Linux-Misc Digest #713, Volume #20               Sun, 20 Jun 99 19:13:07 EDT

  Soundcore Locks Up System (David Tansley)
  Sound problem when upgrading to 2.2 kernel ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: RH modem problem (Jay Daniels)
  Re: Linux viruses (jik-)
  Children's Software (jik-)
  Re: Off-line news reader (mist)
  GAMECENTER.COM - Features - Linux and the Gaming Community ("testtest")
  Re: Microcom motem problem with kernel 2.2 (Dan Crooks)
  Re: RH 6.0 Upgrade Well Behaved? (Dan Crooks)
  GAMECENTER.COM - Features - Linux and the Gaming Community ("testtest")
  Re: A Capitalists view of freedom (Jim Richardson)
  Re: Lilo: booting 2 Linux partitions - Help (Cooper)
  pixmap program on Red Hat 5.2 (Neil Zanella)
  Re: editorial: Stupid Linux Tricks (Matthias Benkmann)
  Re: How to use USR modem connect to the internet? (cookies)
  Re: Commercially speaking....? ("Chad Mulligan")


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Tansley)
Subject: Soundcore Locks Up System
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 08:13:04 GMT

I have a problem with my Linux installation (both Redhat 6.0 
and SuSE 6.0). The problem is with the Soundcore module in kernel
2.2.5 and later. Everytime I load the soundcore module, or compile
it into the kernel itself and then boot, the machine locks up shortly
after, requiring a reset key press....this causes havok with my
filesystems as you can imagine.

I'm pretty sure it's not the soundcard drivers themselves that 
are causing the lockups...I've tried both the creative SBLive 
drivers and my onboard SB card, both with the same results.

Anyone have a clue to whats happening? Or a solution possibly?
Sound remains the last Holy Grail towards making Linux a useable




Subject: Sound problem when upgrading to 2.2 kernel
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 17:30:35 -0400

I just upgraded to the 2.2 kernel from 2.0.36 and for some reason I have
getting problems with my sound card. I currently have a Synergy
which is pretty much just anohter name for a Gravis Ultrasound Extreme.
has an ESS1688 chipset on it which worked fine with the 2.0 kernel, but
2.2 I get weird errors. On boot, I get the following:

ESS chip ES1688 detected (kernel 2.0 compatible)
sb: Interrupt test on IRQ5 failed - Probable IRQ conflict
<ESS ES1688 AudioDrive (rev 11) (3.01)> at 0x220 irq 5 dma 1,5
<Yamaha OPL3> at 0x388
Sound initialization complete

So it detects properly but I get the IRQ error. In my BIOS I reserved
so there aren't any other devices that use it. Then when I try to play
audio with something like mpg123, I get the following error:

Sound: DMA (output) timed out - IRQ/DRQ config error?

This repeats over and over as well as the first second of sound being
along with it until I kill the process. Does anyone know what might be
this? Its annoying to not have sound when upgrading the kernel, and I
hate to fall back to the 2.0 series again and lose some features.


From: Jay Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: RH modem problem
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 16:40:57 -0400

Jimmy Navarro wrote:
> After connecting PPP using usernet but won't disconnect for some reason
> and I would do like "ps | grep ppp"
>   460   1 S    0:00 sh /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-ppp daemon
> ifcfg-ppp1
>   467   1 S    0:00 /usr/sbin/pppd -detach lock modem crtscts
> defaultroute mru 1
>   528  p1 R    0:00 grep ppp
> then "kill -9 460" and "kill -9 467" but then it can't re-dial out
> either via usernet nor Minicom saying /dev/modem locked.
> How can I unlock the modem?  Thanks...  )-:

Look for a modem lock file and delete it.

Mines in /var/lock/

       "Captain, I just uploaded a virus called Windows to the
        Klingon computer system."
Jay Daniels            Pc-Technical Services                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: jik- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux viruses
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 14:37:40 -0700

WME wrote:
> > How many times has this question got to be asked in a week?  I though we
> > had already had the recomended daily allowance of "Linux Viri"
> > questions.  Has this question made it to #1 in the FAQ yet?
> Sorry man i didn't now my question would upset u!!

