Linux-Misc Digest #757, Volume #25               Thu, 14 Sep 00 01:13:02 EDT

  Re: Help: batch renaming files - stripping bogus extensions (John Doherty)
  Re: ? RH62  peculiarities (Bob Martin)
  hooking a login to an event? (alex k)
  Customizing Completion in Bash (kjordan)
  lot of error on network.. ("b.misra")
  Re: hooking a login to an event? (alex k)
  Re: Wierd Gnome problem - Desktop Icons disappear in some WMs ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: gnome or kde? (Bob Martin)
  Re: Help: batch renaming files - stripping bogus extensions ("Jerri Blavittł")
  Re: Looking to enter the world of Linux... (Matt Cahill)
  Re: problem creating partition (Daniel Armstrong)
  Re: Looking to enter the world of Linux... ("Dr. Tu Yu")
  partition table corrupt ("Philip Wang")
  ColdFusion or ASP works best on Linux? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Is thereany file based database in linux? ("neil")
  Re: RedHat 6.2 PCMCIA SCSI broken (Bob Martin)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Doherty)
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.questions
Subject: Re: Help: batch renaming files - stripping bogus extensions
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 22:49:58 -0500

In article <NKWv5.1947$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Jerri Blavittł"

| I'm having no luck using rename to strip off the weird file name tails
| that occur after the normal extension .jpg

I'm not familiar with rename, so I can't comment on that.

| A sample of the mixed file names is below, notice that there appears to
| be illegal white space between .jpg and xxxxxx bytes

There's actually nothing "illegal" about a space in a filename. Ill-
advised, maybe, but not illegal.

| -rw-r--r--    1 feed  feed    107545 Sep 13 21:12 sn-O0024.jpg 107545 bytes
| -rw-r--r--    1 feed  feed    100391 Sep 13 21:12 sn-O0064.jpg 100391 bytes
| -rw-r--r--    1 feed  feed    109157 Sep 13 21:12 sn-O0073.jpg 109157 bytes
| -rw-r--r--    1 feed  feed    108099 Sep 13 21:12 sn-o0010.jpg 108099
| -rw-r--r--    1 feed  feed    109584 Sep 13 21:12 sn-o0011.jpg 109584
| -rw-r--r--    1 feed  feed    107300 Sep 13 21:12 sn-o0019.jpg 107300
| -rw-r--r--    1 feed  feed    101765 Sep 13 21:12 sn-o0030.jpg 101765
| -rw-r--r--    1 feed  feed    106760 Sep 13 21:12 sn-o0213.jpg 106760
| -rw-r--r--    1 feed  feed     99057 Sep 13 21:12 ss13h09.jpg
| -rw-r--r--    1 feed  feed     95988 Sep 13 21:12 ss14c19.jpg
| -rw-r--r--    1 feed  feed     96597 Sep 13 21:12 ss21h05.jpg
| -rw-r--r--    1 feed  feed     99716 Sep 13 21:12 ss32d06.jpg
| -rw-r--r--    1 feed  feed     98067 Sep 13 21:12 ss32d10.jpg
| -rw-r--r--    1 feed  feed     96451 Sep 13 21:12 ss32d13.jpg

  $ ls
  sn-O0024.jpg 107545 bytes  sn-o0019.jpg 107300        ss21h05.jpg
  sn-O0064.jpg 100391 bytes  sn-o0030.jpg 101765        ss32d06.jpg
  sn-O0073.jpg 109157 bytes  sn-o0213.jpg 106760        ss32d10.jpg
  sn-o0010.jpg 108099        ss13h09.jpg                ss32d13.jpg
  sn-o0011.jpg 109584        ss14c19.jpg
  $ for i in * ; do mv "$i" `print "$i" | sed 's/\.jpg.*/.jpg/'` ; done \
  $ ls
  sn-O0024.jpg  sn-o0010.jpg  sn-o0030.jpg  ss14c19.jpg   ss32d10.jpg
  sn-O0064.jpg  sn-o0011.jpg  sn-o0213.jpg  ss21h05.jpg   ss32d13.jpg
  sn-O0073.jpg  sn-o0019.jpg  ss13h09.jpg   ss32d06.jpg

This is going to generate "foo.jpg and foo.jpg are identical" error
messages for those files whose names simply end with ".jpg"; above,
I just throw them away.

