Linux-Misc Digest #545, Volume #20                Tue, 8 Jun 99 18:13:08 EDT

  Re: Does Java run well on Linux? (Hans Wolters)
  Re: gcc vs Microsoft and Borland ("Art S. Kagel")
  Re: HTML Editors/Site Managers for Linux (Allin Cottrell)
  Epson stylus color 740: HELP! (Finlay Welsh)
  Re: Does Java run well on Linux? (Stephen Coursen)
  Re: the last two characters of a dos text file are? ("Matthew D. Melbert")
  "socket operation on non-socket"? (Brad the Impaler)
  Re: RealPlayer G2 (.ra, .ram) files?? (Dave Bailey)
  Re: How do they make any money? (Robert Heller)
  Re: using winmodems under Linux ?? (Robert Heller)
  Re: linux bat file (Robert Heller)
  <!> Free Computer Documentation (Vadim Pavlov)
  NFS Problem SubOs/Linux Redhat  (Afshin Poraria)
  Microsoft FrontPageŽ 2000 Server Extensions for Linux... ("tester")
  Re: the last two characters of a dos text file are? ("Matthew D. Melbert")
  Re: I Still cant get the new kernel to install in  SuSE1.6 ("Seth Rightmer")
  Re: Linux on a 486? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Using isapnp to disable plug and play... (Mike Kerr)
  Laptop battery under SuSE 6.1 (Finlay Welsh)
  mouse behaviour quake2/linux/banshee (S. Klein)
  Re: Linux on a 486? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: ATI and X Server problem ("Travis Landry")
  Re: How do I log onto ver. 6.0? (Matt Willis)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hans Wolters)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.caldera,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Does Java run well on Linux?
Date: 8 Jun 1999 19:20:51 GMT

The Ghost In The Machine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> found a keyboard
 and wrote the following ....

>On Tue, 08 Jun 1999 14:31:09 +0400, Igor Gorbounov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>"Donal K. Fellows" wrote:

>>How did you managed java to work on Linux? When I'm trying to
>>run it just like this:
>>    java demo.class
>>while being in the same directory with demo.class, it says, that
>>cannot find class demo.class. What's wrong here?
>>    Igor Gorbounov.
>Lose the '.class' suffix;
>java demo
>will look for the file demo.class and load it.

Only when he has a ./ in his $CLASSPATH


    22 Linux Search Engines in one applet
     Linux Links/CMI8330 Soundpro HOWTO


From: "Art S. Kagel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: gcc vs Microsoft and Borland
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 16:00:14 -0400

The benchmark author just send me an update via email that the Linux 
Games Development Center has posted his results in their WEB Site:


It basically show that GCC is not as good on Pentium as PGCC which is 
not as good as EGCS and all are better than Watcom.  The entire 
benchmark is scaled versus MS C so you can see the comparison with that 
immediately.  Bottom line is the GCC variants are better at floating 
point, and especially FP emulation and calculations, but not as good 
otherwise.  It is interesting to note that with optimizations invoked 
the GCC variants blow Watcom off and that is a well respected compiler.  
It also raises the question: If Watcom and GCC cannot beat MS what 
optimizations for Intel CPUs does MS know about that us mortals do not?

"Art S. Kagel" wrote:
> Seth Van Oort wrote:
> >
> > Anybody know how gcc does on optimizing c code for speed versus
> > Microsoft and Borland compilers, especially for pentium and pentium II?
> Check out the DJGPP Home pages at  DJGPP is a 32bit
> port of gcc to the MS-DOS environment.  There should be information
> there about comparisons between DJGPP and MSCPP and BCPP.
Art S. Kagel


From: Allin Cottrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HTML Editors/Site Managers for Linux
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 15:39:37 -0400

"Steve D. Perkins" wrote:
>    I've been poking around at some of the HTML editors for Linux that
> I've seen out there, and haven't been really all that impressed.

Have you tried emacs with html-helper mode and font colorizing?
It's not WYSIWYG, but it's really better than that.  Helps you
write html, highlights syntax.

