Linux-Misc Digest #280, Volume #21                Tue, 3 Aug 99 22:13:07 EDT

  Re: RAID1 Questions ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Installing Netscape 4.61 (Rado Faletic)
  Re: Question: where can I download any LINUX? (Frank v Waveren)
  Java Colors on Red Hat Linux 6.0 (Robert S Laramee)
  Re: Capturing video from a digital camcorder/camera through the serial port (Carl 
  Re: Booting w/o root pass (Leonard Evens)
  Re: GDP (Donovan Rebbechi)
  Re: Linux Games (Thomas Zajic)
  Re: Java makes Netscape crash (David Frantz)
  APS-UPS for Linux? (Penguin Head)
  Re: Linux reference OR bOOK ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: a (GUI) spreadsheet with Perl API ? (Jan Vicherek)
  Re: Good IRC client for Linux? (Captain)
  Re: Need Help on WVDial (Michel Catudal)
  Re: Apache and ASP ("Joffer")
  Re: Multiple Newbie questions ("Robert J. Schweikert")
  Re: Magic SysRq (was Re: Linux has finally crashed) ("Tom Emerson")
  Re: IBM Internet Connection vs. Linux (kppp) (Bob Martin)


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: RAID1 Questions
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 23:54:07 GMT

It turns out that my kernel was not updated with the most current RAID
patch.  Afterwhich, I was able to make the RAID devices.  My current
problem is that RAID is not being autodetected on reboot.  I had
autodetection configured in the kerenel....The docs say that you need
to change the partition type to fd in order for autodetection to work.
fd is not listed in the partition type list.  Am I missing something?

Also, in order to rewrite lilo.conf to the new device, I have to
unmount my current /boot mount and mount the raid partion's /boot.  How
can I unmount my /boot if it is currently busy?



In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Jon Bloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Phil R." wrote:
> >
> > Thanks again...
> >
> > I have raid 1 built into the kernel, I'm not using it as a module.
> > Maybe it is more reliable as a module???
> Not that I'm aware of, nor can I think of any reason why it would be.
> just use the stock (distribution) kernel whenever I can. Makes
> a little easier.
> > To avoid all confusion, here
> > is what I'm seeing:
> >
> > [root@atlantis /]# cat /proc/mdstat
> > Personalities : [3 raid1]
> That's odd and probably indicative of some kind of problem, but I
> know what. Have you tried dropping back to the stock 2.2.5 kernel? Or
> are you still using the 2.2.10 kernel you compiled? Seems like I've
> heard of RAID problems in some of the later 2.2.x kernels but don't
> the details. May be only rumors.
> > read_ahead not set
> > md0 : inactive
> > md1 : inactive
> > md2 : inactive
> > md3 : inactive
> >
> > [root@atlantis /]# mkraid /dev/md0
> > handling MD device /dev/md0
> > analyzing super-block
> > disk 0: /dev/sdb1, 4096543kB, raid superblock at 4096448kB
> > /dev/sdb1 appears to contain an ext2 filesystem -- use -f to
> > mkraid: aborted, see the syslog and /proc/mdstat for potential
> So was there anything in the syslog?
> You do have md0 in /dev, right? Like so:
> brw-------   1 root     root       9,   0 Jul 30 11:31 /dev/md0
> > [root@atlantis /]# mkraid --really-force /dev/md0
> > DESTROYING the contents of /dev/md0 in 5 seconds, Ctrl-C if unsure!
> > handling MD device /dev/md0
> > analyzing super-block
> > disk 0: /dev/sdb1, 4096543kB, raid superblock at 4096448kB
> > disk 1: /dev/sdc1, 4096543kB, raid superblock at 4096448kB
> > mkraid: aborted, see the syslog and /proc/mdstat for potential
> >
> > And my raidtab file:
> Looked perfect.
> Jon
> --
> Jon Bloom, KE3Z
> Electronic Publications Manager (Software, CD-ROMs and Web site)

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 10:50:17 +1000
From: Rado Faletic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Installing Netscape 4.61

> again i agree with the idea, but the particular example bugs me. i found
> netscape much more reliable

really? I found IE4 very unstable, especially for ftp and Java. But not
IE5. It hasn't crashed once since I installed it when it first came out,
and even on serious Java pages.

