Linux-Misc Digest #650, Volume #20               Tue, 15 Jun 99 20:13:13 EDT

  Re: first/second/third world (Larry)
  Re: editorial: Stupid Linux Tricks (Simon)
  Re: ghostscript 5.50 does not work after install (Paul Kimoto)
  Re: kernel 2.2.10 changelog? (Paul Kimoto)
  Re: Could Microsoft Cheat On The New Mindcraft Benchmark? (was: Mindcraft Retest 
News (Philip Brown)
  Re: Diamond Supra Express 56i PRO Pci modem (Frederick Haab)
  How can I remove components from KDE? (":)")
  Re: A Capitalists view of freedom (Larry)
  Soundblaster Live, 2.2.5 kernel error ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: PPP/Modem problem (Jeld The Dark Elf)
  Re: copy files from win98 hd to linux hd (Ben Short)
  Re: A Capitalists view of freedom (John S. Dyson)
  Re: A Capitalists view of freedom (Glitch)
  Good Linux books (amp)
  networking setup question...hopefully a snap for the experienced. (William Ryder)
  Re: Windows doesn't detect "Linux disc" (Roland Wachsmuth)
  Re: Open-Linux 2.2 and StarOffice questions. . (Richard Bumby)
  Using .htaccsess and .htpasswd (R.Joseph)
  Front Page Extensions for Linux: How to get a fp web published?  (Frank Conte)
  Re: Which Window Managers? (was Which GUI?) (David Frye)
  Re: A Capitalists view of freedom
  Re: A Capitalists view of freedom (Aaron M. Renn)
  Re: Trying a Linux command to a telnet port (Jeld The Dark Elf)


Subject: Re: first/second/third world
Date: 15 Jun 1999 15:59:19 -0600

On Mon, 14 Jun 1999 00:06:53 +0200, Matthias Warkus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>It was the 13 Jun 1999 18:17:38 GMT...
>..and Mark Hahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > First World largely refers to Exploiter nations (eg, USA) and Third
>> > World to their colonies (eg, Mexico, Brazil, Columbia, Saudi Arabia).
>> this is the most impressively patronizing, ivory-tower, silly,
>> academic attitude I've heard in a long time.  it sounds like something
>> that a wild-eyed leftist prof would have said in about 1960.
>Well, that being said, have you got any actual proof that his
>assessment was wrong?

Caution mawa is the same leftist type.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.development
Subject: Re: editorial: Stupid Linux Tricks
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 00:50:09 -0400

Brian wrote:
> Fortunately for Mr Amaru there is no IQ test required when
> putting words to screen.
> It is unfortunate that Mr Amaru has such limited
> understanding and vision in his relationship with reality.
> Best regards,
> Brian
> Gabriel/TSS! wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >While I work on AS/400's and lovethe system, I think this
> guy needs his
> >head slapped around for a while!  This guy obviously is
> part of M$'s FUD
> >squad!
> >=================================
> >editorial: Stupid Linux Tricks
> >By Chris Amaru
> >MidrangeSystems
> >Monday, June 07, 1999
> >I ought to have my head examined. blah blah blah
        I thought there is no need to insult someone's intelligent because they
don't understand the revolution are coming.

        If we all smart as Bill Gates, he wouldn't be as rich as tody. Just
because he noticed PC will have feuture before IBM did. So we got
windows today. He has missed the Internet, same as those people don't
understand Open Source. 

        Open source doesn't mean cheap, it mean the information age have gone
into new stage. Company can't keep up the speed of changing will be
elminate from the race. Tell me when we can see Windows NT come out
without bugs, or those bugs will be fixed in time. Don't forget the
Melissa virus! 
        With Open source, People will found hole and aslo will bring the fixes,
just simple as it.

Simon Zhou


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Kimoto)
Subject: Re: ghostscript 5.50 does not work after install
Date: 15 Jun 1999 01:29:28 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Stephen E. Watts wrote:
> I am running SuSE 6.1.