Its just that you could have looked up a few threads and find your
answer...a efw more up and see it again...etc.  A simple archive search
would tell you this question gets asked A LOT...noone seems to bother
reading the posts to this newsgroup before the post questions.  I myself
have answered this question more times then I care to gets
annoying after the first few hundred times.


From: jik- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Children's Software
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 14:28:37 -0700

Is there any kind of children's software for linux?  I think a secure
system like linux offers is best strategy for allowing children access
to the computer.

If there is none, I would be willing to help develop some stuff, but I
am by no means some child would be hard for me to design
with children in mind so I would need help.  But I figured some basic
math and language type programs would be neat...maybe a little child
science as well.  Course optimally it would be language independant, but
I only know English.  Hey, maybe some cultural education would be good


From: mist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Off-line news reader
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 22:09:46 +0100
Reply-To: mist <new$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[EMAIL PROTECTED] scribed to us that -
>Hi there,
>Real simple question - can anybody reccomend a good _off-line_
>news reader? When I wandered aimlessly in the world of Microsoft
>I used a news reader called 'Free Agent'. I've tried the KDE
>news reader, but it has a number of problems.
>Any ideas? It costs way too much to view the news via

Agent will run under WINE.  <URL:>



From: "testtest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: GAMECENTER.COM - Features - Linux and the Gaming Community
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 21:55:13 GMT



Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 14:31:23 -0700
From: Dan Crooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Microcom motem problem with kernel 2.2

I just upgraded from 5.2 to 6.0 Redhat and noticed that 6.0 didn't like the
to cua0 worked, but gave me an message that said to switch to
the device ttyS0 instead.  I made the change and all is working fine.


> Previously I had no problem with the modem using network manager
> or kppp to connect to internet.
> Now that I upgraded to RH6.0 (from 5.2) I cant get connectet at correct
> speed.
> I have always had the speed set to 57000 bps, and the modem still
> connected in 33600 bps. Now after the upgrate the modem connection is
> terrible slow, about 200bytes/sec.
> Can it be that the new kernel have a problem with my microcom deskporte
> S modem, or are all modems treated the same way ?
> Has anyone had this problem, and know of a solution ?
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 14:28:30 -0700
From: Dan Crooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RH 6.0 Upgrade Well Behaved?

Just my two cents worth on the upgrade path...I upgraded from 5.2 to 6.0 RedHat
with no problems.  Took about 20 minutes.  Only thing I had to "fix" was
IPMasq...everything else
stayed in place and still works.

Rich wrote:

> Not sure about KDE, but in general upgrading Redhat is not recommended.  I
> had nothing but problems running the upgrade.  I suggest backing up your
> important files and doing the full install of Redhat 6.  Choose Custom
> rather than Workstation or Server (WS and server both will delete your
> existing partitions), reformat your existing partitions to get rid of old
> libraries and such, and then do the install.  Also, get the $2 CD from
> Cheapbytes or Linuxmall rather than buying the official set for $80.  All
> the $80 gets you is two printed manuals (which are on the CD electronically
> anyway), an install floppy(which you can make from the CD) and tech
> support.  Redhat tech support appears tries to help you but in most cases
> you get better answers from the newsgroups.
> Steve D. Perkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
> >     I've been reading all the nasty complaint posts over the past
> >
> > month about RedHat 6.0... specifically how the KDE distribution
> > that comes with it gets installed to directories totally
> > different than the standard.  I was wondering if I'm running KDE
> > 1.1.1 on RH 5.2... will installing RH 6.0 with the "upgrade"
> > option mess up my KDE, install a seperate copy in a different
> > directory, or anything else crummy like that?
> >
> >
> >     Also, is there really any compelling reason to do this
> > upgrade right now anyway?  I remember when 5.2 came out... it
> > seemed like OVERNIGHT that every Linux application available for
> > download wanted you to have 5.2 instead of 5.0 or 5.1.  However,
> > I haven't really seen anything out there yet that "requires"
> > 6.0... or even has an updated version optimized for it.  Is there
> >
> > any real compelling reason to jump from 5.2 to 6.0... or is it
> > similar to the Microsoft situation with Win95 vs. Win98?
> >
> >
> > Steve
> >
> >
> >
> >


