Linux-Misc Digest #904, Volume #20                Sat, 3 Jul 99 11:13:09 EDT

  kppp probs ("Al Kooz")
  Re: Booting between NT & Linux (Tom Shannon)
  licq uin problem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Changing the "From:" line (Roberto Bianconi)
  Re: Documentation issues. (Joeri van Ruth)
  HotJava Help!!!! -> Can't find class sunw.hotjava.Main (Chris Snow)
  Re: HELP! How to get out when netscape 4.5 freezes? (Ed Power)
  (Extended) Acer Filesystem (EAFS/AFS) support for Linux (Mark Tomich)
  Re: first/second/third world (Richard Kulisz)
  Re: first/second/third world (Richard Kulisz)
  Re: Parition Magic 4.01 obliterated my ext2 partition ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Ishmail segfault (Phillip Deackes)
  Re: internet speed (Michel Catudal)
  Re: RealPlayer G2 for linux (Michel Catudal)
  Linux distros was(Re: Linux loses in NT tests) (Ilkka Ollakka)
  Re: Need opinions- how's S.u.S.E. 6.1 (Michel Catudal)
  Re: Linux Presentation Software (Karel Jansens)
  Re: RealAudio5 (Michel Catudal)
  Re: moving an entire installation to a different partition (Stefan Ehlen)


From: "Al Kooz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: kppp probs
Date: Sat, 3 Jul 1999 11:36:21 +0200

I'm using RH 6.0 and I'm trying to get kppp to connect to my ISP (DIAX -
Switzerland), the number
is 10766015111111 and kppp just doesn't want to dial the damn number. It
dials any other number, but it refuses to dial this one. It always gets down
to "Expecting connect" and the it gives an error. Can anybody please help me



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Shannon)
Subject: Re: Booting between NT & Linux
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 1999 06:21:31 -04-59

I'm pretty sure the root (/) partition has to be ext.

My computer boots both NT and linux.  I simply installed Linux on the
machine after NT.  Lilo offers NT as a boot option.  If you choose
it, you get kicked into th NT boot loader.  You're results may vary.

Perhaps not the most efficient but it works.


On Thu, 01 Jul 1999 16:07:48 -0400, Andy Zen-ong Koo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
><!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
>I currently having trouble&nbsp; booting up Linux while I have Windows
>NT on
><br>my machine.&nbsp; Windows is using the NTFS file system and the Linux
><br>using a NON-DOS file system.&nbsp; For some odd reason, Boot Magic
>will not
><br>work with the NTFS file system.&nbsp; I was wondering how I could modify
><br>Windows NT boot up menu to have the option to boot to the Linux OS.&nbsp;
><br>anyone can help, it would be much appreciated!&nbsp; Thanx!
><p>--M. Melbert</html>


Subject: licq uin problem
Date: Sat, 03 Jul 1999 10:00:40 GMT

i have mandrake linux 6.0 and im trying to install licq-0.61 on my pc.
i gunzipped the tar.gz file to a temp dir and used ./configure on it.
i used the build using make and make install.
now when i try to run licq from the /licq/klicq.61/src dir using ./licq,
i recieve an error saying that File not found ~/.licq/conf/owner.uin
Error finding KEY = "FirstName". In fact it does the same for different
entrys for Country, History etc in it.
however the file installs the file in the .licq dir not in /.licq/conf
it does the same for the users.conf file. and also other files such as
i compiled and recompiled the source code but i cant seem to fix the
anybody have any suggestions?...

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Roberto Bianconi)
Crossposted-To: comp.mail.misc
Subject: Re: Changing the "From:" line
Date: Sat, 03 Jul 1999 09:40:16 GMT

I think you can set


in your /etc/rc.config

Hope it helps.
ciao, Roberto

On 2 Jul 1999 07:56:26 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David
Chalmers) wrote:

