Linux-Misc Digest #961, Volume #18                Tue, 9 Feb 99 07:13:08 EST

  Re: one thing that sux about Linux.... ("Kenny Sylliboy")
  Re: Is this a reasonable partition scheme? (Tim Moore)
  Re: Win9X <-> Linux exchange ("Dominic Leland")
  VT220 application keypad in console & X Windows (Michael Fraley)
  Re: Bunch of pretentious Wankers
  Re: Which mail program is better? (Stan)
  Windows Text --> Linux Text Converter ("Mark M. Devaney")
  Re: good beginner books (autodata)
  Re: Kernel 2.2.1 problems with modules (Tim Moore)
  Is INETD part of Apache or base Linux Networking? ("David Sisk")
  Re: xterm or text console? how can program find out? (Gerald Pollack)
  Compressed filesystem in Linux ? (Like doublespace) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: LINUX FIREWALL -    HELP (Joerg Klaas)
  Re: Video Card not working with X Windows (Sebastian Wagner)
  Re: Antivirus (Stan)
  Rpm question (Leo Wong)
  ljet4l magicfilter (Wilhelm Pastoors)
  Re: Microsoft Linux 1.0 (Alexander Viro)
  Re: Sick of Windows, newbie thinking about Linux (Michael Benedict)
  Re: How can I make my linux machine beep with internal speaker? (Andy Repton)
  File Type Application Association - How? ("David J. DeFrain")
  Can't rsh from NT ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: xterm or text console? how can program find out? (Allen Ashley)


From: "Kenny Sylliboy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: one thing that sux about Linux....
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1999 21:37:22 -0400

All these post windoze sux, linux rulz crap.  I like linux very much, but
you still can't beat the ease of windows.  I have Win98, Linux RH5.2, and
MacOS 7.6, and if I had to make a choice it wouldn't be Linux or Mac.
Besides you can change windows startup logo in 10 minutes, but take months
figuring out how things work in linux, only to forget what you did to
finally solve your problem.


Les Nadon wrote in message <79o0ii$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Paul Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>Aaron Cody wrote:
>>> is that stupid penguin logo (or whatever the hell it's supposed to be..)
>>Tux kicks ass!  The Windows logo looks like a beer mat.  :)
>>    Paul Taylor                                Veni, vidi, tici -
>>    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      I came, I saw, I ticked.


Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 01:19:22 -0800
From: Tim Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Is this a reasonable partition scheme?

> Here is the layout I'm considering:
>  256 MB  /              primary  (inner tracks)
>  512     /var           primary
>   64     swap           primary
> 3072     /home          logical
> 1024     /usr           logical
> 1024     /usr/local     logical  (outer tracks)

[64MB memory]

  64    /dev/hda1       /       primary         ^ faster (outside)
6048    /dev/hda2       n/a     extended        |
 128    /dev/hda5       swap    logical         |
2784    /dev/hda6       /usr       "            |
 128    /dev/hda7       /tmp       "            |
3072    /dev/hda8       /home      "            v slower (inside)

- make 64MB root as a primary.  You don't need much room.
- create an extended "partition" using the rest of the disk.
- put key os functions in the fastest parts of the disk.
- keep a single swap in the fastest section.  See swapon(2)
- ln -s /usr/opt /opt (link /opt to /usr/opt)
- don't get stuck on 1024.  Use whatever numbers
  you like but keep relative proportions.

[Replies: remove the D]

"Everything is permitted.  Nothing is forbidden."
                                   WS Burroughs.


From: "Dominic Leland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Win9X <-> Linux exchange
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 09:24:17 GMT

There are a couple of different utilities available. The first is called
fsdext2. It's a dos program, but it can run in windows. The other is a win
9x program called zlid95. Both of them mount your Linux partition read-only.
Zlid95 has a graphical interface, but fsdext2 is just a command line

The url for fsdext2 is (according to the

I don't know the url for Zlid95 (I've been looking for it for the past half
hour). You should be able to find it.