> IE5: i preffer lynx

which is fine, but many of us rather `enjoy' the multimedia experience
of the fancier browsers. Check out with a
shockwave capable browser, and you'll know what I mean ;)

> MS-Office: vi will do

ha! fair enough, each to his own I suppose.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank v Waveren)
Subject: Re: Question: where can I download any LINUX?
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 01:05:28 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Heeeeeeeez back! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In comp.os.linux.misc Alexander Berezhnoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi !
>> I have quetion about SUBJ. Better - smolest version.
>> (sorry for my bad English...)
> (or is it org?)
Org? I wish.

neither of these two have linux iirc, but are great for beginning with linux

> + many more.
Certainly, most of them (if not all) linked on
> Of course, if your planning on downloading a full distribution, it might be
> an idea to pick up a cheap CD instead. Distributions usually wiegh in in the
> 1 - 2 gigabyte range, or more.
Well, mostly 1 cd is enough, but still, unless you have a dedicated line,
I'd go for the cd.


                        Frank v Waveren
                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        ICQ# 10074100


From: Robert S Laramee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Java Colors on Red Hat Linux 6.0
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 20:11:17 -0400

I'm having a problem with drawing (or painting rather) different colors
Java on Red Hat Linux 6.0.  We're using the Kaffe compiler and the
jdk117_v3 (java version "1.1.7B").  The problem is, the only lines I can

paint are black.  I can't get any of the colors to work.  I can however,

set the background color of the canvas to any color.  Not that it will
help, but i'm using the following bit of code:

import java.awt.*;
public void paint(Graphics g)  {


    /*  map the viewpoint to the current world coordinates */
    mappedPoint = tree.mapViewPoint(eyePoint);

   /** tell the tree do draw itself here */
    tree.displayTree(tree.getRoot(), mappedPoint);

Nothing I do with setColor() will work!  It used to work on the previous

version of Red Hat Linux (and their window manager).  And this has been
the case ever since we installed Red Hat Linux 6.0.  Is there any
documentation on this?  Does anyone have a clue what the problem might
Is anyone else having this trouble?

Also, is there away to set the amount of virtual memory the JVM may use.

(I know how to set the heap size).

-cheers, bob

Robert S Laramee             tel:    (603) 868-7831
14 McDaniel Drive            office: (603) 862-0350
Durham, NH 03824             URL:


From: Carl Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Capturing video from a digital camcorder/camera through the serial port
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 1999 17:07:32 -0700
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.hardware

On Tue, 03 Aug 1999, Dr. Ram Samudrala wrote:
>Is there any software for Linux out there that can capture video or
>still images from a digital camera through the serial port?   I have a
>JVC camcorder and there exists a Windows program that can capture
>still images through the serial port. 

I found a package called gphoto that works eith my camera but I don't recall
the URL for it. May it was



From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Booting w/o root pass
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 19:06:12 -0500

Vidar Andersen wrote:
> Hi !
> Hmmz, I'm having _some_ trouble booting, when I lost my root pass :(
> So what I did, was asking around, how I could work around the problem, since
> I have "fysical access" to my computer..
> (I used SuSE 6.0 at the time..)
> I got several tips.. (at LILO BOOT (and my linux-partition was named
> "linux"))
> Linux S
> Linux Single
> Linux 1

linux single

works for us.

Under RedHat 5.2/6.0 at least, this won't require a password
unless you specified in lilo.conf that it do so.  The default
configuration does not so specify.

> then I should go straight to the console, without being asked for the root
> pass to logon.. But I didn't, I'd still have to know that.. So I
> re-installed, but this time I installed RedHat 6.0... And I thought; "let's
> try those boot-options again"
> Well, the linux S/Single didn't work, but the linux 1 worked, so that I had
> access for doing a 'passwd' then init 3 or reboot...
> I used the Linux kernel on both, so why didn't it work on my SuSE distr.,
> and how can I work around it with SuSE?
> -Newbie, Vidar Andersen-


Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donovan Rebbechi)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: GDP
Date: 3 Aug 1999 19:39:18 -0400

On 3 Aug 1999 21:17:43 GMT, Richard Kulisz wrote:
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Donovan Rebbechi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>IOW, trends in the GDP correlate with trends in unemployment.
>IOW, if your economy is based on slavery then the GDP is useful.

The social consequences of high unemployment are not something one
can just brush aside and ignore. No one wants to be unemployed.
A society with double digit unemployment is not a happy society,
slavery or no slavery.

>But the GDP doesn't tell you anything more than 

.... I never said it did.

>>Leisure, health and the environment are very hard to measure. 
>This is no excuse. 

I never said it was.

