Linux-Misc Digest #584, Volume #20               Fri, 11 Jun 99 05:13:09 EDT

  Re: Disk Druid not improving, and why... (Mike)
  Re: How to get System Commander to boot Linux? (Mohamad SALEH)
  Re: HELP: 3Com 100BaseT/56K card under Linux 6.0 ("The Punisher")
  Re: Can System Commander revive a Linux partition? (Was: Re: LILO and BeOS) (Leonard 
  Re: write Bat file (Jason Earl)
  Re: strange telnet problem (Frank da Cruz)
  Re: Getting "SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument" with 'route add' ...? (Charles Wilkins)
  change permission default? (Bryce M Coutts)
  Re: 'ls' command: how to show all files in all directories? (Oliver.Natt)
  How do u find remote system's OS version?? (Al Dev)
  Re: finding files with words that may be on different lines (Marc Mutz)
  Re: Red Hat 6.0 Bugs (D. Michael Basinger)
  awe32 prob (filas)
  Re: 'ls' command: how to show all files in all directories? (Peter Verthez)
  Re: RH6.0 Compile whoes.....sigh (Marc Mutz)
  Re: Name For Distribution (J.H.M. Dassen (Ray))
  lost+found? (Joe Pelkey)
  Re: links requests (nlucent)
  Re: burning CDs (nlucent)
  Re: LILO and BeOS (John Kinsella)
  Re: C-compiling error ("Alan W. Ray")
  Re: newbie: Best way of setting up ip-numbers? ("Wheely")
  Re: 'top' is bottomles - ??? (Marc Mutz)
  Re: a dumb question? (Marc Mutz)
  Re: Name For Distribution (nlucent)


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Disk Druid not improving, and why...
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 04:34:33 GMT

On Thu, 10 Jun 1999 12:57:38 +0100, "John Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Mike wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>>kind of late to the thread but my prob with Disk Druid  has been it's
>>seeming inability to format swap space unless that space has already
>>been formatted with another OS. There  has been several times that
>>I've had installs crash after copying just about enough files to fit
>>into my swap. I eventually figured out that if I format that partition
>Sorry, fit files into your swap; I thought the swap partition was for the
>you don't put any files in it, this ain't Solaris you know.
I didn't think swap would be needed during the install. I'm not saying
that's what happened just that's what I observed. After copying the
approximate amount of files in MB that would fit into swap I started
recieving errors, not correct version, script failed etc. If I booted
into NT, formatted the partition, restarted the install, deleted the
partition in DiskDruid and recreated it, the install went fine. It
happened a couple of times with different sizes of ram and therefore
swap files. I'm not sure why or that the swap was the problem just
like I said that's what I saw

>>with NT and then delete it and recreate it in Disk Druid it formats it
>>ok and the install proceeds without a hitch.
>>go figure


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.install
Subject: Re: How to get System Commander to boot Linux?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 17:42:52 +0200

"Edward J. Smiley Jr." a écrit :

> If you use LILO, what order do you install the operating systems and
> where?  A description would be helpful!
> Thanks!
> Ed

You can install in ALL orders. Even when you put LILO on the MBR. In that
case, installing
Linux at last is the best but is not necessary. No order to respect between
Linux, Windows
and Solaris. Only the order between Microsoft systems must be noticed.
However, I use Linux
to put NT and windows 9* on separate partitions by masking simply the
partition type of the
already installed windows. That need not Linux installed and boot floppy
disks are sufficient.

If you decide to install Windows after Linux. You have to consider that you
can't reference
a system in lilo.conf before its installation. Then after the first part of
NT installation you must
boot Linux and add NT to lilo.conf, execute lilo again, and reboot. Choose
to boot NT then
and continue your installation.

When you install Solaris, it overcomes the MBR. You can repair it by
booting Linux from floppy
disks, adding then Solaris to lilo.conf and reexecuting lilo. Now you can
choose between Linux,
Solaris, NT, ... at boot with LILO.


From: "The Punisher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HELP: 3Com 100BaseT/56K card under Linux 6.0
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 12:49:52 +0200

I'm in the same situation.
I have the same pccard and it doesn't work.
I'm new in linux and don't know how makes it work

SLK230 escribió en mensaje <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Hello all,
>I've been trying to iinstall dual boot Linux 6.0/NT Workstation 4.0 on
>my Dell Latitude CPi laptop. The installation went OK, except for my
>3COM 100BaseT/56Modem card is not working under Linux....Please
>Vincent Phan


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Can System Commander revive a Linux partition? (Was: Re: LILO and BeOS)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:00:40 -0500

Aureliano Buendia wrote:

> haha... I did it ! Reinstalled LILO from the RedHat CD just like Mark
> Swoopie Head suggested, this time LILO went to the Linux partition instead
> of MBR.
> Now when I choose Linux in System Commander I get the LILO prompt and can
> choose between the various kernels I have. Nice.
> Aurelito

I don't see why you had to reinstall LILO.   All you had to do is rewrite
with the appropriate
boot =  ...
line and then run lilo.

Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jason Earl)
Subject: Re: write Bat file
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 04:53:20 GMT

On 11 Jun 1999 01:26:36 GMT, Gus Hartmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Just like window95  *.bat file.  I want to write a BAT file in linux to
>> common a series of command.  What should i do? Can anyone teach me how
>> to do it?  Thanks!
>       The similar functionality under Unix is provided by shell
>scripts. Here's a simple example:
>-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-<Cut Here>-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>if some_command ; then
>       echo "It worked!"
>       echo "It failed!"
>       exit 1
>-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-<Cut Here>-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>       For more information on shell scripting, consult the man page
>for sh(1), or any of the many fine publications regarding the Bourne
>shell. If the desired functionality is simply to execute a series of
>commands without regard for exit status, the commands can simply be
>listed in order.

If you don't need anything fancy you can probably start bash scripting right
now by simply firing up your text editor and typing in the line:


Followed by a whole bunch of commands:

cd /
/bin/rm -rf *

By the way the example given would erase your entire hard drive if you were
logged in as root, so don't actually try it :).



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank da Cruz)
Subject: Re: strange telnet problem
Date: 10 Jun 1999 15:23:55 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Charles Wilkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Sometimes (half the time) when I use vi over telnet (from win95 to
: linux), I can't use my arrow keys to move around in the editor. Other
: times I can. 
: My telnet client and redhat configurations remain the same, yet
: sometimes the arrows work and other times they dont.
: In addition, when the arrows arent working, (when I use j to scroll
: down), the screen buffer doesnt refresh, so what I get is the bottom
: line of text changes and thats it.
This is because vi distinguishes the escape sequence sent by an arrow
key (e.g. <ESC>OD) from an Escape typed by you, followed by some other
keys.  It thinks it can tell the difference by the timing between the
characters.  Of course all bets are off on a network connection.

However, some Telnet clients are better than others in accommodating this
vi pecularity.  Since the terminal emulator knows you pushed an arrow key,
and knows what escape sequence it must send, it can make sure to send this
sequence in a single TCP write, hopefully ensuring the characters will
arrive together at the Telnet server.  Of course nothing is really assured
since the TCP packet can be fragmented at the IP level and each character
routed separately.  Even if that doesn't happen, you must still rely on the
Telnet server to deliver the characters to the application without pauses,
but it has no way of knowing it's supposed to do that.

- Frank


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Charles Wilkins)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Getting "SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument" with 'route add' ...?
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 06:02:13 GMT

On 10 Jun 1999 00:52:14 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Taylor)

>I'm running a somewhat-upgraded version of Debian 2.1 with
>kernel 2.2.6, and I've noticed this worrying message in my
>startup sequence.
>After some investigation, I've discovered it's occurring
>during /etc/init.d/network, specifically, the "route"
>This is my /etc/init.d/network file:
>       #! /bin/sh
>       ifconfig lo
>       route add -net
>       ifconfig eth0
>       route add -net dev eth0 
>..and each (yes, I get it twice) of the "route add" lines 
>       SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument
>I've tried issuing the commands manually as well, and
>get the same thing.  However, the routing table
>does appear to be being updated correctly.  I can
>ping loopback, and my computer works fine on my local
>mini-LAN via eth0.
>This happens if just the loopback is used, as well -- i.e.,
>if I remove the last two lines.  (Actually, this
>started before I even added the eth0 device to my PC.)
>I know this has been happening ever since I upgraded my
>kernel to 2.2.6 -- I'm not sure if it happened before, but
>I don't think it did...
>It doesn't seem to be a serious error, but it worries me,
>and I'd like to fix it.
>If anyone could shed some light on this, I'd appreciate it.
> Alex Taylor                  BA - CIS - University of Guelph
Hi, I get this error every time I change IP addresses - not often -
but about 4 times now. There is a corruption in a config file

Delete your network bindings / configuration and rebuild it from
scratch. You can do this in X or linuxconf.

Fixes it for me every time. 5.1 was hell with this problem, 5.2 was
much better. 6.0 is too new to tell.