There's probably a better way to do this, but it does work.



From: Bob Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ? RH62  peculiarities
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 22:56:35 -0500

> Hi,
>  with some experience in 'old' Slakware, I installed RedHat6.2
> ten days ago  -  so I've got some linux familiarity.
> Last night I re-installed RH62 to another HD/partition, so I'm qualified
> to comment/criticise, from a new RH62 user's view point.
> 1. the CD-ROM installation, from  DOS using the *.bat , soon enters a GUI
>     to complete the installation.  This GUI is automatic: re. mouse type/port
>    and video-card and VDU.  And quiet satisfactory, as a GUI.
> If the installer can make a trouble free GUI, why must I pull my hair out
>  to get a valid configuration to run startx ???  Why doesn't the installer's
>  settings just stay as the defaults ?
> 2. Pity that gnome had to follow the M$cartoon-style = SLOW.
> The 1st installation was for a friend who admits WIN9X crashes regularly.
>  Initially he might be more familiar with M$cartoon-style gnome,
> but could later graduate to fvwm.   My attempt to make 2 single line
> scripts, to select either of the win-managers, fails:
> (switchdsk gnome ; startx )       AND
> (switchdsk AnotherLevel  ; startx )  .     Why  ?
> { if I read quickly, I see the trace re. switchdisk ...}
> Some other enquirer also described how he had to reboot (actually
> I can use another vt), to succeed startx, once it fails, with switchdsk .
> 3. on the second install, I skipped gnome (and kde), and selected some
>   servers instead (space available).   Now I haven't got mc !!
>  Midnight commander is my number ONE ap.  I can't live without it !!
> Where/how is the list of aps. which can be installed (from the CD) ?
> How do I install mc ?
> 4. AFTER you've got Linux installed and X-configured (if you don't have
> a nervous breakdown), gnome has nice instructions to 'install linux'.
>   Yes AFTER it's installed !  Actually some of gnome's documentation
> doesn't work, and the 'file-missing ID' as given by the error-mesg.
> differs from the corresponding file name on the CD. ! ?
> 5. My RH62 CD which my ex-M$win friend bought at an exhibition
>   has the penguin Logo, but has no serial number visible. Is it original ?
> Thanks for any answers/advice also emailed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> in case I miss this NwsGroup.
> Chris Glur.

Not sure what you mean by some of this , but anyway...

1. AFAIK, if the gui mode is used during install it does stick, but I
always choose the text install and have not tried to install from DOS.
Maybe install from DOS is affecting it's setup selections.

2. switchdesk is not a console utility, X must already be running to use
it. After you make your selection just logout and restart X, no reason
to reboot.

3. Yes mc is a great app, like LIST was for DOS years ago. mount your CD
and use the rpm command to install the mc rpm file.

4. Sorry, never seen this. Where in gnome does it tell you to install
linux ?

5. They have no serial numbers, it probably has an offcial RH label on
it but it's no diferent than one you downloaded and burned to a CD

Bob Martin


From: alex k <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: hooking a login to an event?
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 03:47:19 GMT


what would be the proper approach if i would
like to make the computer somehow make me
aware (eg beep the speaker) when someone logs
in (via tcp)?

i looked in /etc/inetd.conf. when someone telnets
in it starts "/usr/sbin/tcpd  in.telnetd".
then i looked at that manpage for in.telnetd
and noticed the -L swich:

"-L loginprg  This option may be used to specify
    a different login program. By default,
    /bin/login is used."

so i was thinking; could i perhaps make inetd start
a (python)script that i specify in inetd.conf,
which would blow the wisle and then in turn start
"/usr/sbin/tcpd  in.telnetd"?

is that a sound solution?
if yes, what mode should the script have? 755?
anything else i should think about?

if not... then how should i do it?

i have considered the idea of having a bashscript
running in the bg, and grepping the w/who output
every so or so seconds.
but that feels like a very clumsy solution.
i want something that reacts on the login itself.

  thanks in advance / alex k

ps. its a slackware7.1 system. its basically just
a desktop system, so it would be fun to notice
when (IF) someone logs in.

...: [ ~~~~~~~ ] :...

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Before you buy.


From: kjordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Customizing Completion in Bash
Date: 13 Sep 2000 21:27:19 -0600


   I don't like the way bash completes things for me and I want to
change it.  I went through the info and man pages but I still couldn't
figure it out.

