Linux-Misc Digest #254, Volume #26                Tue, 7 Nov 00 02:13:02 EST

  Code Browser & Development IDE (* Tong *)
  How to compile wi/ optimization? (Nathan Weston)
  Multithreaded RPC Server Question ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  HELP!! Partition Magic Error 105. PartitionInfo inside: Please look!! (Brando)
  Re: Whats good about debian and slackware? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: HELP!! Partition Magic Error 105. PartitionInfo inside: Please  
  environment path problem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux Printing ( ip) ("David ..")
  Re: environment path problem (eric)
  Re: Help (Davyeon Ross)
  Re: HELP!! Partition Magic Error 105. PartitionInfo inside: Please look!! ("Joseph 


From: * Tong * <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Code Browser & Development IDE
Date: 07 Nov 2000 00:29:27 -0400


I'm wondering what IDE you are using for the coding and debuging?
Any IDE environment that you suggest or don't like? 

The first such thing I tried, is source-Navigator from RedHat, which
seemed great but gave me lots of headache, even during the
compilation phase. I still can't get it going after several
bug-fixing. I'm giving it up and now hesitate to try another one.
So, I think I'd follow the popular recommendation first. 

What's your comments on, sniff+, code crusader, C-Forge IDE,
CodeWarrior, gIDE & others? 

Which of them has the following features:

- code cross reference (where use, where define...)
- multi file search
- advanced diff
- support C/C++ & Java
- better works on both Linux & Solaris
- ...

Tong (remove underscore(s) to reply)
  - All free contribution & collection & music from the heavens


From: Nathan Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How to compile wi/ optimization?
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 04:47:24 GMT

I am a relative newbie to linux, and have mostly been installing things from
rpms, but I am hearing a lot of "compile yourself, it will be faster,
optimized for your machine, etc" I have been building a few things from
source lately, mostly Qt and KDE, but I am wondering how I can make sure that
everything is being optimized properly. Do the configure scripts bundled wi/
most software automatically detect what architecture I am using and turn on
the right optimizations, or do I have to go through and do this myself? What
compiler or configure options are used to turn on optimizations?


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Subject: Multithreaded RPC Server Question
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 04:56:14 GMT

Is there a way to write a multithreaded server to
service SUN RPCs?  I need to write a service that
would handle short requests from a few hundreed
clients on an MP box and do that as efficiently as
possible, and hopefully scale.  I am sure I was
not looking hard enough, but I had trouble finding
a way of doing that.  I could only find iterative
examples.  Thanks for any help.


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From: Brando <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HELP!! Partition Magic Error 105. PartitionInfo inside: Please look!!
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 05:34:01 GMT

I'm trying to recover my partition. I had it split up my 6GB HD into 2.5GB Windows98 
3.5GB Linux (Mandrake 7.1). I just recently could not boot up into Linux. I got this 
during bootup:
> Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:05

So, I was going to just remove the Linux partition and freshly install LM 7.2
But, when I run Partition Magic Pro 6.0 in DOS, I get Error 105:
> Error 105 Partition starts on wrong boundary
> Cause of this problem:
> The hard-disk partition table contains erroneous values. PartitionMagic expects
> FAT, NTFS, and HPFS partitions to begin and end on the boundaries used by 
> FDISK. If they  do not, the disk may be partially corrupted. In this circumstance, if
> PartitionMagic were to make any modifications it might cause loss of data.
> Therefore, PartitionMagic refuses to recognize any of the hard disk·s partitions.

So what can I do to resize my Windows98 partition to the full size of the HD without
damaging the Win98 partition?

