Linux-Misc Digest #318, Volume #19                Fri, 5 Mar 99 13:13:16 EST

  Re: oracle/glibc problems (Chris Poultney)
  Re: Can Linux use 36-bit Xeon addressing? (Robert Krawitz)
  Re: Best Free Unix? (why FreeBSD?) ("Keith G. Murphy")
  Re: Problems with maple after upgrade (giangy)
  es1788 (yhauser)
  Re: More bad news for NT ("Eric Peterson")
  Re: StarOffice anyone?? (chips)
  Re: Adjust time drift? (Stef)
  Re: Adjust time drift? (John Hasler)
  notebook graphics support (Dirk Arnold)
  Re: More bad news for NT ("Keith G. Murphy")
  Re: Xdm, then xsession??? (Mike Freitas)
  Increase Num Processes?? (Darren Ehmke)
  Re: Matrox G200 PCI support Linux?? (Douglas Cole)
  Re: Matrox G200 PCI support Linux?? (Douglas Cole)
  Increase Num Processes (Darren Ehmke)
  New kernel messages ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Compiling a c++ program (William Wueppelmann)
  Re: message: Command not found (William Wueppelmann)
  Re: FreeBSD vs. Linux vs. Windows (Matthias Buelow)


From: Chris Poultney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: oracle/glibc problems
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 10:28:25 -0500

There's a lot of good info at  You have to register for a
login, but it's pretty quick.  There are many posts about this particular
problem, and no clear solution.  If you've figured it out, please contribute!

How did the reinstall go?  If it works, could you check for me and see if
sqlplus runs for you?



> Never mind.. I figured it out.. leave the -lnsl stuff in...
> What I did is I went into /lib and found
> and made a symbolic link called to it.
> Then it complained of a missing library file so I copied
> it off the CD into the $ORACLE_HOME/lib  dir...
> it was:
> After that all the linking worked.. but it gave a warning
> about nsl linking to glibc possibly conflicting with libc5..
> when I run svrmgrl it segfaults :(  I'm going to reinstall
> the whole thing now and see if it works...  Might have to
> change the lines with cc=gcc  to cc=gcc (with arguments to
> ignore libc5)...
> Anyway...
> -Michael Kohn
> In article <7bmaft$hnp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I had the same problem on Slackware... If you go into
> > $ORACLE_BASE/lib
> >
> > there is a file called sysliblist.  you can remove the -lnsl
> > from there and it will get a lot further... however it will
> > then have problem with unresolved function calls.. I did an
> > nm on the glibc library file and didn't find any of the calls
> > in it... :(  If i get further on the install, i'll let you know..
> >
> > -Michael Kohn
> >
> >
> >
> > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >   Chris Poultney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I'm trying to install oracle 8.0.5 on my Slackware linux 2.0.30.  I will
> > > need to upgrade to at least 2.0.34 before the final install; however, I
> > > was hoping to do a trial install before upgrading.  I downloaded and
> > > installed the glibc 2.0.7 runtime package (not the beta compilation
> > > package) from metalab, and the installation went smoothly until it
> > > attempted to run the linker.  Each step which required the nsl library
> > > failed.  Has anyone else had similar experiences?  Could this be because
> > > I haven't upgraded to 2.0.34 yet?  Where can I find a glibc 2.0.7 nsl
> > > library?  Etc, etc.  Any help would be appreciated.
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > -Chris P.
> > >
> > >
> >
> > -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
> >       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
> >
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


From: Robert Krawitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Can Linux use 36-bit Xeon addressing?
Date: 05 Mar 1999 10:44:57 -0500

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher B. Browne) writes:

> >The Xeon is not a "36-bit" machine, whatever that is... It merely has a
> >36-bit physical address bus. 
> That can be interpreted as meaning it supports 36 bit address spaces, so it
> is a true statement.

That interpretation is simply incorrect.  Virtual addresses (which are
the only kind that normal instructions ever deal with in protected
mode) are 32 bits wide, just as in all x86 processors from the 80386
on up.  The processor (in hardware, by referring to the page tables)
translates these virtual addresses into physical memory addresses.
It's immaterial how wide the physical address bus is.  The physical
address bus could be 20 bits wide (not that I'd care to use such a
machine), or 32 bits wide, or 40 bits wide.  The kernel sets up the
mapping between virtual addresses and physical memory; the processor
actually performs the mapping in hardware, and the user code never
knows the difference.