   Here's how my completion works now: Let's use filename completion
as an example and let's assume I have the files `',
`', `', and `' in the working directory,
along with a bunch of other files that do not begin with `foo'.  Now,
when I type `ls foo<TAB>' at the command prompt, the shell prints out
a list of all possible file completions (so, four file names in this
case), and then the command prompt has `ls' and waits for me
to finish.  I want to change this behaviour but I don't know how.

   I want completion to work the way my emacs completion works.
Here's what I mean: After I type `ls foo<TAB>' I don't want the shell
to print out all possible completions.  Instead, I just want the shell
to expand the command to `ls' and wait for further input.
Then, if I hit <TAB> once more, *then* I want to be presented with all
possible completions.  See what I mean?  I want completion to expand
without presenting all possibilities whenever it can unambiguously do
so, and to present possibilities only when it can't unambiguously
complete on its own.

Thanks for any help,



From: "b.misra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: lot of error on network..
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 08:16:45 +0400

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
hi all..
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; i'm try to figure out what there are so many error
&amp; dropped packets on my m/c n/w connection.this is the output of
<br>ifconfig cmd. i'm running slackware 3.6 on a PII 300 Mhz,with 256 MB
ram.i have a no. of m/c on n/w ..
<br>but only one particular m/c give error..
<p><i>bash# ifconfig</i>
<br><i>lo&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Link encap:Local Loopback</i>
<br><i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; inet addr:;
Bcast:; Mask:</i>
<br><i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; UP LOOPBACK
RUNNING&nbsp; MTU:3924&nbsp; Metric:1</i>
<br><i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; RX packets:10256
errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0</i>
<br><i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; TX packets:0
errors:804992 dropped:10256 overruns:0 carrier:0 coll:0</i>
<p><i>eth0&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Link encap:Ethernet&nbsp; HWaddr
<br><i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; inet 
Bcast:; Mask:</i>
<br><i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; UP BROADCAST
RUNNING MULTICAST&nbsp; MTU:1500&nbsp; Metric:1</i>
<br><i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; RX packets:210390
errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0</i>
<br><i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; TX packets:61142
errors:52893445 dropped:160789 overruns:0 carrier:0 coll:0</i>
<br><i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Interrupt:9
Base address:0x300</i>
<p>thanks beforhand..


From: alex k <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: hooking a login to an event?
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 04:01:27 GMT

In article <8ppho2$f01$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  alex k <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> then i looked at that manpage for in.telnetd
> and noticed the -L swich:
> ...
> so i was thinking; could i perhaps make inetd start
> a (python)script that i specify in inetd.conf,
> which would blow the wisle and then in turn start
> "/usr/sbin/tcpd  in.telnetd"?

hmm, why would i need the -L swich if i put my
script in the telnet-line directly in inetd.conf.
sorry, got a bit confused there (too many xterms
and manpages open).

i would simply make the line look like this:
"telnet  stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/local/bin/"

is that a "valid" solution?

...: [ ~~~~~~~ ] :...

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Before you buy.


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Wierd Gnome problem - Desktop Icons disappear in some WMs
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 04:00:19 GMT

Well, I devised a solution to my own problem though im not quite sure
why it works.  Apparently, things work a little smoother if icewm is
started before gnome midknight commander(gmc).  You can do this by
setting the order in which gnome starts xclients by useing the
session-properties utility.  That might solve your problem too.


In article <8ppg1h$d13$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> I too have a similar problem.  It seems as if icewm conflicts with how
> gmc works with the root window, atleast with some configurations.
> Initially I had a pre-packaged install of Mandrake7.1 running gnome
> icewm together just fine.  Then I upgraded my gnome install with the
> rpms provided by  Since then icewm and gnome haven't
> able to play nice any more.  If anyone know how to resolve this
> conflict, id be happy to know.
> --yeuhi
> > I can add new icons) but my old icons seem to simple cease to exist.
> > They all reappear for a split second while I switch WMs, but after
> > hitting ice once they never work again in any other WM including
> > Sawmill.  If I open the desktop folder and try to drag an icon to
> > desktop, I get a message somewhere along the lines of the file
> > exists there or something like that (those who useGNOME should know
> what
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

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From: Bob Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: gnome or kde?
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 23:12:18 -0500

> Hi
> I'm going to install Redhat's Linux 6.2 on my PC. As far as I understand
> I'm going to have to choose either gnome or kde as my GUI.
> Which should I choose? I was looking for some kind of  advice in
> Redhat's docs but couldn't find any satisfying comparison with pros and
> cons.
> Thnx

You're not limited to either one, you can install both ( if you have
enough room ). with both installed you can run kde apps under gnome and
gnome under kde.

