Linux-Misc Digest #757, Volume #20               Wed, 23 Jun 99 18:13:17 EDT

  Re: Visual Programming Tools for Linux? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Garbage in floating point numbers? (Lew Pitcher)
  Re: Problems reading CD created under Win9x ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Road Runner and Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: go back and forward in directory tree (Paul Kimoto)
  Re: write Bat file ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  fax with isdn possible? (Dirk Melcher)
  Re: Linux Installation Questions (Donovan Rebbechi)
  Re: Garbage in floating point numbers? ("UNiDoG")
  Re: which is better? ("Steve D. Perkins")
  Re: newbie: about tarring (Marc Mutz)
  Re: Visual Programming Tools for Linux? (Marc Mutz)
  Re: telnet daemon (Raymond Doetjes)
  Software for making pie and bar charts wanted (Dirk Melcher)
  Best VLB/PCI vid card for RedHat 6.0 (Dweezel Zappa)
  Re: Trying to install minicom: get a error message (Frederic L. W. 
  Re: Red Hat 6.0 & LaTeX (Marc Mutz)
  Re: Visual Programming Tools for Linux? (Marc Mutz)
  Re: Best VLB/PCI vid card for RedHat 6.0 ("David Lyons")
  Re: Trying to do a triple boot setup (Stephen Granger)
  Re: How to pronounce SuSE? (Lee Doolan)
  Re: Children's Software (jik-)
  Re: A REALLY Dumb Question (Ken Williams)
  Re: Looking for Driver SiS 530 (Mircea)
  Re: Shared libraries: DLL hell for Linux (david parsons)
  Re: open systems?!? Re: Why does Apple not cooperate with Be? ("William Edward 
  Re: "LI" Fixed! Magic Number now.. (Tarkaan)
  Visual Programming Tools for Linux? (Todd Sorensen)


Subject: Re: Visual Programming Tools for Linux?
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 18:16:38 GMT

On Wed, 23 Jun 1999 09:56:43 -0700, Todd Sorensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Does anyone know of any visual development tools for Linux/X? I have

there are two visual programming enviroment in develop
grad is for the gnome/gtk-toolkit and
a similar programm for kde/qt-toolkit

>Delphi and C++ Builder in the past to create simple windows apps and was
>wondering if there is something similar for linux and X. (C/C++ is
>Joshua Grauman


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lew Pitcher)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Re: Garbage in floating point numbers?
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 19:49:52 GMT

You've discovered the wonderfull world of floatingpoint math.

To make a long explanation short, floating point numbers aren't precise;
depending on the value, they may round or truncate the expected number

It's just an artifact of floatingpoint; live with it.

On Wed, 23 Jun 1999 19:32:57 +0000, Rajarshi Bandyopadhyay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>Hi all,
>Please take a look at the following 3-line program.
>       float t=0.001;
>       float u=1/t;
>       printf("%f\n",u);  //u expected to be 1000
>The actual output is 999.999939. 
>On debugging using gdb, we find that t is actually assigned as
>0.00100000005. This seems to be the cause of the discrepancy.
>What is the reason for this garbage at the tail of the fp number?
>I am writing a program which depends on the precise values of fp
>numbers and this problem is f****ing it all up!
>How do I get around it?

Lew Pitcher
System Consultant, Integration Solutions Architecture
Toronto Dominion Bank


(Opinions expressed are my own, not my employer's.)


Subject: Re: Problems reading CD created under Win9x
Date: 23 Jun 1999 18:47:20 GMT

R Potts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb
am Tue, 22 Jun 1999 09:48:53 -0300 in comp.os.linux.development.apps:
RP> I recently donwloaded a 140MB file and had some one copy it to a CD for me
RP> under Win95.  When I look at the CD under Linux I can see 68MB of the file
RP> but when I look at it under a Win95 macine I can see the whole thing.

RP> What's up with this and how can I see the whole file.  I don't have access
RP> to a CD-RW under Linux or another UNIX OS.