Dominic Leland


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Fraley)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: VT220 application keypad in console & X Windows
Date: 9 Feb 1999 01:45:40 GMT


I'm trying to map my keyboard to the VT220 auxiliary keypad keys.
This is normally a numeric keypad, but in application mode
the keypad is assigned special functions in EDT and EVE (DEC editors).
Also, the PF1 through PF4 keys are commonly used in DEC applications.
I was able to map everything for character-based console sessions.
See my /usr/local/lib/ below. I use it with the command

      # loadkeys /usr/local/lib/
The only workaround required was to use function keys 21 through 24,
which are non-existent on my keyboard. I was only able to define strings
for function keys, so I defined strings for F21 through F24, and then
assigned these function keys to the numeric keypad keys Num_Lock through
Subtract (the top row of the numeric keypad). I would have preferred to
define the string "\033OP" directly to the Num_Lock key: 

     keycode 69 = string("\033OP") \n\

but this was rejected by loadkeys. So I defined the function key 21 first,
and assigned it to keycode 69.

keycode  69 = F21                      (Num Lock key)
keycode  98 = F22                      (Divide key)
keycode  55 = F23                      (Multiply key)
keycode  74 = F24                      (Subtract key)

string F21 = "\033OP"                  (Num Lock key)
string F22 = "\033OQ"                  (Divide key)
string F23 = "\033OR"                  (Multiply key)
string F24 = "\033OS"                  (Subtract key)

I was hoping to do something similar in X Windows. Everything works, except
for one key. I seem to need to press Num_Lock first before the numeric
keypad sends the keycodes I need. For instance, the "0 & Insert key" (bottom
left large key of the numeric keypad) sends "Insert" and the same keycode as
the "other" Insert key, when the Num_Lock key isn't pressed. Press the
Num_Lock key, and the "0 & Insert key" sends "KP_0", which is what I need to
distinguish it in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/XTerm from the "other" Insert
key. And so on for the other numeric keypad keys:

with Num_Lock off               with Num_Lock on
=================               ================
  1 sends "End"                   1 sends "KP_1"
  2 sends "Arrow Down"            2 sends "KP_2"
  3 sends "Page Down"             3 sends "KP_3"

My workaround is to start X Windows, press Num_Lock, and define the Pause
key as KP_F1, instead of the Num_Lock key. Is there anyway to get the keys
to send KP_1, KP_2, etc. and define Num_Lock as KP_F1, so I have the same
mapping as in console mode? Please see below for my xmodmap and xterm
default files.

Any comments would be welcome, please cc: to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


keycode 0x7F =  KP_F1                  (Pause & Break key)
keycode 0x4D =  Num_Lock               (Num Lock key)
keycode 0x7D =  KP_F2                  (Divide key)
keycode 0x3F =  KP_F3                  (Multiply key)
keycode 0x52 =  KP_F4                  (Subtract key)

keycode 0x5A =  KP_0                   (0 & Insert key)

XTerm*VT100.Translations: #override \
   <Key>KP_F1: string("\033OP") \n\    (Pause & Break key)
   <Key>KP_F2: string("\033OQ") \n\    (Divide key)
   <Key>KP_F3: string("\033OR") \n\    (Multiply key)
   <Key>KP_F4: string("\033OS") \n\    (Subtract key)

   <Key>KP_0:  string("\033Op") \n\    (0 & Insert key)


  Michael Fraley


Crossposted-To:  alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Bunch of pretentious Wankers
Date: 7 Feb 1999 20:47:47 GMT

On Thu, 04 Feb 1999 16:31:04 -0600, Jerry Lynn Kreps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>mlw wrote:
>> I actually like Bill Clinton. Big deal, he got caught getting a blow
>> job? Show me a man that has never lied about sex, and I'll show you a
>> man that has never had any.
>Show me a man who has been caught lying in court, under oath, and I'll
>show you someone who is going to jail for perjury - unless his name is
>Bill Clinton, the media darling.
>Remember, he's destroying justice and the constitution "for the
>children" so that excuses it.

Yeah, If it saves just one childs life, enslaving you was worth it.


"I will have the most ethical administration in history."
Bill Clinton;   Nov. 1992

Yeah, right....


Subject: Re: Which mail program is better?
Date: 9 Feb 1999 10:35:37 GMT

Chris Cocozzo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: I am in the process of setting up a mail server for my company using RH
: 5.1.
: I need a POP3 capable program that my users can point their winblows
: clients to to get mail.  I know there are a variety of programs out
: there.  I am somewhat new to Linux but that shouldn't be a factor.  I
: would like to see some opinions on various packages available (qmail,
: sendmail, etc.) and some of the pros and cons.  Yes, I read the HOWTO

You will need sendmail if you wish the host to act as an SMTP host for
outgoing mail.

You will need ipopd, imapd ...etc if you want the host to act as a POP3
server where people can get their mails from.

But be careful. The RH5.1 imapd has a terrible bug and some bad people
can get root privileges.




Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 00:31:39 +0000
From: "Mark M. Devaney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Windows Text --> Linux Text Converter

Does anyone know of any programs that convert windows text files to
Linux text files and removes all those characters at the end of the
Mark M. Devaney
Midn 2/C USMCR

"Forgive your enemies,
but never forget their names."
--J.F. Kennedy


From: autodata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: good beginner books
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 20:10:21 -0600


"Using Linux: by Bill Ball
"Student's Guide to Unix" by Harley Hahn

Happy reading!

Gary Momarison wrote:

> "Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > can someone recommend some good books for the average Linux newbie?  I've
> > read a lot of good reviews about "Running Linux" by ORA.  Is there anything
> > comparable that's a little more recent?
> The 2nd Edition?  If you can only buy one book, get one of those huge
> compilations of Linux Documentation Project Guides and HOWTOs. It's
> all on line, but the hardcopy is SO much easier to read, and the index
> is a great help.
> Or find lots of books from here:
> --
> Look for Linux info at and in
> Gary's Encyclopedia at


Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1999 17:51:46 -0800
From: Tim Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Kernel 2.2.1 problems with modules

> I am sort of new to compiling kernels. I just compiled the 2.2.1 kernel
> with modules but when I run depmod I get many errors about unresolved
> symbols. Why? How do I fix them. I've included a file containing the
> errors. Help Me!

There's more than dropping 2.2.1 in and recompiling.
[Replies: remove the D]

"Everything is permitted.  Nothing is forbidden."
                                   WS Burroughs.


From: "David Sisk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Is INETD part of Apache or base Linux Networking?
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1999 20:49:26 -0500


Quick question:  Is the Internet Daemon INETD specifically a part of the
Apache WebServer, or is it a basic part of the Linux networking processes?
In other words, if Apache wasn't installed on a particular box, would INETD
still be present and running (assuming everything was setup the normal way).

Another question:  Assuming INETD is not specifically tied to Apache, do
other Unix brands (Solaris, HP-UX, DEC-Unix, AIX, SCO, etc.) have an INETD
that works the same way?

Any answers appreciated.  Doubly thankful if you would email as well as


David C. Sisk
The Unofficial ORACLE on NT site


From: Gerald Pollack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: xterm or text console? how can program find out?
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1999 22:37:43 -0500

Norm Dresner wrote:
> Why should you want to know?  What difference would it make?
>         Norm
> Gerald Pollack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
> > This is probably obvious, but it's escaped me so far. How can I find
> > out, from within a c program, whether the program is running in an xterm
> > or in a text-mode console?
I'm writing some data analysis programs that produce as output text
files containing columns of numbers that represent graph coordinates. If
they're run in an xterm, I'd like to call up gnuplot, to show the output
graphically, but if they're run in text mode (with the files saved for
later plotting), obviously I can't do this. 

Gerald Pollack
Dept. of Biology, McGill University


Subject: Compressed filesystem in Linux ? (Like doublespace)
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 10:53:34 GMT


I have ran out of HD space on my Linux partition. The obvious solution is of
cource to add an additional harddisk, but I want to know:

Is there a compressed filesystem available for Linux, working something like
Stacker of micro$ofts Doublespace, which can save some 50% of the space?

(Mail answers appreciated, if there is one)


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From: Joerg Klaas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 11:52:28 +0100

Why you want to re-invent the wheel ?
There's lot of stuff around, TIS, SOCKS, IPCHAINS, ipfw ...

News wrote:

>     I have to make a firewall aplication in linux c if you have a source
> code of an aplication like this i would be gratefull if you could send it


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sebastian Wagner)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Video Card not working with X Windows
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 12:01:48 +0100

Zachary Echlin wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a 4 MM Diamond Stealth II S220.  How do I setup X windows for my
> video card?  What X Server do I use?  Is there another card its
> compatible with?  Xconfigurator is having trouble probing my video
> card.  Please help me!
> Thank you for your time,
> Zachary

Ever tried XF86Setup?


Subject: Re: Antivirus
Date: 9 Feb 1999 10:24:53 GMT

 On 25 Jan 1999 14:53:28 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aurelien
 Jarno) wrote:

 >I'm looking an antivirus for Linux.

There are no viruses in linux.
Viruses exist in an OS where:
        There are no user access permissions.
        The user/admin installs shamelessly binaries from

Now that _could_ be done in linux IF root used to login as root all the time
to do his/her usual work and installed shamelessly rpm binnaries compiled

Thats one good thing with open source BTW.

