Linux-Misc Digest #344, Volume #19                Sun, 7 Mar 99 06:13:11 EST

  Re: best offline newsreader? (Stan Barr)
  Re: how to automate server log on ? (666)
  Re: HELP! D drive disappeared after installed RedHat5.2 ("George Georgakis")
  installing Java2 "on top of" 1.1.7 on Linux? (Tom Roche)
  Re: Text editors ("Alex")
  Re: Cannot Remove LILO from MBR (Cevher Dogan)
  Re: More bad news for NT (Jason Clifford)
  Re: Need CDE for Red Hat Linux 5.2 ("Geoff Thornton")
  Re: mount win95 16 (LBA) (Rulecoyote)
  Re: yet another win98 + RH Linux question!! ("Alex")
  Re: best offline newsreader? (Monte Milanuk)
  Re: ADI monitor help (David M. Cook)
  Re: best offline newsreader? (Stan Barr)
  Re: Can Linux use 36-bit Xeon addressing? (Adam Wendt)
  ATI CARD (Kevin)
  Re: ATI CARD (Kevin)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stan Barr)
Subject: Re: best offline newsreader?
Date: 6 Mar 1999 18:08:22 GMT

On Sat, 6 Mar 1999 00:45:00 -0800, 
Richard Latimer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Stan Barr wrote in message ...
>>Yes, but I have no desire look at pictures or play sounds......
>That's my point. Unix users apparently are quite happy with
>the console and plain text. The rest of the world has moved
>on to other things.

I _can_ do news that way if I want to...I just dont see the point.

>To move out of the server closet and onto the desktop, Linux
>will really need to offer the features that Windows users take
>for granted.

Like repeated crashes  ..... yes I have Windows98 too!

>>Anyway my system gets the newsgroups in the middle of the night so
>>that its all waiting for me to read over my breakfast coffee, who
>>wants to wait around for stuff to download ;-)
>If it works for you, that's great. Your personal worth is in no way
>compromised. However, your contentment means there is one
>less person participating in the development that would/will make
>Linux a success on the desktop.

I don't see Linux so much as a single user home computer system like
Windows but more as an industrial strength computing environment for 
getting things done. Windows falls over too often to be taken seriously.
I find Linux works OK as a desktop system.  I have all things I need, like
Netscape, Star Office, Gimp, WordPerfect, CDPlayers (I'd be lost without
my sounds!) a better looking GUI than windows98 (AfterStep), IRC, 
X-based ftp, well as more esoteric stuff like
satellite trackers.  I use it for more than Internet stuff, perhaps
the novelty of surfing has worn off over the years!

>Have you ever used a Win95/98 system?

Yes - I have Linux, Windows, Mac and MSDos operating systems running here
as I type. I use Linux a lot and Macs for graphics work (still the
best!).  They all have their advantages and disadvantages.
Incidentally, this was edited on a Mac and mailed by Linux.......



Date: Sat, 06 Mar 1999 22:40:21 -1000
Subject: Re: how to automate server log on ?

> I'm not sure I understand what you are saying -- are you saying that
> in order for your NT network to offer all of its services, you have to
> log into the server?

not true... NT loads all the services without a need of logging under
whatever user (admin or guest)

> If I am correct in my understanding, then you should learn how to
> configure NT to offer its network services before logon.


> Linux requires no logon to offer its network services. The only reason
> you'd even want to logon is to make configuration changes. In fact,
> leaving a root or administrator-level user logged on is a serious
> hazard!

There is an option on NT that locks up the session after some time that one
would define, so an admin loggin idle would log out automatically and lock
the system back for security.


"Il vaudrait mieux pour dieu qu'il n'existe pas" Albert Camus


From: "George Georgakis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HELP! D drive disappeared after installed RedHat5.2
Date: 7 Mar 1999 08:35:24 GMT

Linux 101:

Windows never sees Linux partitions. Never. I can tell your friend
installed RedHat on D:\. Just because Windows doesn't see it means nothing
- RedHat is still there, just invisible.

So what, exactly, is the problem??? Do you want to dual boot between the
two OSes?

I never reply by email as a) I don't give out my real email address freely,
and b) it stops other NG users from reading the solutions to problems
I can be contacted thru hurro(a)

Synapse Man <huh?> wrote in article
> Hi. Here's the situation. My friends got Win98, and one HDD partitioned
> into C- and D-drives.
> He installs RedHat 5.2, and then under Win98, loses his D-drive. The
> icon for D-drive is still there, but it reports "drive not ready",
> "invalid drive specification" or something like that.
> I suspect that the D-drive partition is gone and needs to be
> re-formatted, but I am not sure at all.
> What's happening? What should he do now?
> Thanks.
> ----------------------
> Note: Bogus e-mail used to deter spammers. Pls reply to Newsgroup.
> Thanks.