Bill Gates' company kicked in ass of the iso organisation. They changed
the CD Filesystem in their Windows environments.
I think you got a MS-Joilliet formated filesystem. Ouch. Some CD Writer
tools have the MS-Joliet as Standard CDFS.

The Solution is to use a 2.2.x kernel and enable the MS Joiliet extensions
for the iso9660 filesystem.


- Professionelle Linux Server, Professioneller Support und Dienstleistungen ---
- AutomatiX GmbH  - Vollautomatische Kransteuerungen & SAP fähiges Lagergerät -
- Jürgen Sauer Neue Str. 11 28790 Schwanewede        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- +49 4209-4699 +49 172-5466499  FAX  +49 4209 4644  -


Subject: Road Runner and Linux
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 20:20:18 GMT

Hello Everyone...

I recently moved and would like to get cable modem access at my new
location. I am now living in Cincinnati, and found out that my cable
provider Time Warner will be introducing the Road Runner service in my
area this summer.
However, the only OS's available on the sign in list are for Win9x and
Macs. I did some searching and it seems like there are linux people out
there using the RR service.
Can someone please let me know how to connect...i.e. kernel
configurations, programs to download, etc? Any answers are very
appreciated. Thanks in advance...


Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Kimoto)
Subject: Re: go back and forward in directory tree
Date: 23 Jun 1999 15:36:11 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Vic Mortelmans wrote:
> Is there (preferrably in bash) a way to browse the directory tree like
> you do with webpages? I mean going back to the previously visited
> directory,...

You can maintain a "stack" (i.e., first-in first-out list) of (visited)
directories using the "pushd" and "popd" bash shell builtins.  Use "dirs"
to inspect the stack.

Paul Kimoto             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Subject: Re: write Bat file
Date: 23 Jun 1999 19:28:31 GMT

am 11 Jun 1999 13:03:52 GMT in comp.os.linux.misc:
lms> In his obvious haste, edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> babbled thusly:
lms> : Just like window95  *.bat file.  I want to write a BAT file in linux to
lms> : common a series of command.  What should i do? Can anyone teach me how
lms> : to do it?  Thanks!

lms> What do you mean by "common" a series of commands?
Why did you not help him ?

Do it so:
Take an editor and write the "batch" file you want.
The filename you have to choose can be everything, you do not need to
name it with a special extension.

Here is a beginner's cookbook for scripting:
        1. Dos/Win Batch files are know as "script" in the unix world.
        2. Choose a name for your script, i.e. my-script
        3. Edit the script: "vi my-script" or "emacs my-script"
        4. Put the "Magic Line" in the first line of the script.
           You can choose the Script interpreter as you want:
           "#!/usr/bin/perl" for a perl script,
           "#!/usr/X11R6/bin/wish" for a tcl/tk script (simple a X11 script)
           Be certain that the path to the scriptinterpreter is right.
           Every thing after this magic line will be feed into the script
        5. Edit your commands according to the syntax of the script processor.
           There is possible: sh (Posix Shell), bash (Bourne Again Shell),
           csh (C-Shell), ksh, pdksh (Korn shell), Perl, tcl, tcl/tk, basic
           Choose your favorite one.
        6. After finishing your editing you have to set the right permissions
           to the new script. Your Editor saves your work as pure data,
           which is not allowed to the system to execute it.
           "chmod +x my-script"
           If you do that not, you will get:
           "bash: my-script: permission denied" This means, the system is not
           allowed to execute this "data" File. Read mor about permissions to
           allow or deny the readbility/writeabilty/executability off your
           Files for other users on your system. This is a security matter,
           be carefull with scripts for the "root" user!.
        7. try to run the script:
           "./my-script", for example.
           If you get:
           "bash: my-script: command not found"
           Then your script is not in the Path which is set in your
           $PATH Environment variable. In Unix shells commands are not
           searched in the actual directory (pwd), if this is not listed
           in the $PATH environment variable. In this case start the script
           like that:
           "./my-script" or give the absolute path like: "/home/xy/my-script"
           If you want a behavior like known in DOS do this (in bash):
                export PATH=$PATH:.
           be carefully doinf this with the root user permamently or setting 
           this in the system's profile.
           Better add this to the user's profile.
           would be interesting to read about your main shell, esp. if you
           want to script with it. "man bash"
        8. if you get:
           "bash: my-script: No such file or directory"
           There is a typo in the Magic Line of the script, pointing to a
           script interpreter which does not exist. i.e.:
           The programm /bin/shh does not exist, so this would not work.
Good Luck

