Linux-Misc Digest #681, Volume #20               Fri, 18 Jun 99 06:13:08 EDT

  RH 6.0 PPPD ("Rich")
  Re: isql -i option doesn't work in ASE for Linux? (Raymond Li)
  Re: URGENT bootp - does tftp initiate transfer or does server push kernel? (Stuart 
R. Fuller)
  Re: Could Microsoft Cheat On The New Mindcraft Benchmark? (was: Mindcraft Retest News
  Re: first/second/third world ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Best sound card for use w/ Linux? (Gravot)
  How to configure tape compression ? (Joao Pinto)
  Little help, please? (Tarkaan)
  Re: Virus scanner for Linux? (Curley)
  Re: Could Microsoft Cheat On The New Mindcraft Benchmark? (was: Mindcraft Retest 
News (Mark S. Bilk)
  Re: RH 6.0 PPPD (Reid Rivenburgh)
  Re: changing text and bagkground colors in emacs... (Scott Lanning)
  Re: Modem too loud (can't make changes stick!) (*)
  Re: Question for vi expert ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: turning the modem speaker off (*)
  HELP: How to get window size ??? (Reg Clemens)
  Redhat 6.0 are there any know problems with Toshiba Tecras 8k??? ("Sergio Díaz")
  Re: Finding historically the number of seconds a user was logged in ("Shaun Beech")
  Re: updatedb problem in Redhat6.0 with 10Gb Harddisk (Kevin der Kinderen)
  Re: Could Microsoft Cheat On The New Mindcraft Benchmark? (Martin Vorlaender)
  Re: kernel booting woes (Edmondo)
  Fat32 Conversion - Suicidal or OK? (Alistair Hamilton)
  Strange Samba problem (Udo Wolter)
  Re: A Capitalists view of freedom (Jon Skeet)


From: "Rich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RH 6.0 PPPD
Date: 18 Jun 99 04:26:44 GMT

I'm having trouble getting ppp working which is really frustrating since it
was working a few days ago.  From the GNOME dialer I get the "The ppp
daemon died unexpectedly" message.  I can't even use minicom anymore as it
tells me I am already logged in.  My guess is that there's a lock file
somewhere causing the trouble, but where is it?


Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 12:33:18 +0800
From: Raymond Li <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.databases.sybase
Subject: Re: isql -i option doesn't work in ASE for Linux?

        In my previous post, I mentioned my problem of using the -i option of
isql. Well, finally, I have got the solution.

        First of all, I found that the isql is really working fine. Thanks to
people who assured me of this.

        Then, I finally found out that the problem is on my files. My sql text
files are copied in some sort of way, maybe ftp, or samba. And it seems
that the last line of the files are 'broken' ( that's what vi told me ).
I have located the problem and will work on it.

        Thanks to everyone who spent time on this thread!

        Raymond Li


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stuart R. Fuller)
Subject: Re: URGENT bootp - does tftp initiate transfer or does server push kernel?
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 05:00:01 GMT

Michael ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: I have read the Diskless HOWTO and the man pages on BOOTPD and TFTPD.
: I understand that the client sends it ethernet address out on a broadcast
: packet that a server will respond to (if it can) by replying with the nodes
: assigned IP (or DHCP gets involved I am worried about fixed IP right now).
: BOOTP config file has the file name etc.  I know that BOOTP uses tftp, but
: does bootp invoke tftp to push the kernel to the client or does the bootp
: client, on the node, invoke the tftp client on the node after the node
: receives its IP and the servers IP from the reply?
: In short:
: Which system initiates the file transfer using tftp, server or client?
: Does bootp invoke tftp directly?  If not, how is it done?

bootp is used to tell the booting client some information:

        - its IP address, netmask, etc.
        - who it should download its boot image (kernel)
        - what is should download
At that point, the client initiates a TFTP connection to the indicated server
to download the indicated boot image.