As for the "site manager" program, that would be handy, but I
haven't seen one for Linux yet.

Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC


From: Finlay Welsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Epson stylus color 740: HELP!
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 16:29:27 +0000

I recently upgraded to SuSE 6.1 from 6.0.  Prior to upgrade my printer
worked just fine.  Now however, I can't get it to work at all.  I have
configured it using YAST (the setup prog) as stcolor using lp0 at
720x720.  I have installed parallel port printing support, Ihave run
lsmod and lp.o is there.  What am I doing wrong? I hit print and get no
response from the printer.  It works fine under windoze.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephen Coursen)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.caldera,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Does Java run well on Linux?
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 19:44:41 GMT

On 8 Jun 1999 19:20:51 GMT, Hans Wolters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>The Ghost In The Machine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> found a keyboard
> and wrote the following ....
>>On Tue, 08 Jun 1999 14:31:09 +0400, Igor Gorbounov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>"Donal K. Fellows" wrote:
>>>How did you managed java to work on Linux? When I'm trying to
>>>run it just like this:
>>>    java demo.class
>>>while being in the same directory with demo.class, it says, that
>>>cannot find class demo.class. What's wrong here?
>>>    Igor Gorbounov.
>>Lose the '.class' suffix;
>>java demo
>>will look for the file demo.class and load it.
>Only when he has a ./ in his $CLASSPATH
Which is the general case or is easy enough to do, just do:
      java -classpath . demo

>    22 Linux Search Engines in one applet
>     Linux Links/CMI8330 Soundpro HOWTO


From: "Matthew D. Melbert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: the last two characters of a dos text file are?
Date: 8 Jun 1999 11:22:47 -0500

Charles Wilkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
> I am specifically interested in which characters are used at the

Charles you are in luck...I have a great idea!!!!!  I just fiinished
writting a Perl program for the same thing.  (Just finished debugging it
yesterday as a matter of fact.)  Anyway, I had the same sort of problem at
first.  Just didnt know what to look for.  After a lot of research I
figured out that you can read each line of a file (sounds like you did that
part), convert it to an array of ascii numbers (use the "unpack" command)
look for the Carriage Return ( 13 in ascii) and look for the Line Feeds (
10 in ascii ).   Strip whatever you want by comparing the current element
of the array to whatever you want to delete (like the number 13)  "if
($current_element eq 13){ do your strip Carriage Return commands...whatever
you want to do with that char}"  After your strip your Carriage Returns,
"pack" your array and do whatever. 
        The key to the program was using the bit by bit comparing.  To do that you
need to use the pack and unpack commands.   Using chomp or chop commands
are just tooo risky for this operation.  Good luck with your Program.  I
hope that I helped.    

Matthew D. Melbert
System Developement Group


From: Brad the Impaler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: "socket operation on non-socket"?
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 08:46:26 -0700


I've just set up a new Linux system using Debian, which I haven't used
before and I've run into a couple of problems:

First, I was surprised to see that the default inetd.conf had almost no
entries in it (no telnet, ftp, etc) so I tried running them 'by hand' as
it were but whenever I do so I get the following message:

getpeername(in.ftpd) Socket operation on non-socket

What causes this? How can it be fixed? I'd be very interested in

Second, when I try to telnet or ftp from the new system to one of my
existing systems, here is what happens:

If I do a tcpdump on both machines, the new machine records about half
the packets that the other does (although both record packets going
between the machines. It's not just picking up the outgoing packets). 
Then, after a minute or so, this shows up in /var/log/messages:

Jun  8 07:44:43 afflicted in.telnetd[1346]: connect from unknown
Jun  8 07:44:53 afflicted in.telnetd[1347]: warning: can't get client
address: Connection timed out

Now maybe this is just a problem with the NIC driver I'm using (the
rtl8139 module for Realtek 8139 chipset cards compiled under 2.0.36).