> >The Xeon, like all x86's, is a 32-bit machine. For the large part, the
> >code needing modification is kernel code that deals with physical addresses.
> Nope.  It will intrude on all user code as well, because user code deals
> with logical addresses, which must be mapped to physical addresses, and
> therefore need to have an isomorphism to do so, ergo the compiler must be
> modified to use the 36 bit addressing mode, libraries must be modified to
> use the 36 bit addressing mode, and applications must be modified to use the
> 36 bit addressing mode.

Not at all.  You're drawing completely unwarranted conclusions here.

User code does deal with virtual (not "logical") addresses, and yes,
they must ultimately be mapped to physical addresses.  However,
everything else in that paragraph is incorrect.

At any given time, any given address within any given process address
space may or may not be mapped to any given physical address.  If it
is so mapped, the processor just goes ahead and accesses the
appropriate memory location.

If it's not mapped (i. e. if the page table entry for the given
address -- and this is still a virtual address -- is blank), however,
the processor takes a page fault.  This is essentially an internally
generated interrupt.  This page fault is trapped by the kernel, which
saves away the processor state and looks at the (still virtual)
address that generated the fault.  There are a number of things it can
do here:

1) It can determine that the address is not in the process's address
space (e. g. the address is 0).  In this case, the kernel will raise a
segmentation fault, which becomes a signal to the process.  Unless the
process has arranged to catch SIGSEGV (or sometimes SIGBUS -- I'm not
clear on the distinction), it will be terminated with a core dump.

2) It can determine that the virtual address in question is part of
the process's address space, and already exists in physical memory
(i. e. it's part of a file -- such as an executable or a shared
library -- that wasn't already mapped).  In this case, it will set up
the mapping in the process's page table and continue the process from
where it left off.  Unless there's a really nasty kernel bug, this
should be undetectable by the process.

3) It can determine that the virtual address in question is not
currently in physical memory.  In this case, it will need to find the
page on disk and bring it into physical memory, and set up the
mapping, and resume the process.  Again, the process should not be
able to detect this.  The process may be able to infer this by means
of a time delay (e. g. it took 10 milliseconds to access this memory
location -- that's probably a page fault, although the kernel might
have decided to preempt the process for entirely different reasons).

Notice that at no point in this scenario does the user process have
any idea whether the virtual address it accessed was mapped, or how.
Nor does it matter how wide the virtual address is, or how wide the
physical address is.  It's simply a mapping.  Each virtual address
maps to zero or one physical addresses, but there's no isomorphism
here at all.  Indeed, many different virtual addresses can map to the

> It does not seem to be a reasonable idea to start tying the OS to an
> odd-ball addressing mode that will hurt portability later, particularly
> when:

Linus's point is that mapping all of physical memory into virtual
address space makes management of physical memory in the kernel a lot
easier and more efficient.  This is indeed a serious enough
consideration, but there are no user-space ramifications here (other
than possibly slower I/O or context switching).

Robert Krawitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Tall Clubs International  -- or 1-888-IM-TALL-2
Member of the League for Programming Freedom -- mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Linux doesn't dictate how I work, I dictate how Linux works."
--Eric Crampton


From: "Keith G. Murphy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss,comp.unix.advocacy,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Best Free Unix? (why FreeBSD?)
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 10:38:22 -0600

C Lamb wrote:
> Alexander Viro ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> : In article <nYjD2.948$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> : Steven Michael ROBBINS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : >
> : >Dollar
> : >
> : >The origin of the almighty dollar is in what is now the Czech Republic.
> : >In 1519, a silver mine near the town of Joachimstal (literally "Joachim's
> : >valley," from the German Tal, meaning valley) began minting a silver coin
> :  ^^^^^^ dale.
[cut OED stuff]
> Congratulations, Mr Viro. You win our star prize for most useless
> correction of the week, by replacing a word with its synonym!
> Unless you actually wished to say that the true translation of
> 'tal' was 'wooden tube' and so end up with Joachim's Wooden Tube
> which now starts to lend itself to speculation as to who Joachim
> was, why did he have a tube and why was it wooden?
> (Needless to say, this requires lots of :)'s)
Smiles or not, I suspect what Mr. Viro was *really* doing was pointing
out the etymological relationship between "dale" and "tal".  Weren't
you?  :-)


