Linux-Misc Digest #978, Volume #18               Wed, 10 Feb 99 23:13:15 EST

  Re: compiling kernel 2.2.0 ("Michael Ferguson")
  Re: Linux maximum O/S limits???? (Ben Russo)
  Re: printing problem: rangecheck in .putdeviceprops (Ken Witherow)
  Re: Compressed filesystem in Linux ? (Like doublespace) ("Wadels")
  Re: Cursor color (Ben Russo)
  Re: Handing a socket to an already running process???  How??? (Ben Russo)
  Re: kernel too big? ("David A. Frantz")
  Re: StarOffice 5 (Ben Russo)
  Re: UPS restores power after system is halted; will it boot? (Mike Thomas)
  Re: ld problems on Debian... (Donn Miller)
  Re: scripts or program to build kernels ("David Z. Maze")
  LILO password in Mandrake ("Greg Searle")
  Desktop falls off the Monitor in XWindows? (PG)
  Re: From RedHat to Slackware (Michael Powe)
  Re: world's smallest webserver (Michael Powe)
  Oracle Compile err 8.0.5 Debian Linux - needed (Jack Varga)
  StarOffice 5.0 install problem (Bow-Yaw Wang)
  Re: Single mode startup (Darren Greer)
  Single mode startup (Robert Means)
  Re: X Apps via Telnet ("Donald E. Stidwell")
  WAS 3.02 for Linux question (Minh Giang)
  Errors Compiling 2.1.43 Kernel (Patrick Lanphier)
  Panic: Bad VFAT


From: "Michael Ferguson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: compiling kernel 2.2.0
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 18:08:30 -0700


To get up to 2.2.0 you need to upgrade a number of other utilities
along-side the kernel.  Check out the changes.txt file or look at some
of the links at .  I would recommend forgetting 2.2.0
and going right to 2.2.1 since there is a major security flaw in

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
<79s67d$ifn$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I am trying to compile kernel 2.2.0 on my system I am at present
running RH
>5.1 and want to upgrade, I have all thu updated software.
>I do    make dep
> make clean
> make zImage
>it is when I get to this third stage I start to get problems the
>lines may help someone!
> drivers sound sound.a : In function 'ess_init'
> sb_ess.o(text+0xde2): undefined reference to 'esstype'
> sb_ess.o)text+0xe77): undefined referece to 'esstype'
> make: ***[vmlinux] error!
> prompt>>
>I would say it is something to do with the sound drivers but am not
>  Any advice would be gratefully recieved
>Toby Coleridge
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Version: PGP 6.0



From: Ben Russo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux maximum O/S limits????
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 21:28:53 -0500

David Sisk wrote:
> Quick question:
> Where would I find info on Linux maximum limits, such as:
> 1)  Max memory accessible to the O/S (for example, on NT, it's essentially 4
> Gb).

1024MB in pre 2.1.12?  kernels and 1024MB of Swap space in 128MB pieces
2GB in 2.2.x kernels + 2GB of Swap space in 128MB pieces

> 2)  Max memory accessible to an O/S process (on NT, it's 2Gb, on NT-Ent it's
> 3Gb).

You can use as much as you have free for a process if a hard ulimit
isn't set.

The rest I don't know off hand, but if you look through the kernel
source code
it isn't hard to figure out.



From: Ken Witherow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: printing problem: rangecheck in .putdeviceprops
Date: 11 Feb 1999 01:28:43 GMT

"G. Pollack" wrote:
> I've just upgraded my kernel to 2.2.1 (on a RedHat 5.1/686 system).
> Using RedHat's printtool, ascii text prints fine, but postscript does
> not. It produces the following message on the page:
> Unrecoverable error: rangecheck in .putdeviceprops
>                                                   (148) op_array(586)
> 0x819a4b8 : E
> (and perhaps some more that's gone off the page?)

Do you have it set to 8 bit b/w?