Here's the PartitionInfo output:
>General System Information:
>    Total Physical Memory (bytes):  58,159,104
>    Used Physical Memory: (bytes):  54,263,808
>    Maximum Page File Size: (bytes):  237,502,464
>    Current Page File Size: (bytes):  48,635,904
>Disk Geometry Information for Disk 1:    776 Cylinders,  240 Heads,  63 Sectors/Track
>Warning: Logical drive chain points to sector without partition table.
>System              PartSect  # Boot BCyl Head Sect  FS    ECyl Head Sect    
>StartSect     NumSects
>                           0  0  80     1    0    1  84      38   15   63       
>15,120      560,448
>Info: Partition didn't end on cylinder boundary.
>  ucEndHead expected to be 239, not 15.
>NOTEBOOK                   0  1  00    38   16    1  0B     375  239   63      
>575,568    5,109,552
>Error #105: Partition didn't begin on head boundary.
>  ucBeginHead expected to be 0 or 1, not 16.
>                           0  2  00   376    0    1  05     448  239   63    
>5,685,120    1,103,760
>Partition Information for Disk 1:    5,729.1 Megabytes
>Volume         PartType    Status    Size MB    PartSect  #   StartSect  TotalSects   
>UsedSects   FreeSects
>               Free Space  Pri           7.4        None --          63      15,057   
>        0      15,057
>               Type 84     Pri,Boot    273.7           0  0      15,120     560,448   
>  560,448           0
>C:NOTEBOOK     FAT32       Pri       2,494.9           0  1     575,568   5,109,552   
>5,109,552           0
>               Extended    Pri         538.9           0  2   5,685,120   1,103,760   
>       63   1,103,697
>               EPBR        Log           0.0        None --   5,685,120          63   
>       63           0
>               Free Space  Log         538.9        None --   5,685,183   1,103,697   
>        0   1,103,697
>               Free Space  Pri       2,414.2        None --   6,788,880   4,944,240   
>        0   4,944,240
>Boot Record for drive C:   (Drive: 1, Starting sector: 575,568, Type: FAT32)
> 1. Jump:                   EB 58 90
> 2. OEM Name:               was here
> 3. Bytes per Sector:       512
> 4. Sectors per Cluster:    8
> 5. Reserved Sectors:       32
> 6. Number of FAT's:        2
> 7. Reserved:               0x0000
> 8. Reserved:               0x0000
> 9. Media Descriptor:       0xF8
>10. Sectors per FAT:        0
>11. Sectors per Track:      63  (0x3F)
>12. Number of Heads:        240  (0xF0)
>13. Hidden Sectors:         575568  (0x8C850)
>14. Big Total Sectors:      5109552  (0x4DF730)
>15. Big Sectors per FAT:    10861
>16. Extended Flags:         0x0000
>17. FS Version:             0
>18. First Cluster of Root:  2  (0x2)
>19. FS Info Sector:         1
>20. Backup Boot Sector:     6
>21. Reserved:               000000000000000000000000 
>22. Drive ID:               0x80
>23. Reserved for NT:        0x00
>24. Extended Boot Sig:      0x29
>25. Serial Number:          0x125416D4
>26. Volume Name:            NOTEBOOK   
>27. File System Type:       FAT32   
>28. Boot Signature:         0xAA55

Please help! Thanx


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Whats good about debian and slackware?
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 05:32:44 GMT


I have used both these distros, as well as others, I started with
Caldera 2.3, just to get me into Linux, I have one of those Dummies
books that came bundled with it, then I downloaded and burnt
Mandrake7.1, I used this for a while, I found it was very much
configured so you can jump in and use it. Which could be why some
people say it gets in the way. I then went on a quest to learn how to
better administer my Linux box, so I bought a RedHat book to help me
out the MD7.1, this book came with RedHat 6.2, so I tried that too,
Redhat is alright, I hate GNOME as a default desk. Redhat has nothing
special to offer, same as MD7.1 but with less bells and whistles,
didn't like RedHat, I then tried Debian, took me 3 installs to get it
right, all text based, whereas all the rest were GUI, after I
successfully installed it, I booted up into Afterstep, it takes a while
to get the hang of all the configuration, as it all needs to be done
with vi, you can install Linuxconf if you want, not installed by
default though. I like Debian for it package management system, the
menuing system, I never have to make a menu entry if I install a .deb
package, I like Debians init format, and modules config, it is much
earier to understand than all the rest. No unecessary junk is installed.
While I was using Debian, I installed Slackware and tried it out for a
bit, found it to be a very manual system, even when it comes to
installing new software, it all needs to be configured manually. I
didn't like the init structure. Apart from that once it was there it
never changed.
I also tried Corel for about 5 mins, until I figured out that every
reboot it resets and change you have made anywhere.

I still use Debian, and feel that I would be disadvantaged if I
uninstall it, Debian is cool.


