Linux-Misc Digest #631, Volume #20               Mon, 14 Jun 99 14:13:10 EDT

  Re: Linux on Palm-PCs (Michel van der Kleij)
  Text-based mailers doing html? (Mark Drummond)
  PPP and RedHat 6.0 ("Lance")
  Re: Secure network-backup via nfs? (Frank Sweetser)
  how to compile c/c++ in linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How can I disable mgetty? (Frank)
  Fortran on Linux ("Robert J. Schweikert")
  Re: No sound for my Realplayer G2 on Redhat 6.0 (coffee)
  Re: printing via smb (peter)
  Re: time nightmare (Duncan Simpson)
  Re: a simple question for a newbie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: how to compile c/c++ in linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: 2 newbie questions! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  YAPPPP - Yet another PPP problem (Patrik Lundin)
  Re: no x11-server but x11-clients ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: a simple question for a newbie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: <Q>Logitech bus mice setup (Duncan Simpson)
  Re: redirection "<<" (Roland Latour)


From: Michel van der Kleij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux on Palm-PCs
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 17:08:23 +0100

I've tried and tested a Linux version for the Psion Series 5. It used up most
of my 8Mb memory (kernel, "disk-image" etc.) but it works! Getting stuff to and
from the Linux S5 was awkward because it had to be in diskimages.  It's been a
while since I last played with it, so I've forgotten where I got it from. Must
have been the "PsionKing" site or something.


On Sat, 12 Jun 1999, David C wrote:
>>> As far as I know, a Linux version for the Palm Pilot and even one for
>>> the Atari Portofolio has been already developed. Did anybody start to
>>> develop a 'Pocket Linux' for Palm-size PCs? (I mean this devices
>>> running now WinCE)


From: Mark Drummond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Text-based mailers doing html?
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 08:22:40 -0400

Hi all. Does anyone know if any of the text based MUAs (pref pine or
mutt) "handle" html? I'd rather be using a text based mailer but
internally we use Netscape's Messaging Server and instead of sending
normal bounce messages it send html forms asking what I want to do with
a bounce. So obviously I need an MUA that will let me use the form. Yes,

Mark E Drummond                    Royal Military College of Canada
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                Computing Services
Linux Uber Alles                                        perl || die

       ...there are two types of command interfaces in the world of
                    computing: good interfaces and user interfaces.
                                   - Dan Bernstein, Author of qmail

PGP Fingerprint = 503D A72D AF41 2AD1 D433 C514 98D9 9A39 B25A 2405


From: "Lance" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PPP and RedHat 6.0
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 10:25:09 -0300

I've got a friend that can't seem to connect to the net as a regular user,
although he can connect as root. In a book I have (its for redhat 5.2) it
says once logged on as a regular user, type: /sbin/ifup ppp0   . He tried
this and it did not work. Anyone else experience this problem or know a
solution? Thanks in advance.

Fredericton, NB
aka: Air


From: Frank Sweetser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Secure network-backup via nfs?
Date: 14 Jun 1999 09:31:54 -0400


> I work for a company who runs a number of publicly accessible servers.
> That's five servers running some version of RedHat ( kernel 2.2.x ) and
> various services like sendmail, apache, mysql.
> For backups we have a HP SureStore 24eU DAT tapedrive, which is
> connected to one of the servers. BRU is the preferred software.
> My question is: How can I backup all the servers in a secure way, by
> using the host to which the DAT is connected?

'secure' and 'nfs' don't belong in the same sentence.

> Ideally I would like to nfs-mount all servers on the DAT-host, but I
> have avoided nfs for perceived lack of security and performance issues.
> How vulnerable does it make our servers if we use nfs ( assuming we
> configure it properly )?
> Another possibility would be using the rmt device. I would still need to
> enable rpc for that, again opening up the system.
> What's the best way of handling backup for a similar setup?

my preference is ssh.  you can set it up to log in to a particular machine
w/out any password.  you can then have the clients do something like this

tar cvzf - / | ssh backupaccount@backupserver dd of=/dev/tape_device

Frank Sweetser rasmusin at fsweetser at  | PGP key available RedHat 5.2 kernel 2.2.5        i586 | at public servers
>Ever heard of .cshrc?
That's a city in Bosnia.  Right?
(Discussion in comp.os.linux.misc on the intuitiveness of commands.)


