Linux-Misc Digest #254, Volume #21                Sun, 1 Aug 99 23:13:08 EDT

  Re: Newbie questions (Peter Englmaier)
  Re: LILO -- on a machine without Linux??? (Cameron L. Spitzer)
  VM-Ware won't start on Mandrake 6.0 ("Joseph S. White")
  PCL > LaserJet, how? (Martin Brown)
  Re: X via telnet from imac to linux/intel? (Ken Deeter)
  Re: Program to find optimal MTU? (Floyd Davidson)
  How Do I Unpack This? (Roy A. McCoy)
  Re: Which Multi-port serial for Linux 2.2? (Kevin Heath)
  question:php+odbc ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: What I think of linux. (Arthur)
  Re: cdrecord don't records cd's !!! (Jeremiah)
  Re: IDE vs scsi? (Jim McIntyre)
  Re: Pentiume III serial number (Justin B Willoughby)
  Re: How Do I Unpack This? (Latenar)
  Re: xv on Red Hat 6.0 (Matthew Bafford)
  VACATION program for sendmail 8.9.3 ("Nick Sturge")
  Newbie in Houston (Jacque Colbert)


From: Peter Englmaier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie questions
Date: Sun, 01 Aug 1999 00:53:41 -0400

> 1. Is there any way of configuring Linux to automatically mount the
> cdrom when you insert a cd into the drive and unmount it when I remove
> the cdrom? I noticed that if I mount the cdrom manually I can't open the
> drive door until I unmount it again. Is there anyway to automate this?

Try 'autofs', there shoud be an RPM file on your CD. Edit the two files
/etc/auto.master and /etc/auto.misc to suit your needs. It should come
with an example, and it is pretty easy. You can automount all sorts of
things. It does not automatically mount it when inserted, but when you
try to access files there (isn't quite the same). It automatically
unmounts it after a delay. When the delay is short, you can open the
drive shortly after the last access.

It is *not* part of the kernel; it's just another useful daemon hanging

There is another tool 'automount', which is also nice, but focuses
on other things.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cameron L. Spitzer)
Subject: Re: LILO -- on a machine without Linux???
Date: 1 Aug 1999 06:05:19 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Eric Wyles wrote:
>Hi!  I would like to be able to use the Lilo boot loader on
>a machine that does not have linux.
>Can someone please tell me how to go about doing this?

Hmm, you would need a Linux system on a floppy (or running
diskless on a network) to run the /sbin/lilo installer.
And most Install Disk or Rescue Disk packages don't have lilo.
But you could grab the /sbin/lilo binary from some other
Linux system.  You will also have to copy boot.b and chain.b
from there.

So, you would need a partition that lies entirely in cylinders
numbered less than 1024, that is not stackered or compressed
or encrypted or EZ-Drive'd or OnTrack'd.  Make a lilo
folder on it.  Copy chain.b, boot.b, and lilo there, somehow.

Boot the rescue disk, get a shell, and mount the partition.  Say it is
Windows-98 on /dev/hda1 (i.e the "C: drive").  The mount command is

  mkdir /c
  mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /c

Now use whatever text editor exists on the rescue floppy to create
a file /c/lilo/lilo.cnf containing

boot = /dev/hda
install = /c/lilo/boot.b
timeout = 100
other = /dev/hda1
  table = /dev/hda
  loader = /c/lilo/chain.b
  label = win98

(you could prepare this file in advance, but if you did it in a DOS
text editor there would be annoying control-M characters in the file)
and then run the commands

  cp /c/lilo/lilo /bin
  chmod 755 /bin/lilo
  lilo -C /c/lilo/lilo.cnf

and the thing should install LILO on your MBR.  Notice that we had
to copy lilo to the ramdisk because we couldn't execute it where it
sat in the MS-DOS file system.  This will only work if the borrowed
lilo uses the same libc version as the rescue/install disk.
Your mileage may vary.  Void where prohibited.  Do not attempt to
install LILO while operating heavy machinery.

BEWARE.  I have not tested this procedure.  Back up all your important
data.  Be sure you can boot your Win-98 from floppy in case we hosed your
setup.  Also, I have no idea why anyone would want to use LILO on a
system with no Linux on it.  (Hell, why would anyone want to use
a computer with no Linux on it...)