- Professionelle Linux Server, Professioneller Support und Dienstleistungen ---
- AutomatiX GmbH  - Vollautomatische Kransteuerungen & SAP fähiges Lagergerät -
- Jürgen Sauer Neue Str. 11 28790 Schwanewede        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- +49 4209-4699 +49 172-5466499  FAX  +49 4209 4644  -


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dirk Melcher)
Subject: fax with isdn possible?
Date: 23 Jun 1999 22:20:45 +0100

Hi everybody.

the subject says it all: Is it possible to send faxes via isdn? As
far as I've read packages like sendfax and hylafax require a faxmodem,
but my be there is a workaround or a software package I don't know?
Any hint would be greatly appreciated!



* Dr. Dirk Melcher     email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
* Lenschower Weg 2c              Fax  : 0451-4801-100            *
* 23564 Luebeck                  Tel. : 0451-7073357             *


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donovan Rebbechi)
Subject: Re: Linux Installation Questions
Date: 23 Jun 1999 20:31:58 GMT

On Wed, 23 Jun 1999 17:19:49 GMT, Anthony Ord wrote:
>On 21 Jun 1999 03:46:09 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>(Donovan Rebbechi) wrote:

>>You can run Netscape in linux. If you want to use your bookmarks file 
>>from windows, you need to copy the file into your linux installation.
>Can't you symlink it?

I guess so. You need to mount the dos partition with the right arguments
though ( out of the box, users can't write to it. ) 



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Re: Garbage in floating point numbers?
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 22:03:08 +0200

Rajarshi Bandyopadhyay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Please take a look at the following 3-line program.
> main(){
> float t=0.001;
> float u=1/t;
> printf("%f\n",u);  file://u expected to be 1000
> }
> The actual output is 999.999939.
> On debugging using gdb, we find that t is actually assigned as
> 0.00100000005. This seems to be the cause of the discrepancy.
> What is the reason for this garbage at the tail of the fp number?
> I am writing a program which depends on the precise values of fp
> numbers and this problem is f****ing it all up!
> How do I get around it?

Use   double   for both variables... which will use 64 bits for them (not 32
like with float)
This happens because the 32 bit variable uses 1 bit for the sign of the
exponent, 1 bit for the sign of the actual number, 7 bits for the
exponent... and only 23 bit for the number (actualy 24 since the first 1
isn't stored).
0.001(dec) = 0.0000000001000001100010010011011101001...... etc (or
something).... (0.001 can not be stored correctly binary, if i didn't
which means the computer stores 0.1000001100010010011011101001.... x10^9
or + 0.10000...... (24 digits) x 10^(+9)
So, when you calculate something with it, you'll only have something like
Solutions... take more bits to store the variables or use other formulas

Hope this makes sense :)


From: "Steve D. Perkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: which is better?
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 20:05:41 +0000

        In my humble opinion they're both pretty fucking stupid.

        Sex is good for selling almost anything when it's used in a
clever and subtle suggestive manner.  When blatantly out in the
open... sex is only good for selling beer, cologne, condoms, and

        Computer operating systems do not fall under the "blatantly out
in the open" category, nor do these ads fall under the category
of "clever".  <smile>



Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 20:42:32 +0200
From: Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,redhat.general
Subject: Re: newbie: about tarring

Lew Pitcher wrote:
> Besides the obvious dangers of having to restore to a drive of exactly
> the same geometry as the backed up driver, do you see any problem with
> backing up a drive using something like...
>    tar -czvf hda1.tar /dev/hda1
What you really wanted to do was probably this:
dd if=/dev/hda1 bs=512 | gzip > hda1.gz
to restore you would type:
gunzip -c hda1.gz | dd of=/dev/hda1 bs=512



Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 20:34:07 +0200
From: Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: Visual Programming Tools for Linux?