>I am setting up a new Linux system (with Red Hat 6.0).  It has an
>awful domain name, and I'd like to use something simpler as my e-mail
>address.  I've set things up so that incoming mail to
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] will forward to the new system.  But I need to
>set things up so that my outgoing mail is seen by recipients as being
>from [EMAIL PROTECTED] (so the awful name is more or less
>transparent).  Presumably this means setting up my mailer so that it
>automatically changes the "From:" line on my outgoing messages.
>Someone local told me how to do this with pine, elm, or Netscape mail,
>but they didn't know how to do it with standard Berkeley mail, which
>is what I use, and I couldn't find the answer in the obvious places.
>Question: How do I do this with Berkeley mail?
>--David Chalmers.
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (for now)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joeri van Ruth)
Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss,comp.unix.bsd.misc
Subject: Re: Documentation issues.
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 1999 10:20:38 +0200

On 28 Jun 1999 09:21:03 -0700, Russ Allbery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> TeX is a little better than a lot of SGML, with \textbf{word}, but is
> still rather verbose.

Hey, \textbf{word} is LaTeX.  TeX is even better: {\bf word}


Lisp has been evolving for 40 years and the conventional people keep
reinventing more and more of it.  One day they are bound to reinvent
the syntax.  `Lisp' is the Computer Language Design Space attractor.
                                    -- Fernando Mato Mira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: Chris Snow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HotJava Help!!!! -> Can't find class sunw.hotjava.Main
Date: Sat, 03 Jul 1999 11:42:26 +0100

When I try running the hotjava browser I get the message:

   Can't find class sunw.hotjava.Main

I am running Caldera OpenLinux Lite 1.1,
jdk 1.1.6 v1 libc5
HotJava Browser 3

Can anyone help ?

Please reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]




From: Ed Power <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HELP! How to get out when netscape 4.5 freezes?
Date: Sat, 03 Jul 1999 01:43:06 -0400

Alex Lam wrote:
> Andreas Amann wrote:
> >
> > Alex Lam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Ray wrote:
> >
> > >> The bottom line is that while Netscape is not as stable is it should be, it
> > >> should NEVER lock up Linux and I've never seen it even take out X.  If it
> > >> does then there is something VERY wrong.
> > >>
> > > That's why I am trying, and want to find out why. Everything else has
> > > been running beautifully. Now I've turned off java.
> >
> > Maybe it is not only about java.
> >
> > The problem of "freezing" arises in my case, when a Netscape
> > dialog box pops up while the Bookmarks menu is open at the
> > same time. To reproduce the behavior do the following:
> >
> > Start netscape-4.08
> > change preferences into "warn me before accepting a cookie"
> > and "Accept all cookies" in the "Advanced" Category
> >
> > Open a site, that wishes to set a cookie and takes some time to load,
> > for example should do.
> >
> > While the site is loading, single click the bookmarks folder to show
> > the list of bookmarks. This list should still be visible after the
> > left mouse button is released.
> >
> > Wait with the open bookmark list, until the dialog box "... do you
> > wish to allow the cookie to be set" pops up.
> >
> > Click the "Accept" Button.
> >
> > Now the eventloop is almost locked. You cannot change the focus
> > anymore. By pressing ESC you can make the dialog box disappear, but
> > after that your possibilities are exhausted. The menu list is still
> > open, and it does not close as it should when pressing ESC once
> > more. Neither the mouse focus nor the desktop can be changed. Only
> > alt-ctrl-f1 works (fortunately), and we can still kill the netscape
> > process from another term.
> >
> Thanks for the tips.
> Alex Lam.
> > --
> > Andreas Amann
> > Institut für theoretische Physik
> > TU Berlin
> >
> > Tel.: +49-30-314-27658
> --
> *remove all the Xs (upper case X) if reply by e mail.
> ** no more M$ Windoze.


You may want to try upgrading to the 4.6 version.  I had an old version
and it kept crashing my system.  4.6 sems to be more stable than the
older versions.
Ed Power
Computer Headaches


Date: Sat, 03 Jul 1999 03:30:20 -0500
From: Mark Tomich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: (Extended) Acer Filesystem (EAFS/AFS) support for Linux

Can anyone tell me how I might be able to mount the Extended Acer
Filesystem under Linux?  I only need read-only support.  I'm guessing
that I'll need a kernel patch, but I don't know where to find it.