Subject: Re: Could Microsoft Cheat On The New Mindcraft Benchmark? (was: Mindcraft 
Retest News
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 22:38:00 -0700

On Fri, 18 Jun 1999 16:04:41 +1200, Stuart Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Jason O'Rourke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>news:7kcdb9$e6d$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> Stuart Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> As for the ridiculous statement about the litigious USA: if that were
>> true, MS would be out of business by now.  Just in the last couple months,
>> we've seen the Melissa attack, this recent nasty worm,
>It isn't MS's problem if someone exploits the tools provided in an Office
>app.  However it might be if a product didn't work as advertised - win 3.1

        Sure it is. You entrust your data to those apps.
        Just because it's a 'feature not a bug' doesn't
        make it excusable.


bash: the power to toast your registry in style...     |||
                                                      / | \

                        Seeking sane PPP Docs? Try


Subject: Re: first/second/third world
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 06:06:27 GMT

According to "All Things Considered" on NPR,  the terms
first, second and third world were coined by a French academic
to describe, respectively, nations aligned with the U.S.,
nations aligned with the U.S.S.R., and unaligned nations.

ObjGnu:  free/open software is takinging off very nicely
in this part of the world, whatever it is called.

Mark Harrison                       "Open the floppy disk door, Hal."
AsiaInfo Computer Networks
Beijing, China / Santa Clara, CA    [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Gravot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Best sound card for use w/ Linux?
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 04:40:22 GMT

In article <7kbbqh$pef$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,


> ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture folks) have called for a
> of Creative Labs. Specifically they are refusing to release any code
> only binary drivers that are 'flaky'. Since the drivers are not
> in the kernel they will never be officially supported. (Unless
> releases the programming specs like they originally agreed to.)
> Trident now has an employee on staff to develope linux drivers for
> sound devices. All the code is then donated to ALSA under the GPL. I
> recently picked up one of their 4DWave cards and have been impressed
> (low cost too).

I checked out the ALSA and Trident homepages.  The specs look good for
the 4DWave, but how is it for sound quality?  How about noise?  How
does it compare it to the Live! or AWE64?  Do you have the DX or NX
version?  Are all features supported under Linux?  TIA

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Joao Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How to configure tape compression ?
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 06:38:40 +0100


    I have installed Red Hat 5.2 Linux on a Dell PowerEdge 2300 box with
a Python 04106 tape drive (DDS-3).
    I'm  also using DDS-3 tapes, but I can't backup more than 4 Gbytes
to a single tape. I know the drive and tapes support up to 12 (or
24) Gbytes, but with compression.
    Question: I do I configure this ?
    I've been fighting with stinit and mt without any luck so far.
    Also, I've not been much sucessful in getting information on how to
accomplish this searching through the Internet.
    Does anyone have experience in this area that could help me ?
    Thanks for your assistance.


From: Tarkaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Little help, please?
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 02:01:13 -0400

Could anyone tell me how to make a file when I can't find that command,
or edit a text file when I can't find the editor command either?

I need some advice here.  My Caldera box has the infamous LILO "LI" hang
problem.  I believe I can fix it by specifying my hard disk geometry in
lilo.conf.  Upon reading some news articles on DejaNews, I think I have
to do the following:

Obtain dparam, and build it.
Run it, and obtain the correct drive geometry.
Input the geometry into my lilo.conf.

Apparently, I need to add the following lines:


to my lilo.conf.

Problem is, the only boot disk I have is my caldera install disk, and I
can't seem to find the text editor anywhere..providing that those
numbers are correct!  In an ideal world, I would be able to make the
dparam.s that I have downloaded and now resides on my hard drive..  Then
I would run the resulting app and determine the correct geometry.  Then
use an editor to add the respective numbers to my lilo.conf.  My PC
would then boot.

-- Jack Tarkaan                                      Kalamazoo, Michigan
--            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- >NO UNSOLICITED E-MAIL AT THIS ADDRESS.  Please respect my privacy.<


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Curley)
Subject: Re: Virus scanner for Linux?
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 04:56:41 GMT

On Wed, 16 Jun 1999 01:11:27 -0700, "Steven K.Iinuma"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribbled:

>> --
>>                  Welcome to Microsoft.
>>                  Please set your watch back 20 years.

Really?  Set your watch back 20 years?
Is that why microsoft is always incorporating the cutting edge / new
technologies in it's operating system?  I'm not vouching for the
stability of their OS's, or the quality of their products, but they
are definately not 20 years in the past.  