In article <iqFM5.30027$tL4.374817@zonnet-reader-1>,
  "J.Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there.
> Recently I have tried out Mandrake, Redhat and SuSe cause they are
> relatively 'well-known', and neither one of them really seemed to
suit me.
> Seemed like these distributions were (to some extent at least)
> 'in my way', so to speak.
> So I started to read some newsgroup postings, and the two names that
> being repeated as good so-called 'hardcore' *nix distro's were both
> slackware and debian. So before I decide to download these distro's,
I would
> just really like to know which parts of these distro's makes them so
good ?
> Please take note that I in no way whish to unleash yet another
> 'which-distro-is-best' flame-war here. These postings always seem
> futile, so there's no need for 'this-distro-is-better-than-that' type
> reply's. I would just like to know which parts the actual users of
these two
> distributions really like about their distribution, and why.
> Based on that info I then hope to be able to make a better judgment
> whether or not I should give these two distro's a fair try.
> Thanks for the input.

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Before you buy.


Subject: Re: HELP!! Partition Magic Error 105. PartitionInfo inside: Please 
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 00:44:08 -0500

try running fdisk /mbr, then just plain fdisk and see if you can delete the non-dos 
partition. If not, try
running Partition Magic again and see if you get that error again after rewriting the 
boot sector (fdisk /mbr).

I'm not saying this is the answer, it's just where I'd go next.

hope it helps


Brando wrote:

> I'm trying to recover my partition. I had it split up my 6GB HD into 2.5GB Windows98 
> 3.5GB Linux (Mandrake 7.1). I just recently could not boot up into Linux. I got this 
> during bootup:
> > Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:05


> > Error 105 Partition starts on wrong boundary
> >
> > Cause of this problem:
> > The hard-disk partition table contains erroneous values. PartitionMagic expects
> > FAT, NTFS, and HPFS partitions to begin and end on the boundaries used by
> > FDISK. If they  do not, the disk may be partially corrupted. In this circumstance, 
> > PartitionMagic were to make any modifications it might cause loss of data.
> > Therefore, PartitionMagic refuses to recognize any of the hard disk·s partitions.
> So what can I do to resize my Windows98 partition to the full size of the HD without
> damaging the Win98 partition?



Subject: environment path problem
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 06:03:45 GMT

i am having problem with adding environment path to my RedHat Linux ,
the shell that i am using is bash . the problem is when i tried export
JAVA_HOME=/path/to/jdk it work but when i logout and login again the
path is gone, how can i make the path permanent ? And also , when i add
new parameter into the PATH environment with this command export
PATH=$PATH:/jdk it work but again when i logout n login again the path
is gone , how can i make the path permanent ? Please advice

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From: "David .." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux Printing ( ip)
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 00:07:43 -0600

gleng wrote:
> i have setup ip printing, and was working find . i went to add a few more
> printer and it looked ok.. i could print???? so i tried to print to the
> one that worked before.. failed.. the lprd failed... i cant get the demon
> to load ... please help..
> --
> Posted via CNET

Have you tried to restart it?

/etc/rc.d/init.d/lpd restart

Or the correct path to lpd depending on distro.
Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538
Completed more work units than: 98.788% of seti users +/- 0.01%.


From: eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: environment path problem
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 00:23:18 -0600

> i am having problem with adding environment path to my RedHat Linux ,
> the shell that i am using is bash . the problem is when i tried export
> JAVA_HOME=/path/to/jdk it work but when i logout and login again the
> path is gone, how can i make the path permanent ? And also , when i add
> new parameter into the PATH environment with this command export
> PATH=$PATH:/jdk it work but again when i logout n login again the path
> is gone , how can i make the path permanent ? Please advice
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

have you tried putting it in your .bashrc file or your .profile?



From: Davyeon Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 06:30:06 -0000

Davyeon Ross wrote:
> I am trying to get a PC to set up Linux. This is my first time I am 
> setting Linux up, so I am trying to find what hardware Linux does not 
> well with. I need some kind of backup Storage though. I am trying to 
> out what specs in my system Linux would not be compatible with. The main 
> thing I am concerned about is the fact that i want to use a tape drive 
> storage reasons. Is this even possible? If i can't use a tape drive then 
> what is an alternative to my backup needs. Can someone please help me it 
> would be greatly appreciated. Additionally if you have any info that 
> make my mission a little simpler I would appreciate that to. Thanks
> --
> Posted via CNET

Posted via CNET


From: "Joseph Bosse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HELP!! Partition Magic Error 105. PartitionInfo inside: Please look!!
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 01:44:38 -0500

I've had this same error on more than one occasion, the fix is simple though
you definately have to use fdisk to delete the linux partition, it shows up
as a non dos partition in fdisk. after deleting the second partition, use
Partition magic to resize your primary partition or simply recreate your
linux partition.
(fdisk /mbr might work, but I wouldnt count on it.)