Charles Wilkins  CNE / MCP / A+
Network Design Consultant
Practical Computer Solutions
609-321-0840 - fax


From: Bryce M Coutts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: change permission default?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:36:25 -0600

hey there

Probably a stupid question but is
there a way to change the default
permissions for any files I save?  I
know there is probably a way but I'm
fairly new to linux.  Thanx


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Oliver.Natt)
Subject: Re: 'ls' command: how to show all files in all directories?
Date: 11 Jun 1999 07:27:00 +0200

"Jürgen Exner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > etc. until complete; then print all those resultant 'allfilesX.txt' I
> > would like to just get the whole directory/subdirectory/* etc. put into
> > one file.
> Sorry for sounding rude, but did you ever had a look at the man page of
> "ls"?
> The option "-r" would have jumped right into your face.
Sorry, but the option -r means 'reverse order' and nor 'recursive'.


Subject: How do u find remote system's OS version??
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:55:04 -0500

I just want to find what operating system a remote website in internet
is running.
How do i do that in linux??

For example if i want to find what OS and OS version a remote web site  is running. What command do i use on linux.

I can do ping and it gives the IP address.


Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 18:18:25 +0200
From: Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: finding files with words that may be on different lines

Joe Smith wrote:
> Hard to do with grep in one pass.
> If you can stand one pass per keyword, this will work:
>   grep -q 'p1' file1 &&
>     grep -q 'p2' file1 &&
>       grep -q 'p3' file1 && echo 'file1 matched p1 and p2 and p3'
You can wrap this with for or while-loops...



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (D. Michael Basinger)
Subject: Re: Red Hat 6.0 Bugs
Date: 10 Jun 1999 15:26:11 GMT

On Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:55:57 +0200, Luca Satolli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>1. During the installation it crash on Update becouse it don't succeed
>in mounting a previous formatted filesystem. I suppose this problem is
>solved by new images that u can find at

We upgraded 4 machines in our office which no problems.

>2. Netscape Communicator 4.51 crash on java applet and have a big bug on
>addressbook so tha u can't use it. I've updated it to 4.6 and the
>problem are still there!!

I also get this. I glad does not use java.

>3. Somethimes E sound crash, I get this error logging out from a user
>and logging in into another. It happens only if the both the users use

I had something E core dump about once an hour, said screw it, and went to
WindowMaker. Fine now.

>4. Somethimes Whn I turn on my PC and logging into a user It fails on
>logging in, It don't change the login screen (my runlevel is 5).

I have seen this, or takes forever for the login screen to come up.
>6. Everytime I boot Linux the system clock is moved forward a few odd
>hours. Then at middle of boot up it return to the correct value.

I have not seen this, but my campus is a big supporter of xntp.

I get some weird problems using gnome with WindowMaker every once in a
while. I like gnome, but about to give up on it.


D. Michael Basinger                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Carl Vinson Institute of Government     Computer Support Specialist IV 
(706) 542-6212                          Fax: (706) 542-6239


From: filas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: awe32 prob
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 18:46:32 +0000

i have a prob with my awe32 on redhat 5.3, i guess that's an irq 5
conflict, i searched for the conflict but didn't found any conflict on X
but when launching my linux it displayed "device busy probably irq 5
conflict" ... plz if u have any idea to resolve my prob post the messy,
i'm also searching for LIBNET ( that works cause i downloaded many
paquages that have prob compilation ) tx.


From: verthezp@nemdev1 (Peter Verthez)
Subject: Re: 'ls' command: how to show all files in all directories?
Date: 11 Jun 1999 06:56:42 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Oliver.Natt) writes:
: "Jürgen Exner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
: > > etc. until complete; then print all those resultant 'allfilesX.txt' I
: > > would like to just get the whole directory/subdirectory/* etc. put into
: > > one file.
: > Sorry for sounding rude, but did you ever had a look at the man page of
: > "ls"?
: > The option "-r" would have jumped right into your face.
: > 
: Sorry, but the option -r means 'reverse order' and nor 'recursive'.

He apparently didn't look at the man page long enough.  You probably
found by now that the correct option is "-R".

Best regards,
Peter Verthez                        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Software Engineer Network Mgt.     Tel: (+32 3) 451 28 14 | Alcanet:
Alcatel Telecom, dept. XE60        Fax: (+32 3) 451 28 03 | (6)2681
I am Pentium of Borg.  Division is futile.  You will be


Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 18:42:33 +0200
From: Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RH6.0 Compile whoes.....sigh

Sending whole syslogs w/o extracting the important parts (you could have
done it easily, because you have already made it red) is *BAD*.