> Assigning them a value of *ZERO* is vastly >more inaccurate 

This is like saying that literacy rates are useless because they 
assign a value of zero to infant mortality rates. The GDP is not 
meant to be a complete picture of an economies well being.

>>The mistake that the conservatives ( or at least the "economic 
>>rationalists" ) seem guilty of is a tendency to simply ignore 
>>these things and concentrate on getting "good numbers". 
>Yes. And what "numbers" are you referring to if not the GDP? It's
>simpler to just say the GDP is useless.

But it's not useless. It's a good indicator of unemployment trends, and 
can be quite useful for forecasting unemployment figures.

Of course there are other numbers that economists use. 
Annual GDP growth, inflation, budget deficits, foreign debt, tax revenue,
export/import growth, unemployment rates, interest rates, exchange 
rate, etc etc.

Note that I point to all of these numbers because they (by and large)
only deal with the flow of money in and out of the national economy, but
do not address wealth distribution or the living standards of ordinary
people. My point is that conservative economists have invented an entire
*language* that dismisses the plight of ordinary people. 



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Zajic)
Subject: Re: Linux Games
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 21:41:51 GMT

On Tue, 03 Aug 1999 17:47:22 GMT, Michael John wrote:

> [ ... ]
> What I'd like is some feedback on the games you all play.
> I have an overclocked P200MMx (to 225) and a voodoo 4 meg card as well.
> Please post your favourite games as this will immensly help a project of
> mine.
> Thank you very much!!
> Michael

Quake, QuakeWorld, Quake II, Q3A Test (soon to be the full
blown Quake 3: Arena, hopefully). My Machine is an ancient
P166 w/ 64MB and a Pure3D II (12 MB Voodoo^2).

=---        Thomas Zajic aka ZlatkO ThE GoDFatheR, Vienna/Austria        ---=
=--   "It is not easy to cut through a human head with a hacksaw." M.C.   --=
=--   Posted with Free Agent 1.11/32 running on Linux 2.0.37/Wine-990731  --=
=---        Spam-proof e-mail: thomas(DOT)zajic(AT)teleweb(DOT)at        ---=


From: David Frantz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Java makes Netscape crash
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 20:26:10 -0400

jamie wrote:

> Rado Faletic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >
> >I'm running 4.51 on a SGI Octane running IRIX 6.5.4 and I have no
> >problem with this site. Occassionally I get a crash due to Java, but
> >actually quite rarely. It must be a Linux thing. Same on the Mac, not
> >very many Java crashed.
> It may be a Linux java thing, or a Linux java libc5 thing.  Roughly
> half the time Netscape hangs, closes itself, or spawns 30 or so "Xlib:
> unexpected ASYNX reply" error windows while loading the game.  The other
> half of the time it works fine, but might suddenly do any of the above
> during the game or especially when opening/switching to another Netscape
> window.
> The only thing I have been able to rule out is KDE, since it does the
> same thing under fvwm and WindowMaker.  (I've also tried almost every
> Netscape 4.x libc5 version, makes no difference).
> --
>   jamie  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>                 "There's a seeker born every minute."


I've been running under gnome with the same problems.     To be honest I'm
not even sure its a Java problem as some sites work fine.     I haven't
checked in depth what is going on, I just know its very frustrating when
you can't get on to a site that should be straight forward.

Its a bit of a shame since I like the navigator 4.6 interface.



From: Penguin Head <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,alt.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: APS-UPS for Linux?
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 01:19:57 GMT

Hi all
Is there a program that interactes with APC-UPS to shut off the computer
during power outages? The software the comes with the UPS is for


NT, now approaching 23x6 availability

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Subject: Re: Linux reference OR bOOK
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 20:22:49 GMT

On Sun, 01 Aug 1999 13:14:51 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Rod Smith) wrote:

>>I have.  O'Reilly tends to leave their books for years without updating
>them, so they lose relevance over time.  For instance, the O'Reilly book,
what about linux in a nutshell ?
i was thinking of buying it.
A sedentary life, as I have already said elsewhere, is the real sin against the Holy 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jan Vicherek)
Crossposted-To: uw.linux
Subject: Re: a (GUI) spreadsheet with Perl API ?
Date: 4 Aug 1999 00:58:20 GMT

 Thx for the tip, tho at the moment it seems that so far only Tcl and
scheme is supported .  Better than nothing, but to integrate it with
my existing stuff, I would have to rewrite everything ...

   I've sent a note into their mailing list of anybody knows anything
about a perl extension ...