From: "testtest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: GAMECENTER.COM - Features - Linux and the Gaming Community
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 21:56:18 GMT



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Richardson)
Subject: Re: A Capitalists view of freedom
Date: 20 Jun 1999 21:10:13 GMT

On 19 Jun 1999 02:33:06 +0200, 
 David Kastrup, in the persona of 

 brought forth the following words...:

>Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> small arms did bring democracy to europe.  feudalism came before.
>Tell that to the Greek.  They will be disappointed to hear that
>feudalism came before ancient Greece and Athens.  And what small arms
>exactly started democracy atseveral hundred years BC did you say?
>> > You are not mixing up periods, per chance?  The area of knighthood was
>> > ended by the longbow and the crossbow, as well as the Mongolians.
>> > There were quite a few butcherings before the message was got
>> > across.
>> the crossbow is a democratic weapon in that most anyone can use it.
>But it is not an affordable weapon.  It needs a specialist to build it.

no, crossbows are simple to build, a village blacksmith can hammer one out in
an afternoon. There are simpler weapons true. But the crossbow is pretty basic.
 (I made one as a 14y.o., although the prod was a leaf spring from a truck and
that is the toughest part to do in a lot of ways.)

>> muskets, rifles, crossbows and longbows are cheap and available to the
>> masses.  this allowed democracy to flourish.
>If you are talking about the French revolution (not much democratic
>before that in core Europe), I am afraid that the weapons have been
>more like pickaxes, pitchforks and guillotines.

"carefulll buddy, I have  a pocket guillotine here, and I know how to use it" 


Jim Richardson
All hail Eris
"Linux, where do you want to go tomorrow?"


From: Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.slackware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Lilo: booting 2 Linux partitions - Help
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 23:56:58 -0100

Dave wrote:
> I have been running Win95 and Linux side by side for a couple of years
> now.  I have used LILO as my Boot Loader without problem.  I now have
> installed Slackware 4.0 onto another hard disk in my system and I want
> to be able to add that to Lilo.
> When I added it it seems that I either boot my Linux 2.0 kernel for both
> choices or my Linux 2.2 kernel for both, although it does mount the 2.0
> root and I choose 2.0 and the 2.2 root when I choose 2.2.  How do I set
> up Lilo to boot the /vmlinuz on /dev/hda3 when I choose 2.0 and the
> /vmlinuz on /dev/hdc3 when I choose 2.2?
> Any advice will be appreciated.

This lies in the way lilo works.
What you need to do is this:
The main Linux you intend to run (i.e. the one you intend to keep in the
long run) you set up with lilo and set this up in such a way that it
only boots the partition the other Linux is on. Use something like this
in your lilo.conf:

Next you go to that second Linux partition (either perform this step
first, or run the original Linux from LILO with the added statements
like so: <assumed is that it's named linux>
LILO: linux root=/dev/hdc3 ro
and you boot the other Linux but with your old kernel)

On this second Linux partition you set lilo up to place itself on the
partition with 0 second delay. What you're doing is from the main lilo
from the other Linux you get the prompt. You've chosen the other linux
which should by now just get along with it. The lilo for that other one,
using /dev/hdc3 again as the root partition, should look like this:
boot=/dev/hdc3  # put it on the partition, not the MBR

If you need to use an APPEND line in the main lilo.conf you need to
include it here too.
Now if you run lilo from the second lilo partition you add lilo to the
partition, making the partition itself bootable. The main lilo only has
to kick in the partition.
Added advantage is that you can update each Linux's lilo without the
other one knowing about it.