From: Tom Roche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,
Subject: installing Java2 "on top of" 1.1.7 on Linux?
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 1999 03:31:25 -0500

I'm a new Linux user. I used Ultrix and Solaris (with tcsh) for
several years, but I've been using NT almost exclusively for about a

I'm using an RH5.2 box that already has a working JDK 1.1.7 installed.
(It had a $CLASSPATH which I unset.) I downloaded the preview Java2
from one of the Blackdown mirrors to /usr/local/jdk1.2pre-v1. When I
run .../bin/java I get

> Error: can't find

The only files thus named on the system were in subdirs of
/usr/local/jdk1.2pre-v1, so I tried

> ln -s /usr/local/jdk1.2pre-v1/jre/lib/i386/ /usr/lib/ ; ldconfig


> ln -s /usr/local/jdk1.2pre-v1/jre/lib/i386/ 
>/usr/local/jdk1.2pre-v1/jre/lib/ ; ldconfig

but neither fixed the error. Any diagnoses?

Your assistance is appreciated, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Alex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Text editors
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 1999 08:21:08 GMT

Greg wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I've just installed Red Hat 5.2. I am wondering if there is any
>window-based editors.
There are plenty of. Try Emacs or Nedit.
>I'm looking for an editor that works like textedit or jot on other UNIX
>workstations or something like notepad in Windows95/98. Something simple
>to create .txt, .html or .c files. Please help.
>Thank You


From: Cevher Dogan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Cannot Remove LILO from MBR
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 1999 08:48:38 GMT

Thanks for all the information. As you have guessed it right I had
an NTFS on the second drive sharing other partitions with Linux but 
I am not sure where the boot sectors went when I initially set the 
boot manager up long ago. With the dos system disk, the ntldr 
boot problem was because, I made that damn sys disk from the computer 
where I had lilo and nt's boot loader on that. It was probably not 
a good idea. Luckily I had another computer and made a clean system disk 
floppy and booted fine to DOS A:\ prompt and did fdisk /mbr which worked fine.

OK. The paragraph below is just junk, passed it just to share my experience.
The real problem stage I am at is after ***************************s below.

The problem on my side was too complicated in that I had to have two 
IDE controllers on that computer since BIOS on motherboard was not 
supporting drives > 1G... Also, due to the fact that I already have 
2 IDE periperals (HDD 520MB and CD drive) on the first controller.
The second controller didn't have the mouse port and motherboard did 
like the idea of leaving the first controller. I had a lot of harware 
problems in short. ---> New and old clashes <--- and this is what happens.
Finally I couldn't make up the two drives working peacefully and 
happily all the time when they were first working. When it worked, it 
was for a short time. The second drive is Quantum and would not be 
able to be set as primary. Anyone interested, I have the insights.
It is a baaaaddd really messy experience.

********************* PROBLEM *************************

I had run autoboot.bat and partitioned the first drive! to have boot 
partitition on the first drive as was recommended. The process never 
asked me to have the second drive partitioned and used named 
such as for example to get used for /usr/local or /software!!!
I think RedHat's FIPS is never better than Slackware's fdisk
and I am not sure if they are compatible. Offcourse after choosing
the software, there was an unattended installation period for the time 
for the software to be installed. After I came back I saw that 6
packages left and warning no diskspace left. After the whole thing,
I could not reboot directly from HDD to Linux (because the install was 
incomplete I guess)... I reboot using the floppy but then I could
not be able to see the c: drive at all. I could go there but cannot
do dir which is reasonable because it is not FAT DOS format.

I installed the HDD as secondary on different computer and tried 
to reformat it there and couldn't. The same reason! Then I put the 
RedHat CD and used FIPS off of that. IT IS VERY BAD THAT, FIPS
gave me the following info: Checking root sector... Partition table 
inconsistency... Unknown file system 83h. It happened for other 
two partition as well. So it saw the partitions right but could not 
identify the format!!!!????? 

Then, I tried to boot to Linux with my earlier boot image disk
and it saw the drive when booting (was on secondary IDE as master)
and idetified it as hdc1 hdc2 hdc3. But I couldnot fdisk hdc!!!!!????
I am in thougher situation now, and all wanted to do is to load 
and have a happy LINUX ONLY PC.... I appreciate any help or
pointers you can provide. 