Warning: I don't know anything particular about SuSE.  This is
generic advice.

> Typing /usr/bin gs -v returns:
>  "/usr/bin/gs: error in loading shared libraries
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or
> directory"

Do you have a file named something like /usr/lib/
Could you install one?
Did you inadvertently install a libc5 gs executable on a libc6
system (or vice versa)?

Paul Kimoto             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Kimoto)
Subject: Re: kernel 2.2.10 changelog?
Date: 15 Jun 1999 01:17:40 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, CompWiz wrote:
> where would I find a changelog for the latest kernel release?
> doesn't seem to have anything.

We should expect delays, according to

Paul Kimoto             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Philip Brown)
Subject: Re: Could Microsoft Cheat On The New Mindcraft Benchmark? (was: Mindcraft 
Retest News
Date: 15 Jun 1999 21:58:33 GMT

On Tue, 15 Jun 1999 20:12:52 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dan Kegel 
>>For news and background about the Mindcraft retest, see
>>plus news about the current retest.
>Microsoft has a history of cheating on benchmarks and 
>rigging software to prevent competitive products from
>functioning.  Could they do that in the Mindcraft retest
>that's now taking place?

If you read the supplied URL above, you'll learn that microsoft doesn't have
to cheat, to give a better performance than linux on an SMP box.
Personally, I'd like to see the results on the same machine, when
linux is swapped out for solaris.

[Trim the no-bots from my address to reply to me by email!]
[ Do NOT email-CC me on posts. Pick one or the other.]
The word of the day is mispergitude


From: Frederick Haab <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Diamond Supra Express 56i PRO Pci modem
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 20:14:33 GMT

In article <7jqlcl$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Rui Soutelino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Did anyone successively install a Diamond Supra Express 56i PRO Pci

I have a Diamond SupraExpress 56i (not "PRO").  It is definately not a
winmodem.  It is plug-n-play, though, and is probably being given wierd
I/O addresses.

Option 1: I ended up disabling my computer's on-board serial port two so
that the modem would be assigned those values.  This only works because
my PC is plug-and-play, and the card is configured correctly on boot up.
Luckily I had a ps/2 mouse, and could live without com2.

Option 2: When I had a 486 I had to boot to DOS, use some pnp
configuration tools that would set my device (sound blaster), and then
use loadlin.exe to load my kernel and boot to linux.

Option 3: Read up on the pnp configuration tools for linux.

Good luck,

- Frederick Haab - Turner Studios -

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From: ":)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How can I remove components from KDE?
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 15:23:36 -0700

     I want to remove the newsreader from KDE (the KRM that came with
the KDE).
Can it be done without wrecking everything else?



e mail: lamalexATjunoDOTcom


Subject: Re: A Capitalists view of freedom
Date: 15 Jun 1999 15:59:21 -0600

On 15 Jun 1999 19:27:01 +0200, Jonathan Thornburg 
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Richard Hickling  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> This discussion is going nowhere. The bottom line is that the US Constitution,
>>> 2nd Amendment, gives me the right to "keep and bear arms." End of story.
>>> I really doesn't matter what the world, or the country for that matter, would
>>> be like without guns. It's a done deal. Generate an amendment to the
>>> Constitution to change things or quit whining.
>An interesting question to ponder:  Does that particular law also give
>US citizens the right to bear (their own privately-obtained) *nuclear*
>(or biological or chemical) arms?  Should the NRA extend its slogan to
>"Atomic bombs don't kill people, people do"?  (Or perhaps in the wake of
>the Tokyo subway attack, "Sarin doesn't kill people, people do".)
>Note that the NRA _does_ advocate that private US citizens should be
>permitted to own machine guns.  I believe they also extend this to
>tanks and antitank rockets, though I'm not certain of this.
>But strangely, even Americans who strongly favor private gun ownership
>usually seem to draw the line at private nuclear/biological/chemical
>"arms".  It's interesting to ponder why...

This stupid assed argument comes up every time. And it always comes up when
the speaker has run out of real arguments. 