From: giangy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,linux.redhat
Subject: Re: Problems with maple after upgrade
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 17:38:46 +0100

The problem is redhat 4.x is a libc5 system
redhat 5.x are libc6 (also known ad glibc) system
backward compatibilities do not work very well...
you need software compiled against libc6


Subject: Re: RH vs SuSE
Date: 4 Mar 1999 19:26:06 GMT

I've had that "Wrong charset!" error in Slackware, RedHat, and SuSE
running KDE, so I think it's a KDE problem. It's never kept apps from
running, but is just an annoyance. I tried installing RedHat 5.1, and got
so frustrated with the all of the bugs that were in the initial release,
the 70MB of downloads that were needed to get it working, and the dearth
of basic applications that came with Red Hat that I gave up and tried SuSE
5.3 in Office 99. I've never looked back, and my next upgrade will be SuSE
6, not RedHat. By the way, Applixware 4.1 comes with SuSE Office 99 for
only $75, where as I've seen Applix by itself for $100. The Office 99
comes with both glibc and libc binaries of Applix, and you don't need to
install SuSE 5.3 to use it either.

Anton Dischner ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Hi Jason,

: i installed Suse 5.3 and now 6.0 on several CPUs.
: No severe problems; Running Kernel 2.2.x
: I like yast (yet onothre setup tool) and pax (mouse, video-card
: installation) very much.
: Very well done distribution.
: Havn't tried other distributions well enough to judge.

: Kind regards,

: Toni

: Maybe you find some useful information on


From: yhauser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux
Subject: es1788
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 18:25:05 +0100

I'm trying to configure my es1788 soundcard for a 2.0.33 kernel. I chose
to install the card as a module - sound blaster - , but by checking the
/dev/sndstat file there is no audio device listed, although the card
config lines are not in (). What went wrong?


From: "Eric Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: More bad news for NT
Date: 5 Mar 1999 17:15:47 GMT

Harry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
> > 95/98 are clones of the Mac and all the other GUI's that came way
> > before Win 3.1/95/98.  The Mac, GEM, GeoWorks on the Commodore
> > 64/128 first, then the ... blah, blah, blah
> How does the potted history of the GUI show that Windows 95 isn't 
> easy to use?

It doesn't.  What it *does* show is that Mr. Gates isn't responsible (as an
earlier post claimed).

> I just love this type of rant: "Windows isn't easier to use than 
> Linux, which doesn't have the burden of a built-in GUI, and in any 
> case it's just a copy of a Mac GUI and GEM was much better than 
> Windows anyway, blah, blah, blah".
> Ever heard of Great Bores of Today?

Irrelevant, since that is not what was said.

Eric F. Peterson
Politically Incorrect and Proud!


From: chips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: StarOffice anyone??
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 1999 14:26:22 -0500

> Check the file permissions. If it has no executable permissions, it won't be
> considered as a command.

I changed the permissions, but still no luck.

For a little more background...  I copied the so501_01.tar file to a new directory 
before I decompressed it.  During the installation I let it install to it's default 
(/root) where it created a directory called Office50 and a file called StarOffice 
(which I can't
figure out anything about...can't exec it..can't read it).  I'm running Redhat 5.2 and 
in the
README it said that I already had the libraries needed to install StarOffice.  Don't 
know if this
info will help or not...



Subject: Re: Adjust time drift?
Date: 4 Mar 1999 20:30:29 +0100

: Chrony works fine for this.  The main thing chrony lacks that xntp3 has is
: support for exotic hardware.

OK, but is there a good reason to switch to chrony?