Subject: how to compile c/c++ in linux
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 05:28:43 GMT


Please someone explain what kind
of commands i have to use to
compile a c/c++ program in linux?.
what should be the program name
prefixes in c and c++ in linux?.

please email your reponses to:

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Subject: Re: How can I disable mgetty?
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 15:56:09 +0200

> How can I disable mgetty and enable it only when I want it?
> mgetty always checks for a connection on my serial ports, but I want
> Linux to check my ports only if I want it.
> Thanks.
> dott. Paolo

just edit /etc/inittab and comment the mgetty out and back in if you need 



From: "Robert J. Schweikert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fortran on Linux
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 11:31:55 -0400

Anyone working on a Fortran compiler for Linux?

Or is there one already?

Robert Schweikert


From: coffee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: No sound for my Realplayer G2 on Redhat 6.0
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 10:32:23 -0500

Tian Chi wrote:
>      I just installed Realplayer G2 on my RedHat 6.0. I can see the
> video,
> but no sound.
> -Tian

If its any consolation I have the same problem. I think its broke. ANyways, Have
you tired uninstalling it? I found that i cannot uninstall the darn thing too.
RH 6.0 Gnome desktop.

ICQ 1614986
                "Quick Robin! To the Linux Workstation!"


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (peter)
Subject: Re: printing via smb
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 15:19:25 GMT

In article <7k30de$los$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
> Here's a question for you all.  On my LAN (small - 3 machines). we have on full
> time linux box (firewall/ip-masq), an NT/98 machine, and mine (98/RH6).  The
> 98/NT machine has the printer attatched, however, when that machine is in NT I
> must enable the 'fix stair stepping text', but in 98 I didnt have to.  Am I
> going to have to switch these every time that machine reboots to play games in
> 98?  Could I simply add 'another' printer with the print tool (ie have one for
> NT and another for 98)?

just try and tell us if it worked ;)

I´m sure it will.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Duncan Simpson)
Subject: Re: time nightmare
Date: 14 Jun 1999 15:17:44 GMT


<stuff snipped>

>       I think the application you're looking for is clock, usually
>found in the /sbin.  There's more than one clock application, it's
>man page is in section 8, 'man -S 8 clock'.  Somewhere in your start
>up scripts (usually in a place like /etc/rc.d) there's probably a
>script that invokes clock.  It should invoke it as '/sbin/clock -u -s'
>if you've got your CMOS clock set to GMT time, and without the u if
>it is set to local time.  (Of course, if local time is GMT, ...hmm, not
>sure what the implications might be).

It probably means you like in the UK which has something called BST
(GMT+1, I think) during the summer. Set the timezone to Europe/London
and it just works.

Duncan (-:

Duncan (-:
"software industry, the: unique industry where selling substandard goods is
legal and you can charge extra for fixing the problems."


Subject: Vmware+SCSI
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 06:01:13 GMT

i own a SCSI CD-RW (Yamaha CRW4260). is there a way to use it inder
vmware as i need packet writing which isn't supported by linux?

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Subject: Re: a simple question for a newbie
Date: 14 Jun 1999 16:16:19 GMT

In his obvious haste, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> babbled thusly:
: I am so new in linux, i just get lost in this os.

: I just managed to install Redhat ver6  on my pc, with the cd booting method.

: How then, do I install any software on Linux,  let say, from a downloaded
: software at all. Eg, on window, I just need to double click the setup.exe
: file.  But how about in Linux?

: thank you for any help at all.

That all depends on what format the software comes in.
There are 4 common ones. 

.rpm. (Red Hat Package Manager). type man rpm for more info...
srpm (As above, but contain source that needs to be compiled)
.tgz or .tar.gz (These can contain binary distributions, such as WordPerfect
                 or source code that needs to be compiled, such as gtk+).

Each method is different.

Perhaps if you tell us what it is your trying to install...

(Remember, Linux favours power and flexibility over easy of use...)
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|                                                 |
|   Andrew Halliwell Bsc   | "ARSE! GERLS!! DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!!!"          |
|            in            | "THAT WOULD BE AN ECUMENICAL MATTER!...FECK!!!! |
|     Computer Science     | - Father Jack in "Father Ted"                   |
|GCv3.12 GCS>$ d-(dpu) s+/- a C++ US++ P L/L+ E-- W+ N++ o+ K PS+  w-- M+/++ |
|PS+++ PE- Y t+ 5++ X+/X++ R+ tv+ b+ DI+ D+ G e++ h/h+ !r!|  Space for hire  |


Subject: Re: how to compile c/c++ in linux
Date: 14 Jun 1999 16:21:18 GMT

In his obvious haste, [EMAIL PROTECTED] babbled thusly:
: hi,

: Please someone explain what kind
: of commands i have to use to
: compile a c/c++ program in linux?.
: what should be the program name
: prefixes in c and c++ in linux?.

gcc (C), g++ (C++), egcs (BOTH?) and make are the most common commands used
in compilation. As for prefixes??? I'm not sure what you mean by that.