In article <7o60up$qq2$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Ondrej Lhotak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I haven't actually used it myself, but something that sounds like it may
>be what you're looking for is siag. It may not be, but it's worth a look.
>It's included in Debian, and I'm sure other packages and more info is
>findable online.
>In article <7nv8gq$dq8$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jan Vicherek wrote:
>>  Heyya,
>>    does anybody know of a spreadsheet, or even better a GUI
>>spreadsheet like applix, etc.,  that would have the capability
>>of being manipulated through a Perl API ? (Or some other
>>high-level scripting language) ? Even just plain read, write
>>and recalculate functions would be enough.
>>   Thx,
>>     -- Jan


From: Captain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.irc.questions
Subject: Re: Good IRC client for Linux?
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 1999 23:04:23 +0100

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Stewart Honsberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>Captain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>I use a client called cIRCus.  Like others its not as good as mIRC, but
>>>you get a similar interface to mIRC, a window for each channel, private
>>>conversation or dcc session, just no scripting....... but if you're that
>>>desperate, you can always edit the code ;)
>"As good as mIRC"?!?
>Find me an IRC client as good as OPENCHAT and I'm sold! :>

I run it under SuSE 6.1 now (can't get it to compile) but the supplied
files work fine, and looking at it it does allow tcl scripts :))

The user doc is poor :(( but do a search for circus irc and give it a
try if you are bored one wet evening!

OPENCHAT?? I'll give this a search ;)

Admin for


From: Michel Catudal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Need Help on WVDial
Date: 3 Aug 1999 20:33:12 -0500

biabi wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just setup my internet dialup using wvdial-1.20-38 from SuSE-6.1
> distro.  Everything works just find, except after I terminated the
> wvdial and tried to use kppp, it said modem is in used.  Does anyone
> have any idea how to fix this problem?

I think that you have to choose one or the other. Anyhow once
someone has used wvdial I don't understand how he would want to
use kppp.

use OS/2 for a crash proof work environment
use Linux for safe and quick internet access
use Winblows to test the latest viruses
We have software, food, music, news, search,
history, electronics and genealogy pages.


From: "Joffer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Apache and ASP
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 1999 03:26:19 +0200 has the Apache::ASP module...
I've installed it.. but no luck yet...


Student <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> i know that there are asp plugs for apache but can they suport vb script
> Ron G wrote:
> > I've heard of a few approaches.  One was already posted in response to
> > question.  Here's another:
> >
> > Joffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > news:7o3s2q$s3e$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > Does Apache support ASP?
> > >
> > >


From: "Robert J. Schweikert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Multiple Newbie questions
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 23:35:21 +0000


Try typing netscape at a command prompt. if that doesn't work it's
prbably not there. then you can download it from, jsut follow the "Download links". Then unzip
and untar the file, ther you are. If you move or copy the netscape
executable into your /usr/bin directory you'll be all set.

Video display?
Check out the

Windows 98 clone?
There is no direct access to Windoze 98, however, there is a windows
emulator project goining on, check out

search for WINE in Yahoo and follow the links.

Have fun,

Pieter Wenk wrote:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Message d'origine <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> Le 10/07/1999, à 17:42:10 h, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Farouk Dindar) vous a
> écrit sur le sujet suivant Multiple Newbie questions:
> > I am new to Linux.
> > I have Mandrax complete with KDE interface.
> > How do I add new programs to desktop?
> > I want to try Netscape Navigator
> > Is there a newxpress clone for Linux?
> > How do I change the video display resolution after
> > installation?
> > Is there is Windows 98 interface clone?
> > How do I install it?
> > Farouk Dindar
> > Win 98 user curious about Linux.
> Farouk, you will have to get used in using KDE. I assume, Netscape IS
> already installed on your system.
> An excellent and inexpensice book is:
> SAMS Teach Yourself KDE 1.1, written by Nicholas D. Wells.
> ISBN 0-672-31608-0
> This book will explain you in details, how to create Kdelnks allowing
> to launch apps....etc.
> BTW: launch a research with the nifty research tool of KDE...put in
> netscape..and you will likely get a list indicating the directories.
> If Netscape is on your system, have a look under usr/bin/...there you
> should find a binary named netscape.
> To this binary you will have to create a kdelnk...
> Regards
> Pieter Wenk
> CH-Vevey        Riviera Vaudoise        Switzerland
>            / // / (_)____ __ ____  __
>              / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
>             /____/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Robert Schweikert