Many thanks,
Mark Tomich


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Kulisz)
Subject: Re: first/second/third world
Date: 3 Jul 1999 11:18:25 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Jim Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On 30 Jun 1999 05:40:38 GMT, 
> Richard Kulisz, in the persona of <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> brought forth the following words...:
>>That is a *very* interesting allegation. Could you expand on it more?
>>I don't know that much about the Inquisition.
>Demonization, followed by re-education, or execution...

Oh, pulease! Demonization-reeducation is a standard pattern used by
everyone, *especially* right-wingers. The whole Us-Them dichotomy
centers on demonization. As for execution, it's nothing more than
wishful thinking at the moment.

Btw, Chomsky argues that demonizing (and the whole idea of Them) is
just a mechanism for rationalizing exploitation and oppression. This
is generally correct. On that basis alone, Marxism is far superior
to any other ideology since it stresses integrating all elements of
society into a single class instead of stratifying them. My own hatred
of Libertarians is similar to a poor black man's hatred of rich whites;
I didn't draw the battles lines and I didn't pick the armies but I'm
gonna fight for my own survival.

>touche, :)
>'course, Einstein also refused to believe in quantum theory, that's where the
>quote about god not playing dice with the universe comes from.

You got it wrong. Einstein believed in quantum mechanics, he just
didn't believe that the world (QM) was nondeterministic; which is
nothing more than unintelligible nonsense -- there is no such thing
as a "nondeterministic" mathematical equation and it is impossible
to conceive of one, so to speak of nondeterministic theories means
giving up on science completely. Physics has *finally* started to
vindicate Einstein (the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is bullshit).
Niels Bohr was an idiot and a moron who set back quantum physics by
a century; the field would've been better off had he never existed.
It will take decades to rewrite all the textbooks, if that soon.

In fact, General Relativity alone *strongly* suggests that contra-
factual definiteness is radically violated (ie, there are parallel
universes) and if that is so then there can be no disadvantage to


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Kulisz)
Subject: Re: first/second/third world
Date: 3 Jul 1999 11:48:37 GMT

In article <7lh398$4df$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Chad Mulligan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Allende was killed in his palace by an ariel bombardment ordered by
>Pinochet.  How did
>the CIA manage to assasinate him then?

What do you think one of the purposes of a coup-d'etat is if not
assassinating the head of state? The CIA can't outright assassinate
a head of state (everyone else, yes) because even the most fucked
up Third World country has the million dollars necessary to train
an assassin to blow a hole the size of your fist through Clinton's
ugly head.

Anaconda Copper, International Telephone and Telegraph, and quite
likely several other companies gave the CIA millions of dollars to
"protect their interests at all costs". The CIA did so by spending
more money on an anti-Allende propaganda campaign (bits of wisdom
like 'Allende will sell your sons into slavery to Russia') than the
Republicans and Democrats, combined, spent on their own campaigns.
Allende won *despite* this and the CIA's vote rigging IIRC. Then,
again IIRC, they killed the General who supported Allende, kicked
one of his ministers off an airplane, gave cash and/or arms to the
former commander of a concentration camp (that would be the beloved
Generalissimo Augusto Pinochet to you) who went on to assassinate
Allende's vice-president *in* *the* *USA* with the CIA's approval.
Somewhere in the middle of this, Allende got killed.

>>And it's Salvador, not Salvatore.
>Excusez moi, je ne parle pas chilean.

Et je suppose que l'Australien, l'Americain, le Canadien et l'Anglais
sont des differentes langues maintenant? Pauvre con.

>>What do you think your maps in South America were used for?
>Well we were there on the behest of the legitimate Columbian Government.

You asshole, there *isn't* any legitimate Columbian government! No more
than Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge were a legitimate Cambodian government.
Oh wait, the USA *did* recognize them as legitimate.

Legitimacy comes from the /free/ consent of the governed. Consent under
the barrel of a gun, the situation in most of the Americas, doesn't count.

Hey, what the hell were you doing making maps of Chile at the behest
of Columbia?

>We weren't,
>nor did we observe any US interaction with the Cartel or their goons. 
>We did have
>them under surveillance, close surveillance.