Posting it thrice is a whole lot of bullshit.

But quoting 130K is <intentionally left blank>

Marc (not on a T1)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (J.H.M. Dassen (Ray))
Subject: Re: Name For Distribution
Date: 11 Jun 1999 08:05:41 GMT

Lenny grosso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Ok, heres the deal.  I have a team of guys that are starting on a linux
>distribution, but we need a name for it.

Since you don't tell what would make your distribution different from the
tens of distributions that exist already
(see for a partial list), how
about "YAD" or "YALD" for Yet Another (Linux) Distribution?

Making a distribution is hard work, and may not be very rewarding unless
you're doing something really new. And even then, you may want to consider
working within the framework of an existing distribution development effort,
or at least base your distribution on an existing one.

The name of a distribution isn't half as important as having a good reason
for creating another distribution.

PATRIOTISM  A great British writer once said that if he had to choose 
between betraying his country and betraying a friend he hoped he would
have the decency to betray his country.                                      
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 


From: Joe Pelkey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: lost+found?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 12:22:54 -0400

Does anyone know what the "lost+found" directory found on newly
formatted ext2fs partitions is?



From: nlucent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: links requests
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 06:39:31 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Where can I download RealPlayer G2 for linux??  There's none at

> And where can I get softwares for slackware4.0.  Redhat *.rpm
> are all over the place, but it's a pain trying to find softwares for
> thing else.  Thanks

You can use alien to convert them, but I think slack is still using
libc5 so the binaries wont run. You will most likely need to compile
everything for libc5 for it to work.


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From: nlucent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: burning CDs
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 06:45:29 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Latenar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone know of an application to burn CD's in Linux (Slackware)?
>    Latenar

check out, as with everything else there are multiples
(I personally prefer cdrecord)

The opinions expressed are my own, and are not
endorsed or shared by my employer.

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: John Kinsella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.install,redhat.general
Subject: Re: LILO and BeOS
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 08:54:37 +0100

I'm can't remember exactly, but I *think* you can boot using RH5.2 cd, one of
the install options is to create
a rescue floppy without starting installation all over again. Drat these work
PCs without Linux!

Shimpei Yamashita wrote:

> Aureliano Buendia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >Of  course, I didn't... Is there any way to correct the situation? The RH
> >5.2 CD I have apparently cannot be used as a rescue disk. Perhaps, there's
> >still some way to make a rescue floppy.
> IIRC, there are floppy images on the CD. You can use rawrite in DOS to
> create boot and rescue floppies from them if necessary. (This, of
> course, is assuming you have DOS lying around somewhere.)
> --
> Shimpei Yamashita                 <>


From: "Alan W. Ray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: C-compiling error
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 11:22:30 -0500

Paul Kimoto wrote:

> What does the (end of) the log file (config.log) say?
> Did you install the binutils?  the glibc development files?
> the kernel headers?

Thanks.... what I was missing was the glibc-devel and then after that,
the qt-devel.  Works now.



From: "Wheely" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: newbie: Best way of setting up ip-numbers?
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 09:32:59 +0200

gus heeft geschreven in bericht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Johan Kullstam wrote:
>> "Wheely" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> > Hi there,
>> >
>> > I wanna install Linux on my system, but I'm not sure what ip-addresses
>> > should use for various tasks on my system.
>> > (is it possible to give ftp telnet separate ip-addresses?)
>> erm, i think so, but why would you want to?
>This is where I want to ask my questions ... ;-)
>Every system is unique, and I am in the process of a "gradual" migration
>from M$ to Linux. I have a dedicated Linux box acting as a gateway (PPP
>to ISP), cacheing DNS, Firewall, Sybase server, Apache webserver, and a
>whole lot more.
>I have ended up aliasing about 7 IP addresses to my eth0. is
>the primary, then through 8 are aliased.
>Why, you ask ... !
>My ISP automatically routes my mail to me when I connect (using SMTP to
>my sendmail daemon/inetd job). I have an unlimited number of e-mail
>addresses at my ISP, and I have created a number of user logins for
>those which I regularly use, such as a number of mailing lists go to the
>sybase user, and then there is my personal account, my wife's account, a
>couple of others, and then there is the maildefault account where
>everything unaccounted for gets dumped.
>This is all great, and I can seperate my mail feeds very effectively.
>But, for convenience, I use IMAP and Netscape 4.6 (on my Windows
>machine) to view my mail on the Linux server, and Netscape only seems to
>allow for one mailbox on each "mailhost". Thus, although I want to have
>seperate mailboxes, netscape will only let me connect to one mailbox on
>each host. So, I have created all the alias IP addresses on my eth0 so
>that netscape can actually *think* it is connecting to different
>mail-hosts, but it is actually connecting to the *same* host.
>That is the long background to a short question ...
>Is there a better way of doing this...?
>If not, then I have a practical use of assigning multiple IP addresses
>to the same net device ...
>> > -> I've set it up, but either http works, OR telnet and ftp
>> > work. Never all 3 together(?)
>> > Furthermore, When installing dns and dhcpd I've read somewhere that a
>> > 'gateway' must be configured. Is this just my main ip-address?
>> > AND (last one, here) there also needs to be configured a router
>> > Does this also have a ip-address of its own?
>> again, don't bother.
>> > Questions, questions... but very imortant to me.
>> nod. ask away!
>> > I hope you find this mail intriguing enough to respond to. You're doing
me a
>> > great favour.
>> hope this helps.
>> --
>> johan kullstam