The second amendment was written to insure that the citizens of this country
were armed well enough to repel an invasion using whatever weapons were
required to repel same. The PEOPLE are still the militia of this country,
and that right extends to whatever weapons are necessary to match the

Like it or not the second was written to include ALL weapons. And like it or
not there exist today privately owned tanks, cannons, and machine guns, they
only require licensing to acquire. 

If you haven't studied the Constitution along with the Federal papers, then
you won't know these things, but the founders made it quite clear BEFORE the
constitution was ever ratified, they meant the citizens of this country to
be well armed.

The NRA has nothing to do with any of this, it's just idiots that bring
them up in arguments, trying to make some kind of stupid point that isn't
part of any Constitutional discussion.
All the NRA is, is an organization that tries to protect that one right.


Subject: Soundblaster Live, 2.2.5 kernel error
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 20:48:27 GMT

When i tried to install the sblive driver i downloaded from Creative,

I typed:


and got the following message (i'm paraphrasing)

Error:  Kernel 2.2.5 not found.

now i have kernel 2.2.5-15 and i'm running RedHat 6.0 on an i686 and
have no other real problems except the non existence of my sound card.

sndconfig did not detect any pnp sound cards when it probed.  none of
the other SB card settings didn't work.

anyway- any thoughts would be appreciated.


In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Richard Henderson wrote:
> >
> > Will the driver from Creative work with any Linux, such as Caldera
> > or does it just work with Red Hat 5.2?  If not is there some way to
> > fudge it?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Richard
> Never tried myself, but a kernel module should work with every distro,
> because they all use the same kernels (if with a few minor patches).
> Marc

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From: Jeld The Dark Elf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PPP/Modem problem
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 20:55:29 GMT

OK, Let's see.
You set up your PPP config.
You run your script/push connect on your GUI/whatever.
Your modem dials.
Nothing happens.

Question: Do you hear the modem make connection?

If you do not, there is a problem with your
access number/modem/phone line. Check your access number with your ISP,
try to connect to a different number that has a modem on the otehr side
( you can use minicom to do that ), test your modem.

If you do, there is a problem with your PPPD config. Add these to
your /etc/ppp/options

kdebug 3

start your PPP connection, after it dies look through /var/log/messages
and try to figure out what goes wrong. If you are still in trouble post
resulting pppd messages to this group ( or alt.os.linux where I read
news more frequently ) and we (linux community) will figure it out.

In article <7k61ii$rsr$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Nuromancer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
>   Ok, here goes. I have recently <about a month> installed RedHat 5.2
> a 486 machine. I've taken all the step to set up PPPD and my modem,
> now when i try to activate the modem from network configuration in X
> modem seems to work properly. Heres the odd part, When the modem
> initializes it seems to disable the phone line, meaning it dials
> properly at the modem but is not sending any info across the phone
> I've  been pulling my hair out for days now so if anyone has some
> before i go bald i would be grateful
> Any ideas?
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ben Short)
Subject: Re: copy files from win98 hd to linux hd
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 08:48:10 +1000

In article <7k60cd$rba$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
> I have a great many number of linux apps that i d-loaded on my win98
> comp i'm wondering if there is a prog out there that when i hook my
> win98 hd to linux or my my linux hd into my 98 comp so that i can move
> file from one to the other
> Daub
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.
Get a couple of network cards, and install samba on the linux box. Samba 
is a very nice little package that allows windows to access linux via 
Windows Networking, and vice versa.
Ben Short      
Shortboy Productions     mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

*Remove n0spam to email me*


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John S. Dyson)
Subject: Re: A Capitalists view of freedom
Date: 15 Jun 1999 21:41:12 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aaron M. Renn) writes:
> On Tue, 15 Jun 1999 18:46:26 +0200, Richard Hickling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>This is what it always comes down to: entrenched immovable laws.  Some aspects of
>>the US legislative system are now out-of-date and have fallen behind more
>>progressive and versatile systems overseas.  Time for a spring cleaning.
> It's a good thing the US has entrenched and immovable laws about freedom.
> Given Europe's abysmal track record for the last 1500 years (including
> the present century) I don't think that the Europeans are in any position
> to be lecturing the US about the way governments ought to behave.
Yep, take a look at the non-existant protections in some places in
Europe for the press (free speech.)  Without the freedom in the US,
there would be almost no freedom elsewhere.  US acts as a competitive
force to resist oppressive gov't.  Unhappily, the US is also loosing
freedom, slowly.