From: "Joseph S. White" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: VM-Ware won't start on Mandrake 6.0
Date: Sun, 01 Aug 1999 01:22:06 -0600

Hi Al,

I downloaded VM-Ware for Linux and have been trying to
install it, without much luck. We got it running at school
with NT Server as the guest OS, pretty slick. So I thought
I'd give it a shot at home, the following is the error I
keep getting:

It starts off as it will procede as normal the gives me

No exact match for vmmon-up-2.2.9-19mdk
checking working alternatives
No Alternatives found, please build drivers locally
None of the pre-built modules seems to work on this machine
sh: make: command not found

Something is wrong with the system include files on your
machine. The file <linux/version.h> is for a linux system
but you are running a 2.2.9-19mdk kernel. this will not work
for building VM-Ware device drivers; you must have include
files that match the version of your operating system.


Any Ideas Greatly Apprieciated.


           [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martin Brown)
Subject: PCL > LaserJet, how?
Date: 1 Aug 1999 18:09:07 -0700

I've been struggling with trying to send PCL commands to my LaserJet 4L
printer.  I have the manual which lists the commands, but have been unable
to get them to work from either the commandline of a "text" file.  One
person on a maillist sent me a binary that worked, printing a landsape
"hello world".

What I am looking for are concrete detailed examples, KNOWN to work, that
I can enter as text on a commandline (as root) or put into a file and feed
to the printer, /dev/lp1.

Thanx for any help you may provide.


                           - Martin J. Brown, Jr. -

                             - BEAUDESIGN.COM -


From: Ken Deeter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: X via telnet from imac to linux/intel?
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 02:16:37 GMT

You are basically correct. To get an X server running on your imac, you
may need to buy a commercial package however. (there must be something
for mac)

then you could either just run individual X programs by launching them
telnet (make sure your DISPLAY env variable is set to something like to tell the program to use your imac as the


you could run xdm which is a little more tricky to set up and then get
graphical logins to your redhat box.

Either way the major hurdle is getting the X server on your mac. There
may be some free/shareware solutions but i'm not too sure.


Robert Link wrote:
> I hope the subject line is clear.  I'm on an iMac; I have recently been
> given an intel box loaded with RedHat5, no monitor.  If I read correctly,
> there should be a way for me to have xwindows run on the mac for my telnet
> sessions.  I think this is described as setting up an xserver on my imac,
> and configuring the xclient on the intel machine to send the xwindows
> stuff (ever so technical, we newbies) to the imac.
> The two machines are already connected via ethernet, and telnet and ftp
> and http all work just great.  All help appreciated, and Iwon't be
> offended by private replies to my email if the question is too basic for
> group bandwidth use.
> Thanks!
> --
> Robert Link


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Floyd Davidson)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Program to find optimal MTU?
Date: 2 Aug 1999 01:45:20 GMT

Steve Snyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Is there a program to identify the optimal MTU for a given interface 
>under Linux v2.2.x?  If so, where might I find it?

That would be impossible, because it depends on what you use the 
link for as well as how fast it is and what the latency is.

For rough idea of what differences you might find, think in
terms of efficiency and timing for PPP packets.  A PPP packet
has 40 bytes of overhead (addressing, etc.), so whatever the mtu
is set to, that amount minus 40 bytes is the actual payload.

For example, if you set the mtu to 128 there will be almost 1/3
of each packet that is overhead and does not contribute to data
transfer.  If you do only large ftp transfers, that would cause a serious
increase in the time it takes to transfer each file. 

But then again, if you set the size to 1500, which will reduce
the overhead from 40/128 to 40/1500 (31% down to 2.6%) to get
faster ftp transfers, you have a different problem.  In this
case any interactive tasks that are using the same link will
always have to wait will huge packets are sent.  The bigger the
packets and/or the slower the link or they higher the latency of
the link, the more annoying the waiting time will be for
keyboard response.

Hence mtu depends on the mix of applications using the link,
the speed of the link and the latency of the link.

I tend to do about an equal mix of both file transfers and
interactive applications, so I try to set my mtu as low as
I can and still get reasonable transfer rates.  I don't think
a 10-15% rate reduction is too bad (I've seen people who do
data transfers all day get very excited about the last 2% they
can squeeze out!).  If I didn't do any file transfers then
an mtu that cuts it down to 50% wouldn't be unreasonable.

Likewise if the wait time is small anyway, such as will be the
case if you have DS-1 (1.544Mb) data rates or higher, then there
is no point in not using a large mtu.

The point is that setting the mtu is a judgment call, and
cannot be objectively determined by a program.


Floyd L. Davidson                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Roy A. McCoy)
Subject: How Do I Unpack This?
Date: 01 Aug 1999 19:05:42 PDT

I just downloaded the file KPPP-1.6.14.tar.bz2.  Do I unpack this the same way I
do files that end in .tgz or tar.gz?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kevin Heath)
Subject: Re: Which Multi-port serial for Linux 2.2?
Date: 1 Aug 1999 22:22:05 -0500

In article <379f2642.11618931@wingate>,
Chris Raper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I need to find an multi-port, serial expansion solution for my Linux
>box. The box must be able to run at least 16 serial ports. On SCO
>machines I have always used Specialix SI-XIO but I am having a devil
>of a job finding drivers and getting them to work. Is there a
>'standard' brand that Cladera 2.2 Linux will run with the minimum of

When I was looking into this a year or so ago, Comtrol RocketPorts
looked like a good bet.  They do have linux drivers.