From: "Wadels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Compressed filesystem in Linux ? (Like doublespace)
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 01:31:28 GMT

I don't know about a compressed filesystem, but a while back when I was
looking there was something similar: zlibc. With zlibc, you could gzip
individual files, and whenever they would be accessed in any way, they would
automatically be uncompressed. So it's more like NT 4's compression, less
like Win3.1's and 95's. Of course, it is not too hard to gzip every file in
a directory. Files accessed in bootup should not be compressed.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
<79p43c$s8g$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I have ran out of HD space on my Linux partition. The obvious solution is
>cource to add an additional harddisk, but I want to know:
>Is there a compressed filesystem available for Linux, working something
>Stacker of micro$ofts Doublespace, which can save some 50% of the space?
>(Mail answers appreciated, if there is one)
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From: Ben Russo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Cursor color
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 21:32:19 -0500

> I run RedHat V5.2.  Fvwm2 and xterm, rxvt desktops.
> Befor upgrading from V5.0 I had my cursor set to bright red block.
> Now I can't find the file to edit to change it.
> Anyone have any idea where to look ?
> Warren

Check out /home/<your-User-Name>/.Xdefaults
read the man page for Xterm and rxvt.

Cursor color is an option.
You can set it on the command line, 
or in .Xdefaults


From: Ben Russo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Handing a socket to an already running process???  How???
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 21:38:24 -0500

David Sisk wrote:
> Say you've got a listener/dispatcher type process running (let's say an http
> server, just for familiarity's sake), and 10 "work" processes (let's say
> these are processes that are already started and already connected to a
> database, for instance).
> A request (say from a browser, again for familiarity's sake) appears to the
> dispatcher process (http listener), it *hands* that request to one of the
> already running work processes, and the work process then establishes a
> socket connection to the browser.  (This way you avoid the time delay and
> overhead of having to start a process, connect to a database, run a query,
> then disconnect and die for each browser request, in the normal CGI manner.)
> The dispatcher process probably talks to the work processes through pipes or
> FIFO's (probably simplest).  The work process spits info back at the browser
> rather than the listener process.  I've seen an article somewhere once that
> talked about doing something like this with CGI to avoid massive overhead
> from starting/connecting/disconnecting/stopping by lots of users.
> I've seen code examples to fork a new process and take the socket info with
> it.  I'm having difficulty finding any examples that show how to hand-off a
> socket connection request from a listener process to an already running work
> process.
> So:
> 1)  Does anyone know of a good book that has some understandable
> explanations and examples in C to do this?  (My C programming skills aren't
> that great, but I'm working on it.)
> 2)  Are there any examples on the web?
> 3)  Does Apache do anything similar to this by any chance?  (Or would that
> code be too darned difficult to look at for a simple example?)

Read the LPG.  A great book that I like (beginner level)
is "Beginning Linux Programming" by Wrox Press authors Neil Matthew and
Richard Stones

When a process is forked it is an identical copy of the parent, the only
thing different
is the PID.

So it already has all the Sockets that the parent had...

What you need to do is in the parent process before the fork you check

Then you fork.  Now you have to IDENTICAL processes.  The next step is
check the PID again and if a process notes a change in the PID then that
process knows it is the child.  The process that sees no change in the
PID knows that it is the parent.  That's it.

The parent would then close off it's sockets.  The child would keep it
start "spitting" stuff.



From: "David A. Frantz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: kernel too big?
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 18:29:04 -0500


l ran into the same problem late last night, while I did change some of the
default items the too large kernel came as a surprise.   One thing I'd like
to know is how does the Build process determine if the kernel is to large?
The other thing I'm wondering about is why the limit in the first place?

If anybody has pointers to an explanation of the hows and whys of this
limitation a pointer would be very helpful.    The problem I have is that
modern hardware and optimizing compilers seem to be at odds with this size
limit.   Comments?


Mark Matties wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>yes - i know that my kernel is too big  - that's the point of the post.
>yes - i know that many options can be added as modules to reduce kernel
>size. however,
>i have not added any.
>why is it that the default kernel options create a kernel that is too
>when most everythig is turned off anyway??
>any useful ideas?
>Dan Nguyen wrote:
>> In comp.os.linux.setup Mark Matties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> : make dep; make clean; make; make zImage
>>                         ^^^^
>> Don't need the lone make there
>> : System is too big. Try using bzImage or modules.
>> : any ideas??
>> Your kernel is too big.  Did you try using bzImage? Instead of a make
>> zImage use make bzImage.  If that does work, consider making things
>> which would not normally be used as a module.  Like I have IDE-CDROM
>> controller as a module because I don't use my cdrom that often.  I
>> also have ppp, and a few other things as a module.  That will keep
>> your kernel smaller.
>> --
>>            Dan Nguyen            | There is only one happiness in
>>         [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |   life, to love and be loved.
>> |                   -George Sand


From: Ben Russo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: StarOffice 5
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 21:49:40 -0500

Frank Hale wrote:
> I am trying to setup a POP3 account in StarOffice 5 and it tells me my
> username has illegal characters. My username is in the form of my email
> address and it won't let me use it. It is choking on the @ symbol in the
> username. Why is it telling me this? Netscape has no problem with it.
> Anyone else had the same problem?
> --
> From:      Frank Hale
> Email:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ICQ:       7205161
> Website:
> "Microsoft, Just Say No"

Your user name is the part before the "@"
the Mail domain name is the part after the "@".