Todd Sorensen wrote:
> Does anyone know of any visual development tools for Linux/X? I have
> used
> Delphi and C++ Builder in the past to create simple windows apps and was
> wondering if there is something similar for linux and X. (C/C++ is
> preferable)
> Thanks.
Although not quite like what you know, the XForms library has an
application builder. Maybe the KDE and Gnome folk have such in progress?
Check their web sites...



From: Raymond Doetjes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: telnet daemon
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 17:38:28 +0200

With MSM (MicroNetics Mumps 4.4.x and higher for Windows NT/Unix), you write
your own socket applications.
What is it what you would like to accomplish here?

I can't beleive that I found another Mumps user hehe.
I ran the Cache Linux demo version. But nowadays I only use RDBMS's my other
colleques use MUMPS.


Ross Jones wrote:

> Does anyonre know of a telnet daemon that supports the SOCKS 4 protocol.
> I need to find one for a datat general machine running the magic
> OS(formally mumps).
> thanks in advance.
> ross

  Why use Windows
     Real Men
Have Invented Doors?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dirk Melcher)
Subject: Software for making pie and bar charts wanted
Date: 23 Jun 1999 22:20:47 +0100

Hi everybody,

does anybody know of a package which can produce pie and bar charts? A
special requirement is that these charts have to be produced
non-interactively which means that they should be controled by
something like a script or command paramters. Preferbly the output
should be postscript and/or gif. Any hints would be greatly



* Dr. Dirk Melcher     email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
* Lenschower Weg 2c              Fax  : 0451-4801-100            *
* 23564 Luebeck                  Tel. : 0451-7073357             *


From: Dweezel Zappa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Best VLB/PCI vid card for RedHat 6.0
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 12:34:19 -0700

I am going to build an inexpensive PC to run Red Hat 6.0,
and was wondering what the best Video cards are.  I want
a video card that is very fast in 2-D, and is 101% supported
in X.  Not the most recent vid cards please, (unless is totally rocks
and dosent cost too much.)

Any Ideas?

Thanks so much!


If you need to email me, my email address is :
_cwillison_ at _vrcis_ dot com (and remove the underscores!)


From: Frederic L. W. Meunier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Trying to install minicom: get a error message
Date: 18 Jun 1999 08:55:14 GMT

When I try to install the minicom RPM I get an error message that says that
I need  Where do I get the, or newer,
Get the source and compile yourself. It's safe to do this. BTW, you have which version 
of ncurses? 1.9.9?

|Frederic L. W. Meunier running Linux marseille 2.2.9                 |
|Tel: +55-21-620-7173 (Brazil) Site: |
|Frames, Javascript, mail with HTML, Spam and the idiot? /dev/null    |
|This tagline is for the idiot who say WHAT?                          |


Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 23:04:08 +0200
From: Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.text.tex
Subject: Re: Red Hat 6.0 & LaTeX

Frank Sweetser wrote:
> David Kastrup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > RedHat 6.0 upgrade is utterly broken, and in spite of dozens of bug
> > reports from the start, they still have not put out any official
> > notice or fix.  They are really trying to set up a track record of
> > incredibly shoddy upgrades.  5.1 was very bad, and 6.0 is even worse.
> IIRC, it's not that the packages are broken, it's actually that rpm
> --verify has some problems.
One should never update SuSE. One should always re-install SuSE
That is the reason why I will switch to Debian when I get my hands on it
in CD form. We updated via FTP from Debian 1.2 (or.3) (uses libc4 and
maybe early 5) to Debian 2.0 (using glibc) w/o the slightest
misbehaviour. Even changed the whole hardware beneath it at the same



Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 22:53:52 +0200
From: Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Visual Programming Tools for Linux?