WebMaster D-WERK
President SOS-ETH 
ETH Zurich


From: John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Adjust time drift?
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 1999 17:33:48 GMT

Stef writes:
> Thanks for your suggestion. But since my machines are connected to the
> internet permanently, and also run permanently, I went for xntpd

Chrony works fine for this.  The main thing chrony lacks that xntp3 has is
support for exotic hardware.
John Hasler                This posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill         Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin         Do not send email advertisements to this address.


From: Dirk Arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: notebook graphics support
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 18:07:37 +0100

  I need some buying advice for a notebook to be run under Linux. I am
planning to use OpenGL a lot, so at least decent 3D graphics support is
important. I understand there is only a handful of graphics chips for
notebooks around (Neomagic, S3 Virge, ATI Rage Pro, SMI Lynx E, C&T),
that some offer better hardware support than others. However, I imagine
that good hardware support is not of much use if the drivers don't make
of it. Can anyone recommend a good choice? As far as I can tell the ATI
Pro is the most powerful chip around for notebooks, but is it worth it
considering the available drivers? Any help appreciated!



From: "Keith G. Murphy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: More bad news for NT
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 11:21:49 -0600

Gary Hicken wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Arthur Corliss wrote:
> >On Tue, 02 Mar 1999 11:28:31 -0600, Tim Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>One particularly annoying thing about Netscape is that it is always
> >>contacting my DNS server for no apparent reson.  When I'm not connected
> >>I can't use netscape because it will take forever to start ...
> >
> >Sounds like you have a configuration problem.  Mine can tell damn near
> >immediately that it's not connected, and pulls the home page from the cache.
> >I'd be looking at your network setup, if I were you.
> >
> >       --Arthur Corliss
> >         Bolverk's Lair --
> >         "Live Free or Die, the Only Way to Live" -- NH State Motto
> Tim's right. I use diald and any DNS search will cause diald to dial up.
> I view UDP and TCP requests. I have my home page set up to
> file:///ghicken/.netscape/bookmarks.html (file, not http.) If I bring up
> Netscape while offline, the browser comes up and my bookmarks are shown
> without dialing up. But, if I click Edit->Preferences, my modem starts
> dialing. When I look at the log, I see UDP packets from my machine to both
> of my DNS servers.
Yes.  I am having the same problem with NS 4.5.
> I searched throughout my preferences. I turned off all smart browsing.
> Netscape has to be at fault here. I don't have any problems anymore with
> the browser locking up when it can't access a name server, or so it seems.
> Why it has to access name servers for the preferences window, I don't know.
> -Gary


From: Mike Freitas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Xdm, then xsession???
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 1999 11:34:12 -0800

>   Well, I tried all these suggestions -- no go. But, because these
> workstations I'm trying to set up will eventually be remote booting diskless
> workstations, and are getting their /usr and /opt directories from nfs, I
> thought that might be the problem, and now I'm very sure it is. When I first
> set it up, I had to copy XF86Config from /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/ to /etc/X11/
> because X windows couldn't seem to start up at all over the nfs link without
> doing that. And I'll bet there's something like that happening here also,
> because:  I went to another machine, and standalone, fully working new RH5.2
> install (the other is RH5.2 as well), and just changed the inittab to start
> xdm. No other changes, and bingo -- it all works just perfect. Reboot, xdm
> starts, you log in, and up starts Fvwm95. So the problem is --- ????
> ARGGGGGGHHH!!  Thanx. guys.  Hmm, just had a thought. Maybe I shouldn't be
> trying to run this locally on the workstations, but maybe try logging into
> another Xhost?? Another problem I've noticed is that even if I start fvwm by
> hand -- which works flawlessly, after the login, and in the twm xterm I just
> type "fvwm" or "fvwm2" or "RunWM --AfterStep" or whatever, and they all start
> right up. However, when I try to start Netscape (it's in a nfs mounted /opt
> directory remember) it takes about 5 minutes for it to start. But maybe
> that's because the users home directories are on one server and the /usr and
> /opt directories are on another, all mounting via nfs on the workstation.
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

If I remember right, copy the system.fvwm2rc95 file to the users' home
directory as .fvwm2rc95.  This is the file that starts the window
manager up.  I believe there is a man on this too, if not see if you
have a /usr/doc/fvwm95-2 directory and read what's inside. 