John                  | Never try to teach a pig to sing,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      | it makes one look stupid
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         | and it irritates the pig.


Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 18:48:24 -0400
From: Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A Capitalists view of freedom

Aaron M. Renn wrote:
> On 15 Jun 1999 19:27:01 +0200, Jonathan Thornburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> >An interesting question to ponder:  Does that particular law also give
> >US citizens the right to bear (their own privately-obtained) *nuclear*
> >(or biological or chemical) arms?  Should the NRA extend its slogan to
> >"Atomic bombs don't kill people, people do"?  (Or perhaps in the wake of
> >the Tokyo subway attack, "Sarin doesn't kill people, people do".)
> Can you say "strawman"?
> >Note that the NRA _does_ advocate that private US citizens should be
> >permitted to own machine guns.  I believe they also extend this to
> US citizens are allowed to own machine guns in most states.

give me one good reason why i would need to or even want to carry a gun
or guns in my possession, be it in my house, truck/car, or on my body?
And hunting isnt a good reason b/c u dont need to go hunting either so
therefore that isnt a need/want to own a gun.

I especially dont have a use for a machine gun either.   Only reason to
justify why some people say they need guns is to protect them from the
criminals who have a gun.  Well, if we started cracking down on the
black market and also on the legality of having guns in your house maybe
it would hinder the ability of a criminal from getting a gun and
therefore we wouldn't need to protect ourselves from them.



Subject: Good Linux books
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 20:33:03 GMT

I've recently installed Red Hat 5.2 on a spare computer at home.
Problem is, I'm a Linux newbie.  I bought _Red_Hat_Linux_Unleashed_.
It's going to make a nice door-stop.  What are some good books for doing
real-world kinda stuff (e.g. connecting to my ISP).


Andrew M. Pierce
MCP, SBN Level 3

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From: William Ryder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: networking setup question...hopefully a snap for the experienced.
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 18:20:08 -0400

Posting to "misc;" got no replies from the "setup" group...

Hi all.  I've installed the latest RedHat 6.0 on a fresh system.  I
setup TCPIP as I've done during other installations but this time it
didn't work.  I'm not too familiar with all the files involved, etc,
other than what I've looked at as the result of reading RedHat unleashed

in an attempt to fix this problem.

Any clues would be helpful.  What I have is a P90 with an SMC card, not
sure what model but its got a copyright 1994 on it.  Linux found it as a

tulip.  Now, I have the card connected to a switch; other systems
plugged into this switch are working fine WRT networking.  The light for

the port into which my linux system is plugged does not flash at boot
even though lsmod does indicate tulip as 'loaded (unused)'.  However if
I manually do a 'rmmod tulip' and then a 'insmod' tulip, the light on
the switch begins to show activity (but I can't ping out still and get
"network unreachable" scrolling up my screen .  Then if I
'/etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S10network reload', the switch light goes out again.

BTW - for the purposes of getting this thing up just to know all works,
I'm using the exact TCPIP configuration parameters as another (NT)
machine plugged into the switch (and I have turned the original machine
off), so I'm pretty sure these aren't the problem.

I mean, my guess is that some net.conf script is failing somewhere and
somehow alerts tulip mod making it inactive (I mean, it does seem to get

loaded but the switch light shows no activity unless I unload and reload

the module as described).  I'll leave my analysis at that and hope
somebody can decipher what I'm saying.  Even ideas on how to
troubleshoot the problem would be helpful.