Joshua Grauman wrote:
> > there are two visual programming enviroment in develop
> > grad is for the gnome/gtk-toolkit and
> > a similar programm for kde/qt-toolkit
> Anyone know where I can get this? I couldn't find an entry in the
> Linux Software Map. Thanks.
try and



From: "David Lyons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Best VLB/PCI vid card for RedHat 6.0
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 15:36:01 -0500

I just used a no name S3 2MB board that I bought at fry's for $25, and it
works beautifully, runs X at 1024x768, and I have had no problems.

David Lyons
Check out or new message boards!
Dweezel Zappa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I am going to build an inexpensive PC to run Red Hat 6.0,
> and was wondering what the best Video cards are.  I want
> a video card that is very fast in 2-D, and is 101% supported
> in X.  Not the most recent vid cards please, (unless is totally rocks
> and dosent cost too much.)
> Any Ideas?
> Thanks so much!
> Chris.
> --
> ____________________________________________________________
> If you need to email me, my email address is :
> _cwillison_ at _vrcis_ dot com (and remove the underscores!)
> ____________________________________________________________


Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 19:51:43 +1000
From: Stephen Granger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Trying to do a triple boot setup

Jeffrey Bell wrote:

> Hi,
> Currently I have a dual boot system, win95/Linux, would like to add
> another OS to the mix.
> I have the win95/Linux on a 7.5g,  I have a spare 1.08g that I would
> like to add the 3rd OS to.
> The 3rd OS is NT4.0 server.  I finally have my Linux system setup just
> about right, would hate
> to screw things up on this. The 1.08g is the slave drive, with nothing
> on it. I presently use lilo to
> boot either win95/Linux. I would like to continue to use lilo to prompt
> me for the OS to boot.

I read some where that NT needs (likes?) to be on the first 7.8 GB of a
drive... don't know the full story there, but keep that in mind..
I usually load Win9x, NT, and then Linux/LILO... It's works out
successfully for me.

Ever heard of vmware... your machine should beable able to run it at and
I think you can download it for free. Has anyone go this going with an ls
drive? mine has a hell of  a time, I can't boot off it, and therefore can't

Get back to us on how you go... and feel free to email us

> win95
> Linux
> NT4.0
> Where win95 is on /dev/hda1, Linux is spread onto /dev/hda2, /dev/hda3,
> /dev/hda4, I would like to add
> NT4.0 to /dev/hdb
> I've heard there is some difficulties with adding NT4.0, anybody have
> any ideas or advice on any pitfalls
> that I might run into during my journey?
> Thanks.
> --
> Jeffrey A. Bell
>    -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
>                         -- Wernher von Braun --

Stephen Granger (Linux User)
" There are three ways to die,
 first is man made,
 second is natural,
 third, well, their
 at home with your
 best friend...
 .. alone is the
 only way to be.. " The Mark of Cain - Pointman


From: Lee Doolan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to pronounce SuSE?
Date: 23 Jun 1999 14:34:14 -0700

>>>>> "John" == John Hong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    John> John Emmer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: : Ok, I know this
    John> is trivial, but I just did a search on Deja News and :
    John> looked at their website, and I can't find the answer.  How
    John> does one : pronounce SuSE?  Is it like 'use' or like 'uzi'?



From: jik- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Children's Software
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 09:30:25 -0700

> IB> Having played with my nephew and niece (3 and 2), I'm aware how difficult
> IB> it is for them simply to move the mouse around and coordinate it with the
> IB> pointer on screen.  So a toddlers game could just be a really simple
> IB> hide-and-seek kind of thing (move the pointer over different coloured
> xroach, xbill ?

Isn't xroach that program that infects your desktop with a bunch of
skittery roaches?  Not really something a kid could play with is it? 
Might interest them for a short time, but really very little

Haven't tried xbill.

> Tcl/Tk is great for this.  I wrote an animated fish tank program in
> Tcl/Tk, originally for a counting program for kids.  Pure Tcl -- totally
> cross platform.