@ is an illegal character in user names for SMTP 

Netscape probably wrote code to ignore what you typed in
and just snip off the part after the "@" sign.



From: Mike Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: UPS restores power after system is halted; will it boot?
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 20:36:21 -0500

Bill Unruh wrote:
> In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Anthony Christofides 
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >The problem is that I halt the machine and I _don't_ unplug it; just after the
> >system has been halted, but before the battery goes out, the electric company
> >restores the power. The UPS thus never "unplugs" the system.
> If the machine is halted, then it needs a reset to restart it (eg power
> off and on, or a signal on the reset line). If your UPS can deliver that
> fine. If not, I guess it is up to you.

APC's UPSes have a feature that allows you to turn the UPS off from the
linux box. When power goes out the UPS signals the linux box to
shutdown. When the linux box is about to shut down, it sends a signal to
the UPS telling it to shut itself off. The UPS has a built in delay
before it actually powers down to allow the linux box to do its
shutdown. In the APC Back-UPS series, this time is fixed at 3 minutes I
think. In the Back-UPS Pro versions you can set this timeout to several
values (using DIP switches I believe).




From: Donn Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ld problems on Debian...
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 17:14:02 -0500

"J.H.M. Dassen (Ray)" wrote:

> Donn Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Actually, it may be a problem with my libraries...  here's me compiling
> >a test program, "test.c":
> You don't provide much information that might be helpful in tracking this
> problem down.

It's OK now;  I reinstalled all the development stuff, like binutils, bin86,
gcc, glibc*, etc., and the problems went away.



From: "David Z. Maze" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: scripts or program to build kernels
Date: 10 Feb 1999 21:21:57 -0500

Laszlo Vecsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
LV> Just curious if theres a known program or set of scripts available
LV> for fetching the latest kernel versions, compiling with .config's
LV> and even setting up lilo entries so things are set to boot when
LV> the need arises to try out a new kernel. Moves all the kernel
LV> compile time to the early morning too, automated and out of the
LV> way.

If you're on a Debian system, you can install the kernel-package
package.  Necessary steps here are:

-- Download and unpack the kernel source yourself (sorry).
-- Copy in your old .config, if appropriate.
-- Make *config.
-- Run make-kpkg (via at if you want, although it does demand some
   interactive input).

The net result is a set of Debian packages containing the kernel
source, documentation, C header files, and a binary package that, when 
installed, drops the kernel image and modules in the correct place and 
optionally runs LILO for you.  If you don't like the new kernel, you
can get rid of it with dpkg.

David Maze             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Hey, Doug, do you mind if I push the Emergency Booth Self-Destruct Button?"
"Oh, sure, Dave, _do_ know what that does, right?"


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,
Subject: LILO password in Mandrake
From: "Greg Searle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 18:03:42 -0700

My first time using Linux.  I installed Mandrake and get where I'm asked for
my login and password.  During setup I remember giving a password, but never
a login.  Probably a dumb question, but how are you supposed to login?  I
can't figure this one out.  Help me if you can please.  Thanks,

Greg Searle


Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 13:59:40 +0000
Subject: Desktop falls off the Monitor in XWindows?

So I added 1152x864 at 16 bit Color to the XF86Config mode line. It
works *but* the desktop is way<--- to the left on the  screen. Not even
the monitor controls manage to drag it back rightward enough. What-up? I
can cycle through every other resolution just fine (the screen's a
little dim at the lowest resolution).

I'm guessing I need to specify on-screen coordinates somewhere in the
XF86Config file? Any experts out there?


By LINUX, on LINUX, through LINUX.


From: Michael Powe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,
Subject: Re: From RedHat to Slackware
Date: 10 Feb 1999 18:45:59 -0800

Hash: SHA1

>>>>> "Jason" == White Home <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Jason> I recently installed RedHat but am wanting to give
    Jason> Slackware a shot.  The machine I have can read a CD while
    Jason> running the RedHat.  I also have access to Windoze machines
    Jason> to use rawrite if I need to.  The slackware install isn't
    Jason> quite as simple as the RedHat, all the same, I'd like to go
    Jason> ahead with it. The RedHat is simple enough to go back to.
    Jason> Any pointers for good resources on installing slackware.