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark S. Bilk)
Subject: Re: Could Microsoft Cheat On The New Mindcraft Benchmark? (was: Mindcraft 
Retest News
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 05:52:30 GMT

In article <7kcgk8$3q9oa$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Stuart Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Jason O'Rourke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 7kcdb9$e6d$[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Stuart Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Your logic is even worse.  You note above that the subroutine was skipped.
>>>Did they reinstate that routine?  I would have thought that a prudent
>>>manufacturer would have to be sure they could support it.  If they didn't,
>>>that would leave them open to lawsuits in the litigious USA.
>>The point is that they didn't remove it, and instead left it in a way so
>>that it could easily be implemented.  The issue was not in making it run
>>on drdos, it was to make sure it wouldn't run.
>You seem to be taking a rather sinister view of all this.  Do you think that
>it might be possible that MS programmers are just lazy?  Maybe they just
>didn't remove it because they didn't get around to it.  Maybe it wasn't a
>high priority.

I can't wait to hear your explanation for why the DR-DOS
detection code was stealthed and encrypted.


From: Reid Rivenburgh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RH 6.0 PPPD
Date: 17 Jun 1999 23:29:33 -0600

 >> Rich  writes:

 > I'm having trouble getting ppp working which is really frustrating
 > since it was working a few days ago.  From the GNOME dialer I get
 > the "The ppp daemon died unexpectedly" message.  I can't even use
 > minicom anymore as it tells me I am already logged in.  My guess is
 > that there's a lock file somewhere causing the trouble, but where
 > is it?

Take a look in /var/lock.  There's probably a LCK..modem file (which
contains the process id of whatever process created it).



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott Lanning)
Subject: Re: changing text and bagkground colors in emacs...
Date: 18 Jun 1999 05:30:01 GMT

chriostopher rehm ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: how do i change the background color and text color in emacs??--the
: yellow and green is not my thing

While in emacs, type 'C-h i'. That will pop up the info pages.
Select emacs, which is near the top. Next, type 'C-s color'
to search for color. Keep typing C-s till something interesting
appears; in no time, you'll've changed your colors.

: ps please email me direct-- i dont get back to this group often

I see, only when you have an annoying question.
Tough titty, Senor Gato.

Scott Lanning: [EMAIL PROTECTED],
"It showed a lady, with a fur cap on and a fur stole, sitting upright
and holding out to the spectator a huge fur muff into which the whole
of her forearm had vanished!" --From Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis


Subject: Re: Modem too loud (can't make changes stick!)
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 07:25:27 GMT

On or about Fri, 18 Jun 1999 01:14:28 GMT, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
=> I am using the ppp-on, ppp-on-dialer, and ppp-off scripts for dialing my
=> ISP. I have set the modem speaker volume through minicom using 'ATL0'
=> but somewhere it keeps getting reset. Does anyone know where the
=> initialization string is found (either in the above or in chat)? I would
=> like to change it if this is the problem.
=> Thanks in advance
=> Jeff
=> Sent via
=> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

Edit the line in ppp-on-dialer to read ''  \rATM0
L0-L1-L2-L3 sets volume low - high
M0-M1-M2-M3 sets control off - always on 

At least on my Sportster.

unclebob at nym dot alias dot net                                             |
'idiot box (id'ee-ut) n. singular'
'linux box connected to an idiot.'


Subject: Re: Question for vi expert
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 07:32:38 GMT

Thanks all for the answers.
The answer I liked most is the 'cut' variant. This one works on also on
HP, IBM etc.


In article <7jqfeb$a2o$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Hi all
> In vi I'd like to delete column 1-10 or 5-30 orso. I know this is
> possible in vi but I don't know how to do this.
> furthermore is it also possible to delete column 1-10 on lines 5-7?
> tia
> Andre Seesink
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Subject: Re: turning the modem speaker off
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 07:41:32 GMT

On or about Fri, 18 Jun 1999 03:00:58 GMT, 
=> Hi,
=> Could anyone please tell me how I can turn off the modem speaker?
=> I have a Zoltrix 33.6 modem, slackware 3.3 and I use ezppp for
=> dialup.
=> Thank you very much,
=> Fanni.