Linux: Proof of intelligent life on earth


From: Neil Zanella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: pixmap program on Red Hat 5.2
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 19:08:27 -0230


I have been trying to compile the famous pixmap program

on a Red Hat 5.2 box. A search on AltaVista documents that

the program runs on SuSE Linux 5.3 and perhaps also 6.0.

Why then, is it not compiling on Red Hat Linux?

Do I need to have X11R5 or X11R4 installed in addition to X11R6?

(BTW, the GIMP is not so good in that it is too complex. For the purpose

of generating a simple pixmap a simple program like pixmap itself

would be much better. I still haven't found a way to edit bitmaps

directly with the GIMP as with the bitmap program, nor does there

seem to be a way to draw thin lines.)

Anyway, please let me know if anyone manage to compile pixmap

successfully on Red Hat Linux.

Pixmap is at: 


in various forms, none of which worked for me.


Neil Zanella


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthias Benkmann)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.development
Subject: Re: editorial: Stupid Linux Tricks
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 22:10:55 GMT

>Back at that time, back in 'the days', MS was a software/languages house.
>They could cut you up a version of BASIC within a couple weeks, customised
>to the customer's specs.  All the RatShack machines used to use it,
>including the CoCo 2 & 3 that I owned as a couple of my first home
>computers.  Fun stuff.
>MS's BASICs weren't that bad, when you get down to it...

2 years ago, I started working on an MSX 2 (old HC) emulator. Guess
what, I found a very stupid bug in the ROM BASIC which was done by
Microsoft. It's in some draw function for a rarely used graphics mode,
which shows that even back then they didn't debug their code and
instead waited till the bugs showed up in daily operation (which
seemingly never happend for this one cause no one uses this graphics
mode). MSB


From: cookies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to use USR modem connect to the internet?
Date: 20 Jun 1999 22:30:52 GMT

Can you tell me more about the specification of your modem?
Mine is USR oem alana dfv pci v.90, can it work with Redhat5.2?
Ed Young wrote:
> I have a 56K US Robotic PNP modem.  It's working fine with
> Linux.  Beware, USR sells a WinModem (that's pronounced LoseModem).
> If it's a WinModem, it won't work -- period -- in Linux.
> The secret for the PNP Modem is:
>   1) use isapnptools 'pnpdump' to make a /etc/isapnp.conf file 
>      configuring your modem.  You have to edit the dumped file.
>   2) Add the following lines to your /etc/rc.d/rc.local file:
>      # Setting up USRobotics PNP Modem
>        setserial -b /dev/modem auto_irq skip_test autoconfig
> There are many ways to set up your dialing environment: diald, ezppp,
> ppp-on come to mind.  You'll have to RTFM and decide which one meets
> your particular needs...
> Kangoroo wrote:
> > 
> > Hello,
> > I just install Linux RedHat 5.2.  I have a 56K US Robotic modem which I
> > connect to ISP Earthlink in Win98.  In Linux, I try to set up PPP but 
> > doesn't work.  So how do I set up, dial phone, and connect to the
> > internet in the Linux environment?  Thank you in advance for any help.

==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


From: "Chad Mulligan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Commercially speaking....?
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 15:44:25 -0700

Anthony Ord wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>On Fri, 18 Jun 1999 23:37:48 +0100, "mike ryder"
>>Jeff Shern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>> > >
>>> > >DOS was part way there, indeed some non MS versions of DOS
>>> > >were multi-tasking. And for that matter Concurrent CP/M was
>>> > >also multi-tasking...
>>> >
>>> > Yeah, I remember double-DOS.  Anyone here ever been subjected to Pick?
>>Yeah, I'm into Pick - a really clever O/S with its own database - minimal
>>hardware with lots of users.
>I have a vague recollection of LIST <dbname> WITH x = "y"
>AND y = "z" <fieldnames>
>Is that it?

That be it.

>>And now - you should see it zip running on Linux !
>It runs on Linux?
>| And when our worlds                   |
>| They fall apart                       |
>| When the walls come tumbling in       |
>| Though we may deserve it              |
>| It will be worth it  - Depeche Mode   |



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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