Could anyone please offer suggestions (pref. in an email)? They'd be
most appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dave Bailey)
Subject: Re: RealPlayer G2 (.ra, .ram) files??
Date: 8 Jun 1999 20:47:41 GMT

On 8 Jun 1999 14:50:49 GMT, Justin B Willoughby 
>What is your helper application for Netscape call? Mine looks like:
>MIMEType: audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin
>Suffixes: .ra,.rm,.ram
>Handeled By:
>Application: /usr/local/bin/rvplayer %s

OK, I had forgotten the %s.  Now it gets the title, author,
copyright, and says it's buffering the stream - but it never
actually starts playing the stream.  Interestingly, it also
doesn't play the test file right.  It seems to just keep 
repeating a tiny smidgen of it over and over again.  

Dave Bailey


From: Robert Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How do they make any money?
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 20:48:54 GMT

  In a message on Sat, 05 Jun 1999 07:33:24 GMT, wrote :

B> How do the likes of Red Had Software make money when Linux is free? I
B> know that they have the "Official Release" of Red Hat Linux but they
B> would surely sell comparitively few of them since you can download the
B> OS for free, or do as I have done and pay $6.95 for a copy, albeit
B> without manuals, support etc,

You can get full detailed scoop by visiting and reading the
Open Source book.

Briefly, what Red Hat sells is *service*.

When you buy the blue box with the guy in the red hat, you get:

        The base distribution CDs (CD1 contains the binaries, CD2
contains the sources), a CD containing demo versions of various
commercial software, a nicely printed installation manual, a boot
floppy, *AND* a reply postcard.  The reply postcard is used to gain
service and support -- you send it in to Red Hat and you gain access to
a toll free number you can use to ask questions.  For many people it is
this support line that is worth the $40.

        Yes, you can spend 72+ hours with your 33.6bps modem downloading
Linux or get a CD from one of the cheap CD suppliers, but if something
goes wrong and you don't have a Lunux Guru handy, all you can do is
post a message in a comp.os.linux.* newsgroup and wait a few hours or
days for some kind of help.  (I am not saying there is anything wrong
with the help available in comp.os.linux.* newsgroups, but some people
probably want more 'direct' hand holding -- i.e. they want to pick up
the phone and dial 1-800-linux-help or whatever.)  *I* bought the RH5.2
box because it is a pain to download it and burn a CD myself and because
it is a ligit business expense.

        Also, lets say you are Joe Corp. and want to set up a Linux
server or server 'farm' -- you can contract with RedHat to do any or
all of the following:

        1) Set up your servers.
        2) Tell you what hardware to get or not to get.
        3) Train your tech. staff.
        4) Train your other users.
        5) Provide continuing support, either on-site or off-site.
        6) Write special device drivers for special in-house hardware.

        Several 'Joe Corps' pay RedHat big bucks for these services.

RedHat also sells various non-GPL software packages, like Applixware.

B> Red Hat reportedly have some 80 staff and that amounts to a huge wages
B> bill. How do they pay for it?
B> Does anyone know?
B> Please also reply via email.
B> To reply, please remove the "zz" from my email address.

Robert Heller                        ||InterNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||            [EMAIL PROTECTED]              /\FidoNet:    1:321/153


From: Robert Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: using winmodems under Linux ??
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 20:49:04 GMT

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Comech),
  In a message on 8 Jun 1999 13:55:21 -0500, wrote :

AC> On Tue, 08 Jun 1999 12:24:57 GMT, 
AC> Stanislaw Flatto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
AC> >On more practical level insist on external modem the price difference
AC> >is negligible and those have the hardware for working independently
AC> >of the OS.
AC> Not any more. There is a big chance to end up with a
AC> USB external modem; those do not work with Linux as well...

An RS232/serial External Modem is most likely what Stanislaw Flatto 

AC> >Ronald Haynes wrote:
AC> >
AC> >> Hi, I am considering purchasing a new computer.  Almost every system
AC> >> I consider comes with a winmodem.
AC> >> I had heard in the past that this may cause difficulties under Linux, is
AC> >> this the case?
AC> Ronald,  this is much more practical to build a system yourself.
AC> Try
AC> Best,
AC> a.
AC> -- 
AC> Looking for a Linux-compatible V.90 modem? See

Robert Heller                        ||InterNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||            [EMAIL PROTECTED]              /\FidoNet:    1:321/153


From: Robert Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: linux bat file
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 20:49:13 GMT

  In a message on Tue, 08 Jun 1999 17:11:04 GMT, wrote :

j> how do i create a bat file using linux.  thanks.