Kevin Heath                                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
One of the fundamental bedrocks of a stable anarchy, IMO, is equal access to
force and equal access to information. Everyone has the power to kill; everyone
has the knowledge to judge those who do kill and *act accordingly*.    --Lizard


Subject: question:php+odbc
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 01:38:18 GMT

i use $ConnID=odbc_connect("driver={Microsoft
Access Driver (*.mdb)};FIL=MS
to connect to a Access mdb, but this cause a
error like this: Warning: SQL error: [Microsoft]
[ODBC Driver Manager] Invalid string or buffer
length, SQL state S1090 in SQLConnect in d:
\phpwebroot/test3.php3 on line 23

why??? Previously i use $ConnID=odbc_connect
("my_system_dsn","admin","");, it also cause a error: Warning: SQL
error: [Microsoft][ODBC
Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no
default driver specified, SQL state IM002 in
SQLConnect in d:\phpwebroot/test2.php3 on line 23

who can tell me how to link? thanks.....

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Arthur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.linux.sux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: What I think of linux.
Date: Sun, 01 Aug 1999 19:08:54 -0700

Terry Porter wrote:

> Nowdays, I write my code in C, hit makefile in Gvim, it automatically
> compiles, assembles and burns into target system, done.

Could you post a little about what tools you use under Linux?
I'm curious as to state of Linux wrt things like emulators,
prom/pld design and programming, pc board layout, logic
simulators, cross-compilers, etc. I used to sell some of this, 
and still get occasional inquiries for recommendations - I 
wouldn't mind supporting Linux tools if they exist.

Thanks in advance.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeremiah)
Subject: Re: cdrecord don't records cd's !!!
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 02:24:06 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] spake thusly:
> Sergio MG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>: -------------------------------------
>: Fixating...
>: cdrecord: Input/output error. close track/session: scsi sendcmd:
>: retryable error
>: CDB:  5B 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>: status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
>: Sense Bytes: 70 00 06 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 29 00 00 00
>: Sense Key: 0x6 Unit Attention, Segment 0
>: Sense Code: 0x29 Qual 0x00 (power on, reset, or bus device reset
>: occurred) Fru 0x0
>: Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
>: cmd finished after 19.518s timeout 480s
>: Fixating time:   33.657s
>: ------------------------------------
> I have the exactly same problem. But ...
> The CDR's are perfectly usable!!!
> Did you try them?
> BTW. I'm using an Mitsumi CR-4802TE IDE drive with SCSI emulation.

        I just got the same drive, and have had very similar error
messages.  I've only burned audio CDs so far, but they have been
completely usable.  What version is your firmware?  Mine's 1.4D, 
I believe...  it's certainly not the newest version (2.0something).
Maybe that solves the problem (for us, anyway)...

email to bmeloon1 at twcny dot rr dot com.   evilquaker is a spam collector


From: Jim McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IDE vs scsi?
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 02:05:24 +0000

Stefan Ehlen wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>         coffee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > "Duy D." wrote:
> >>
> >> I'm considering to buy a scsi disk to install Linux on.   When i do
> >> hdparm -t /dev/hda on my ide disk, it reads about 15 mb/s most of the
> >> time.  Can somebody give me a number on the fastest scsi disk?  Thanks.
> >
> > Well, My scsi quantim says about 40mb/s.
> >
> > But there are more advantages than just speed. With Scsi you can do
> > multiple read/writes. Not with ide though. Plus, YOu can chain up to 7
> > devices per controller.
> >
> > Best to go scsi.
> The fastest SCSI and the fastest EIDE drives are really close together.
> C'T, a german magazine which is known for good (real life) benchmarking,
> tests nearly all available drives on the market. In 9/99, there were 12
> drives testet. Fastest drive was the IBM DRVS-18V Ultrastar 18 ZX (17.5 GB,
> U2W-SCSI), mean transfer rate 11.7 MB/sec. Fastest EIDE drive was IBM
> DJNA-371350 Deskstar 22 GXP (13GB), mean transfer rate 10.8 MB/sec - that's
> around 8 percent slower.
> Since IDE uses busmaster DMA, there is is no noticable speed gap at all.
> The only difference one really sees is the price, SCSI is nearly twice as
> expensive (this applies to Germany. I doubt it's much different in the
> rest of the world). Example:
> IBM DJNA 9,1GB E-IDE, Ultra-DMA, 7200U/min     359.00 DM
> IBM DDRS 9100MB, UW/U2W-SCSI,    7200U/min     652.00 DM
> You have to take the fast and therefore expensive controller into account,
> too: Here it costs at least 432.00 DM. That's three times the price of the
> EIDE solution for 8 percent more speed!!
> Don't take me wrong, SCSI is surely fine, but there must be really, really
> good reasons before it pays to switch to SCSI.
> What I'm using is EIDE for hard disks and CDRom and additionally a cheap
> and lame Fast-SCSI controller for my streamer (and it would be fast enough for
> e.g. a CD burner :-) )
> As I read yesterday, Kernel 2.4 will support up to 8 EiDE devices
> CU
> Stefan