Hope this helps...


From: Darren Ehmke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Increase Num Processes??
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 1999 09:18:13 -0800


    How can I increase the number of processes that can run upon my linux system?
I reached a max of 283, where I receive fork error if I add more.  I need to run around
500 processes for a test on our network. The system is slakware 5.2 with 96 Megs of 
Thanks in advance.

Darren        [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Douglas Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Matrox G200 PCI support Linux??
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 07:40:15 -0800

would anayone know where I could download the rpm for the new xserver ( ) ?
I have a media gx MB and would like to get X running on it but with the older
server its a no-go.
Thanks for any help...
Douglas Cole

Mike Dowling wrote:

> On 15 Feb 1999 10:22:48 -0700, Tom Trebisky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >Mike Dowling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>On Sat, 13 Feb 1999 03:52:42 +1100, Andrew Morton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>I'm running XFree 3.3.3-1 and I have a strange problem: ....
> >>
> >>.....  When I upgraded to 3331, most of the
> >>X11 binaries produced segmentation faults.  The fix was to re-compile them,
> >>but netscape is well and truly dead.  I did not have this problem at home
> >>where I use the XS3 chip.  My two Linux boxes are otherwise identical, so
> >>put it down to problems with the G200 support.
> >
> >Well, I have a G200 AGP card, I installed RH 5.2, then got the XFree 3.3.3
> >rpm's (just maybe the 3.3.3-1), and dumped them in (took 2 passes for some
> >reason), and I am running perfectly.
> 333 ran almost perfectly for me too.  I only had a very rare problem that
> caused the X server to consume all the CPU it could get.  On a computer
> running 24 hrs/day, this would happen perhaps once a week, and I really
> cannot be certain that XFree was to blame.
> The segmentation faults only started with  They had definitely
> modified XF86_SVGA, as previously, every time I changed to text mode, I
> would get a message on the console that started X; now I don't.
> Cheers,
>   Mike
> --
> My email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] above is a valid email address.
> It is, in fact, a sendmail alias; the digit 'N' is incremented regularly.
> Spammed aliases will be deleted.  Currently, mike[5,7,8] have been deleted.
> If email to mikeN bounces, try mikeN+1.


From: Douglas Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Matrox G200 PCI support Linux??
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 1999 08:02:28 -0800

wondering where I can get the 3.3.3 X as an RPM , I am new to this stuff and am not
sure of where to go to get it , any help would sincerely be appreciated, I would
like to get X running on my cyrix media GX board , please reply by email as my news
feed is intermittent  :^(
Douglas Cole

Mike Dowling wrote:

> On 15 Feb 1999 10:22:48 -0700, Tom Trebisky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >Mike Dowling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>On Sat, 13 Feb 1999 03:52:42 +1100, Andrew Morton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>I'm running XFree 3.3.3-1 and I have a strange problem: ....
> >>
> >>.....  When I upgraded to 3331, most of the
> >>X11 binaries produced segmentation faults.  The fix was to re-compile them,
> >>but netscape is well and truly dead.  I did not have this problem at home
> >>where I use the XS3 chip.  My two Linux boxes are otherwise identical, so
> >>put it down to problems with the G200 support.
> >
> >Well, I have a G200 AGP card, I installed RH 5.2, then got the XFree 3.3.3
> >rpm's (just maybe the 3.3.3-1), and dumped them in (took 2 passes for some
> >reason), and I am running perfectly.
> 333 ran almost perfectly for me too.  I only had a very rare problem that
> caused the X server to consume all the CPU it could get.  On a computer
> running 24 hrs/day, this would happen perhaps once a week, and I really
> cannot be certain that XFree was to blame.
> The segmentation faults only started with  They had definitely
> modified XF86_SVGA, as previously, every time I changed to text mode, I
> would get a message on the console that started X; now I don't.
> Cheers,
>   Mike
> --
> My email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] above is a valid email address.
> It is, in fact, a sendmail alias; the digit 'N' is incremented regularly.
> Spammed aliases will be deleted.  Currently, mike[5,7,8] have been deleted.
> If email to mikeN bounces, try mikeN+1.