On the other hand there are trojans, but those can be avoided by a 
careful sysadmin and the COPS or SATAN programs



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leo Wong)
Subject: Rpm question
Date: 9 Feb 1999 10:30:10 GMT


I've download informix dynamic server for Linux, but it exist as an RPM files, and
i an using slackware 3.4, kern2.0.34, is it meaning that i am out of luck and i
cannot get it installed?

Best regards
Leo Wong


From: Wilhelm Pastoors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ljet4l magicfilter
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 12:01:25 +0100

a beginner with latex I ran into a printing problem.
My printer - HPLaserjet4L - doesn't print the last 3 lines of a page.
I tested the ps file on another printer - everything fine. Same when I
check the file with gs.

On my printer - whatever I try - it doesn't work :-(

I use Debian/GNU 2.0 and configured the printcap with magicfilterconfig.

Where can I find a FAQ concerning printing, magicfilter?
Has someone solved the problem some time ago and can give a hint?


Wilhelm Pastoors


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alexander Viro)
Subject: Re: Microsoft Linux 1.0
Date: 8 Feb 1999 21:23:43 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Steve Salgo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Nothing could stop them. They would release a dumbed-down version with
>everything important obfuscated into the "registry" and costing only
>$39. A lot of people would buy it but them come to the conclusion that
>it was a peice of crap. Then the next version, a little better but
>with proprietary "enhancements." As silly as it sounds, they could
>actually get away with it.

So what? Anybody can do that. Silly, yes, but perfectly legal. Excuse
me, who cares? And don't feed the trolls, please.

"You're one of those condescending Unix computer users!"
"Here's a nickel, kid.  Get yourself a better computer" - Dilbert.


From: Michael Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Sick of Windows, newbie thinking about Linux
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 21:18:14 -0500

>   I haven't tried Caldera but
> have the cdrom, likewise FreeBSD (which as I understand isn't Linux
> anyway, but I don't know the details).

First, I agree with your comments on MS :).  The BSD story (so far as I am aware) 
with BSD develed at U Cal Berkley (?).  They developed it for awhile as a poor man's
Unix, then came OpenBSD (as in, Open Source) which was good for the most part, but the
contract for updating its kernel stated that ALL the platforms it ran on had to be
updated simultaneously (and there is more than 20 platforms it runs on. . .crazy).  So
FreeBSD was born so the i386 market (by then booming, but after Linux had made its
entrance) could progress in development without keeping legacy support for every
architecture under the sun.  So FreeBSD is alive and doing well, it makes an excellent
sever.  Verse Linux it is faster but doesn't have nearly the apps (out of fairness, it
does have good emulation)  and it requires a bit of *nix experience to get into, ie it
isn't nearly as easy to install and configure as *some* linux distros.  Hope this 
it up a little.
        Michael Benedict


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andy Repton)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: How can I make my linux machine beep with internal speaker?
Date: 9 Feb 1999 11:25:20 GMT

On Tue, 09 Feb 1999 10:16:48 +0100, Tobias Galitzien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Anybody any idea how I can make it beep also from cron?

Try echoing it to /dev/console.



From: "David J. DeFrain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: File Type Application Association - How?
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 06:26:57 -0500

How do I associate an application to a specific filetype in Linux?  I want
the GIMP to open automatically when I click on a .jpg file, for instance.


Subject: Can't rsh from NT
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 11:17:42 GMT

I really need this, but so far have received no replies. Can anyone give me
any definite information on whether there is any chance of rsh working from
NT to linux or not?

In article <78pi4e$vjc$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> I need to rsh from NT to linux for remote execution of a shellscript.
> I get Permission denied error. rsh works from linux to linux. ftp and ping
> works to and from NT. I have entered the NT's name and IP address in the
> .rhosts file (on separate lines) as well as in the /etc/hosts.allow file.
> These files are publicly readable.
> I am not using Kerberos, and do not have any kerberos authentication files, as
> it says in the rsh man page.
> NT rsh does not provide any -K option, however.
> Any ideas on what I should check? Does NT rsh work at your site?
> Kindly email replies.
> Thanks,
> Khushro
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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Allen Ashley)
Subject: Re: xterm or text console? how can program find out?
Date: 9 Feb 1999 11:23:26 GMT

"Norm Dresner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Why should you want to know?  What difference would it make?
>       Norm

Well, for one thing, the key bindings are different.



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