From: "Tom Emerson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Re: Magic SysRq (was Re: Linux has finally crashed)
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 1999 18:22:29 -0700

William Burrow wrote in message ...
>On Sat, 31 Jul 1999 05:13:39 GMT,
>Christopher Browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>On Fri, 30 Jul 1999 11:16:12 -0700, Tom Emerson
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>An interesting thing about this is that the net effect of all of this
>>is that the user does not actually communicate directly to the
>>mainframe; all communications goes through that "terminal controller"
>Modern PCs are WinComputers to mainframers. :)  (Like WinModems....)

heheheh -- I used to get a good laugh out of the look on people's faces when
I tell them "all we use a PC around here is to connect to the 'real'

>>With mainframe systems, changes are collected up at the "client end."
>>That 327x terminal is "smart enough" to allow you to do a fair bit of
>>editing of text and so forth aboard the terminal.
>>When you press "RETURN," all of those changes are collected together
>>into a single block of data.
>I once worked on a puny HP3000 of late 80's vintage.  This machine had
>60 people hanging off it in the morning, while processing dozens of
>database requests.  Response time for editing was excellent, however.
>Mostly due to the fact that the hardware had (and used) blocking IO for
>the terminals.

Hmmm... "puny HP3000", "late 80's" -- that would be either the "mighty
mouse" [series 37?] or a tried-and-true series III -- my first "computer"
job was with a series III and a series 48 as a "timeshare" business --
leased lines and all.  (considering the series 48/58 was an entire DESK as
the "computer", I don't think this qualifies as "puny")  We eventually
started selling the series 37 mini-filing-cabinet system to companies as
stand-alone versions of our entire time-share-based accounting system -- as
configured they would manage between 8 and 16 concurrent users for data
entry, and actually used "curses-style" I/O rather than more traditional
"block mode"  (the difference being that the "mainframe" dealt with data a
field at a time rather than a screen at a time, but at least this is better
than dealing with things "a keystroke at a time...")

[then again, you might be talking about a series 44 -- same internal design
as a 48, but only half the size/capacity -- it looked like a compact washing

>In comparison, a much more powerful similar vintage VAX with polling IO
>would be unusable for editing with just 30 people logged on.  DECserver
>terminal controllers were the order of the day for that installation.
>Much more efficient.
>Is anybody up for designing FreeMVS?  It seems a real pity to let the
>era of mainframe machines slip away to big backroom servers that only
>grizzled COBOL programmers get to use.... ;)

Who you calling grizzled? :) [ok, so what if I do have the beard for the

(oh, and BTW, "fujitsu" makes a pc-based version of Cobol, inlcuding [get
this] "visual" cobol...)

>William Burrow  --  New Brunswick, Canada             o
>Copyright 1999 William Burrow                     ~  /\
>                                                ~  ()>()


From: Bob Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IBM Internet Connection vs. Linux (kppp)
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 00:43:10 +0000

Kyler Laird wrote:
> I've been using IBM as a dialup provider for years,
> but I only use it when I'm on the road.  (At home
> I use ADSL/ISDN/cable IP.)  Today I was trying to
> use it (after successfully using it last week) and
> found that kppp kept dying right after connecting.
> Sometimes this happens when someone else is using
> my account.  (I let a friend use it sometimes.)
> It persisted, though, so I called IBM for help.  I
> was finally (after long waits) told that no one
> else was using it and that the reason I could not
> login was that I was using Linux.
> The support person told me that they'd changed
> their DNS server and that it caused manually-
> configured systems to be unable to login.  I told
> her I don't care about her DNS servers (I use my
> own.) and would like to speak with someone who
> knows more about PPP.  She told me that everyone
> else would say the same thing and that all she
> could do is send me Linux connection info.
> Grrrrr...
> So, I decided to stop using kppp because I was
> not able to get any useful diagnostics from it.
> (Yes, I had debug/kdebug on.)  I made all of the
> config files for plain pppd and I was able to
> connect without a hitch.  (And, no, I'm still
> not using IBM's DNS.)
> So...what gives?  What did IBM do to break kppp
> and why won't they just tell us?  Their Linux
> PPP setup document
> was last updated in February, so it doesn't
> offer any help.
> I like having the command-line PPP dialup
> working, but kppp was pretty cool.
> Thanks.
> --kyler

Sounds like the kppp is buggy from what people have been posting, it's
hard to tell as I have never used it. I just edit the config files from
the command line and run a chat script to connect. No problem unless the
ISP is having problems, router went down and couldn't get past the
dialup server.



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