You write something called a 'script'.  For most simple things this
would be a 'shell' script, either bash or tcsh.  For more complex things
you might write an awk or perl script.  Or maybe a tclsh script.

You should visit the man pages for sh/bash and csh/tcsh and awk.  Or get
a good book on perl or Tcl/Tk.

Is there some specific task you wish to perform?  A script may already
exist somewhere.

j> Sent via
j> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

Robert Heller                        ||InterNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||            [EMAIL PROTECTED]              /\FidoNet:    1:321/153


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vadim Pavlov)
Subject: <!> Free Computer Documentation
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 20:42:03 GMT

FREE Computer Documentation

books, standards, specifications, source code, and more
200+ megabyte archive online!

Currently Available:

- graphics (quicktime, gif, jpeg, pcx, png, targa, tiff ...)
- emedia (cd-rom, dvd ...)
- internet (cgi, freebsd, html, http, javascript, rfc, tcp-ip)
- publishing (pcl, pcl4, pcl5, pdf, truetype, postscript ...)

Welcome there.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
From: Afshin Poraria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NFS Problem SubOs/Linux Redhat 
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 20:05:58 GMT

Hi everyone,
I want to exoprt /home directory under Linux file system to other
machines in our network running SunOS and Solaris.  I followed the NFS
HOWTO but still I can not mount the Linux directory on any other
machines and I get " NFS service not responding."
I tried another Linux box and everythings work fine.
Can anyone help?


From: "tester" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Microsoft FrontPageŽ 2000 Server Extensions for Linux...
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 20:20:57 GMT is the official website
for the extensions...

Get those files and you're set...

USENET support...
Installing and administering UNIX server extensions for FrontPage:


From: "Matthew D. Melbert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: the last two characters of a dos text file are?
Date: 8 Jun 1999 16:30:40 -0500

David Vrabel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article 

> I use tr, perl is a bit over the top for this.
>   tr -d '\r' < old_file > new_file
> to delete the '\r' character leaving the '\n' intact. 
> David Vrabel
David...the "tr" command is long as you do not have several
hundred files to go through in a directory.  Then you do need a perl
program since "tr" (at least through my resrearch) does not supprt a
recursive call to do entire directories.  So if you have MANY files to do
such as my company does on a weekly basis, you need something a little
better then "tr".
                However I did some more looking at "tr" today since you brought this up
and it is possible to use that command in a perl least with
capitalization.  I have to see if Carriage Return Removal is supported.
Thanks for the conversation.


From: "Seth Rightmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup.misc
Subject: Re: I Still cant get the new kernel to install in  SuSE1.6
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 11:30:15 -1000

>>it is,,    i did and same error message at boot
>>lilo...................ok,loading kernel

There is something wacky in the new kernel series (2.2) I found when I make
zImage, it puts a tiny (4096k) zImage file in the arch/i386/boot directory,
and a corresponding vmlinuz file in the arch/i386/boot/compressed directory,
while make bzImage puts a (nearly identical in size to the vmlinuz file!)
bzImage directly in the arch/i386/boot directory.  So, try make bzImage.


Subject: Re: Linux on a 486?
Date: 8 Jun 1999 16:31:17 -0500
Reply-To: "J.L.M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, gus  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Linux would be great ... even better if you have another Linux system
>from which to do CPU intensive things like compiles ...
>As for X, you will probably find it too slow. It will run, but like
>frozen syrup ... ;-)

Probably more because of his low RAM than the low speed processor.
I remember running slackware on 486's and finding it not so bad,
certainly not like frozen syrup.  Granted, I wouldn't try to do
with it what I do with my 450Mhz box, but X is not all that bad 
on a 486 as long as you have enough RAM.

I don't know if I'd try gnome on it though...