Who the fuck do you think runs the death squads? The mob?!


Subject: Re: Parition Magic 4.01 obliterated my ext2 partition
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Date: 3 Jul 1999 12:01:49 GMT

In comp.os.linux.misc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>On Fri, 18 Jun 1999 23:57:48 GMT, Juergen Heinzl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>In article <JEAa3.54$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Walt Shekrota wrote:
>>>Why use tape .... disks are cheap and tape fails besides being slow.
>>14 tapes, one for every day and two sets, 112GB, about $98. 14 disks,

>       Except disks can be more reliably reused than the tapes
>       you appear to be using. If you're interested in getting 
>       the data back again, you're better off mirroring or 
>       using more serious tape tech (like DLT).

Except you *might* be missing one point about using tapes. They
can be keep in a cool, dry (probably not too dry), safe place
away from your computer just in case you house or office burns
down or gets struck by lightning (or flooded, attacked my terrorists
etc.. :)).  Now if you put your backup disk in a removable enclosure, 
and store it away from you computer you solve at least some of those 

I often have several backups of my system, i.e. one about two months
old, one a month old etc. Note, I'm just a hobbiest and don't feel
I need incremental backups, although it would probably be more
convenient in some respects.

I think you can use either method successfully, but be aware of the
pros and cons of each one (of which I'm sure there are more than
those touched on in this thread).



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phillip Deackes)
Subject: Re: Ishmail segfault
Date: Sat, 03 Jul 1999 12:45:20 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Stephen Chadfield wrote:
>I have succesfully compiled that version against SWiM Motif and it works
>well. This is also on a fairly unmolested RH5.2 system.

I am a registered user of Ishmail and would love to get hold of a
version compiled for glibc2 - preferably glibc2.1. I cannot compile it
on my system as I have no Motif development libs, only runtime.

I would be eternally grateful if someone could email me an Ishmail
package thay have successfully compiled on their system . . . please?

Many thanks. 

Phillip Deackes
Debian Linux (Potato) 


From: Michel Catudal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: internet speed
Date: 3 Jul 1999 08:21:05 -0500

Silviu Minut wrote:

> > Try installing the intelligent dialer that comes standard with
> > SuSE 6.1 --> wvdial
> > The best dialer I've seen yet.
> > Have  you seen xisp?
> >

How is it different from wvdial?

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From: Michel Catudal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RealPlayer G2 for linux
Date: 3 Jul 1999 08:26:05 -0500

Mircea wrote:
> I've just tried it again, and you can download it from the link I
> posted. Maybe you're trying the .rpm? I wouldn't know about that one,
> but the "G2 player for Linux 2.0/2.2" link is OK.

I've checked it and you can still download the G2 version for
either glibc2 or libc5. I installed it for SuSE and it works
good. I wish they had a preset though ...

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ilkka Ollakka)
Subject: Linux distros was(Re: Linux loses in NT tests)
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 1999 13:47:30 +0300

On Mon, 28 Jun 1999 13:29:53 -0700, Alex Lam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> kirjoitti:
>> I, personally, am a SuSE user. I've seen RedHat, and I've seen/talked to
>> people who have used both (in an ISP environment, in particular) and have
>> switched to SuSE quite happily; proclaiming that they'll never go back.
>I use SuSE, Open Linux and FreeBSD (FreeBSD-recently)
>Yes, SuSE is very nice. Everything works even without having to read the
I've used SuSE 5.3 from july 1998 and all have worked just fine (whe I didn't 
screw up something ;)

>I have installed SuSE, OpenLinux and FreeBSD on 5 boxes, from old P-133
>to brand new
>dual cpu, full U2WSCSI boxes. all without having to read the menu, and
>without a single hiccup.
I'm using my SuSE in 'modern' 486 DX 33 whit 8Mt of ram and 250Mt hard drive,
so your old P-133 is dream machine comparet to mine ;)
But I'm using X+icewm,sql,leafnode,slrn,ssh ext. quite happily,little slow 
sometimes but I can live whit it 

>No so with Redhat. Redhat killed one of my 17" monitor during auto
>probing. Redhat chocked on ALL 5 boxes that I have since 4.0.(The same 5
>boxes that I have SuSE, OpenLinux and FreeBSD installed properly.)