I will try to check in but e-mail would be really appreciated when


-Bill Ryder


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Roland Wachsmuth)
Subject: Re: Windows doesn't detect "Linux disc"
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 21:43:57 GMT

Hi Gabriele,

the only explanation for your problem I have is that win95 doesn't like
the FAT-partition as the second _primary_ partition (/dev/hdc2) on the 
second disk. You can delete this partition with DOS-fdisk and create
an extended partition. Then you could create at least one logical drive
which would hopefully become to drive D: under win95.

On Mon, 14 Jun 1999 20:27:38 +0200, Gabriele Frankemoelle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>D: which is /dev/hdc1 (boot)* start 1 end 667 ID 83 (Linux native) and
>/dev/hdc2 start 668 end 1022 ID b (Win 95 FAT 32) - so there would be no
>need to change the ID, am I correct? Or do I have to use IC c - Win 95 FAT
>Unter Win 95 (>my PC - >system) D: is listed as "harddisc with filesystem
>for MS-DOS-compatibility" - if I try to get into >details it says driver
>conflict in config.sys. And when I check that file I can only find drive C:,
>but I guess D: should be listed there, too?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Bumby)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Open-Linux 2.2 and StarOffice questions. .
Date: 15 Jun 1999 18:59:58 -0400

Keith McGaughran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Hi Scott
>in answer to the star office  question
>on my system (redhat 6) start office  5.1 is in my /home/keith/Office51
>directory ...

>"Scott R." wrote:

>> I've made the plunge and now try to find my way around the brave new world
>> of Linux.
>> 1. ...
>> 2. The Caldera version my first attempt at using a Linux, seems to sheter
>> you from all the internals of the OS. That's ok right at the moment. I was
>> very interesting in trying out the Star office. I'm sure it got installed. I
>> even ran the RPM file and reinstalled it. But I can't find how to fire it
>> up!! I though it would make a menu entry in the K Start menu. But no such
>> luck! The Word Perfect seems to be there with it's own icon right at the
>> bottom of the screen. Anyone know how to launch Star Office from the KDE
>> shell in Open Linux 2.2?

Caldera seems a little behind Red Hat.  They were only at the 5.0
level instead of 5.1, and they were not able to get it configured for
individual use.  There was a sheet of last-minute instructions in the
box that told how to complete the install of Star Office.  You should
also check out the Caldera Web Page for even more current information.

>> 3. Lastly I logged out from Open Linux to the command shell. It told me it
>> was going to run mode 3 and no term. There was no response on the screen
>> after that. No prompt. Nada! Ugh! Just shut the machine off.

If KDE is configured to your liking, you should stay at runlevel 5.
The login box will allow you the option to shutdown (with or without a
reboot).  This has worked fine for me.

When in runlevel 5, you have one graphics screen on virtual terminal
number 7 or 8, and text mode screens on terminals 1 thru 6 (or maybe
5).  One of these is the login shell that is running the graphics
screen, and not normally available to you, but you can use the others.
>From the graphics screen, press Ctrl-Alt-Fn (with n replaced by 1, 2,
... 12) to see what you have.  The high number function keys just show
a blank screen, but the low ones should all show something.  To move
from a text screen, Alt-Fn switches to a different virtual terminal.
If you really have gone to runlevel 3, you may not see anything
because the system failed to switch to an active virtual terminal.

The different options from the KDE login screen do not seem to be
documented.  I use it because I always start a KDE session, and always
end with a shutdown or reboot.

>> ...
R. T. Bumby **  Rutgers Math || Amer. Math. Monthly Problems Editor 1992--1996
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       ||   
Telephone:    [USA] 732-445-0277 (full-time message line) FAX 732-445-5530


From: R.Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Using .htaccsess and .htpasswd
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 20:51:35 GMT

I write CGI for a web design firm, and I know that and .htaccsess file
or and .htpasswd file can be placed in a directory to block accsess to
it to only thoose with a password, but I don't know how I would go
about setting up one of these files, and I don't know which file to
use!  Any help is greatly appreciated!