Well were is it?  A disscussion about the shortage of child programming
in linux and you have it but don't mention a url? :P  Just
kidding...really though, I would like to know.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ken Williams)
Subject: Re: A REALLY Dumb Question
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 20:54:16 GMT

>>=     Of course, I'm told that in the "official" pronunciation of GNU the "g"
>>= is actually pronounced... though again I've never met anyone in real life
>>= that didn't pronounce it the same as "new" (which seems to make a hell of
>>= alot more sense to me!).
>And the soundbyte of Linus T pronouncing "Linux" sounds like he's saying
>"Lee-nooks"  ;-)

I think the lee-nooks is cause he had a pronouced accent then.   No one would 
say that in Canada or the states.


From: Mircea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Looking for Driver SiS 530
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 17:17:59 -0400

There is a SuSE-released experimental driver for the SiS 530 (aka SiS
5595) chipset. I wasn't able to make it work correctly with Slackware
4.0/KDE, though, the GUI appears broken. 

This chipset is a pain in the ass. If you can make it work with this
server, please drop me a line in the e-mail. My address is: stamasd at
excite dot com (spamproof...perhaps).

Oh, yes, the URL is: (get the file XFCom_SiS)


jeepgal98 wrote:
> Does anyone know where I can find the driver for a video card SiS 530?
> Thanks,
> -Janice


From: o r c @ p e l l . p o r t l a n d . o r . u s  (david parsons)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Re: Shared libraries: DLL hell for Linux
Date: 23 Jun 1999 13:10:54 -0700

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Christopher Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Perhaps my main concern is in commercial applications: imagine a
>vendor sending binary distributions to customers. A vendor may not be
>able to ask customers to all upgrade their Linux distributions in
>lockstep. Yet, that vendor may be developing on a relatively
>up-to-date set of libraries. Does the only viable solution consist of
>shipping statically linked executables?


     david parsons \bi/ This may change if there's every a regression
                    \/                           test suite for Linux.


From: "William Edward Woody" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.sys.mac.programmer.misc,,comp.unix.misc
Subject: Re: open systems?!? Re: Why does Apple not cooperate with Be?
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 09:34:44 -0700

Lawrence D¹Oliveiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message...
> "Jeffrey Flowers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Which would you rather do: spend $99.00 for MacOS 8.6, which is really
> >System 7.0 with extra libraries and a pretty face (although I do like
> >Sherlock) or $69.00 for the techinically superior BeOS?
> It looks like most people are choosing MacOS, purely as a value-for-money
> decision. I would say that Be ceases to be a going concern in another year
> or two at the most. What they're doing sounds quite amazing and all that,
> but when it comes down to it it's still a solution in search of a problem.

Most people are choosing MacOS because they have an investment in
MacOS software that they don't wish to discard tomorrow.

OTOH I suspect Be will be like NeXT (pre-Apple purchase) and
Amiga and a number of other "fringe" operating systems: they'll
have a small, but loyal following. And one of those loyal
followers will find a nitche vertical market and develop the
canonical tool for that vertical market on Be which serves
the same purpose as the financial markets did for NeXT and
video production did for the Amiga.

(Hmmmm. Sounds a lot like what the Windows diehards say about
the Macintosh OS with desktop publishing... :-)

- Bill Woody
  The PandaWave


From: Tarkaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: "LI" Fixed! Magic Number now..
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 12:51:16 -0400

M. Buchenrieder wrote:
> /dev/hda5 can never be a primary DOS partition.
> It is not on /dev/hda5 . Most probably it's /dev/hda2 .

Well hot damn.  You're right.  I could have sworn that fdisk had
reported /dev/hda5 earlier, but now it's reporting /dev/hda2...  I could
have sworn.  Hmm.  Well it works now, so I can't complain...  Thanks for
the tip, I would have known where to look. :)

Well, I guess I can complain.  I can't reboot with the right ctrl and
alt. :)  Something for another day (and another keymap...)

-- Jack Tarkaan                                      Kalamazoo, Michigan
--            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Todd Sorensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Visual Programming Tools for Linux?
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 09:56:43 -0700

Does anyone know of any visual development tools for Linux/X? I have
Delphi and C++ Builder in the past to create simple windows apps and was
wondering if there is something similar for linux and X. (C/C++ is

Joshua Grauman



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