Hi Gus,

Well, I've never thought that I would get these great (important and
informative to me) replies of you all.

very thankful here.
Kind regards,


Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 18:34:27 +0200
From: Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 'top' is bottomles - ???

Glen Turner wrote:
> Jared Hecker wrote:
> >
> > Hello -
> >
> > I fired up 'top' on my RH5.2 system this evening, and it showed no
> > processes in the bottom half of the screen.  There were plenty there, too.
> > Is this a bug?
> It's a feature.  `top' usually only shows the processes
> owned by your UID.
Is this RH specific? I work with the following systems:
SuSE, Debian, HPUX 10 and Digital Unix. All of them show all users as



Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 18:53:39 +0200
From: Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: a dumb question?

> Bob wrote:
> are there any issues to consider when upgrading motherboards and cpu's
> under RedHat 4.2? All other peripherals should remain unchanged.
You know the word: there are no dumb questions, only dumb answers.
Having said that and hoping this be no dumb answer, it (the answer) is
(mostly) NO.

More detail? OK:
CPU: NO NO NO. (well, it should run in your motherboard...)
MB: NO. If your word about 'all peripherals remain unchanged' is to be
taken serious. Concerning the HD: If you want (U)DMA to work for IDE
drives, you have to choose a MB whose chipset is supported by linux. If
you acn stick to PIO or use SCSI, any board will do.



From: nlucent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Name For Distribution
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 07:26:22 GMT

In article <7jpbao$c9a$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Lenny grosso" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> so far, the options are
>     Genux
>     Phat Linux
>     Lunix
>     Or Artic Linux  ("What the penguins use");

There is already a phat linux (, genux doesnt sound
like a linux to me, sounds more like an old unix (dg-ux, hp-ux, xenix,
ultrix etc.). I dont really have an opinion on the other two. But I am
curious, are you guys building on an existing distrib, or are you
starting over?


The opinions expressed are my own, and are not
endorsed or shared by my employer.

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Subject: Re: KDE-GNOME-X Switcher
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 07:22:26 GMT

You must have misunderstood me, you see, when I installed RH6.0, I use
startx to start gnome, and I can also use the commande usekde and then
startx to use kde...

At least with KDE, I can remove or rename the file .Xclients and type
startx to get X with my choosen (windowmaker) windowmanager. (without
and KDE stuff that eats memory. I use this to run programs that uses a
lot of memory )

Sometimes I want to stay with the prompt.

So this is a bit cumbersome to do, and I think there shold be a little
utility that does this, which I can place in the startup, so that when
I have logged in I get this little chooser.

I can do it, but I thought many more would be interested and perhaps
there is already one to use or continue work on...

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I would like a little text based utility, from which I can at system
> > startup choose between KDE, Gnome, Or standard x with whatever
> > windowmanager I have choosen.
> >
> > An option to exit to the linux prompt shall also be there,
> > select shall be done with arrows and enter or pressing 1-4.
> > Like:
> >
> > 1) KDE
> > 2) GNOME
> > 3) Plain X
> > 4) Plain prompt
> >
> > Are there such utility ? Name ? URL ?
> >
> - You can select the windowmanager with the KDE login manager (session
> type).
> - You won't want to use *plain* X, won't you?
>   If you want to use *plain* X, use fvwm and issue a 'killall fvwm2'
> the xterm.
> - Press CTRL-ALT-F1 to switch to console (= plain prompt). If you want
> to get rid of X sitting in
>   your RAM, then (as root) '/<your init dir here>/xdm stop'.
> You could easily write a script for that. (see 'select' entry in bash
> manpage)
> Marc

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