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From: Frank Conte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Front Page Extensions for Linux: How to get a fp web published? 
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 22:06:21 GMT

I have a linux box running redhat linux 4.2. A few months back I
installed fp extensions. I have a web site. I would like to "mirror" the
website that's live on the web to my linux box. I would like to publish
the front page web to my linux box. However, I keep getting an error
message. Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance.



From: David Frye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Which Window Managers? (was Which GUI?)
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 22:41:22 GMT

Steffan O'Sullivan wrote:

> Lev Babiev  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >Actually X is pretty much the only choice for GUI you have
> >right now. But I guess you're referring to window managers/
> >graphic environments.
> I was indeed, sorry to be inaccurate in my wording.  My thanks to Lev
> and Stewart for their input - very valuable.
> Anyone else have any favorite Window Managers?  Or least favorite, and
> why?
> Thanks,
> --
>  -Steffan O'Sullivan  |
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED]     | "Today is the yesterday you won't be able to
>    Chapel Hill, NC    |  remember tomorrow."
>   |                          -Daniel M. Pinkwater

I prefer fvwm2. Current version is 2.2.2 (stable) and 2.3.3
(development). It is very configurable and extremely stable. Does not use
much ram, and is only slightly larger than 1 meg to download. It can be
found at


Subject: Re: A Capitalists view of freedom
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 16:12:40 -0700

On Tue, 15 Jun 1999 18:48:24 -0400, Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Aaron M. Renn wrote:
>> On 15 Jun 1999 19:27:01 +0200, Jonathan Thornburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>> >An interesting question to ponder:  Does that particular law also give
>> >US citizens the right to bear (their own privately-obtained) *nuclear*
>> >(or biological or chemical) arms?  Should the NRA extend its slogan to
>> >"Atomic bombs don't kill people, people do"?  (Or perhaps in the wake of
>> >the Tokyo subway attack, "Sarin doesn't kill people, people do".)
>> Can you say "strawman"?
>> >Note that the NRA _does_ advocate that private US citizens should be
>> >permitted to own machine guns.  I believe they also extend this to
>> US citizens are allowed to own machine guns in most states.
>give me one good reason why i would need to or even want to carry a gun
>or guns in my possession, be it in my house, truck/car, or on my body?

        Obnoxious neighborhood dogs managing to get out of their yard.
        Honestly, this is the first time (including when I lived in an
        apartment complex surrounded by constantina wire) where I felt
        the need for a weapon of some kind.

>And hunting isnt a good reason b/c u dont need to go hunting either so
>therefore that isnt a need/want to own a gun.
>I especially dont have a use for a machine gun either.   Only reason to
>justify why some people say they need guns is to protect them from the
>criminals who have a gun.  Well, if we started cracking down on the
>black market and also on the legality of having guns in your house maybe
>it would hinder the ability of a criminal from getting a gun and
>therefore we wouldn't need to protect ourselves from them.

        Yeah, that drug crackdown went real well...


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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aaron M. Renn)
Subject: Re: A Capitalists view of freedom
Date: 15 Jun 1999 23:18:13 GMT

On 15 Jun 1999 21:41:12 GMT, John S. Dyson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Yep, take a look at the non-existant protections in some places in
>Europe for the press (free speech.)  Without the freedom in the US,
>there would be almost no freedom elsewhere.  US acts as a competitive
>force to resist oppressive gov't.  Unhappily, the US is also loosing
>freedom, slowly.

Tough to believe I actually agree with Dyson on something!

Did you read about how the UK is eliminating trial by jury in many
criminal cases?  It's already been eliminated for all civil cases
other than libel I believe.



From: Jeld The Dark Elf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Trying a Linux command to a telnet port
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 21:35:04 GMT

Read docs on inetd and rexec

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Steve E. Koon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there anyway to let a user telnet into a port on my Linux box and
> only a single unix command. This command would be a valid unix
command and
> executed every time the user telneted to this port?
> Thanks,

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