fact was, they just were used to having
him do it for them.

We've had several internal reorganizations where I work.  At one time,
there were 4-6 techs on internal lines, who were on call to help with
problems we might be having with clients.  On a busy day, it was not
uncommon to get busied out trying to get onto that line.  Then they
did away with the internal lines and went to individual `senior techs'
on each team.  Now, they've done away with that and gone to a single
internal tech line.  All the way down the line, it's been difficult
for people on the phones -- mostly because they simply had to become
more self-reliant.  The reality is, though, that we can now do what we
need to do with the single line.  On average, a tech used to get in
touch with a senior tech a dozen times a day; now, it's down to 2-3
times a day.

    >> You're wrong.  I spend 40+ hours a week doing tech support on
    >> Winboxen.  The computer is a tool; the user wants to use it to
    >> complete certain tasks.  The user is quite capable of
    >> discerning whether one tool performs that task better than
    >> another ... if given the opportunity to make the comparison.

    Stuart> Agreed, but most users I have come across can't even use
    Stuart> Windows properly, so what chance do they have with Linux?
    Stuart> Like it or not, linux IS more complicated than Windows
    Stuart> (there's no value judgement here - only a fact).

One of these days, soon I hope, I'm going to perform an experiment.
I'm going to build a linux box, completely set it up ready-to-run, and
take it over to my sister's house & let her & her kids use it.  I'm
betting they won't have any more problems with it than they've had
with Windows boxen.  And they'll never get gpf'ed.  I already have
most of the parts laying around -- I just need to get a round tuit.


- --
Michael Powe                                          Portland, Oregon USA
           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  "Three hours a day will produce as much as a man ought to write."
                         -- Anthony Trollope

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Comment: Encrypted with Mailcrypt 3.5.1 and GNU Privacy Guard



From: Jon Haugsand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Redirecting to Nowhere
Date: 02 Apr 1999 09:06:39 +0200

* James Cook
> I guess the appropriate follow-up question is:
> Since Interbase runs as a service, where do I place the ln command so
> that it executes at boot time?

You do not need to do this at boot time, you need to do it once. The
soft links are a part of the file system. So just issue the ln command
and restart Interbase.

Jon Haugsand
  Norwegian Computing Center, <> 
  <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Pho: +47 22852608 / +47 22852500, 
  Fax: +47 22697660, Pb 114 Blindern, N-0314 OSLO, Norway


From: Brian McCauley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Web server for user's account...
Date: 07 Apr 1999 18:33:33 +0100

"Sccoaire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> In my srm.conf file, i have this line:
> UserDir public_html
> And in the description above it says that that directive will a make it so
> that users can have their web pages under http://domain/~user
> It doesn't work for me.

How so?

> First of all, no public_html folder has been created
> under the users,

And you would not want it to be.  Just because you've installed a Web
server (or any other application) on a box you would not expect it to
go mucking about in every users' home directory.

> is that something that i have to do manually?

No, the user can do it for themselves.

> Even for new users?

Depends on the tool you use to add users.  Most such tools can be
configured to automatically create ~/public_html for new users.

For example with "useradd" you'd "mkdir /etc/skel/public_html"

> I don't quite understand that, can you let me know?

Could you be more precise about what you don't understand?

     \\   ( )  No male bovine  | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  .  _\\__[oo   faeces from    | Phones: +44 121 471 3789 (home)
 .__/  \\ /\@  /~)  /~[   /\/[ |   +44 121 627 2173 (voice) 2175 (fax)
 .  l___\\    /~~) /~~[  /   [ | PGP-fp: D7 03 2A 4B D8 3A 05 37...
  # ll  l\\  ~~~~ ~   ~ ~    ~ |
 ###LL  LL\\ (Brian McCauley)  |



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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