Bob Martin


From: "Jerri Blavittł" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.questions
Subject: Re: Help: batch renaming files - stripping bogus extensions
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 22:19:39 -0600

John Doherty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> In article <NKWv5.1947$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Jerri Blavittł"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | I'm having no luck using rename to strip off the weird file name tails
> | that occur after the normal extension .jpg
> I'm not familiar with rename, so I can't comment on that.
> | A sample of the mixed file names is below, notice that there appears to
> | be illegal white space between .jpg and xxxxxx bytes
> There's actually nothing "illegal" about a space in a filename. Ill-
> advised, maybe, but not illegal.

>   $ ls
>   sn-O0024.jpg 107545 bytes  sn-o0019.jpg 107300        ss21h05.jpg
>   sn-O0064.jpg 100391 bytes  sn-o0030.jpg 101765        ss32d06.jpg
>   sn-O0073.jpg 109157 bytes  sn-o0213.jpg 106760        ss32d10.jpg
>   sn-o0010.jpg 108099        ss13h09.jpg                ss32d13.jpg
>   sn-o0011.jpg 109584        ss14c19.jpg
>   $ for i in * ; do mv "$i" `print "$i" | sed 's/\.jpg.*/.jpg/'` ; done \
>     2>/dev/null
>   $ ls
>   sn-O0024.jpg  sn-o0010.jpg  sn-o0030.jpg  ss14c19.jpg   ss32d10.jpg
>   sn-O0064.jpg  sn-o0011.jpg  sn-o0213.jpg  ss21h05.jpg   ss32d13.jpg
>   sn-O0073.jpg  sn-o0019.jpg  ss13h09.jpg   ss32d06.jpg
>   $
> This is going to generate "foo.jpg and foo.jpg are identical" error
> messages for those files whose names simply end with ".jpg"; above,
> I just throw them away.
> There's probably a better way to do this, but it does work.

Thank you thank you thank you!

It works just fine, had to change print to echo, but I would have never gotten
the appropriate systax down.

Thanks again John,



From: Matt Cahill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Looking to enter the world of Linux...
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 04:28:41 GMT


  Thanks everyone for the feedback!  I'm intrigued by the variety of 
suggestions, and I'm wondering if my original options should be 
reconsidered...this isn't a bad situation to be in.

  Again:  thanks for the input :)

Posted via CNET


From: Daniel Armstrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: problem creating partition
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 04:33:56 GMT

Thanks for the advice. Using "mknod" I was able to create the proper device
file under /dev and things are now up and running.



David Efflandt wrote:

> While hda17 may exist on the drive, apparently you have no /dev/hda17 for
> Linux to connect to it.  See /usr/src/linux/Documentation/devices.txt and
> 'man mknod'.
> --
> David Efflandt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Dr. Tu Yu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Looking to enter the world of Linux...
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 04:34:44 GMT

Tired of the blue screens are you?  Depends on your HW/SW configuration and
what you want to do with Linux.
Read all the distros installation minimum requirements, enclosed apps and
supported Hw.  Lurk here and note which distros have the most questions
about whatever like, install problems, connectivity, dual boot.  I've
favored RH for price, ease of use, scability and reliability plus it
supports i386 boxes.