Just stick it in the drive and go.  Read the documentation that came
with the CD, that's all you need.  It's that basic.  You don't need a
manual and you don't need 5 trips to the web site to d/l patches.

I dumped Really Horrible for Slackware 3.5 & am I ever glad I did.
Finally, everything works the way it's supposed to.


- --
Michael Powe                                          Portland, Oregon USA
           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  "Three hours a day will produce as much as a man ought to write."
                         -- Anthony Trollope

Version: GnuPG v0.9.0 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Encrypted with Mailcrypt 3.5.1 and GNU Privacy Guard



From: Michael Powe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: world's smallest webserver
Date: 10 Feb 1999 18:52:51 -0800

Hash: SHA1

>>>>> "Marco" == Marco Tephlant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Marco> Gerald Willmann wrote:

    >> just visited the world's smallest webserver (about the size of
    >> a matchbox) at Guess which OS it
    >> is running. Well, you guessed it.  GErald

    Marco> It looks cool, but where is the power supply, modem etc???
    Marco> I doubt it would be matchbox sized after those things where
    Marco> added.

You'd be wrong, it's all there.  (For one thing, you don't generally
use a modem to connect a server to the web.)  It's not the smallest
computer, though.  When that tiny web server first appeared on
slashdot, about 2 weeks ago or so, there were some other sites
mentioned with <really> tiny computers.  Pretty neat.


- --
Michael Powe                                          Portland, Oregon USA
           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  "Three hours a day will produce as much as a man ought to write."
                         -- Anthony Trollope

Version: GnuPG v0.9.0 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Encrypted with Mailcrypt 3.5.1 and GNU Privacy Guard



From: Jack Varga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Oracle Compile err 8.0.5 Debian Linux - needed
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 21:53:59 -0700

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Installing 8.0.5 on Debain Linux x86 (kernel 2.0.34) 
Getting the following while building Intelligent Agent...

Error during action 'Making Oracle Intelligent Agent (target=install)'.

Command:  make -f install 

chmod 755 /opt/oracle/bin
Building client shared library 
Call script /opt/oracle/bin/genclntsh ... 
Built /opt/oracle/lib/ ... DONE
make: *** No rule to make target `/usr/lib/',needed by `dbsnmp'. 

Is this a lib Debian is missing and Red Hat has possibly? 


Jack Varga
Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Jack Varga
Content-Disposition: attachment;

org:Frankie's Blue Room
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note;quoted-printable:=0D=0Aswag  v. Science of database administration.  n. 
Scientific wild ass guess.=0D=0A=0D=0A
fn:Varga, Jack



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bow-Yaw Wang)
Subject: StarOffice 5.0 install problem
Date: 10 Feb 1999 03:23:42 GMT


I try to install StarOffice 5.0 on my Debian 2.0-based Linux box.
But whenever I execute setup at office50_inst/, the program
shows "setup: Window manager didn't set icon sizes - using default."
and quits. Could someone tell me what's wrong?

Thanks in advance,



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Darren Greer)
Subject: Re: Single mode startup
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 03:07:52 GMT

At the lilo boot enter

linux single

or maybe linux -single

I dont remember which.



On 11 Feb 1999 02:54:37 GMT, Robert Means <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-->     Stupid question. I set my run level to 5 (I think). Anyway, I set
-->the level to the xdm start level. I guess my X prefs are messed up and I
-->just keep getting the server trying to start up ad nauseum... Anyway, how
-->do I start up at a lower run level to change my inittab? I think it is
-->called starting in single user mode. Any help would be great.


From: Robert Means <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Single mode startup
Date: 11 Feb 1999 02:54:37 GMT

        Stupid question. I set my run level to 5 (I think). Anyway, I set
the level to the xdm start level. I guess my X prefs are messed up and I
just keep getting the server trying to start up ad nauseum... Anyway, how
do I start up at a lower run level to change my inittab? I think it is
called starting in single user mode. Any help would be great.