(groups trimmed)

Is that like kppp? If so, just edit the init string to read

unclebob at nym dot alias dot net                                             |
'idiot box (id'ee-ut) n. singular'
'linux box connected to an idiot.'


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Reg Clemens)
Subject: HELP: How to get window size ???
Date: 18 Jun 1999 08:29:38 GMT

Other versions of unix have ioctl's (TIOCGWINSZ, TIOCGSIZE)
that will return the window size.

I suspect Linux must have the something similar, but I cant find
it anywhere.

DOES anyone know how to get the (current) window size in

                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Sergio Díaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Redhat 6.0 are there any know problems with Toshiba Tecras 8k???
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 15:08:51 GMT

Hi there,

I reinstalled rh6 on my Toshiba tecra 8000 again
because the first time it locked at the login screen
and had to TURN it off in order to do anything.

Second time around, samething, no problems during install
and after starting up again I was able for about 2 seconds to
key in root, but right after that it dies.

The displays shuts it self down and its done for the session.

What the heck its going on? I never had these problems with
rh 5.2... this is sucking big time.

I'll reinstall it again, but I'm affraid the same would happen.

Maybe it has something to do with the display no? The first time
the machine locked and now it dies....

What is a safe bet when choosing the display adapter?
Any know problems with this toshiba model?

Thanks a bunch for your help!

- Sergio



From: "Shaun Beech" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Finding historically the number of seconds a user was logged in
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 09:41:53 +0200

try a man on accounting

Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Paul Wickham wrote:
> >
> > Hi
> >
> > Does anyone know if the number of seconds that a login session lasted is
> > recorded anywhere. We want to be able to produce a monthly report which
> > shows every session that a user started and the number of seconds that
> > session lasted. Similar to the last command, but unfortunately last only
> > records the number of minutes, which is a bit too imprecise for our
> > Incidentally the sessions we are trying to record
> > Can anyone give me some suggestions?
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Paul Wickham
> last (a command :-)
> Marc


From: Kevin der Kinderen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware,
Subject: Re: updatedb problem in Redhat6.0 with 10Gb Harddisk
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 09:38:27 GMT

"Frederic L. W. Meunier" wrote:
> What is wrong? Can somebody tell me? Thank you
> ---
> Well, this error message when you run locate is because locate can't find the 
>database. RedHat 6.0 ships with slocate (Secure Locate) and the database is in 
>/var/lib/slocate/slocate.db. If updatedb fails during the process, no database is 
> --

I ran updatedb -v to show the files being indexed. It hung on
/.automount (this is a new installation).

I then ran updatedb -v -e /.automount and it hung on /misc (excluded it)
/net (excluded it) and it completed.

The final command was:

updatedb -v -e /.automount -e /misc -e /net

This seems to be strange behavior to me. Those three directories have
the same owner, group and permissions as the other directories in /.


Kevin der Kinderen
icq: 9219322 aim: kkinderen


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martin Vorlaender)
Subject: Re: Could Microsoft Cheat On The New Mindcraft Benchmark?
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 09:45:27 +0200

Chad Mulligan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>Mark Evans wrote...
>>Chad Mulligan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> [...]  If you doubt the value of redundancy, check out a
>>> VAX cluster sometime, two to four machines acting as a single entity
>> IIRC the original version of the VAX cluster was 10 nodes, either
>> Processors or HSC's with the disks being capable of being connected
>> to more than one HSC at once.

Currently, a VMScluster is specified to run with at most 96 nodes.
This limit is arbitrary, as DEC^WCompaq just didn't bother to test more.
I've heard of clusters with up to 110 nodes.

>Sound about right, but I've heard a rumor of a company that used that
>technology to completely mirror their data center at different locations.
>If one went down, the other responed, seamlessly.

A VMS cluster saved the Credit Lyonnais in France when the trading room
in the bank's headquarters went on fire.

                        | Martin Vorlaender | VMS & WNT programmer
 VMS is today what      | work: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Microsoft wants        |
 Windows NT 8.0 to be!  | home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Jürgen Pfann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,alt.os.linux
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 10:52:52 +0200

Hello there !