"Mav" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> SuSE...
> Easy to install & lots-o-apps
> Mav
> Matt Cahill wrote:
> >
> >   Howdy,
> >
> >   I'm looking to try-out Linux, but I'm sort of torn between Red Hat and
> > Corel.  I know that Red Hat has the apps and perhaps will give me more
> > mileage in the long run (this is based on reviews, etc...), but Corel
> > apparently has a very solid distrib and apparently it's also easy to
> > install.
> >   I'm a pretty confidant end-user...I like to tweak, and I can do so
> > knowing full-well what can happen.  I say this because I wonder:  if
> > Corel's main facet is it's ease of install, then perhaps I can handle
> > Hat if it's got more under the hood?
> >
> >   Any suggestions?  And, in case anyone is wondering, this isn't meant
> > be some sort of vote-stuffing corporate promotion thing where I exclaim
> > benefits of one brand in the end.
> >
> >   Thanks in advance for all help :)
> >
> > --
> > Posted via CNET
> >


From: "Philip Wang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: partition table corrupt
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 00:53:08 -0400


I have a hard disk divided to WIN98 and Linux.
The Linux part used to work but now is not working.
So I am trying to install RedHat 6.2 to it.
The following message shows up:  (and I can not continue install)
A error occurred reading the partition table for the block device hda. The
error was: Partition table corrupt.

I only have one hard disk (6GB).  System Commander is installed. Win98 is
Can I use win98 to reformat the corrupt disk then install RedHat 6.2?

Can you point me some direction?




Subject: ColdFusion or ASP works best on Linux?
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 04:50:00 GMT

I am setting up a new web site using Oracle 8i on Linux, with apache
Web Server installed.  Does anyone know which web application
server/technology works well with Linux?  Should I use ColdFusion
Server/ColdFusion Studio or ChiliSoft ASP?

Would appreciate anyone sharing their experience or successful stories
with web site development on Linux.

Thanks a lot!


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Before you buy.


From: "neil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Is thereany file based database in linux?
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 13:06:04 +0800

 thanks, i will check it. :-)


From: Bob Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: RedHat 6.2 PCMCIA SCSI broken
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 22:27:06 -0500

Roger Davis wrote:
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I just upgraded my Dell I7500 laptop from RedHat 6.1 to 6.2
> (kernel 2.2.14), and my PCMCIA SCSI tape drive is no longer visible.
> I am using an Adaptec SlimSCSI 1480 PCMCIA card connected to an
> Exabyte Eliant 820 8mm tape drive. (Yes, the SCSI bus is terminated
> and I am supplying termination power to the bus via a special
> Granite Digital terminator with an external power connection.)
> This is the same hardware (including cabling) that worked fine
> under RedHat 6.1. There are no other SCSI devices on the bus.
> I just tested the tape drive on a Solaris system and it is working.
> According to /var/log/messages the PCMCIA card is recognized,
> but the tape drive is not visible:
> Sep 13 06:18:17 ctrobot kernel: apa1480_attach(bus 35, function 0)
> Sep 13 06:18:17 ctrobot kernel: aic7xxx: <Adaptec PCMCIA SCSI controller> at PCI 
> Sep 13 06:18:17 ctrobot kernel: aic7xxx: I/O ports already in use, ignoring.
> Sep 13 06:18:17 ctrobot kernel: apa1480_cs: no SCSI devices found
> Sep 13 06:18:17 ctrobot kernel: scsi : 0 hosts.
> Sep 13 06:18:17 ctrobot cardmgr[491]: get dev info on socket 1 failed: No such device
> Here's output from 'cardctl ident'
> Socket 0:
>   product info: "3Com Corporation", "3CCFE575CT", "LAN Cardbus Card", "004"
>   manfid: 0x0101, 0x5257
>   function: 6 (network)
> Socket 1:
>   product info: "Adaptec", "APA-1480 SCSI Host Adapter", "", ""
>   manfid: 0x012f, 0xcb01
>   function: 8 (SCSI)
> I rummaged through the HOWTOs and found something about possibly needing to
> reconfigure the kernel to make the SCSI tape driver not a module, so I did
> that (and the same for the aic7xxx driver as well), but that doesn't help.
> (BTW, when I rebuilt the kernel PCMCIA completely stopped working because
> the kernel could not locate /lib/modules/my_kernel/pcmcia. Why wasn't that
> directory created by the build? I worked around it by symlinking to
> /lib/modules/old_kernel/pcmcia so PCMCIA works again, but I'd like to make
> sure things are done right by the kernel build.)
> I don't remember having to do any of this stuff under 6.1 to get my tape
> drive to work. Does anyone know what the problem is here?
> Thanks!

pcmcia is a completely seperate package from the kernel, building the
kernel will not build pcmcia. If you upgrade to a new kernel you will
have to rebuild/install pcmcia. Have a look at the howto for pcmcia, and
you can get the source for it from the pcmcia site.

Bob Martin



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