If you mean the .exe stuff from WINDOS?
That's irrelevant. You don't .exe extentions in linux. 
It recognises executables by the use of flags stored in the file header.

|                          |What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack|
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|in the ground beneath a giant boulder, which you|
|                          |can't move, with no hope of rescue.             |
|  Andrew Halliwell Bsc    |Consider how lucky you are that life has been   |
|           in             |good to you so far...                           |
|    Computer Science      |   -The BOOK, Hitch-hiker's guide to the galaxy.|
|GCv3.12 GCS>$ d-(dpu) s+/- a C++ US++ P L/L+ E-- W+ N++ o+ K PS+  w-- M+/++|
|PS+++ PE- Y t+ 5++ X+/X++ R+ tv+ b+ DI+ D+ G e++ h/h+ !r!| Space for hire  |


Subject: Re: 2 newbie questions!
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 16:14:25 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, root  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> In his obvious haste, [EMAIL PROTECTED] babbled thusly:
>> : I know it's supposed to go in .bash_profile or .tcshrc, but I couldn't find any
>> : of those file any where in my linux directory.   'find / -name .bash_profile
>> : -print'  and  'find / -name .tcshrc -print' return nothing.
>> If they're not there, just create them....
>> Put whatever config options you want in them.
>> Problem solved...
>Sound easy, but not for a newbie.  I don't even know where to begin.  :(
Do you have a /etc/profile?  That's a good place to start for an example.
My .bash_profile is basically a few lines of the form:
# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions  
# my .bashrc just tries to execute /etc/bashrc, which doesn't exist
# so this little if statement doesn't do anything.
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
        . ~/.bashrc
# User specific environment and startup programs
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:/usr/local/Acrobat3/bin:/usr/local/netscape
#  These alias are a pre-emptive strike against my most common typos
alias mroe="more"
alias moe="more"
alias moer="more"
alias mkae="make"
alias h="history"
# With these aliases, I can just type things like 'news' vice 'cd ~/news'
alias news="cd ~/news"
alias mystuf="cd ~/mystuf"
# If I want to change the modmap to Dvorak to try to learn that
alias asdf="xmodmap ~/MISC/Dvorak/Dv.pke.out"
alias aoeu="xmodmap ~/MISC/Dvorak/keyboard.default.fromXmodmap"
# another way to do 'export'
typeset -x LYX_DIR=/usr/bin/X11

Praeterea censeo Micromolle non esse utendum. 
("Moreover, I maintain that Microsoft should not be used."  A toned down
adaptation of a sig from Cato the Elder regarding the city of Carthage.
       ---- Remove "UhUh" and "Spam" to get my real email address -----


From: Patrik Lundin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: YAPPPP - Yet another PPP problem
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 18:41:29 +0200


This PPP thing seem pretty buggy, Internet can work for me for several
days and then suddenly stop working.

The problem I seem to have now is that KPPP connects, authenticates but
when it's supposed to start PPPD it just waits and waits... and then disconnects,
same thing with wvdial.

Whats seem to be the problem ? There's no problem connecting to my ISP
since when I boot to WinNT or Win98 I can connect without problems.

How come the connection just suddenly fails without any cause ? It has been
working flawlessly for days and now I cannot seem to connect at all in Linux again.

Some debugging, in the log window it actually says it has connected
but I cannot connect to any site with Netscape or anything else
and KPPP stays open just as it was waiting for something ( PPPD ? ).

I have a USR Message Pro modem if thats any help.

Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Patrik Lundin
GraphApplet 1.0, a full featured Graph drawing calculator
with symbolic differentiation capabilities.