Art S. Kagel wrote:
> Informix was the FIRST commercial relational database to deliver a
> WORKING relational database, Informix SE, and the FIRST to DELIVER a
> working, current version, QA tested and supported, enterprise quality
> relational database server, Informix Dynamic Server.  Informix SE is

You could get linux versions of ADABAS D, which is a fully
featured, client/server or even distributed relational database system
(in case someone doesn't know) as free trials without C/S functionality
or as licensed full product with ODBC support for Win & Linux clients
since around spring '97, AFAIK (at least in Germany, maybe they lack
good PR in US). So my guess is, ADABAS D was the first commercial
relational DB ! 
Please note that I don't want to start a flame war about DBs,
nor do I do PR for any company; my intentions was just to
put things right.



From: Edmondo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: kernel booting woes
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 10:57:30 +0200

Do you become which error at boot time? Does the kernel
start to load or hangs on with a LILO message like LI?

Try to compile the kernel with the make bzlilo and not zlilo
option. Maybe it is too big and zlilo can not handle that.


> hi there
>         i cant get a new kernel to boot , any obvious (to you) errors here in
> this configuration??


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alistair Hamilton)
Subject: Fat32 Conversion - Suicidal or OK?
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 09:52:20 GMT

I have a multi-bood system with a shared HDD.  Win98 and Linux. Win98
is on the active partition, and boot is controlled by lilo. So:

        lilo boot:                       /dev/hda
        win98:                   /dev/hda1 - fat 16
        linux boot images         /dev/hda5
        linux root                      /dev/hda6
        linux swap                    /dev/hda7

I'd really like /dev/hda1 (the windows C drive) to be fat 32.

Any idea what might happen if I run the Windows fat32 conversion

I don't mind having to convert, boot Linux of a floppy, and re-install
lilo. I don't particularly want to have to re-install Windows from
scratch. Maybe, I could make hda5 active and install lilo there, but
I'm note sure that this will work.

It is essential that Linux can continue to read and write the Windows
partition, but I believe that fat 32 is no problem with recent kernels
(mine is 2.2.6).

Has anyone tried anything like this? If so, how did you get on.

If I convert the partition, I will report back with the news, good or



From: Udo Wolter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Strange Samba problem
Date: 18 Jun 1999 11:55:51 +0200

Hi !

I'm using Suse 6.1 and tried to use Samba as Server for a Win98 system.
When I try to export ext2 filesystems there seems to be no problem.
I can read, write, delete, move, copy files & directories.

When I try to export a vfat filesystem I can read & write, but I can't
delete & move. What's the problem here (I tried it with the same
settings as with the ext2 filesystems). In Win98 Explorer these files also
appear to be gray shaded.

When I mount them with smbmount or try to access them via smbclient
everything is normal. Deleting & moving are working fine. Is there something
special about win98 ?

Thanx & Bye,
Udo Wolter, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], www:
!!!! LOW-TECH Page: !!!!


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jon Skeet)
Subject: Re: A Capitalists view of freedom
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 08:46:29 +0100


> >Why is that a fundamentally anti-democratic notion? There are always 
> >areas where the general population is regarded as untrustworthy, 
>       This sounds like prior constraint, which is supposed to be a no-no.
>       While it is true that the rule of law exists to ensure that self-
>       ish idiots do not interfere with the idiots of others, pre-emptively
>       taking devices away doesn't fall into such a category.

Again I say - what about nukes? Do you support a citizen's right to own a 
nuke? Why should one law apply to a gun and one to a nuke?
> >Complete trust isn't democracy - it's anarchy.
>       Except complete trust isn't be advocated, merely not rolling
>       back the 'trust' that's already been established.

Does this apply to everywhere, or just the US? I'm interested to know 
whether you think that every country should agree not to restrict 
anything more than it does now, or whether you just believe that the US 
has perfect laws.

> >>      It's the same justification either way. Logic good
> >>    for one is just as good for the other.
> >
> >And where do the US encryption laws fit into this?
>       This is another fine example of not trusting the general
>       population actually, and preventing them from exercising
>       liberty at all rather than run the risk that they might
>       'abuse' it.
Personally I'd rather someone mailed me an encrypted message than shot 

>       Mind you, with either class of destructive devices (nukes
>       or firearms) I am not opposed to some serious certification
>       processes. 

That's at least a start...




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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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