"Brando" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I'm trying to recover my partition. I had it split up my 6GB HD into 2.5GB
Windows98 and
> 3.5GB Linux (Mandrake 7.1). I just recently could not boot up into Linux.
I got this error
> during bootup:
> > Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:05
> So, I was going to just remove the Linux partition and freshly install LM
> But, when I run Partition Magic Pro 6.0 in DOS, I get Error 105:
> > Error 105 Partition starts on wrong boundary
> >
> > Cause of this problem:
> > The hard-disk partition table contains erroneous values. PartitionMagic
> > FAT, NTFS, and HPFS partitions to begin and end on the boundaries used
> > FDISK. If they  do not, the disk may be partially corrupted. In this
circumstance, if
> > PartitionMagic were to make any modifications it might cause loss of
> > Therefore, PartitionMagic refuses to recognize any of the hard disk·s
> So what can I do to resize my Windows98 partition to the full size of the
HD without
> damaging the Win98 partition?
> Here's the PartitionInfo output:
> >General System Information:
> >    Total Physical Memory (bytes):  58,159,104
> >    Used Physical Memory: (bytes):  54,263,808
> >    Maximum Page File Size: (bytes):  237,502,464
> >    Current Page File Size: (bytes):  48,635,904
> >
> >
> >
> >Disk Geometry Information for Disk 1:    776 Cylinders,  240 Heads,  63
> >Warning: Logical drive chain points to sector without partition table.
> >System              PartSect  # Boot BCyl Head Sect  FS    ECyl Head Sect
StartSect     NumSects
> >                           0  0  80     1    0    1  84      38   15   63
15,120      560,448
> >Info: Partition didn't end on cylinder boundary.
> >  ucEndHead expected to be 239, not 15.
> >NOTEBOOK                   0  1  00    38   16    1  0B     375  239   63
575,568    5,109,552
> >Error #105: Partition didn't begin on head boundary.
> >  ucBeginHead expected to be 0 or 1, not 16.
> >                           0  2  00   376    0    1  05     448  239   63
5,685,120    1,103,760
> >
> >
> >
> >Partition Information for Disk 1:    5,729.1 Megabytes
> >Volume         PartType    Status    Size MB    PartSect  #   StartSect
TotalSects   UsedSects   FreeSects
> >               Free Space  Pri           7.4        None --          63
15,057           0      15,057
> >               Type 84     Pri,Boot    273.7           0  0      15,120
560,448     560,448           0
> >C:NOTEBOOK     FAT32       Pri       2,494.9           0  1     575,568
5,109,552   5,109,552           0
> >               Extended    Pri         538.9           0  2   5,685,120
1,103,760          63   1,103,697
> >               EPBR        Log           0.0        None --   5,685,120
63          63           0
> >               Free Space  Log         538.9        None --   5,685,183
1,103,697           0   1,103,697
> >               Free Space  Pri       2,414.2        None --   6,788,880
4,944,240           0   4,944,240
> >
> >
> >Boot Record for drive C:   (Drive: 1, Starting sector: 575,568, Type:
> > 1. Jump:                   EB 58 90
> > 2. OEM Name:               was here
> > 3. Bytes per Sector:       512
> > 4. Sectors per Cluster:    8
> > 5. Reserved Sectors:       32
> > 6. Number of FAT's:        2
> > 7. Reserved:               0x0000
> > 8. Reserved:               0x0000
> > 9. Media Descriptor:       0xF8
> >10. Sectors per FAT:        0
> >11. Sectors per Track:      63  (0x3F)
> >12. Number of Heads:        240  (0xF0)
> >13. Hidden Sectors:         575568  (0x8C850)
> >14. Big Total Sectors:      5109552  (0x4DF730)
> >15. Big Sectors per FAT:    10861
> >16. Extended Flags:         0x0000
> >17. FS Version:             0
> >18. First Cluster of Root:  2  (0x2)
> >19. FS Info Sector:         1
> >20. Backup Boot Sector:     6
> >21. Reserved:               000000000000000000000000
> >22. Drive ID:               0x80
> >23. Reserved for NT:        0x00
> >24. Extended Boot Sig:      0x29
> >25. Serial Number:          0x125416D4
> >26. Volume Name:            NOTEBOOK
> >27. File System Type:       FAT32
> >28. Boot Signature:         0xAA55
> Please help! Thanx
> Brandon



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