I've tryed to install RH couple of times,but it blow up on my face everytime 
(maybe it's the machine mentioned abov. ;) 

Ilkka Ollakka
        ...I dont know anything,I'm just doing it...


From: Michel Catudal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need opinions- how's S.u.S.E. 6.1
Date: 3 Jul 1999 08:57:04 -0500

Philipp Maier wrote:
> > I think when I ran YaST it checked the first CD and gave me
> > an index of all the packages on all the CDs so I didn't have to dig
> > through the CDs to find what I was after.
> Yep, and you can also easily search for specific packages.

And later on if you need to install something else, like for instance
if you forgot to install wvdial you can go back to yast and install
it. yast will show what is installed with a i.

> > YaST is curses based as opposed to RPM's command line-interface.
> > I don't know if yast also has a command-line interface - I didn't find a
> > yast man page.
> True - but the manual explains Yast in every detail :-)

Not a command line interface he says?
This is new to me as I have never use yast any other way than
in the console mode.

use OS/2 for a crash proof work environment
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From: jansens_at_ibm_dot_net (Karel Jansens)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Re: Linux Presentation Software
Date: 3 Jul 1999 14:12:22 GMT

On Fri, 2 Jul 1999 20:58:03, "Kenvyn Davies" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I'm currently working on a web site ( for my business. I have
> a hint's and tips page which covers presentation software for Windows and I
> would very much like to extend this to cover Linux software. I use Redhat as
> a file server at the moment and SuSE for a lot of my work and a combination
> of these have turned me into a bit of a Linux advocate. I'd very much like
> to do what I can to promote Linux and it makes sense to try to use a hints &
> tips page covering software which will be used by presenters and therefore
> seen by potentially large audiences to do this.
> If anyone has any hints, tips etc. or knows of a resource which may be
> willing to share theirs then please email me of reply to this post.

If you're into "lean 'n mean", have a look at Applix Office. No frills, no 
paperclips, but it works.

I don't know about Office-imports tho'. Never checked (and I'm not near to 
my Linux box now) and never really cared about it...

Karel Jansens

"I wonder what'll happen if I do this," mused Stibbons.
(Terry Pratchett - Apprentomancer - the B-space collection)


From: Michel Catudal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: redhat.rpm.general,redhat.general
Subject: Re: RealAudio5
Date: 3 Jul 1999 09:16:01 -0500

Aung San Hlaing Myint wrote:
> On installing RealAudio5 and trying to execute rvplayer, I have this
> message: segmentation fault (core dumped). I'm a newbie to Linux and I'm
> using Red Hat 6. Please help me how to solve this problem and play
> realaudio files.

You have two options

1-Download the libc5 version of RealAudio 5 and apply the
patch for the audio as listed in a read me file on the linux
source tree if you don't have the commercial sound driver from
OSS Sound installed.

2-Download the G2 version at :

use OS/2 for a crash proof work environment
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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stefan Ehlen)
Subject: Re: moving an entire installation to a different partition
Date: 3 Jul 1999 14:18:10 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Ryan T. Rhea" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have a linux server which is entirely installed on one 450 MB
> partition.  I have a need to move the entire install to a second larger
> partition on the same drive.  There is a separate linux swap partition
> that will not change.
> Has anyone tried this?  I examined the boot logs, and I don't see any
> references to partitions other than the obvious ones to the root file
> system and the swap space - I will change that in fstab and lilo.conf.
> Did I miss anything? I did see a reference to kswapd - I assume this is
> a daemon for kernel swap space, I can find no info on it.
> Also, can I just use the 'cp' command, with perhaps '-dpr' for the
> options (no link Deference, Preserve ownerships and permissions,
> Recursive) to copy all the files from one partition to the other?  Or
> will this miss some files such as cp itself or any other open files?

I suggest you read the "Hard disk upgrade mini-HOWTO". The whole topic is
discussed there.




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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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