Sorry for the lengthy email. Thanks for your time...


aldejain wrote:
> Some how you managed to get nt on that drive that linux is trying
> to boot thinking it is dos.
> IF you no longer need nt, you need to trace back as to when or how
> you got that ntldr on the drive.
> once you give me more info on how you originally set up nt I can
> give you a way by which you remove the ntldr, basically you need to
> Right now from what you said, I think booting with a dos or win95/95
> boot disk then doing
> sys a: d:
> I am assuming d: is the drive that is supposed to have dos in it
> and where lilo is looking to boot dos but finds ntldr and get confused
> In short:
> it seems that you have lilo looking in the slave for dos, but it finds
> nt boot stuff and gets confused.
> good luck
> Cevher Dogan wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Sorry if there was similar postings. I had my linux 2 years back and thought
> > I could do a new install without turning a page. I had 3.1, NT and Linux on 486
> > 66MHz PC, slackware kernel 1.2.1. I formatted the master drive. But,
> > I am still getting LILO prompt and when I liked to boot for DOS (it asks
> > for it when dos is chosen ) I get : with the system disk inserted BOOT Couldn't
> > find NTLDR. Removing the slave hdd I get all zeros and ones continously
> > on the screen. Booting to linux still fine but root unable to
> > mount and can'tr go further. Because I tried to install RedHad earlier
> > with its own install and it formatted the linux native partitions
> > which is fine. I am not sure whether the master boot record was on the
> > master or slave drive.
> >
> > All I want to do now is to have LINUX only on this box and
> > need help to remove the lilo and start installation of RedHat
> > dist. Thanks for any help...
> >
> > --
> > Jeff


From: Jason Clifford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: More bad news for NT
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 1999 00:03:29 +0000

On Fri, 5 Mar 1999, it was written:

> >        95/98 are clones of the Mac and all the other GUI's that came way
> >before Win 3.1/95/98.  The Mac, GEM, GeoWorks on the Commodore 64/128 first,
> >then the IBM clones.
> >
> YUP.... Just like a Jaguar is the clone of a horse and buggy. 

There is nothing in the Windows 95 interface that was not present in the
Apple Mac interface in 1991 and earlier. The GUI itself was invented and
widely used on non-PC systems many years before MS released any version of

Jason Clifford
Definite Linux Systems


From: "Geoff Thornton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need CDE for Red Hat Linux 5.2
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 1999 19:13:50 +1000

CDE yuck! why dont you try KDE, its free and better

SPACE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>Hi friends,
>Did you have CDE for Red Hat Linux 5.2?  Would you please inform me
>where can I download it or is there any hacker site has such program?
>Thanks a lot.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rulecoyote)
Subject: Re: mount win95 16 (LBA)
Date: 7 Mar 1999 09:24:01 GMT

 I did look and read and I've put linux on more than machine. I bought the
six disc set and tried em all. What you have just witnessed is my perverse
ability to just 
miss what I need.(sigh).


From: "Alex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: yet another win98 + RH Linux question!!
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 1999 08:18:54 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
<7bpf7i$amp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Hello everyone,
> I realize that there have been numerous posting on this topic, but
> I have been unable to solve my problem yet!
> Scenario: (hda=6.4G)
> hda1 - fat32 with win98   (2.5G)
> hda2 - extended partition created by win98 (rest of the HD)
> hda5-hda8 - logical partitions created by fdisk (in RH5.2)
> I have successfully installed both OS's and got LILO to boot both
> of the OS's. Also, I did not get any 'mismatch errors between logical
> and physical endings' in linux fdisk.
> Problem:
> I transfer programs I download (at school) for win98 and
> linux by taking them
> in a 100MB HD (w/ e2fs) and then mounting this drive (/mnt/mydrive)
> and the win98 drive (/dos) under linux - This is my affordable
> alternative to getting a zip drive :-)
> I use '-t msdos' switch while mounting the win98
If I understand you correctly, your win98 drives are fat32.
If so, don't use -t msdos. Use -t vfat instead.
> drive. I noticed that some of the files I copied to the win98 partition
> could not be seen under win98!! Also, I use 'mcopy' (part of mtools)
> to do the copying from /mnt/mydrive to /dos.
> Could someone kindly point me to the source of the problem (and
> possible fix)? Any help would be much appreciated.
> Thankx.
> -Thas
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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Monte Milanuk)
Subject: Re: best offline newsreader?
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 1999 03:58:47 -0600

Everyone keeps telling me how wonderful slrn is for newsreading, and how
great mutt is for email.  I don't have any useful experience w/ either, yet.
I am still trying to get the darn things configured so they are a) readable,
b) not so damn ugly.  I am waiting for PerUser and Balsa to become fully
functional, but in the meantime, here's an idea:  is there anyone reading
this discussion that has the interest (besides me), and the ability
(definitely not me!) to write a Gtk+ front-end for these great pieces of
software, kinda like what the gmc package does for Midnight Commander.  For
those of you who haven't seen it, check it out at the gnome home page.  I
have always reverted to mc (or a shell) for serious file movement, but this
just may change my ways.  It would stand to reason that it should be
(theoretically) possible to do the same for slrn and mutt each, or _gasp_
one program that incorporates both!  Evil words, I know! 8^)