From: "Donald E. Stidwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: X Apps via Telnet
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 21:56:06 -0500

I strongly suggest using VNC.  It can be had from

I just downloaded and installed it today and it works and it works
great!  The best thing is that it can be used to display Windows screens
on Linux and Linux screens on Windows.  Setup is a piece of cake. The
only problem I had was that it was looking for a font directory that I
didn't have installed.  I removed that directory from the vncserver
script and it's been working perfectly.  I also reset the default colour
depth from 8 to 16.

Been using it for several hours both on my WAN at work and my 2 PC LAN
at home and it is fantastic.  Ran the gimp, Applix and WordPerfect with
no glitches from my Win98 box.

The vncviewer and vncserver scripts take care of all the dirty work for
you.  All you have to do is run them.

Sounds like it's just what you need.  Best thing is that it's free!


Rob O'Connell wrote:
> you need to get an x-server app for windoze - something like exodus, there
> are some freebie ones out there - I think TNT or something like that - there
> may be links from
> then you telnet to your linux box and redirect the display to the windows
> machine
> linuxbox% setenv DISPLAY windozemachine:0
> linuxbox% xclock &
> and xclock should pop up
> but be careful with xhost privileges....
> g'luck
> Rob
> dgap wrote:
> > Hi, there...
> >
> > On my LAN I have a Linux server and some PC's with Windows 9*/NT4.
> >
> > I want to develop graphical Apps (using Tcl/Tk or some Motif-like library)
> > on my Linux Server, nut I also want that users on the PC's use those apps
> > (and, of course, the graphical environment). Is this possible??
> >
> > I know that, in some ways (for example, when using SGI Irix...), it is
> > possible to redirect the graphics output to another computer (I think that
> > it involves setting the display variable, although I don't know how to do
> > it), but will it work with PC's ??
> >
> > Thank you for your help and I hope to ear from you soon
> >
> > Paulo Ferreira
> --
> Rob O'Connell - "Work is the curse of the drinking class" - Oscar Wilde
> lab#: (608) 2659467 mob#: (608) 3473838 home#: (608) 2519918
> Work address: Plasma Physics, 1150 University Ave., Madison WI 53706

Donald E. Stidwell, RM1, USN (Ret.)
Certified Netware Administrator
Network Technician II
Bon Secours Hampton Roads Home Care


From: Minh Giang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: WAS 3.02 for Linux question
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 22:12:19 -0500


I just installed Oracle's Web Application Server for Linux with no
probem.  I started the web broker with owsctl start problem
here.  But when I issue owsctl start admin....the listener for the admin
page.. it just hangs...

the port for web broker is 2649.
and the admin port is 8888.

All the environment is set under user oracle like

Anyone has any success with WAS 3.02 for linux??

Oracle 8.05 is running and I just upgrade the Red Hat 5.2 OS to Linux

Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.



From: Patrick Lanphier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Errors Compiling 2.1.43 Kernel
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 02:40:06 +0000

I am running a 2.2 kernel, however, I would like to go back and
compile a 2.1.43 kernel so that I can patch it with mlppp.  It's not as
easy as I'd hoped the 2.1.43 source errors out on the following lines,
any help would be
appreciated (gcc

make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/mm'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/mm'
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/lib'
make all_targets
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/lib'
gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/include -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2
rame-pointer -D__SMP__ -pipe -fno-strength-reduce -m486 -malign-loops=2
jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -DCPU=686 -D__SMP__  -c -o checksum.o
gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/include -D__ASSEMBLY__ -D__SMP__
-c semaphore.S -o semaphore.o
gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/include -D__ASSEMBLY__ -D__SMP__
-c locks.S -o locks.o
/tmp/cca24704.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/cca24704.s:65: Error: operands given don't match any known 386
/tmp/cca24704.s:68: Error: operands given don't match any known 386
make[2]: *** [locks.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/lib'
make[1]: *** [first_rule] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/lib'
make: *** [linuxsubdirs] Error 2

Thank you for your time,
Patrick Lanphier
Advanced Information Technologies
The Pennsylvania State University


From: nonet@chain ()
Subject: Panic: Bad VFAT
Date: 10 Feb 1999 03:29:42 GMT


  I've had a few errors lately with a mounted VFAT.  It sometimes gets thrown into 
read-only mode.  Then, I booted up and got a message: "panic"  (so I did), "Bad VFAT", 
(to which I said, 'Bad VFAT, down, boy, down.  Bad VFAT.')

  Is there a tool for curing this?  I would like to try a Linux-based utility first, 
and then see what chkdsk has to day.





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