Subject: Re: no x11-server but x11-clients
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 16:41:05 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I had to install redhat5.2 again and didnt install any x-stuff cause I 
>dont need to run a x-server on a pure text-terminal.
>but I still want to ssh-forward my x-sessions to another machine (where a 
>x-server is installed). but now I cant even run x-clients (netscape etc.) 
>and ssh tells me that it cant support x11-forward.
>so what stuff do I have to install to run x-clients without installing 
>all the stuff I need for running a x-server. (my harddisk is not as big 
>as should be ...)
How are you trying to invoke netscape?  Are you logged in on your server
machine, which presumably is the one with the display running X-Window
or whatever, setting xhost to the machine that has the clients, telnetting
to the machine with the clients (like netscape), setting DISPLAY on
that machine to the server (the machine with the monitor,mouse and keyboard)
and then invoking netscape?  That's the only way I ever invoked netscape
when it was a client on a different machine from my server.

Praeterea censeo Micromolle non esse utendum. 
("Moreover, I maintain that Microsoft should not be used."  A toned down
adaptation of a sig from Cato the Elder regarding the city of Carthage.
       ---- Remove "UhUh" and "Spam" to get my real email address -----


Subject: Re: a simple question for a newbie
Date: 14 Jun 1999 16:17:38 GMT

In his obvious haste, Steven K.Iinuma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> babbled thusly:
: First you must *untar* compressed files ending in
: for example. somefile.tar.gz
: I forgot how to untar something...hmmm

tar -zxvf <filename> will uncompress AND untar it.

|[EMAIL PROTECTED]| "Are you pondering what I'm pondering Pinky?"   |
|   Andrew Halliwell Bsc   |                                                 |
|            in            | "I think so brain, but this time, you control   |
|     Computer Science     |  the Encounter suit, and I'll do the voice..."  |
|GCv3.12 GCS>$ d-(dpu) s+/- a C++ US++ P L/L+ E-- W+ N++ o+ K PS+  w-- M+/++ |
|PS+++ PE- Y t+ 5++ X+/X++ R+ tv+ b+ DI+ D+ G e++ h/h+ !r!|  Space for hire  |


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Duncan Simpson)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: <Q>Logitech bus mice setup
Date: 10 Jun 1999 11:24:33 GMT


>I tried to use Logitech bus mice on my Linux PC. I used to have serial
>mouse and it works fine in X Window. The port I used is
>/dev/mouse->/dev/ttyS1. I tried and this port didnt work out. I want to
>know what's the correct dev port I should use for Logitech bus mice.

I have suich a mouse (3 buttons, with tail). Bus since are not serial
mice so /dev/ttyS1 is your problem. You need a kernel with bus mouse
support (modarised or compiled in). I have not got a system in front
of me to refer to but I think the right device is /dev/psaux (MAKEDEV
should knows the right numbers if you do not have it---I personally
use a kernel with the devfs patch applied).

My kernel only supports the sort of bus mouse I actualy have and I
compiled it in because I always want it anyway. I believe logitech
actually helped getting all there stuff supported on Linux.

Duncan (-:
"software industry, the: unique industry where selling substandard goods is
legal and you can charge extra for fixing the problems."


From: Roland Latour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: redirection "<<"
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 00:12:17 -0700

Michi Reutter wrote:
> would you be so kind, and show me an example, in which context you
> typically use here-documents

Here's a script I got off the net long ago, for getting RFCs:
==============================CUT HERE==================
#!/bin/sh -x
# rfc NNN
# retrieve rfc NNN from uunet, put it on stdout
# assumes rfc's are in uunet:/rfc/rfcNNNN.Z
# Actually the uunet people would prefer it if you ftp'd things
# from '', so we retrieve things from that machine.
# uunet conveniently has files called "index" and "rfc-index"
# in the /rfc directory, so this script will also let you
# retrieve those.
# try: rfc index | more         or
# rfc 1217 | lpr        (A personal favourite. Get this one. It's

PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/ucb:/bin:usr/bin export PATH

# a little hack so that we can say "rfc index" or "rfc rfc-index"
# as well as "rfc 822"

case "$1" in
"")             echo "$0: Usage $0 [NNN] [index] [rfc-index]" 1>&2; exit
1 ;;
index)          file=$1 ;;
rfc-index)      file=$1 ;;
[0123456789]*)  file=rfc$1.Z ;;
*)              file=$1.Z ;;

ftp -n <<EOF
user anonymous [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
cd archive/.vol/2/inet/rfc
get $file
=================================CUT HERE========================
The original poster wanted to use a here document to do an HTTP fetch.
Sorry, I don't speak HTTP personally, so I can't help him with that.
Replace [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the script with your userid.

Retired TechSupport Engr. Linux@CDSnet:
"The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the
urge to rule." -H. L.Mencken



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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