Seriously, though.  I am new to mutt and slrn, and just as new to
programming, mainly because I was always able to slide by somehow; I used to
read my news and mail on Win9x, and never really had any need to learn to
program.  While I don't have any intentions of starting out writing a
masterpiece kill app for slrn and mutt, I would be willing to help in
testing, etc., if someone else can do the coding.  Or can anyone point me in
the direction of someone who would be interested?  Or just slap me down if
this is too ludicrous/already hashed over and done away with 8^)




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David M. Cook)
Subject: Re: ADI monitor help
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 1999 10:14:30 GMT

On Sat, 06 Mar 1999 18:30:55 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>cannot see even half the screen. It looks like 200x200. I love linux

It's possible that X is starting with the VGA server in a low resolution
mode.  You may need to upgrade to a newer version of X to get G200 support.

Also, choose only one video mode when you run Xconfigurator.  If you choose
more than one the display will default to the lowest resolution.  To see if
this is the case, try cycling the modes with ctrl-alt-keypad+. 

Dave Cook


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stan Barr)
Subject: Re: best offline newsreader?
Date: 7 Mar 1999 10:44:16 GMT

On Sat, 06 Mar 1999 21:49:18 GMT, 
William Wueppelmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[big snip]

>The first principle of the Unix operating system was that the system should
>be designed with the assumption that its users would be knowledgable.  To
>turn Linux or any other Unix into an idiot-proof OS would be counter
>productive, and would require going back to the very beginning.  Sadly,
>there is no real good toaster-type system for people who just want to be
>able to plug it in, have it do whatever it's supposed to and not have to
>think about it, though the Mac is the closest that I'm aware of.  But I'd
>suggest that Linux isn't for those people.  Windows isn't either -- it's
>too buggy, unstable and it's becoming incredibly baroque and complicated,
>but there are more (though not enough) choices than Windows and Linux.

I'm greedy, I want it both ways! I want the ease of use and zero maintenance
of the Mac and the configurability ond power of Unix.  At the moment I use
both machines (and Windows!) but I'd like it all in one box.   Apple are
supposed to be working on it, but I'm not holding my breath ;-)



From: Adam Wendt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Can Linux use 36-bit Xeon addressing?
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 1999 05:43:42 -0500

I dont have the details next to me, but in the latest Mac World magazine there
is a whole article on Linux for the Mac [PowerPC].  And the biggest suppries I
found was that Apple was openly working on a 'Mac OS X' which runs the linux
kernel beneath the Mac OS exterior if I'm not mistaken. If someone knows more
please correct me.

"David A. Frantz" wrote:

> The problem is that people are embarrasssed at times when they go out and by
> Apple computers even if there running Linux.    I mention Apple due the fact
> that they have the only mass produced non i386 system on the market.
> Apple would do well if they would openly support Linux development on there
> machines, everyone knows that the MAC OS is a little gray in the beard.    I
> know at one time they where doing so with a Mach kernel.    I would love to
> see a mass produced Alpha or PowerPC system, with standardized hardware,
> that would be true competition for the i386 market.


Subject: ATI CARD
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 1999 11:01:15 GMT

Im sorry if this topic has been stamped to death, but I just got on
the Linux bandwagon.  I am trying to learn.

I bought Linux unleashed, (second edition, ) and Linux for Dummies  (
I love the Dummies series of books..)
I have Linux Red Hat 5.2
kernal ver. 2.1.6

I don' know how to upgrade the kernal to 2.2.2.

and I CANNOT get Xwindow to come up.

It goes black, and I have to CTRL>ALT>BKSP

This is what SuperProbe says..

Video: SuperVGA
Chipset : ATI 264GT-B (3D Rage II or II+) (Port Probed)
Mem: 4096k
RAMDAC ATI MACH64 intergrated 15/16/24/32 bit DAC
w/clock.. etc etc etc..

My monitor is an Impression 7Plus  (it has the option to choose that
one.. so i did, I also chose Custom...)

Here is what my monitor is configured as in Windows...(98)

1024 x 768 32bpp. 75Hz Vertical, 60kHz Horizontal

And here is what my video card says in Windows..
ATI All in Wonder Rage II/II+ English
Mach64 - Rage II
Internal DAC

HELP ME GET Xwindow to WORK!




Subject: Re: ATI CARD
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 1999 11:11:59 GMT


Is there any problems with the creative labs dxr2 MPEG decoder card
that may be hurting me??




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