You might get some improve ent from your IDE drives if you  use the commands
available this site



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Justin B Willoughby)
Subject: Re: Pentiume III serial number
Date: 2 Aug 1999 02:00:32 GMT
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Justin B Willoughby)

> Sorry if this question has been asked/answered before, but I don't
> find it in the FAQ.  As I understand, each P III has a unique
> serial number that can be obtained by a remote web site, which 
> raises concern on privacy.  How does this affect Linux users, or
> is this a problem affecting only Windoze/whatever ?

I think the Linux kernel disables this by default. If I am wrong I am sure
someone else will correct me.

- Justin
   _/     _/_/_/  _/    _/  _/    _/ _/   _/   RULES!! * LINUX RULES *
  _/       _/    _/_/  _/  _/    _/   _/_/     Justin Willoughby
 _/       _/    _/  _/_/  _/    _/     _/
_/_/_/ _/_/_/  _/    _/  _/_/_/_/    _/ _/     ---- Jesus Is Lord ----


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Latenar)
Subject: Re: How Do I Unpack This?
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1999 02:50:30 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Roy A. McCoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I just downloaded the file KPPP-1.6.14.tar.bz2.  Do I unpack this the same way I
>do files that end in .tgz or tar.gz?

try bzip2


From: * (Matthew Bafford)
Subject: Re: xv on Red Hat 6.0
Reply-To: *
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 02:09:40 GMT

Once upon a time (01 Aug 1999 23:13:04 GMT), GatonSon) was attempting to
figure out Ilya's new Perl regex features, and accidently sent the
following to comp.os.linux.misc: 
: Does anyone know why Redhat dropped xv from Red Hat 6.0?  I want to have xv to
: load the root window with a picture instead of a solid color with xsetroot.  

I'd imagine it was because of xv's 'free for non-comercial use only' license.
: Or, is there a new alternative in Red Hat 6.0 which could serve the same
: purpose?

Try ee.

: Thanks very much for any information you may have.


: Jason



From: "Nick Sturge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: VACATION program for sendmail 8.9.3
Date: Sun, 1 Aug 1999 20:29:06 +0100
Reply-To: "Nick Sturge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Can anyone point me to where I can get hold of this tool?


*** Nick Sturge ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
*** The Videophone Company
*** Motion Media Technology Ltd. Horton Hall, Bristol, UK, BS37 6QN
*** Tel: +44-1454-313444 (switchboard) or +44-1454-338508 (direct)
*** H320 Video: +44-1454-338555 or +44-1454-338541 (direct)
*** Fax: +44-1454-313678      Mobile: +44-7050-60-3308
*** WWW:


From: Jacque Colbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Newbie in Houston
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 03:04:24 GMT

Howdy all!

I have a friend who is going to do some Web serving for some local
charities. I told him that Linux is the way to go, or would at least be
fun. He's got a Pentium MMX 200 running Win 98, and the plan is to make
it dual boot with some version of Linux. I'm a programmer and I told him
I'd get it set up for him. Of course, I've never done anything with
Linux, and perhaps I suggested Linux cause this is a good way for me to
get some experience.

My first question, of course, is that I'm going to need help picking a
distribution and installing it. It seems that RedHat is the most popular
install, but Slackware is the best suited for beginners. Also,
configuring a PC so it can boot either Win98 or Linux certainly seems
possible, but I can't find just how to do so. Since this is obviously a
hugely common problem, there's bound to be some info on it somewhere
that I simply don't know about.

Also, what I'd really like to know is if there's some Linux Users' Group
or the like in Houston, as then maybe I could just find some kind soul
who could help me along in the beginning here, and I could pay for pizza
and beers. Is there a central directory or anything for Users' Groups?

I guess that's it. I sure hope we end up using Linux, and thanks in
advance to anyone who can help!

 - Chris



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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