From: Darren Ehmke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Increase Num Processes
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 12:45:01 -0800


    Somehow, the first post did not seem to make it, if this is a duplicate please 

     How can I increase the number of processes that can run upon my linux system?
I reached a max of 283, where I receive fork error if I add more.  I need to run around
500 processes for a test on our network. The system is slakware 5.2 with 96 Megs of 
Thanks in advance.

Darren        [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: New kernel messages
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 1999 19:29:48 GMT

I have compiled a new kernel since I wanted to try some new things and get rid
of some of the things I didn't need in the kernel that came with Redhat 5.0
(kernel 2.0.32). The compile went fine but when the boot gets to the "checking
module dependencies" line about 100 messages flash by all with the form:
"/lib/modules/2.0.32/misc/ipx.o: unresolved symbol(s)". I know what this is
saying but why? Why is the kernel trying to resolve the symbols for all the
modules I didn't configure in the kernel? The two modules I did configure seem
to be working fine. The kernel goes on to boot O.K. and seems to be working.
But why these messages? Did I leave out a step in the compile?

============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William Wueppelmann)
Subject: Re: Compiling a c++ program
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 1999 19:42:48 GMT

In our last episode (4 Mar 1999 00:28:01 -0500),
the artist formerly known as Paul Kimoto said:
>In article <7SjD2.2676$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, William Wueppelmann wrote:
>> cc  -O3 -g -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall -Wno-unused -Wno-format -W
>> -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -I -fno-strength-reduce
>> -DREGPARAM="__attribute__((regparm(3)))"  -I/usr/X11R6/include -I./
>> -DBROKEN_JOYSTICK_H= -DFRODO_HPUX_REV=0 -DKBD_LANG=0 -o main.o -c main.cpp
>> cc: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1plus': No such file or directory
> [...]
>> I can manually compile main.c using
>>  g++ -c main.cpp
>> with no problems, though when I try
>>  gcc -c main.cpp
>> I get the same problem.  The problem program in question seems to be
>> located at
>> /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/egcs-2.90.29/cc1plus
>Probably your gcc is gcc-2.7.2.x and doesn't know anything about your g++,
>which is egcs-2.90.29.  This is how Debian does it (and they provide the 
>egcs C compiler as "egcc").

That helps a little.  That does appear to be my setup, though I don't have
an executable called "egcc" anywhere.  I have gcc and g++.  I've browsed
through the docs for gcc but didn't come up with anything useful.  Any
other pointers?  Am I going to need to edit the makefile or do any
additional configuration of my compilers?


It is pitch black.  You are likely to be spammed by a grue.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William Wueppelmann)
Subject: Re: message: Command not found
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 1999 19:42:50 GMT

In our last episode (Thu, 04 Mar 1999 11:44:45 +0100),
the artist formerly known as Stefan Sassenberg said:
>I´ve got the following problem:
>When I execute a file, my machine says ´Command not found´.
>The path is set correctly, the file exists, I have the appropriate
>rights, ´whereis´ finds it in the path and I can type it using command
>completion (TAB key).
>This happens only with some files. One of them was self written and I
>could solve the problem by recompiling it.
>Switching over to another shell has no effect.

FWIW, It looks like in tcsh and zsh, I can use command line completion to
reference a symbolic link that points to a nonexistent file. (which then
gives a command not found error)  That doesn't seem to happen in bash.  I
don't know which shells you've tried, but that might be something to

It is pitch black.  You are likely to be spammed by a grue.


Crossposted-To: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: FreeBSD vs. Linux vs. Windows
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthias Buelow)
Date: 5 Mar 99 17:01:27 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
brian moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>(Note the Linux kernel thread implementation is just a fork with memory not set
>to copy-on-write.  That is, after all, what a thread is.)

Not really.. a kernel thread (or "light-weight process") shares the
same process id and other process properties (like process group,
session, resource consumption etc.), not just the address space.
If it were like a new process just without its own address space
it would rather be like vfork without the parent waiting for termination
of the child process.



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