From: Mike Kerr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Using isapnp to disable plug and play...
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 11:26:13 -0400

I'm planning to use isapnp to disable the plug and play features on my
3Com 3c509b NIC card. I don't really know much about setting up the
isapnp.conf file. Is anyone using a similar setup with their NIC card?
Anyone know what the settings should be?


From: Finlay Welsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Laptop battery under SuSE 6.1
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 16:33:25 +0000

My laptop (Gateway P120 with 32Mb RAM) works just fine with Linux as
long as the power cable is plugged in.  I've installed APM and the power
indicator under KDE shows battery at 100%.  However, if I boot using
battery power only, I get as far as login at which point itj accepts no
input from the keyboard or at best allows the user name (or a bit of it)
then no password.  What the hell is going on??



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (S. Klein)
Subject: mouse behaviour quake2/linux/banshee
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 16:27:01 GMT


now that there is banshee support for linux, I am bit disappointed that
quake2 is less playable in linux than in windows95.

My hardware:
- Pentium 150, 32 MB RAM, Creative Labs 3D Blaster Banshee PCI

I use Daryll's X server as well as his drivers to play quake2 under X
Kernel is 2.0.36.

Everything would be fine, if there were not the problem with the mouse
(ps2). In my case, it definitely has nothing to do with gpm, although I
normally use gpm for the console and as a repeater (gpm -R -t ps2) for
X, because I already tested running the game without gpm and using
protocol mousesystems and /dev/psaux for X. 
There is no difference at all (whether I use gpm as a repeater or
whether I use the mouse just in X, with /dev/psaux...), but mouse
behaviour is good for normal X applications.

The problem is:
Mouse movement in quake2 (with ref.glx) is not smooth enough, especially
when turning around (moving in circles). I always notice slight jumps in
this movement, no steady turning; it causes headache and dizziness!

Trying all kinds of values for sensitivity, m_yaw, xset didn't help at
There are always little jumps in circular mouse movement, and it seems
that (whatever I do with m_yaw or xset) turning my mouse abruptly causes
(uncontrolled and unwanted) acceleration (although I tried with all
kinds of positive, negative or no acceleration, with xset m 0, xset m
2/1 10, xset m 1/10 10, xset m 1/100 10, xset m 1/1000 40 and so on and
so on).

In windows95 I do not observe this behaviour: The mouse moves steadily,
and even in abrupt turns, there is no stuttering or jerky behaviour, so
that I can always follow its movement with my eyes without losing
orientation for a moment and without feeling dizzy.

I am already glad that I could solve the damned problem with timeouts
while accessing the cdrom, and I wrote a nice customized script for
playing quake2 under linux, but without a solution to the "mouse issue"
I really prefer windows95 for quake2 (and glquake, of course, since
there is no banshee/glibc support).

Who knows the problem? Who found a good solution?
I hope, I get many helpful answers.
Thanks for your time to read this and perhaps answer me. Thanks to
Daryll, nevertheless.

S. Klein


Subject: Re: Linux on a 486?
Date: 8 Jun 1999 16:34:06 -0500
Reply-To: "J.L.M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In article <7jj9vp$do$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
John Girash  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I've got an ancient Slackware 2.3 (kernel 1.2.13) on my old 386sx25 laptop
>w/ 120MB drive & 6 MB RAM. 

Are there any security patches for 1.2.13, and is it possible to compile
that 1.2.13 as ELF?  
>I doubt that any except Slackware will get a reasonable system within 120mb.

I've gotten a 20MB system with debian 2.0.  


From: "Travis Landry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ATI and X Server problem
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 11:44:42 -0400

That's odd, I have the same card and have had no problems, except the fact
that I can't see the the fonts at 1280x1024, but thats just my bad eyes


From: Matt Willis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How do I log onto ver. 6.0?
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 16:25:40 +0000

Login as root. then, run linuxconf. Create a new user for yourself,
under "user accounts". Then log out. Log back in as that user.

It's dangerous to always use root as your userid. This is because root
can do anything. Best not to pick up the habit. Use root only when you
have to (see the "su" command).

- Matt



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